Chapter 410 Seventh Prospect for Chibi (First Change)

Gongcheng, outside the gate of General Hushan Yuelang's mansion.

After the guard entered the door to announce, Zhuge Jin came out to welcome him soon.

Zhuge Jin was wearing formal clothes and walked quickly, with some surprise on his face.Liu Feng came to Gongcheng but did not inform him.

"I don't know that my lord is here, so I am far away to welcome you." Zhuge Jin bowed down at the gate.

"It's really presumptuous of me to come here, Ziyu doesn't have to be like this." Liu Feng smiled slightly, stepped forward to help Zhuge Jin and said.

Immediately, Liu Feng looked at Zhuge Jin, and found that Zhuge Jin had also changed a lot.

In the past, Liu Feng's surrender of Zhuge Jin was a coercive means.Very rude, Zhuge Jin was cautious, calm, and obedient.

But after all, twisted melons are not sweet, but now Zhuge Jin's face is full of enthusiasm, and he looks at him without any resentment.

This is the victory of this war, and the far-reaching impact it has brought.

Jiangxia, Jiujiang, Changsha, Wuling, Guiyang, Lingling, Wuxi, and seven counties have a population of millions.After a series of battles, except Liu Feng gained power and prestige.

A group of ministers and generals under him are also famous.

Pang Tong, Xu Shu, Jiang Wan, Ma Liang, Gan Ning, Huang Zhong and so on.In addition, there are enough soldiers and food.Its power has crossed Jiangdong.

In the eyes of many people, it is already the first-rate force in the world.There are not a few people who want to defect.

And Zhuge Jin is a person like Jia Xu, who seeks to govern in his position, and generally will not rebel, but he will not miss his old master either.

When Zhuge Jin went to Jiangdong, it may not be that he did not show his ambition.Now that Liu Feng is stronger than Jiangdong, Zhuge Jin naturally regained some of his previous ambitions.

If you want to be famous, you should establish your career in Chu.

Therefore, recently, Zhuge Jin has been very good, and designed to recruit Shanyue men to cater to Liu Feng's grand plan of racial integration, so that the blood of the Han people can be guaranteed to a certain extent.And, add [-] combat power to Liu Feng.

The two exchanged a few words at the gate, and Zhuge Jin invited Liu Feng into the General's Mansion.

In the study of the General's Mansion, Zhuge Jin invited Liu Feng to take the seat, while she sat sideways, which was very decent.

"I don't know, what's the situation in Shanyue around now." After sitting down, Liu Feng said straightly.

When hearing Liu Feng's arrival, Zhuge Jin guessed Liu Feng's purpose, so he already had a countermeasure in mind.

Hearing this, he raised his fist and replied: "At present, some elites have been mobilized from various generals to recruit soldiers from the Shanyue people. Twenty thousand Shanyue soldiers can be dispatched in about a month. It is enough to relieve the pressure on the Shanyue people everywhere."

"Yes." This is within the plan, Liu Feng knows the steps.But there is one thing, Liu Feng still warned: "When gathering Shanyue people, be careful. I saw a situation where Shanyue people were recruited on the road, but it was very serious."

"If you resist, you will be killed on the spot. Don't worry, my lord, I have written to the generals everywhere that the troops recruited are all elite, and they will never be soft." Zhuge Jin said decisively with a fierce face.

This time, Liu Fengyan had no more surprises. Zhugejin's gentle personality was recorded in history books.But it doesn't mean he won't be ruthless and won't do big things.

Liu Feng was mentally prepared when Zhuge Jin offered the plan of drawing salary from the bottom of the pot and recruiting [-] Shanyue men.

"Well, it's good that Tzuyu has such determination. Remember that we are winners, they are losers, and the losers must obey the winners. If you dare to resist, you must use thunder to suppress it. I don't have any extra money to support the resistance. My people." Liu Feng nodded and said coldly.

Immediately, he said again: "My purpose is to Sinicize, let the Han people take Shanyue women, and send a large number of soldiers to teach them Chinese. And when it is appropriate to make laws, if you do not speak Chinese in public, but say tribal prophecies, you will be sentenced to prison. Five years. Ma Liang ruled Wuxi, and Ziyu ruled Shanyue. I want to see more than 250 million people under my rule within ten years, all of whom have Chinese surnames and speak Chinese. Become the real people under my rule.”

Liu Feng spoke confidently and decisively.

If ordinary people really do not have such ability, there will be 150 million Han Chinese and 100 million foreigners, although most of these 100 million foreigners are women and teenagers.On this basis, Liu Feng also transferred [-] foreign men.

But integration is no small matter, especially within ten years.

But Liu Feng has such ability. He is the founder of the country, he has an army in his hand, and he has first-class talents like Ma Liang and Zhuge Jin in his acceptance.

His words were questioned, and there was no voice to refute.His decisions will be carried out conditionally.

This is one person's arbitrariness, Gan Gang's arbitrariness.

Liu Feng sat on it, and when he spoke, his eyes were sharp, and the corners of his mouth were slightly opened, showing a strong confidence.

Loud words.The combination of all kinds is a kind of domineering.

It is very shocking.Although Sun Quan is a wise emperor, he does not have this kind of tolerance.Because Sun Quan is the king of success, not the master of pioneering.

In the past, when Zhuge Jin went to Jiangdong, he regretted not being able to meet the little overlord Sun Ce.Now, Liu Feng can feel this breath.

