Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 388 Changes in Situation

On the fifth day after Huang Zhong went down to Guiyang, Huang Zhong's army appeared on the border between Guiyang and Changsha.

Five days, since Huang Zhong captured Guiyang five days ago, he rested for a day and went to Lingling non-stop. There are not many defenders in Lingling, only a small 3000 people.

But it is stronger than Guiyang's defenders.Huang Zhong paid a price similar to that of fighting in Guiyang to occupy the Lingling seat, Quanling.

He also sent five hundred soldiers to guard the city, take care of the wounded, and guard the prisoners.

At this moment, Huang Zhong's army still has 5000 people.

If others knew that Huang Zhong only paid the price of 2000 casualties, and broke through two cities with thousands of guards, he would be shocked and inexplicable.

Especially in the face of each city, the defenders were wiped out with only one attack.

Huang Zhong and his army are brave enough to attract the attention of the world.

But at this moment, Huang Zhongxin didn't show the slightest complacency, and with a dignified expression, he rode his horse to kill north in silence.His army is just that" without the slightest arrogance.

Like a pool of stagnant water, Momo rushed to the battlefield.

Because Huang Zhong knew that this time was just a small victory.Liu Feng's plan is too huge.There are enemies in the north and in the west.If there is a change in one link, it will lead to a total loss.

The two counties that were just captured may have turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

Therefore, Huang Zhong ordered the generals at all levels to hold their breath and not have the slightest joy or pride.With a straight face, head north.

The generals are holding their breath, and the soldiers naturally dare not take the lead.

That's why this army can do it. After defeating two counties in a row, it will not be arrogant or impetuous.On the contrary, the murderous aura is concentrated, and the momentum is very strong.

The several cities in the north of the Jiangbei area with a radius of hundreds of miles can be said to be the most dangerous place in Jiangxia. There is no natural barrier along the Yangtze River, and there are no natural barriers.

Therefore, Liu Feng chose the site himself, and personally ordered Pang Tong to build the city wall, and Xiang Lang personally managed the city.A great city was built.

The name of this city is Gu.

The meaning is very obvious "sturdy and durable.

At this moment, "in the north of Gucheng City, a flag with the word "Deng" flutters. The upper and lower parts of the city" are stained red with blood, and countless limbs and arms are piled up.

This siege battle was very tragic, and Xu Huang's [-] poultry army was very elite.It is an important force for Cao Cao to pacify the north. In terms of quality, it is very similar to Cao Ren's [-] army.

Let's fight together, with murderous aura soaring to the sky" with a forward momentum.

Deng Ai defended very hard. On the one hand, there were only 3000 defenders.On the other hand, "the quality of the army is indeed inferior to Xu Huang's army.

Fortunately, the city wall of Gucheng was built by Pang Tong himself. It is not too big or too small, just suitable for defending the city.And strong" tall.

Relying on the city, Deng Ai blocked Xu Huang's attack.

At this moment, the fight has been seven days.There are more than [-] soldiers left who can still fight.Before the loss.But morale was high.

Deng Ai has his own method of training soldiers and horses, and his army is very disciplined.

But this in no way concealed the fact that Deng Ai's army rarely experienced bloody battles.Therefore, Deng Ai's army grew up after experiencing this tragic siege battle.

In terms of temperament, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

His expression became more serious, his whole body became more murderous, and the blade he swung was more determined.Morale is also higher.

Deng Ai believes that in the next battle, his army will lose less and less, while Xu Huang's army will become bigger and bigger.

Deng Ai was wearing a suit of silver armor, with a tense face "and some personal soldiers, patrolling the city wall. Suddenly, Deng Ai stopped.

Looking into the distance, Xu Huang's camp was clearly visible.

Deng Ai smiled coldly, "So what about the original general, relying on the city, and having elite soldiers in his hands. Deng Ai firmly believes that he can defend until Xu Huang retreats.


Hanshou City.It is a county seat.

The city is not big and not very conspicuous.But now these two armies are stationed inside and outside the city, and one side is the [-]-strong army of the three counties.

On one side is Pang Tong's [-]-strong army.

One side is west and the other side is east.

The purpose of the three-county army was to wave the flag and shout, and did not intend to directly participate in the war.No, not directly involved in the war against Changsha.

And Pang Tong's intention was to hold back the army of the three counties here, waiting for the round with Huang Zhong.Drag the army of the three counties together to prevent this partial division.It affects Linxiang City.The duel between Liu Feng and [-] barbarians.

Therefore, neither side took the initiative to provoke.Carefully maintain "peace".

But this peace gradually broke down.No, it should be said that Zhao Di and Liu Du's temperament gradually lost patience.

After Guiyang and Lingling were breached one after another, both Zhao Fan and Liu Du gradually became restless.

In the study of the Taishou Mansion in the heart of the city.Jin Xuan, Liu Du, and Zhao Fan were all there.

Jin Xuan sat on the main seat, comforting Liu Du and Zhao Fan with a wry smile.But Zhao Fan and Liu Du looked gloomy and impatient.

"The overall situation is the most important thing. What Sima Zhongda said is right. Why should a man worry about his wife and children. Keep the green hills here." There is always a way out. "Jin Xuan persuaded." As he spoke, he gave another example: "It's like Liu Bei, wandering all the way, abandoning his wife and children several times. But he can still have children when he is old. So "you have to be careful" there are children and wives .After this battle is over." ps Mr. Cao rewarded his meritorious deeds, ranked him as a hero, and was granted the title of Marquis.At that time, the wind and meters will be limited, and others will be envious. "

"Hmph, what he said sounds good." It's not his wife and children. "Liu Du snorted coldly, his face very gloomy.

