To the north of Chencheng, stood a general in silver armor.This general looks plain and ordinary, but he is burly.Silently watching Huang Zhong's army approaching quickly.

Chen Dang, he belongs to the second-rate under Zhao Fan's tent, and his character is cautious.

Zhao Fan took what he thought was the strongest combination and led [-] troops to Hanshou and Liu Du, and Jin Xuan and Chen Dang stayed to watch the house.

Currently, there are a total of [-] soldiers and horses in Bangcheng.

As soon as Huang Zhong's army entered the territory of Guiyang, Chen Dang got the news.

For Huang Zhong, Chen Dang was a little frightened. It was rumored that Huang Zhong was a strong general who could defeat the enemy at the level of a general two hundred paces away.

But when Chen Dang learned that Huang Zhong's army was only [-] people, his fear was put down.

The army that tied the city was 8000 people, and there were also city walls to guard it.According to siege warfare, the defenders have an inherent advantage.His winning rate is much higher than that of Huang Zhong.

Therefore, Chen Dang prepared to defend the city with full confidence, and wrote a book, and took the book to Zhao Fan with a fast horse.

Deliver Huang Zhong's message.

Afterwards, Chen Dang began to wait.Waiting, Huang Zhong's army arrived step by step.

Thirty miles, twenty miles, ten miles.until now.

Suddenly, Chen Dang's eyes flashed in surprise.Huang Zhong's army, which was slowly approaching, actually rested in place. This is normal. After a conquest army reaches the target, it will naturally have to rest for a while.

What surprised Chen Dang was that this large army did not set up camp, which was abnormal.

Could it be that this seemingly exhausted army is about to attack the city now?Chen Dang was surprised for a moment, then shook his head, throwing out this ridiculous idea.

This is ridiculous.An army of 8000 men faced another army of 8000 men huddled in the city.Could it be that he wants to break through the city within a day.

Do you sleep in the city after dark?


It should be tomorrow.Chen Dang guessed secretly, and said to a military lord beside him, "I'll leave this to you."

"No." The Marquis replied.

Chen Dang went down the city wall with his left and right relatives and returned to the mansion in the city.

After Chen Dang left, the military marquis who was ordered to guard took a look at Huang Zhong's army, and said to his relatives: "I'll leave it to you. I'll go to the city gate to rest."

Apparently, the military marquis also thought that Bi Zhong would camp after a short rest.Then wait for tomorrow to attack.

"No." The confidant replied, "Respectfully sent the Junhou into the city gate to rest.

With the departure of the main generals and military lords one after another, the atmosphere in the city is relatively relaxed.The three counties in Jingnan, Guiyang, Wuling, and Lingling, had almost no wars.

There are no strong generals, whether it is "quality" or discipline, blood is not as good as the elite.

Under the city, Huang Zhong led Huang Xu and other generals to scan the city wall on foot.Seeing the archers on the city, their expressions were relaxed, and there was no dignified" expression on their faces.

Now that the war is imminent, it actually looks like this.

Huang Zhongxin sighed that "Liu Jingzhou has dominated Jingchu for more than ten years", but he can only defend the land, which is not unreasonable.

"Father, this guard of Guiyang is really lazy." Huang Xu said with a smile on his face.

Huang Xujiu was in Huang Zhong's barracks, and his treatment was no different from that of ordinary soldiers.The training is very harsh." Even if there is no war, you can feel the chill atmosphere everywhere in the barracks. Therefore, Huang Xu's vision is also very high, and he can clearly feel the laziness of Guiyang guards.

"After this battle, Jingchu has changed hands." Huang Zhong shook his head slightly and sighed.

The smile on Huang Xu's face was even wider. He knew that Guiyang would change hands today.

A man who is a man should make contributions.Build an immortal foundation with the lord.

At that time, Huang Xu was weak and sick, so he was trapped in the mansion and kept company with women.Now, he is strong and strong, often in the military camp, enjoying the teachings of Huang Zhong all the time.

Not only mature, but also ambitious.

"Order the soldiers not to slack off, and be ready to attack the city at all times." After watching for a while, Huang Zhong said to Huang Xu.

"Promise." Huang Xu responded, and went down with a few generals to remind the soldiers to go. Keep the excitement of fighting at all times.

Makes blood rush, heat.

Under the appeasement of Huang Xu and others, the soldiers' eyes were full of murderous intent, like a wild beast seeing its prey, looking at the city.

During this process, the soldiers not only ate dry food and got rest, but also nourished their murderous spirit and vigor.

Compared with the lazy defenders on the top of the city, it is very different.

Soon, half an hour of rest time passed.

"Siege the city." Huang Zhong was fully armored, with a serious look on his face, showing no pity for the weak at all, he waved his hand and said loudly.

"Promise." All the generals agreed.

Then, under the command of the generals, the soldiers who were sitting on the ground quickly got up and lined up. At the same time, more than one hundred siege ladders were quickly carried to the front.

The guards on the city looked at the army very puzzled.Really don't camp?The Marquis who went to rest in the city gate gave orders to watch over Huang Zhong's cronies.

