After a while, the sky began to approach the evening.

"My lord, it's time to eat." Kou Shui came in from the outside and bowed to Kou Feng.This is the near future. Apart from being responsible for protection, he is actually the general manager.If you are not a confidant, you cannot be responsible.

"Well, I got it." Kou Feng nodded and said, this has been tossing since Jiang Gan got up, and now he really feels a little hungry.

Kou Shui nodded, resigned and walked out.After a while, there was another sound of footsteps.Kou Feng didn't listen carefully, so he raised his head and asked, "What's the matter?"

But the person who came was not Kou Shui, but Mrs. Ding.

At this moment, Mrs. Ding had changed into her previous fine attire, and she was wearing plain white clothes, very plain.But he couldn't hide his pretty face.

"I want to ask, what's going on with Cao Cao?" Kou Feng suddenly asked what's the matter.Madam Ding was kept silent for a moment, and then she opened her mouth to speak.

Kou Feng was stunned for a moment, and then regretted: "No troops have been sent out. Don't worry, if he comes out, he will be full of minions. In the north, he is the one who decides. But now, it is me who is in the inner and outer circles of Xudu City. call the shots."

It was a serious matter, but Kou Feng said it in an interesting way.

Before the war started, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses from both sides threatened to beat Cao Cao's minions all over the place.

However, although Mrs. Ding didn't find it very interesting, she felt a lot more relaxed.It's just that Cao Cao didn't send troops, which always makes people a little disappointed.

"Then according to the general, will he go out?" Mrs. Ding asked softly.

"Then I have to ask you how much he cares about you." After Kou Feng finished speaking, he felt regretful.Mrs. Ding's heart has been revealed clearly.

She has nothing to do with Cao Cao, divorced and living alone is her state.

That said, Madam Ding might feel uncomfortable.Sure enough, Kou Feng raised his head and saw a hint of anger on Madam Ding's face.But in my heart I was annoyed.

However, after being annoyed, Mrs. Ding was a little dazed again.It stands to reason that she doesn't care what others say about her, nor does she care what Kou Feng thinks of her in his heart.

But she actually felt ashamed.There is a kind of concern about how Kou Feng views her and her identity.He also didn't want Kou Feng to just use her.

It's a feeling that's hard to put into words.Madam Ding raised her head, met Kou Feng's apologetic gaze, and sighed inwardly, the warmth and anger on her face also slowly calmed down.

He said softly to Kou Feng: "He is a hero with a strong desire to possess."

Heroes and possessiveness are very strong.This has nothing to do with feelings at all. A person who is not possessive can never be called a hero.

Just like Kou Feng, he also cares about his own land, city, and women.Has a very strong possessive desire, even for military power.However, Kou Feng trusted the generals under his account.

Pang Tong, Xu Shu, Huang Zhong, Zhang Fei, Wen Pin, etc., Kou Feng trusted them all.Therefore, the military power was divided.After all, he himself cannot manage so many troops.

Whether a hero has a strong possessive desire and a strong desire to make progress is directly related to future achievements.In this respect, Cao Cao can definitely be regarded as a possessive person.

And it's still top-notch.In this regard, there is actually no need to elaborate.

Gradually, I realized in my heart that Cao Cao would definitely come.Even so, Kou Feng was not happy.

Kou Feng looked at Madam Ding apologetically, stretched out his hand and said, "Come and sit."

Madam Ding did not respond, she lowered her gaze, as if she was about to say goodbye.

"It's agreed that I will help you deal with Cao Cao. You will be my concubine. You can't go back on your word." Kou Feng didn't allow Mrs. Ding to leave, and he didn't feel blushing when he spoke.

It was indeed agreed in advance, but the original promise was different from what Kou Feng said.Kou Feng just borrowed Madam Ding's name, and he wanted to clear up afterward.

Madam Ding frowned, but she unexpectedly did not resist in her heart.

Mrs. Ding couldn't help but think of what Kou Feng said earlier.She was still unmarried, and she had decided to live alone for the rest of her life, but suddenly met Kou Feng.

This man is heroic, full of vigor and vigor.And, most importantly.Mrs. Ding felt Kou Feng's sincerity, as well as the eyes that would never give up until he reached his goal.

Madam Ding could understand the domineering in Kou Feng's eyes.Although this man looks easy to talk to, he probably has a heroic personality in his bones.

I am afraid that even if she dies in this life, she will not be able to escape his palm.

Since you know it's hard to escape, why run away?Besides, Mrs. Ding really felt Kou Feng's sincerity, and she didn't feel bad for Kou Feng, at least not as bad as ordinary men.

Looking into Kou Feng's gaze for a long time, Mrs. Ding hesitated for a moment, but then, she walked over to Kou Feng's side and sat down.

This time, Kou Feng did not put his arms around Mrs. Ding.It was used to make Cao Cao angry, and if he hugged her now, I'm afraid it would scare her away.

"I still don't know what your lady's name is?" Kou Feng felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction in his heart as he felt the bursts of fragrance emanating from the side.Can't help asking.