Zhao Fan didn't speak," but his expression was the same as Liu Du's.

Jin Xuan had a wry smile on his face.After the news of the destruction of Lingling and Guiyang came, the two of them clamored to lead troops to the city.

But it was stopped by Sima Yi's letter.After all, if this battle is successful, there will be everything.

But as time passed, the idea of ​​the two returning to the army gradually revived. Now they are in trouble.

If the situation is not right, it may end in disintegration.

Think of the tricks Sima Yi gave himself.Jin Xuan made his face darken.He said coldly: "You should know how brave Huang Zhong's army is. There are only 8000 people" but they occupied two cities with thousands of defenders.tough as well.Now you divide your troops to rescue, if you meet Huang Zhong in the field, you will be defeated.Death is worrying.On the contrary, "If we garrison the city" and "jointly resist" it will be very safe."

With that said, Jin Xuan glanced at Zhao Fan and Liu Du.The faces of the two of them turned pale." A trace of fear flashed in their eyes one after another.

I can't help but be satisfied." He looked a little more pleasant, and said: "Now Pang Tong's intention is to hold us back, and we are certainly holding Pang Tong back.As long as the [-] army of Fan Wang Sha Mohun breaks Changsha.Pang Tong and Huang Zhong naturally retreated.Guiyang and Lingling recovered in a blink of an eye.Why bother to rush? "

Jin Xuan was originally trying to persuade and appease.Now it is Xiaozhi who shows Huang Zhong's strength in the eyes of the two people with affection, which makes them afraid.

It is undeniable." Sima Yizhi's trick was successful.

If appeasement is not enough, then threaten.

Following Jin Xuan's words, both Zhao Fan and Liu Du calmed down.Thinking about going out of the city and fighting "It's better to die and lose."

It's better to wait for Sima Yi to make meritorious service.

Finally, Qi Qi raised his fist and bowed to Jin Xuan, "Thank you Jin Wuling for your kind words."

Jin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the alliance continues, he can win.Now the siege of Linxiang has been going on for more than ten days.

The outcome should be decided.

At the same time, Huang Zhong's army finally entered Pang Tong's camp.

After breaking through two cities in a row, Huang Zhong and Pang Tong's army officially rounded up.

Liu Feng's strategy "use Huang Zhong and Pang Tong to drag down the top troops of the three counties, use Deng Ai to defend the city, and confront Xu Huang. Finally" under the city, he will have a showdown with Sima Yi and the Wuxi barbarians.

Basically done.

The situation has become clear." The key to victory has also been revealed.

Under Linxiang City, who wins and who loses is the key to the battle situation.

People all over the world believe that Shamohun, who has an absolute advantage in the number of troops, is the winner.But only Liu Feng knew that the balance of victory had tilted towards him.

Because Huo Jun's talent has been fully revealed.I am not familiar with commanding and defending the city in an orderly way" to motivate the soldiers to do a good job. Huo Jun is a qualified general and an excellent defender.

The barbarians, under the command of Sha Mohun, the king of Tibet, attacked for ten consecutive days, but failed to make any achievements.The opposite is a little careless.

On the other hand, the defenders are getting braver.The more you defend, the higher your morale will be.Because of this, Liu Feng completely let Huo Jun let go of his actions. Except after each attack by the barbarians, Liu Feng would wear armor, take Kou Shui and other personal soldiers, patrol the city wall, and appear in front of the soldiers as a monarch. In front of them, boost the morale of soldiers.

Linxiang City Ping" defenders repelled the attack of the barbarians again. Liu Feng was fully armored and walked on the city wall with a serious expression on his Chu knife.

There are soldiers everywhere, dead soldiers, wounded soldiers, exhausted soldiers.

This war is a war against alien races.The people of the city shared the same hatred, and many young and middle-aged people went to the city wall.Some of these people held swords and fought with the enemy.

Some people are sitting and carrying some work.

The dead soldiers were carried away by the strong men, and the wounded were helped down for treatment.Exhausted soldiers gnawed dry food as much as possible, rested, and recovered their strength.

His face was exhausted and his expression was silent.

But when Liu Fengcong walked by, the eyes of the soldiers were very bright for a moment. This is a kind of support, precisely because of this kind of support.

Liu Feng would come to the top of the city every time the barbarians attacked the city.In order to show their own existence, they will not escape.

Living and dying with Changsha reveals various hints.Boost the morale of soldiers.

Hold the city.

In the past, Liu Feng's expression was very dignified and serious.The solemnity from the heart."Today" Liu Feng's expression is also very serious. But his eyes show a smile and a slack from time to time.

The news that Huang Zhong broke through two counties has already come.

Liu Feng knows that "the balance of war is gradually leaning towards him.

Liu Feng is confident that he will end the war within two or three months and occupy Jingnan.

Capture or kill Sima Yi.

This guy, with his almost monstrous IQ, stirs up the wind and rain, intending to take advantage of it.It delayed his pace of unifying Jingnan, but accelerated his pace of unifying Jingnan.

Thinking about it, Liu Feng's smile became more obvious. ! ~!

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