Zhuge Jin took a deep breath, prostrated himself and said: "Don't worry, my lord, within ten years, there will be foreigners in the territory of Jingchu."

"So, I'll leave it to Ziyu." Liu Feng nodded, and then solemnly said: "Ten years later, Ziyu will definitely come in and rule Jingchu with me."

This sentence is also a promise, similar to Ma Liang.

Both Ma Liang and Zhuge Jin are talents of scholar-bureaucrats.It is placed in the locality because the locality must have this kind of people to govern.

But after the governance is done, they are no longer needed. Their final destination is to enter the court and become important ministers.

"No." Zhuge Jin put away her slightly excited mood, and responded as calmly as possible.

Liu Feng is definitely not a fish in a pond, and Jingchu will definitely not be partial to the south of the Yangtze River. This is the conclusion Zhuge Jin came to today.As long as you work hard enough, earning a family heirloom is nothing to worry about.

Zhuge Jin is also confident that he can take root in Jingchu.

Seeing Zhuge Jin being so solemn and respectful.Liu Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. The purpose of coming here was for Shanyue, but in fact, he was also proud of Zhuge Jin, and expressed his attitude of valuing Zhuge Jin.

First, I went to Wuxi to see Ma Liang, and then Gongcheng to see Zhuge Jin.

Liu Feng can be said to be well-intentioned.Its meaning is difficult for outsiders to understand.

Cao Cao is coming.

Although Liu Feng saved the fate of Yuan Xi, Yuan Shang, and the Wuhuan people, let them continue to exist, and formed an alliance with the powerful prince Gongsun Kang, forming a large force in the north.

This force is enough to give Cao Cao a headache.

Liu Feng originally thought that this force would delay Cao Cao's going south for at least a year.Even in two or three years, he can take the opportunity to develop at that time. In two or three years, he may be able to go north to annex Jingchu and directly eliminate Liu Bei.

However, Liu Feng underestimated his own effect in Jingchu. His threat to Cao Cao was far greater than that of Gongsun Kang and others, and he belonged to the kind of powerful princes that must be killed in the bud.

Based on various intelligence reports from the north, Liu Feng concluded that next year, in the winter of Jian'an 13th, the Battle of Chibi would break out on time.

Liu Feng sighed that the effect brought by his butterfly still failed to shake the track of history.

One year, there is only one year left for him.He must digest the four newly acquired counties in the shortest possible time, and use strong and ruthless means to subdue the foreigners.

Forced racial integration.

One year is not enough for full integration, but Liu Feng's goal is to completely eliminate hidden dangers that may explode within one year.

This made him able to deal with it calmly during the Chibi battle.

Liu Feng has the ability and confidence to let the Sun Liu Alliance take the lead in the battle of Chibi.The stand is clear, but strength has nothing to do with stand.

His strength is strong enough, and his influence is strong enough.The right to speak in the Battle of Chibi is heavy enough.The ability to deal with various situations is more prominent.

For example, during the Battle of Chibi, Shanyue's rebellion suddenly broke out.Then Liu Feng would not want to snatch the fruits of victory.

Therefore, Shanyue and Wuxi must be treated with caution and with heart.No matter what method is used, kind or ruthless, it is a good method to subdue these two ethnic groups.

Liu Feng has said what should be said, and his solemn and important attitude has also been shown to Zhuge Jin. I believe that from then on, Zhuge Jin is like a war horse with a rein, doing his best to serve Jiangxia and Jingchu. Build momentum.

It stands to reason that Liu Feng's mission and goal of coming to Gongcheng this time have also been completed, but Liu Feng does not intend to return to Xiling immediately.

Because he wanted to see the [-] troops conscripted from the Shanyue people.

Shanyue people are good at walking on mountain roads.On the mountains, there is a natural advantage in waging war.And often eat wild animals, strong physique, unruly.

If this group of Shanyue people were placed somewhere, they might be rebels, mobs, and rioters.But in the army, it may be a good seed for an elite army.

This is the second benefit brought by Zhuge Jin's strategy, which increases Jiang Xia's army.

Population is the foundation, and the army is fundamental.In troubled times, Liu Feng knew what was most important.

Therefore, Liu Feng lived in Gongcheng.

When I lived in Gongcheng, I was not practicing swordsmanship, but reading some miscellaneous notes to enrich my life.

Of course, there are also some important officials of Liu Ba who came from Xiling.At present, Liu Feng's General Yang Wu's mansion has been able to operate independently.

When Liu Feng is away, Liu Ba can be used to temporarily handle various trivial matters.But in major matters, Liu Feng still has to make the decision himself.

This stay is one month.

In one month, the climate changed from early summer to real summer.

Today, the sky is cloudy, and the sun is emitting a lot of heat.Makes the weather very hot.

In the front yard of the General's Mansion, Liu Fengzheng was slashing with his bare upper body and a Chu knife in his hand.

At present, Chu Dao has gradually become popular, and officers of some ranks all have one, and each camp has its own camp, and the elite army is also equipped with Chu Dao in batches.

With Chu Dao, of course, it cannot be used with pure swordsmanship.

The Huan Broadsword already existed in the Han Dynasty, and the saber technique had already taken shape. Liu Feng is currently practicing the saber technique.

"My lord, the army has been entangled." Liu Feng was sweating, and Zhuge Jin rushed over there to report.

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