Regardless of whether Cao Cao returns or not, Kou Feng must be fully prepared.If you don't come, let it go, if you come, make him look good.

Suddenly, the guard came to report that it was Pang Tong, and Xu Shu was already waiting outside.

"Let them in." At this time, Kou Feng had already put on his clothes.Facing the two pillars, if they meet in disheveled clothes, it may be a little embarrassing.

Especially since Xu Shu is still a teacher, he reserves the right to reprimand him.

"My lord." After a while, the two walked in.Although the two of them were not wearing armor, they looked extremely energetic.When Zhang Fei fought Cao Jun just now, they were the two of them sitting in town and dispatching troops to help.

Now Cao enemy has retreated.Kou Feng was lazy, they all knew that they should just leave the rest of the matter to them, why did they summon them suddenly.

The two of them were somewhat puzzled.

"I also know that the two generals may have some doubts in their hearts." Of course Kou Feng didn't see through Pang Tong, Xu Shu's heart was just a guess.After smiling, he hesitated and said, "Actually, I'm just guessing that Cao Cao may attack the camp for the second time."

"Oh? Why does the lord think so?" As soon as Kou Feng finished speaking, Pang Tong knew why they had been summoned, and he couldn't help but show interest.

Kou Feng guarded against Cao Cao's attack, and he also hoped to take the opportunity to earn some Cao soldiers.However, defense is always better than offense.

What's more, I don't know when Cao Jun will attack.If you know the news and arrange it calmly, the effect you will receive may be unimaginable.

Pang Tong asked about the idea, but Kou Feng didn't know how to answer.After pausing for a moment, Kou Feng could only prevaricate: "I just thought that there might be a second attack by Cao Cao, so I ask the two gentlemen to take more precautions and arrangements. It is better to be prepared for falling to the ground."

Kou Feng could only say this, if he told these two people his guess about Wancheng, he might be considered crazy.There is no wind or rain, so I insist on putting it on the top.

It's crazy.On the contrary, if Kou Feng said it was his intuition, it would be more convincing.Because Kou Feng's intuition has always been very accurate.

"Don't worry, my lord. Just leave the rest to us." Pang Tong and Xu Shu looked at each other, and they both felt that they should be taken seriously, and they couldn't help bowing together.

"Well, let's go down and get ready." Kou Feng breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

It is also very cumbersome to mobilize the army to ambush.The matter is urgent, and I don't know when Cao Cao will attack.The sooner the arrangements are made, the earlier the peace of mind.

Soon after the two left, there was a burst of cheers from Yingnan.Kou Feng also estimated that Zhang Fei, who was ordered to hunt down Cao Jun, and Deng Ai and the others had returned.

So she got up and went to the back tent, to appease Mrs. Ding who was still waiting for her to fall asleep.He called Kou Shui and set off towards the south of the camp with his guards.

There is anticipation in my heart, I don't want to sleep with this beautiful woman in my arms again this night.I feel sorry for this beautiful woman.

It can be regarded as the wedding night, and it was just disturbed by Cao Cao.

However, Kou Feng only kept his apology at the lowest point in his heart, and it was still important to get down to business right now.Soon, Kou Feng came to Nanying.

That is the camp where Zhang Fei's troops are stationed.

At this moment, all the corpses in the camp have been cleaned up.Many of Cao's wounded soldiers and some prisoners were locked up for custody.The wounded soldiers of one's own side were treated.

Because it was night, besides Zhang Fei's troops, Deng Ai's troops participated in the battle.It is not easy to count, and the number of casualties is unknown.

But it must be much smaller than Cao Cao.This defensive battle was well fought.

As Kou Feng expected, it was indeed Zhang Fei, and Deng Ai had returned.The soldiers let out cheers.After Kou Feng questioned the soldiers, he came to Zhang Fei's camp.

Coincidentally, Deng Ai hadn't left yet.Both of them are in the big tent.

"My lord." Deng Ai respectfully bowed to Kou Feng, this kid is like this, Kou Feng ignored him, just nodded.

"Hehe, eldest nephew." Zhang Fei grinned at Kou Feng.Just now Kou Feng told him to back down, but he didn't seem to be upset at all.

Zhang Fei is such a person.

Those who treat him well are all devoted to him.It doesn't matter what it is.

"Uncle, just continue to be brave." Kou Feng looked at Zhang Fei with a wry smile. Zhang Fei is not very well now, his face is slightly pale, and there is a long and narrow wound on his chest, which is slowly stopping the bleeding under the treatment of doctors.

Visibility was poor at night, and Kou Feng only realized now that Zhang Fei was injured just now when Xu Chu was facing each other.I was very fortunate in my heart, it was Xu Chu.

If you can fight Zhang Fei and lose both, then you can die together.

In Kou Feng's view, using Zhang Fei to fight Xu Chu is definitely a loss.Although Xu Chu is brave, his authority is only Cao Cao's guard, just like Kou Shui.

And Zhang Fei is the commander of the army.There is a huge gap in value.What's more, this is the uncle he has always respected, if he dies on the battlefield.

Kou Feng would definitely feel sad.

"It's nothing, it's just some minor injuries. I've been fighting here and there in my life, and I'm used to getting hurt like eating." Zhang Fei said with a smile that didn't really bother him.

