Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 606 Kou Feng's Burning Heat

A mature, beautiful, and enchanting woman is sitting in her arms.Of course Kou Feng is not Liu Xiahui, who can sit still.But Kou Feng knew that this time had not yet come.

After Kou Feng came to this era, he experienced troubled times and personally led troops to fight.Women also have more contacts.Knowing that this woman is the most delicious only when it is the most appropriate.

She can give you her whole heart.Kou Feng loves Mrs. Ding, this Kou Feng does not deny it, nor can he deny it.It doesn't matter if it's lust, or whatever.

Kou Feng didn't want to get entangled in these things.But Kou Feng wanted this woman, there was no doubt about it.As Kou Feng himself said, he is not a person who loves the new and dislikes the old.

He is not a reckless person either, he will only taste the most delicious woman when he loves it.

"Cough." At this moment, there was a light coughing sound outside the door.Although Mrs. Ding is very mature, she is really timid at this moment.

A rabbit like a gunshot escaped from Kou Feng's arms in an instant.I didn't tidy up my clothes, and planned to take the road and leave.

"It's time to eat, stay here." Behind, Kou Feng said with a gentle smile.With one word, Madam Ding stopped in her tracks.

Glancing outside the big tent, Kou Shui was looking embarrassed.He was the one who broke Kou Feng's good deed just now.In fact, I didn't expect Kou Feng to announce silver in the big tent under the blue sky and broad daylight.

Just broke in.

"Don't just stay there, bring all the meals." Kou Feng glared at Kou Shui, and reprimanded angrily.

"No." Kou Shui bowed his head in response, and immediately ordered the food to be served.Madam Ding stood next to him awkwardly for a moment, then returned to Kou Feng's side.

Again, the situation is stronger than people.Now she really can't resist Kou Feng.

Soon, the guards brought the meals.Like Kou Shui, no one dared to look at Mrs. Ding more.Is Kou Feng a good protagonist?

Undoubtedly, in the eyes of many people it is.Even the people in Jiangxia, Jiujiang, and Changsha worshiped Kou as a god.

But is Kou Feng a good general?Absolutely not.It was the first time for Kou Feng to take a woman with him in the army.But Kou Feng's diet is also different from that of soldiers.

The art of war says that only by sharing weal and woe with soldiers can they be killed.

But Kou Feng didn't see it that way. He regarded himself as the lord, which was different from ordinary generals.In the army, although Kou Feng is not luxurious, he is also different from soldiers.

Eat rice with ordinary soldiers.Kou Feng was not so able to suffer.Besides, it is enough to have generals and soldiers to suffer together.

Kou Feng can assure you that many of the generals under his command eat the same food as the soldiers.Add an egg or something at most.

But on Kou Feng's case, there were four dishes and one soup.There is meat and there is fish.There are also vegetarian dishes.

The definition of Kou Feng is that the generals order the soldiers, and he orders the generals.

Mrs. Ding didn't know much about these things, and of course she didn't think there was anything wrong with Kou Feng eating such a rich meal in the army.

But the embarrassment is still there.

Because this meal was prepared for Kou Feng, at most it was just another rice bucket.

"Where are you going to get the bowls and chopsticks?" Kou Feng glanced at Kou Shui, this kid is usually very clever, but now he is as stupid as a pig.

"No." Kou Shui felt sweaty and hurried out.

After Kou Shui left, Kou Feng stood up, and under Mrs. Ding's suspicious gaze, he picked up a case and placed it beside the case in front of the handsome seat.

Two and become one.

Then move the meal to the center, and this is a small table.

When Kou Shui brought up an empty pair of bowls and chopsticks, Kou Feng took it and cast a sideways glance at Kou Shui.Kou Shui became very clever at this time, and walked out immediately.And stood outside the big tent and became the door god.

Kou Feng chuckled, and put the empty bowls and chopsticks in front of Madam Ding.He smiled and said, "I don't have so many rules here, so let's use them together."

The Han Dynasty is different from other dynasties. Meals are shared by one person and shared by two people.It is definitely a rebellious behavior in the gentry, whether it is a husband and wife, or a father and son brother.

But it was already at this time, Madam Ding didn't have any other thoughts, she blushed, took the bowl and chopsticks, went to the rice bucket, and filled half a bowl of rice.

Immediately, he sat down with the bowl and chopsticks in his hand.

With a dignified sitting posture, she is definitely a housewife.With a smile in his eyes, Kou Feng started to eat.Madam Ding also began to eat in small bites.

The two people used the meals at this table in this rare joint use in the Han Dynasty.

Of course, most of them entered Kou Feng's stomach.Mrs. Ding has the disadvantage of being generally dignified and not easy to touch women, and she can't eat too much food.

After eating, Kou Feng found someone to send Mrs. Ding back.Time to give her some time.

Kou Feng thought with a smile.


Xu Capital City, inside the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Although it was already dark, the entire Prime Minister's Mansion was brightly lit.It shines like the sun.

In the hall, Cao Cao, the main advisers under his account, and the generals sat together.

The expressions are extremely dignified.

Kou Feng got what he wanted, should he leave or not?