"Da Liu." Mrs. Ding's face was a little unnatural. It was the first time she had to deal with such a situation when she grew up so big.The man next to him is full of blood, like a sun, extremely dazzling.Very clear.

Madam Ding suddenly felt a little shy, lowered her head slightly, and her voice became a little lower.

"Why, are you afraid that I will suddenly become a beast?" Looking at Mrs. Ding's expression, Kou Feng found it interesting that such a mature woman would actually show the shyness of a young daughter.

But it's normal to think about it. Mrs. Ding got married when she was more than ten years old, and finally divorced and lived alone.I'm afraid I have never experienced such a thing as sitting with a strange man in my life.

"Don't worry, although I, Kou Feng, is a perverted evil spirit, I'm not such a domineering person." Looking at Mrs. Ding's face flushed, Kou Feng said.

As he said that, he laughed at himself: "Outsiders say that I am lustful and that I am a rich wife. But Daliu knows that there are only six wives and concubines in my family. Only Xiao Qiao snatched it back, but Madam thought that one would give birth to me. Did I force her to be the woman of my son? Compared with me, no matter who is a prince in this world, he is better than me."

No, Kou Feng spent his whole life fighting everywhere.In fact, Xiao Qiao was the only woman who plundered, and it was Xiao Qiao who took the initiative.Cai Da, Huang Yueying, and Sun Shangxiang are all married by Ming Media.Huan'er was simply sent by the Gan family to warm his bed.

Cai Yu was also suddenly rescued by him because of chance.At the earliest time, I just wanted to have a child on him.

But outsiders, there are rumors that he is lustful and extremely destitute of money.From Kou Feng's point of view, he really felt aggrieved.

Kou Feng knew that the reason for these rumors outside was probably related to the Gan family.At the beginning, Liu Bei drove him away, and Wu Hui used crimes to annihilate his adoptive mother Gan.

But the conscience of heaven and earth, Kou Feng only has filial piety towards the Gan family.Even if there was such an evil thought, there was nothing.

So far, there are only six favored women.I have been fighting outside for several months, and I still don't steal food.Is Kou Feng lustful?Actually not.He's just amused.

Being with the women in his own family is considered a mess, messing around in the room all day long.Kou Feng must feel good.But for other women, I don't think so much.

If she is a really good wife, Kou Feng can do well in the war.With his current status, he can't play anything, and no one dares to speak out, no matter how perverted he is.

But in the end, Kou Feng really had an idea, and Xiao Qiao was the only one who implemented it.Now this lady is waiting to be married.

If you say it, I am afraid that the princes of the world will laugh out loud.

Needless to say, Cao Cao is the official wife that this guy is bringing up now.She was born as a diva.There is only one singer raised by Cao Cao, and there must not be only one.

There are dozens of people, even if Kou Feng kills them, he wouldn't believe it.The rest of the people are probably similar, even if they are in trouble like Liu Bei, when they were in Xinye, there were several women.

Not to mention that Liu Bei abandoned his wife and children several times.Among them, there are countless women who have been favored and lost.Not to mention Sun Quan, sitting on his father and brother's foundation.There are very few big battles in a lifetime.There is nothing to do at night, if it comes to your fancy, I am afraid there will be countless women.

Compared with them, Kou Fengzhen is absolutely sorry for his status as a prince.

Following Kou Feng's teasing, self-deprecating words sounded.Madam Ding's beautiful eyes were filled with surprise.This time I was really surprised.

The man in front of him is extremely powerful, and he is even more vigorous. The younger the man, the more terrifying he is.But Kou Feng claimed that there were only six women.

Not to mention the number of people compared with other princes, even ordinary men of the noble family, the number of people warming the bed is probably more than that.

Nowadays, wars are prevalent, and more men die on the battlefield.Most of the women entered the wealthy family.

"So, I don't like the new and dislike the old like ordinary people." He stretched out his hand calmly, put it on Madam Ding's slender waist, and said softly.

Today's remark really comes out of feeling.Kou Feng never had a chance to say these words to others.

Kou Feng put his hand on Mrs. Ding's waist lightly, and did not make any other movements.But Mrs. Ding still trembled.

But at this moment, Mrs. Ding didn't resist anymore.It's not the same as deliberately letting Kou Feng hug him in order to annoy Cao Cao that day.

"I'm old. Even though I'm still young at the moment, I still have a few years left." As she spoke, Mrs. Ding's face turned extremely sad.With a sigh.

"It's only been a few decades, and I just fight for the day and night. Why worry about the future. Besides, I, Kou Feng, am a person who likes the new and dislikes the old." Kou Feng smiled proudly. Fewer women means more Nostalgia.

In this regard, Kou Feng definitely has the capital to be proud.

As he spoke, Kou Feng took Madam Ding with his left hand.For the first time, in his arms.

Soft, warm and comfortable.For a while, various tactile sensations came to my heart.

(To be continued)

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