Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 528 Liu Fengzhang is Here

In the 14rd year of Jian'an, winter.

This season, many great things have happened in the world.Cao Jun's soldiers and horses were frequently mobilized, and all the luggage was piled up to Xiangyang.

Zhou Yu and Liu Bei led an army of [-] to attack Jiangling.But the famous general Xu Huang insisted on relying on the strong city of Jiangling and the remnants of Cao's army of [-] to [-].

Stationed for several months.

Both sides lay countless corpses under the city of Jiangling, and blood flowed like rivers.

There is also Gongsun Kang in Liaodong, who also took advantage of Cao Cao's weakness, and joined forces with Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang brothers who were far away in Wuhuan to attack Youzhou.

Fighting with Zhang Liao's [-] men, they won each other's battles.

On the other side of Xiliang, Ma Teng and Han Sui also took the opportunity to annex because of Cao Cao's weakness. Xiliang and Yongzhou had countless princes, and gradually became a situation where more than ten princes separated themselves.

Except for the local princes of Jiaozhou and Yizhou, the whole world is almost in chaos.The outbreak of war is more divided than before.

When Lu Bu, Yuan Shu and others still existed, there were even more of them, and it was so fierce.

Even in the seven counties under Liu Feng's rule, there were constant turmoil.It was constantly rumored that Xu Shu led the army to kill certain big clans because of the change.

The most ruthless time, a certain Guiyang clan was wiped out by three clans.

Xu Shu usually looks like a Confucian general, but he also has an iron and blood side. In order to consolidate Liu Feng's power and eradicate dissidents in his own territory.No mercy.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to stain his hands with blood, and was absolutely loyal.

However, there are still some places in the seven counties that are very stable.For example, Jiujiang under the jurisdiction of Huang Zhong.This place is a small county established by the four cities of Chaisang in the past.

Now because it is in the rear again, a city where Han people and Shanyue people live together has been built.There are five cities in total.

A county with five cities is still relatively small.

But the population is 30, which is larger than the population of some prosperous counties in the north.

Because of Liu Feng's natural disaster prevention measures last time, there were very few casualties in this place.Liu Feng also appointed good ministers, who paid very little miscellaneous taxes.

There is no big family, powerful.What the people want.In addition to five small cities, there are 5000 people under Huang Zhong's troops.

Such a terrifying number of troops deterred some only ambitious people.It can be said that in Jiujiang, almost no one dared to rebel against the charge of beheading.

Even if Liu Feng is really dead.

The security brought by the absolute army, and the consumption power brought by the population.This made Jiujiang County one of the most prosperous counties under Liu Feng's rule.

There is an endless stream of merchant ships coming and going every day.

On this day, a caravan composed of several large ships crossed the defense line of Soochow, the Hukou area, and came near the largest ferry in Jiujiang.

The ships of this caravan were of different sizes, and one could tell at first glance that it was a caravan formed by the joint efforts of several merchants.Very ordinary look.

But the leader of this caravan knew that his team was not simple.At least one big ship is sharp.

The leader of this caravan was surnamed Bi, named.It was a powerful and powerful patriarch in Moling County.Such tyranny is nothing in the gentry, and Jiangdong, where there are many tyrants, is nothing.

But what I want to say is that Bi Wei's ability is top-notch.As the patriarch of such a small and small family, unite families of almost the same size and unite.Fight against those big families and big businessmen.

Over the years, with the development of his side, he has vaguely become a first-class figure in Jiangdong.The power is so great that it must not be underestimated.

But Bi Wei has a very cautious personality and never looks down on others because of his power and financial resources.Because Bi Wei knows very well that a mountain is higher than a mountain.

If one day you take advantage of your power to bully others and offend someone who is more powerful and wealthy than you, it will be a catastrophe.

Originally, this caravan started from Moling, passed through Jiujiang, and finally arrived in Shu.Bi Wei walks this road three or four times a year.

Familiar with the road, and because the caravans are so large, few fools dare to rob them.

The journey went smoothly at the beginning, until a large boat asked to join them on the way, claiming to be from Wujun, fearing that they would encounter thieves on the way, and hoped to go with them.

Jiangdong people have always been very xenophobic, and in addition to the current war period, they are afraid that they will get angry if they encounter any situation, so Bi Wei refused on the spot.

I thought this was over.

But when Bi Wei led the group to sail to the Lujiang area, they encountered the biggest bandits in the Jianghuai area, a group of water bandits under Lei Xu.

The two sides fought against each other, and the result was lost.Just when Bi Wei was in despair, the big ship that he rejected earlier appeared.

On that day, Bi Wei was shocked.Several large ships and one or two thousand water thieves were defeated by more than 100 soldiers who chopped melons and vegetables.

Bi Wei, who was almost desperate, was saved.

At that time, Bi Wei wanted to board the ship to thank and apologize.That day, Bi Wei found out that the owner of the boat was named Lu, a very young man from Wu County.

Reminiscent of how powerful the guards in this ship were, Bi Wei guessed that this person might be a descendant of the Lu family in Wu County, and he was also an important one.

Immediately became friends.

