Chapter 410 Sun Shangxiang is dead (second update)

Zhuge Jinkou's army is naturally the 60 Shanyue people. The [-] Shanyue people were arranged by Liu Feng in the three counties of Changsha, Jiujiang, and Jiangxia.

Scattered everywhere.

And Zhugejin, as the general who protects Shanyue Lang, is in charge of all Shanyue people's communication with local officials.Therefore, Liu Feng asked Huang Zhong and Pang Tong to send some troops to help Zhuge Jin recruit Shanyue people.

It took as long as a month, and [-] Shanyue talents were recruited to Gongcheng one after another.

Hearing this, Liu Feng put away the Chu knife in his hand. "Ziyu goes to Daying first, and I'll be there later." Liu Feng turned to Zhuge Jin and said.

"No." Zhuge Jin glanced at Liu Feng's current clothes, knowing what he was wearing.He answered and left.

At this time, Kou Shui led two guards and came over, both of them were holding things in their hands.

One is a scabbard and the other is a towel.

Liu Feng first picked up the scabbard in the hand of a guard, inserted the Chu knife into the scabbard, and threw it to the guard.Immediately afterwards, he took a towel from the basin of another guard's hand and wiped off the sweat on his body.

Immediately, Liu Feng returned to his room, and under the service of the maid, he took a bath and changed his clothes.Afterwards, he got into the carriage, and under the protection of dozens of guards, he drove to the camp outside the city.

Gongcheng is not a solid city, it hardly has any defensive capabilities.

However, ordinary people should not attack Gongcheng.Because to the north of it is Chaisang City where Huang Zhong is located, and Chaisang City's defense capabilities are among the top in the Jingchu area.

If Chaisang is not broken, then others will never want to occupy Gongcheng.

Therefore, if there is a war, Gongcheng may be the so-called soy sauce city.

However, at this moment, an army of tens of thousands of people had gathered in the open space in the north of Gongcheng.The stretching tents, and the handsome flag embroidered with the word "Liu" in the center of the camp.

Exuding a strange and chilling aura.

This army is [-] recruits composed of Shanyue people.

At this moment, there are countless Shanyue people standing in the huge school grounds.

Up to 40 years old, down to eleven or twelve-year-old Shanyue men.

However, there are very few people in their 40s, and most of them are eleven or twelve years old.

Soochow wiped out Shanyue, and only these baby soldiers remained.And these child soldiers are now going to be exploited by Liu Feng.

On the opposite side of Shanyue's man is a commanding platform.Zhuge Jin was wearing more formal clothes and stood on the general platform with a solemn expression.

On the periphery, there is an army responsible for guarding the 2 people.Five thousand troops sent by Huang Zhong.

At this time, a soldier stepped onto the platform and said to Zhuge Jin, "Report to the general, the lord has arrived."

"Blow the horn and beat the drum." Zhuge Jin ordered without changing his expression.

"No." The soldier responded.

Not long after, the sound of horns and the beating of drums sounded in the camp.Especially the roaring drumming sound is deafening.

Those [-] Shanyue people were taken aback by the sudden change, and their eyes flickered, either in fear, or fierce, rebellious.

And, bursts of commotion.

In this atmosphere, Liu Feng's carriage came nearby.Luxurious frame, and strong, full of murderous guards.

The frame passed by, and several soldiers lowered their heads facing the frame.Look in awe.

Soon, the carriage arrived at the general's stage, and Liu Feng got out of the carriage under the eyes of everyone, and stepped onto the general's stage step by step.

"My lord." Zhuge Jin cupped his fists at Liu Feng and said.

"En." Liu Feng responded, and then turned his attention to the densely packed Shanyue people in the school grounds.

This was the first time Liu Feng observed the Shanyue people closely and carefully.

There is actually not much difference between the Shanyue people and the Han people. Their appearance and body are similar to the Han people.There is a big difference with Wuxi people.

Their language is even somewhat similar to the dialect of Wuyue area.

It proves that the relationship between this foreign race and the Han people can be regarded as close relatives.

It's just that Shanyue people live in the deep mountains, they are capable and rebellious.

As for the Shanyue people in the school grounds, although most of them are young, they are muscular, strong, and capable.There was an unruly aura exuding.

Seeing this, Liu Feng felt a little joyful.

What a good seedling.If these people are handed over to Huang Zhong, a strong general, for training, within three years, they will be a powerful army that will surpass Jingchu.

However, the rebelliousness exuded by these Shanyue people.Let Liu Fengxin's joy go away a little bit.

This is a seedling, not a strong army.

The [-] people handed over to Huang Zhong was the result of Liu Feng's careful consideration.One is because the Shanyue people are rebellious and unruly, only a more powerful general, a strong general, can subdue them.

The second is because these Shanyue people basically have enmity with Jiangdong, and Huang Zhong's responsibility is to be stationed in Jiujiang to guard against sneak attacks by Jiangdong people.

Therefore, it is absolutely correct to hand over the Shanyue people to Huang Zhong.

