Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 529 Since the end of Han Dynasty, the fourth large-scale war

Of course, it is impossible for all of Jiujiang's [-] troops to be stationed in the city. Except for a small part led by Zhang Gui, the former general of Liu Feng, and stationed in Chaisang City, the rest of the troops are stationed in a large area near Jiangdong. inside the camp.

The barracks are supplemented, stretching for several miles.

On this day, a team ushered in all the barracks.The most conspicuous thing about this team is the luxurious carriage among them.

Huang Zhong, a veteran general who commanded [-] troops, almost one-third of the troops in the seven counties, led all the generals under his tent to meet the owner of the carriage.

Huang Zhong looked at the carriage in front of him with a little excitement.

Huang Zhong is Liu Feng's old department, and he has followed Liu Feng for many years, almost running through Liu Feng's family history.For such a long time, even if there is no loyalty, it has cultivated loyalty.

What's more, Huang Zhong was grateful to Liu Feng for treating Huang Xu, and had already decided to follow Liu Feng until he died of old age.When Liu Feng left, he didn't pass by Jiujiang, and it was difficult to tell Huang Zhong in writing, so Huang Zhong didn't know what happened in Taiwan.

Huang Zhong suddenly heard that Liu Feng had died in Jiangdong, and he was furious. He planned to lead an army to attack Yuzhang and kill Sun Quan to avenge Liu Feng.

Fortunately, Jiang Wan arrived in time, persuaded Huang Zhong, and told Huang Zhong that Liu Feng was not dead.Huang Zhong just gave up, but he was still very worried about Liu Feng's safety.

Seeing Liu Feng returning safely today, one can imagine the excitement in my heart.

"This is not a place to talk." On the carriage, Liu Feng didn't show his face, but just spoke out.Huang Zhong is in charge of the territory of the seven counties, one-third of the military power, and there must be a large number of spies.It is not easy to disclose Liu Feng's whereabouts.

But Liu Feng's actions were extremely arrogant in the eyes of the generals under Huang Zhong's tent.In this era, there are virtues such as emphasizing seniority and emphasizing old age.Huang Zhong has military power and senior qualifications, and he is still so old.The prestige in the battalion is enormous.

In the eyes of the soldiers under his tent, Liu Feng is the first and Huang Zhong is the second.Now Huang Zhong led the generals to meet this unknown person outside the gate of the camp.

Everyone thought that they had already given a lot of face, but they didn't expect that the people in the carriage did not get out of the carriage.All the generals were almost extremely angry.

I thought that as long as the general gave an order, he would definitely rush in and teach this guy a lesson.But then, Huang Zhong's attitude left the generals dumbfounded again.

"Promise." Huang Zhong actually respectfully agreed, and got on his horse, personally escorted Liu Feng, and entered the Chinese army tent.

The accompanying generals were not only dumbfounded, but also had wild imaginations about Liu Feng's identity.Who the hell is this.Could it be people like Jiang Wan and Pang Tong?

But no, even Jiang Wan and Pang Tong are not as qualified as our old generals, nor are they as prominent as our old generals.

Who is it?

Everyone guessed in their hearts, but unfortunately, after arriving near the big tent of the Chinese army, Huang Zhong waved the generals to disperse, and when there was no one around, he walked into the big tent of the Chinese army with Liu Feng in the carriage.

It made all the curious generals stare blankly.

Some necessary attendants in the tent were also dismissed by Huang Zhong.Only Liu Feng, Huang Zhong, and Kou Shui are left.

"My lord, you are so kind to worry me." After taking his seat, Huang Zhong poured out his bitterness to Liu Fengda.

At the beginning, they almost raised troops to attack Jiangdong, which almost ruined Liu Feng's event and caused a tragedy.

"This matter is too involved. The old general is in Jiujiang, so it's inconvenient to come and go. I don't believe in letters, so I didn't tell the old general. Here, I can't apologize to the old general." Liu Feng hugged Huang Zhong apologetically. clasped fists.

"My lord, you don't have to be like this, you don't have to be like this. I'm just babbling." Seeing this, Huang Zhong quickly waved his hands.Then he said excitedly: "Now that the lord is back, can the plan be carried out?"

When Huang Zhong almost raised his troops to attack Jiangdong, Jiang Wan came to persuade Huang Zhong and told Liu Feng's plan at the same time.

Huang Zhong was extremely shocked and excited.On the battlefield, soldiers and horses will live their lives.A general yearns for wars, especially large-scale wars.

Huang Zhong is a general among generals, and naturally he is no exception.

"Hehe, along the way, I also heard rumors about the situation in the north, and it almost started. I just don't know the details, so I'd like to ask the old general to talk about it. I can confirm it." Liu Feng said with a smile.

The battle between Zhou Yu and Xu Huang spread to many places.Liu Feng passed Lu Xun on the road and heard a lot of news from Bi Wei.

It's just that the news came from the mouth of the merchant after all, and Liu Feng didn't really believe it.The information obtained through military channels is the most reliable.

"Zhou Yu and Liu Bei led an army of [-] to [-] to attack Jiangling. Xu Huang has been standing firm. It has been several months. There are tens of thousands of corpses on both sides, and blood flows like rivers. The stalemate has come." Huang Zhongjian said to Liu Feng in horror.

The general direction is like this, and other small details are not enough to affect Liu Feng's determination in the Northern Expedition.

After Liu Feng heard this, he also nodded secretly, similar to what he heard from Bi Wei.There are tens of thousands of dead bodies on both sides, so according to the calculation.