In fact, seeing Kou Feng's concerned expression, Zhang Fei felt very warm in his heart.Now that Liu Bei and Guan Yu are gone, Kou Feng is the only one who can get close to him.

Zhang Fei still cherishes it very much.

"Anyway, uncle, I have a wise saying here for my uncle. If you can use the lives of ten soldiers to take the life of an enemy general, then go all out and do it. If you take your own life, you can kill him loosely." The enemy general is also very worthless." When Kou Feng was speaking, he looked around and found no Zhang Fei's personal soldiers, so he said earnestly.

These words must not be heard by the soldiers.

Zhang Fei grinned. If the lives of ten soldiers were used to take the lives of the enemy generals, the lives of the enemy generals would be too worthless.But this truth is also the truth.

Zhang Fei understood and knew that Kou Feng was caring about him.He nodded and said, "Be careful next time."

"Hehe." A smile suddenly appeared on Kou Feng's face.Immediately, Kou Feng asked the doctor who was bandaging Zhang Fei about Zhang Fei's injury.

After learning that it was only a skin trauma, Kou Feng was relieved.

Kou Feng also told Zhang Fei, and Deng Ai told his plan.He didn't say with certainty that Cao Cao would come to attack, but he just said that he should be prepared.

"After being defeated once, Cao Cao dares to send someone here?" Zhang Fei asked in surprise.

"Didn't Uncle think of this? This thing that no one has thought of is something that Cao Cao specializes in. I think it's probably coming." Kou Feng said with a smile.

"Then I'll arrange it right away." Zhang Fei also felt that it made sense when he heard the words. Cao Cao specialized in sneak attacks, and wiped out Yuan Shao, his lifelong enemy, in a single fire in Wuchao.Immediately stood up, said.

"General." The doctor next to him said to Zhang Fei angrily. He only bandaged half of it, but Zhang Fei broke it again.

"Let's bandage the wound first." Kou Feng said with a slight smile.After a pause, he said again: "Wait a minute, Xu Shu, Pang Tong will think about the arrangement. Send someone to explain to uncle. At that time, uncle will arrange it according to their instructions. In addition, let Deng Ai Liu Come down and help uncle."

Zhang Fei was injured, and Kou Feng worried about his safety.

"No." Deng Ai promised.Zhang Fei felt a little dissatisfied, he could see that Kou Feng was taking care of him.However, thinking of Kou Feng's previous advice to pay attention to safety, Zhang Fei reluctantly let go of his dissatisfaction.

After staying in Zhang Fei's camp for a while, Kou Feng got up and left.Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, except for Zhang Fei, he has to go to the camps of Huang Zhong, Sha Moke, Wei Yan, Wen Pin and others to inspect.

Although Kou Feng has no idea whether Cao Cao will attack again.But these things that should be done still need to be done.

……………… Outside the east gate of Xu Capital City.

Cao Cao led Xia Houyuan, Xu Chu, and the thousand or so remnants who failed in the sneak attack and brought back.Waiting to enter the city.

Although it is said that Cao Cao is the prime minister, his identity must be confirmed before he can enter the city. This is a necessary procedure.This era is too chaotic, and there are not a few people who pretend to be their own remnant soldiers to make money.

At this moment, although Cao Cao is fully armored and has a helmet, his face is not very good.Run away, flee for your life and return.Moreover, they were still hunted down by Zhang Fei. If it weren't for Xu Chu and Xia Houyuan's desperate efforts to kill him, this group of soldiers would be the best of the best.I'm afraid Cao Cao's life has already been explained there.

Compared with Cao Cao, Xu Chu's complexion was not much better.Although he had a tie with Zhang Fei, in fact Zhang Fei had a slight upper hand.

His steel knife only left a not deep wound on Zhang Fei's body, but Zhang Fei left a blood hole on his left shoulder.

Deeper, affecting his ability to control the horse.

In addition, Zhang Fei is playing at home, so he can receive treatment and bandages as soon as he returns.But Xu Chu had to walk tens of miles at night before he could return to Xudu for treatment. The wound that had been hastily bandaged may have deteriorated.

"Come here, open the city gate." At this moment, the guard's order sounded from the city gate.But the soldiers had already confirmed Cao Cao's identity, so the guards naturally didn't dare to stop Cao Cao from outside.

Cao Cao led the remnant soldiers and rushed into the city.

"Strengthen your guard, don't relax." Cao Cao said to the guard when he entered the city.At night, Kou Feng's defense left a deep impression on Cao Cao.

"No." The city gate guard naturally did not dare to neglect, and responded.

Immediately, Cao Cao handed over the army to Xia Houyuan, and took Xu Chu to the prime minister's mansion himself.The best healers in Xudu City are those in the Prime Minister's Mansion. Cao Cao was also afraid that Xu Chu's wound would deteriorate, so he just abolished the general.

In the prime minister's mansion.

None of the civil and military ministers who were there when Cao Cao left was missing.They are all looking forward to it.Although most of them are not optimistic about this night attack.

But there is always hope.If a miracle can happen, Kou Feng will be destroyed.The world will be peaceful.

(To be continued)

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