"Find some people who understand Shanyue language and tell them, obedient ones will live, and disobedient ones will die." Liu Feng glanced at Zhuge Jin and said calmly.

"No." Zhuge Jin responded, then turned around and ordered a soldier to find someone.

Not long after, about a dozen middle-aged men entered the camp.Loudly announced Liu Feng's order.

Obedient live, disobedient die.

This sentence aroused the resentment of most of the Shanyue people, their eyes were even more fierce, and they looked towards the general platform from time to time.

If it weren't for the [-] well-equipped soldiers around, this group of Shanyue people would definitely rush forward and tear Liu Feng to pieces.

Even so, the fierce gazes of [-] to [-] people are not something ordinary people can bear.

But Liu Feng was very indifferent, just a prisoner under his rank.There is no threat at all even if you show your teeth and claws.When they join Huang Zhong's army, they will definitely become more docile like sheep.

"Press them all away and let Huang Zhong receive them." Liu Feng said to Zhuge Jin, and then stepped off the platform.

Under Huang Zhong's training, this army will definitely become an elite, and Liu Feng will not intervene or intervene.It is enough to take a look now and have some intuitive understanding of the future combat effectiveness of this army.

After stepping off the general platform, Liu Feng got into the carriage and returned to the mansion of General Hushan Yuelang.

Sitting in the study, Liu Feng sent a letter to Huang Zhong.

The general idea is to let Huang Zhong drill this army severely.And send people over to teach this army Chinese.

If it is more docile and obedient.Let them integrate into the Han army and become a member of the Han people.This is a way of life.

In Liu Feng's army, the general service of soldiers is ten years.If they can survive, they are a Han Chinese.

In addition, rebellious and unruly.Let them camp alone.

Every time there is a war, this undisciplined Shanyue army is sent to the most dangerous place and let them die instead of the Han people.

These are some suggestions given by Liu Feng to Huang Zhong. How to train them depends on Huang Zhong himself.

After doing all this, the goal of Liu Feng's trip to Gongcheng this time has been completed.

On the one hand, [-] Shanyue men were drawn, which improved the local law and order and stabilized the society.On the other hand, the number of troops has increased.

From [-] to [-].

Nearly [-] troops.

After continuing to live in Gongcheng for a few days, Liu Feng set off to return to Xiling City.Liu Feng's order was to hurry back to Xiling.

He has been in Gongcheng for more than a month.And winter is less than seven months away.God knows when Cao Cao will entangle the army to go south.

There is not much time left for Liu Feng.He still has various affairs to prepare.

The carriage drove quickly, and two days later, Liu Feng arrived in Wuchang City.

Wuchang, this is one of the most important cities in Jiangxia. In the past, Liu Feng resisted Zhou Yu's attack of nearly [-] troops here, and counterattacked Chaisang in one fell swoop.

This is a heavy city, Liu Feng appointed a person who used to be a small official in General Yang Wu's mansion to come here as a county magistrate.

This person is called Zhao Dong. From memory, he is a very cautious and capable official.

Liu Feng dispersed 60 Shanyue people, and there is also a group of people outside Wuchang City.Listening to the report of Zhuge Jin by Sanyue Lang, among many officials, Zhao Dong's arrangement of Shanyue people is the best and safest.

This person may become a prefect in the future.

However, Liu Feng didn't want to see Zhao Dong at this time.Therefore, after entering Wuchang City, he ordered Kou Shui to move on without any stay.

Jiangxia has undergone two population expansions. The first time was when Liu Feng attacked Wancheng, he gained a population of 10, and Jiangxia was supplemented by a group of people.

The second time is the Shan Yue people.

Wuchang is also an important city in Jiangxia, and the prefect is also a very capable person.Therefore, Wuchang City is relatively prosperous.

On the street, vendors hawk.number of pedestrians.

In some aspects, it is not inferior to Xiling.

This time, Liu Feng's carriage was also in the shape of a carriage, and outsiders could not see who was sitting inside.

Coupled with the guards led by Kou Shui all around, they exuded a cold murderous aura.

Along the way, pedestrians consciously avoid, very awed.People without knowledge can't guess who the big man in the carriage is.

Some knowledgeable people guessed that it was a general.

The general is precisely Jiang Xia's most respected official position.Because Jiangxia and Jiangdong are feuds, and Liu Feng led a group of fierce generals to fight the Jiangdong people again and again, and won the victory.Jiangxia is getting stronger and richer.

Therefore, the people around him respected him more than they feared him.Respect from the bottom of my heart.With his head down, he respectfully let Liu Feng's carriage pass by.

Originally, Liu Feng's carriage should pass through Wuchang smoothly and continue to move towards Xiling.

But when the carriage traveled a certain distance, an accident occurred.

Three women rushed over.

These three women are wearing strong clothes, with hot bodies and very attractive women.But the appearance is actually average.These three women are obviously Sun Shangxiang's female soldiers.

But at this moment, the three of them were in a state of embarrassment, the long sword equipped at their waists was gone, their heads were a little messy, and their expressions were frightened.

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