After wondering for a while, he quickly entered the city gate and reported to the Marquis.

When the military marquis put on his armor and walked out of the city gate.In the sky, a horn full of murderous intent has already sounded, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."


The sound of the horn sounded simultaneously with the shouts of killing. Eight thousand troops, led by one hundred ladders, attacked only one city wall.

No front team, no back team.

It's a one-off charge entirely.

Huang Zhong was not just talking about taking Guiyang in one go.

On the city, the military lord who hastily put on his armor looked at Huang Zhong's army rushing towards the city wall in disbelief.

Don't set up camp, don't leave any room, and attack as soon as you come up.What a pervert.Junhou still didn't believe it.

It wasn't until Huang Zhong's army approached the city wall that Junhou let out a shrill scream: "Beat the drum, prepare to defend the city."

"Kill." But the fierce murderous aura is already close at hand.Let Junhou feel cold all over.

City, General Mansion.

Chen Dang took off his armor and slept in the mansion.

"Woooooooooooo." When the horn sounded, Chen Dang was awakened.

Before he could recover, he saw a "soldier-like man" barge in. He reported with a pale face, "General, Huang Zhong is attacking the city.At this moment, many soldiers had climbed the city wall and fought with the defenders. "

"What?" Chen Dang was stunned. He really didn't want to camp, and he didn't need to rest.Come today, just attack the city today?

Huang Zhong.What kind of fierce man?

"Mobilize the troops, mobilize the troops. Let all the troops go to the north of the city, and we must defend the city." Chen Dang shouted angrily.

However, the mobilization of troops takes time.And Huang Zhong didn't give him time at all.

On the north wall of the city, there were shouts of killing and screams, but most of the screams came from the defenders.They retreated step by step amidst the screams.

"Huang Zhong" in golden armor held a knife in both hands, and walked in front of the horse.

It went smoothly, unexpectedly smoothly.The army attacked the city wall at the first moment, and the defenders were slow to respond and their lethality was low.

After his army attacked the city wall, he quickly occupied the heel.Seeing that the situation went well beyond expectations, Huang Zhong decisively led a group of personal soldiers and killed them on the city wall.

The veteran held the "Chu Dao" and took the lead, killing countless guards. Morale was high.

When Chen Dang led the surrounding defenders to kill, Huang Zhong had already completely entered the city.

Soon, the two armies met in the north of the city.

On one side is the army with "Huang" standing upright, the word general flag, Huang Zhong under the flag has a murderous face, pale head, and Ling Lie who hurt Huang Zhong in the slightest.

This is a fierce player.If someone sees Huang Zhong at this moment" This is the first thought.

"This is a peerless fighter." This may be a second thought.

Behind Huang Zhong was a large number of soldiers, all of whom were covered in blood, and their murderous aura condensed with Huang Zhong, forming a monstrous arrogance.

On the other side is the army with "Chen" standing upright, the character general flag, and the general flag is Chen Dang, wearing silver armor, with a pale, bloody face.

Its army is also like a castrated man" with no momentum.

The two sides met here, and the result can be imagined.

"Kill." Huang Zhong spit out an extremely cold word from his mouth.

"Kill." Chen Dang mustered up the courage to spit out the word.

"Kill." Two armies with slightly different numbers fought a decisive battle in the north of the city.

The fight lasted only a quarter of an hour, and Chen Dang's army collapsed after being almost massacred by Huang Zhong's army.Either scattered and walked, or surrendered on their knees.

Chen Dang himself was beheaded by Huang Zhong.

In the north of the city, on the avenue of direct war between twins.

With a "Chen", the word fell the flag to the ground, and the surrounding area was covered with blood, as well as stumps and broken arms.The air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Pale as paper, full of panic, the terrified soldiers were driven to a corner by the indifferent soldiers of the Huang Zhong tribe.

In addition, there are several generals who are counting the number of people.

A "yellow" pole, with the word Jiang flag, stands in the center of the avenue.Huang Zhong stood under the general's banner, although his face was flushed, he seemed to have little energy.

But there was a hint of fatigue between his brows.

Although the siege battle was unexpectedly smooth, it required a lot of physical strength.In particular, Huang Zhong personally participated in the battle for the city wall.

Wielding this Chu knife, he killed no less than dozens of people with his own hands.

"Father, our army had 350 dead and 630 five wounded." Soon after the statistics were completed, Huang Xu returned to report, stepping on the blood all the way.

"Leave 500 people to take care of the wounded and the prisoners. The rest of them should rest up and attack Lingling tomorrow." Huang Zhong ordered without hesitation.

"Promise." Huang Xu replied loudly, his eyes full of confidence.

Today's war made Huang Xu feel the difference between a strong soldier and a weak brigade, a strong general and a weak general.

At present, there are 500 casualties in our own army, and 500 people are left to take care of the wounded and prisoners, and guard the city.There are [-] remaining.

With 500 people, it is really easy to win Lingling.

Neither Huang Zhong nor Huang Xu mentioned the captives. The current captives are not interesting at all. Their goal is to destroy Guiyang first and even level the second county.

Round with Pang Tong. ! ~!

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