Xu Huang's troops were only [-] to [-] left.As for Zhou Yu and Liu Bei, there may only be [-] to [-] left.

The three parties combined may only have 8 people.

If he is caught by surprise and dispatches 7 people, he can wipe out Zhou Yu and Liu Bei in the first time, and occupy Jiangling. At the same time, he can bombard Xiangyang and capture Wancheng with the momentum of burning the wilderness.

Not impossible.

Liu Feng's heart suddenly changed. A plan is just a plan. The key is the opportunity, and now the opportunity has already waved to him.

If you don't take advantage of the opportunity, how can you monopolize the southeast and compete with Cao Cao?

"I will then return to Jiangxia. After I send troops to Jiangling, Gan Ning will send troops to attack the Jiangdong Lake pass. At that time, the old general Chen Bing will be outside Yuzhang City. Whether it is a bluff or a real attack. The same effect, The same purpose is to cut off Zhou Yu's food path." Liu Feng thought for a moment, then solemnly urged.

"Understood." Huang Zhong also nodded solemnly, and then said, "Master, do you want to leave immediately?"

"Yes, the situation in the north has been understood. The mobilization of troops is already on the verge of being forced to be launched. Wouldn't it be better to dispatch troops earlier? If Zhou Yu captures Jiangling, it will be a big trouble." Liu Feng nodded and said.

This is what Liu Feng was most afraid of. Jiangling was a huge city, and Zhou Yu had many soldiers and horses. If Zhou Yu occupied the city and defended it, he would have to attack for a long time.

Blocked his purpose of marching into Xudu.So hurry up, defeat Zhou Yu and Liu Bei first, and then attack Jiangling.

"No." Huang Zhong also understood that the opportunity is fleeting, nodded.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, after Liu Feng explained some things to Huang Zhong, he left the big tent, took a carriage, and returned to Jiangxia.

"General, who is this person?" After Liu Feng left, a curious general came over and asked him. It only took a while to come in and go out, but he didn't show up.Really curious tight.

"If you shouldn't ask, don't ask." Huang Zhong's face became serious for a moment, and then he said solemnly: "Command the generals to recharge their batteries."

"Is the war going to start?" The general was shocked and said happily.

"Yes, the war is about to start. It's time to make contributions. Don't slack off." Huang Zhong said with a serious expression on his face.



After Liu Feng left Jiujiang, he went straight to Jiangxia.Three days later, he returned to Xiling City.

Xiling City is very different from when Liu Feng left a few months ago. The biggest difference is the look of the people. Many people are still immersed in the news of Liu Feng's murder.

There is a sad look on the face.

Feeling this scene, Liu Feng felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Li Shimin's words can carry a boat or overturn it.Although it cannot fully explain the benefits of the support of the people, it also proves that without the support of the people, the ship will be destroyed and people will die.

Now the people's aspirations, Jingchu is one, it is really solid.

After driving in the city for a while, the carriage arrived at General Yang Wu's mansion.The shogunate established by Liu Feng in the past has begun to fully operate.

During the period when Liu Feng left, the entire shogunate was maintaining the rule of the seven counties, and all kinds of documents were handed over to Liu Ba, and then Jiang Wan and everyone made decisions together.

To start a war, you must know how you are preparing.

Therefore, after Liu Feng returned to General Yang Wu's mansion, he did not immediately look for Xiao Qiao, Huan'er and others who were still concerned about him.Instead, he went to the front yard to look for Chang Shi Jiang Wan.

"Master." Kou Shui sent someone to inform Jiang Wan first, so when Liu Feng came to the house where Jiang Wan worked, Jiang Wan came out first.

In the past few months, Jiang Wan has almost been alone. The burden on his shoulders is heavy, but he can also train people.The current Jiang Wan is not only stable and confident.

There is an extra atmosphere, the talent of the prime minister.

"Talk inside." Liu Feng said, and walked in.Jiang Wan immediately followed closely.

Liu Feng, who should know, has already learned about it from Huang Zhong, so Liu Feng doesn't talk nonsense.Ask directly: "Are you all ready?"

"Yuanzhi's side and Shiyuan's side are ready. The [-] troops can start from Gong'an and Xiakou to attack Zhou Yu." Jiang Wan replied simply.

"Is there enough food, grass and equipment?" Liu Feng asked again.

"They are all sufficient. Even if the war is protracted, it can last for a year or two." Jiang Wan said, the wealth of the seven counties in Jiangxia is not bragging.

Although the Wuxi barbarians spent countless money and food for the development of Wuxi County and the arrangement of Shanyue, there is still a lot of money and food that they robbed from Jiangling back then.

Support for one or two years is due to lack of equipment. When it comes to food, it is not a big deal to support for three to five years.

"So order Pang Shiyuan to prepare. Three days later, the army will set off for the Northern Expedition. At least Xiangyang and Jiangling will be swallowed up." The timing is right and the preparations are sufficient.Liu Feng finally gave the order.

"No." Jiang Wan replied.

One answer from the monarch and his ministers means that since the end of the Han Dynasty, after the defeat of Dong, Guandu, and Chibi, the fourth large-scale war is about to break out.

The last time Cao Cao ran rampant in Jingzhou, let's see who Jingchu belongs to today.

Well, it was Chen Da who escorted Zhang Zhongjing.Chen Dao stayed in Liu Bei's camp, and Kou Shui was with Liu Feng.

(To be continued)

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