This is the focus of everyone's attention. If Kou Feng leaves at night, Cao Cao's tens of thousands of cavalry, including tiger and leopard cavalry, will attack together.

Pursue and kill Kou Feng the same way Kou Feng chased and killed Liu Bei back then.Only in this way can Cao Cao's wishes be fulfilled.The tiger and leopard rides are all ready.Even Xiahouyuan, who is the best at marching in the north and the fastest, has all his parts ready to attack with the cavalry.

But unfortunately, everyone has been sitting here with Cao Cao for a long time, and there is still no news from the spies circling outside the city.

In other words, Kou Feng did not intend to withdraw.But there was no plan to attack the city, Kou Feng wanted to wait for him to attack.

As time passed bit by bit, Cao Cao's heart sank bit by bit.At the same time, there was an indescribable feeling in my heart.

Kou Feng was thirty miles outside the city, with his arms around Ding, waiting for his attack.It seems to be saying when you come and when I will defend.

What a provocation.

But unfortunately, Cao Cao is currently weak, and the morale of the army is not high.Except for night attacks and sneak attacks, there is no momentum to go out for a decisive battle.

If you go out, you will lose.

At this moment, Cao Cao only felt a stuffy breath in his chest, unable to swallow or spit it out.Very uncomfortable.

"Ming Gong, the sky is about to brighten up now. Kou Feng can't withdraw his troops in the daytime, and I'm afraid he plans to spend it with us." Xun You sighed and raised his fist.

Yesterday, Xun You offered advice.In fact, it is a strategy rather than a temptation.After Kou Feng got the reward, did he leave satisfied, or was he not satisfied and wanted to fight Cao Cao, or even capture Xudu.

In Xun You's heart, he wished that Kou Feng would leave when he was satisfied, and pursue him again, leaving Kou Feng some soldiers behind.It's enough to make Cao Cao let out a bad breath, but now the situation is developing.But it wasn't what he expected.

"Then wait. Regardless of success or failure, Gu must fight once." Cao Cao said coldly.With a bad breath in his heart, Cao Cao couldn't eat or sleep.

"Of course there is a fight. However, since Kou Feng has not left, it must be the most cautious time to defend. It is not a good opportunity for a night attack. You can wait a month or two before attacking." Xun You nodded and said.

It will take at least two or three months to mobilize hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in the north.Xun You also guessed that Kou Feng's stay was about February and March.Attacking in January and February should be the best time.

In fact, it wasn't the best time. During this period, Xu Du's strength didn't have the capital to contend with Kou Feng.It's just that Cao Cao wanted to fight, so Xun You could only help plan.

"Gongda's words are polite, at least we have to wait a month or two." Cheng Yu, who was the first to propose a night attack, agreed.

"Okay, then wait for January and February." Of course, Cao Cao wanted to make a quick decision, regardless of success or failure, just fight once.No regrets even if you fail.But he also knew that Xun You and Cheng Yu's opinions were reasonable and had the highest chance of winning.

Therefore, he could only reluctantly nod in agreement.

But in Cao Cao's heart, he felt extremely difficult, January and February, January and February.Now he can't wait for a day, how will he survive this two months?

However, no matter how difficult it is.Cao Cao survived.More than a month, 38 days.

Kou Feng camp, within this period of time.Kou Feng, who was originally an attacker, started to defend instead.

Due to limited materials, Kou Feng did not intend to send people to cut down the forest, giving Cao Cao a chance to sneak attack.Therefore, only trenches were dug.

In one month, the dense trenches outside the camp were created.

During this period of time, Kou Feng lived quite comfortably.First of all, the imperial chariot given by the emperor Liu Xie, Kou Feng sat on it several times, not only looks very cool.

Walking is even more stable.

I don't know how many times better than his carriage.Immediately, Kou Feng found an experienced coachman to try to drive the imperial chariot pulled by six imperial horses.

Make up your mind to take this car back.

Moreover, this car was given by Liu Xie, so I feel at ease when I sit on it.Don't be afraid of what others say.

Apart from these trivial matters, Kou Feng and Mrs. Ding got along more and more harmoniously.Although she is a real mature beauty.But when getting along with men, Mrs. Ding is like a blank sheet of paper.

At this moment, Kou Feng has been eaten to death.When they get along, they are like ordinary couples, eating together, and Kou Feng even reads at night by lighting the lamp.Mrs. Ding will also accompany Kou Feng.

Kou Feng doesn't know what Passionate Like Fire is, but he knows what you love and what I want.At this moment, he was thinking that it was time to pick this charming woman.

This day, it was getting late.

Kou Feng had dinner with Madam Ding.Because of getting used to it, when Kou Feng and Mrs. Ding dine, they always put two tables together to form one table, which is a strange way to dine.

After finishing the meal, Kou Feng ordered someone to hold a lamp as usual and started to read.I have nothing to do at night, in order to take care of Mrs. Ding.

Kou Feng didn't force much.

I can only read at night.

But today, Kou Feng knew that everything was different.She looked at the very dignified Mrs. Ding who was sitting quietly beside her.

Kou Feng's eyes were very hot.

(To be continued)

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