After meeting each other for several days, I was completely impressed by the temperament of the young man surnamed Lu.Whether it's conversation or Feng Yi, it shows that the child surnamed Lu is a child of a top family.

Bi Wei was even more convinced that this person was a child of the Lu family.

This day, after arriving at Jiujiang Ferry, Bi Wei still wanted to invite the children surnamed Lu to have dinner with him.But after the ship docked, the Lu family's children went to the door first.

When Bi Wei heard the servant's report, he was overjoyed and hurried off the boat.Under the boat, there was a handsome young man in his twenties standing.

"Young Master Lu came just in time." Bi Wei showed a bright smile on his face, and walked off the boat while bowing.

"The old man is planning to have dinner with Chen Gui and the others, Mr. Lu must go with him." Bi Wei smiled at the Lu family's children.

The so-called Chen Gui was the owner of another ship in this caravan.

"No, our destination is Jiujiang." Lu's disciple shook his head with a smile.Immediately, he raised his fist again and said, "Mr. Xiang is here this time. Thank you for taking care of me all the way."

This Lu family's son is Lu Xun. Along the way, Liu Feng wanted to form a group with the Jiangdong people in order to deceive others, but no one accepted him.

It wasn't until I met Bi Wei that I stayed with him.Passed through the Jiangdong water passes along the river smoothly.

This thank you is a must.

"What? Didn't the young master say that the purpose of this trip is Shu?" Bi Wei asked in surprise.

"Hehe, this trip is a bit secretive, so it's not appropriate to reveal it to others. At the beginning, the kid lied to the gentleman, please don't take offense." Lu Xun said to Bi Wei calmly.

Lu Xun admitted so frankly that this trip was secretive.Although Bi Weixin was a little displeased with Lu Xun's concealment, he reluctantly accepted it.

"Take care, sir. I'm leaving now." After a while, Lu Xun felt the time and said goodbye.

"Take care." So what else, Bi Wei had no choice but to bid farewell to this Lu family disciple.

With great regret in his heart, Bi Wei missed the opportunity to make friends with the Lu family.But when Bi Wei raised his head, he was stunned for a while.

After Lu Xun went back, he straddled a war horse.But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Lu Xun can only succumb to the sidelines.

Among them is a very luxurious carriage.Those fierce guards surrounded the carriage, it seemed that the real owner was the people inside the carriage.

Could it be that this kid is lying to the old man by claiming to be a child of the Lu family?This was Bi Wei's first thought.But then it was overturned as unlikely.

Such a person with bearing, self-cultivation, and good conversation.It must be from those aristocratic families, claiming to be the Lu family, there is absolutely no mistake.

But this Lu family member now looks more like a retainer.Could it be that Sun Quan, the lord of Jiangdong, is sitting in this carriage?

Will Sun Quan leave Jiangdong?Not too possible.

But even if it is not Sun Quan, he is still a person of extremely prominent status.

When he thought of missing such a person on his way, the regret in Bi Wei's heart suddenly increased tenfold.

He beat his chest and stamped his feet, yelling that it was a pity.

"Brother Bi, why are you so upset?" Chen Gui, the owner of the boat that was traveling with Bi Wei, came to Bi Wei's side and asked strangely.

Bi Wei began to pour bitter water on Chen Guida.Chen Gui was dumbfounded when he heard that, someone in the southeast actually used Lu's children as retainers.

This, they actually lost the chance to interact with such powerful figures.Really, pretending to be a businessman.

Not long after, the rest of the caravan gathered around one after another.After hearing this incident, everyone regretted it.

Liu Feng naturally couldn't hear the remorse of these businessmen.Even if he heard it, Liu Feng would just smile slightly.

Just ignore it.

Merchants seek profit.Today you are in a prominent position, so he made friends with you.If you come to sunset, I'm afraid you will change your face again.

Most businessmen in the world are like this.Such as Mi Zhu, who pay attention to loyalty and become an official, is a rare type of big businessman.

This journey was really boring for Liu Feng.

After arriving in Jiujiang, Liu Feng didn't plan to continue to take the boat. He should take a carriage and return to Jiangxia by land.Besides this, Liu Feng also wanted to meet Huang Zhong.

Find out what has happened since these days.Most importantly, ask Pang Tong if people like Xu Shu are developing according to plan.

Has the time for the Northern Expedition really come?

"Cheer up, you'll see your mother soon." Beside, Sun Shangxiang whispered to Sun Shao.

Although Sun Shao is from Jiangdong, he has been well-clothed and well-fed since he was a child, and he has never been on a boat.Along the way, there is a sea road and a river road.

Let this little guy vomit and diarrhea, almost collapsed.Up to now, I still have a mournful face and a dejected look.

"Yes." Sun Shangxiang had already heard that her mother was still alive.Sun Shao's eyes lit up slightly when he heard this, and his spirit immediately improved a lot.

Liu Feng smiled slightly when he heard that, Sun Shao was able to see Da Qiao, and he could also see his wives.I don't know what happened to Xiao Qiao and Huan'er.

Is it produced.

Liu Feng thought expectantly.

(To be continued)

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