However, when Cao Cao came back in a hurry, everyone felt disappointed.Xu Chu, who was close to him, was injured, and his expression was not the kind of joy of victory.

Everyone was disappointed, but they didn't dare to show it.

"Come here, help Zhongkang down and treat him well." Cao Cao entrusted Xu Chu to a guard in the mansion, and told him.

Immediately, he said to Xu Chu: "Recover well, and fight Zhang Fei again in the future."

"Promise." Xu Chu and the guard agreed together, especially Xu Chu, a cold light flashed in his eyes when he heard the words, he was rarely injured.

Today may be the heaviest ever.Zhang Fei.Xu Chu felt that he had already remembered the name in his heart.

Cao Cao patted Xu Chu's shoulder gently to show his comfort.After a while, he turned and walked into the hall.

In the hall, the officials immediately looked back.

"This time, I was defeated alone. Thousands of elite soldiers were thrown into the Kou Feng camp. But fortunately, there will be no damage." Cao Cao ignored the crowd, stepped up to the first place with a golden knife and knelt down, although he failed , but there was no sign of discouragement on his face.

On the contrary, that sigh of relief was exhausted.His complexion is actually much better than before he left.

"Victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. Duke Ming doesn't have to worry about it." Although Xun Yu opposed Cao Cao's night attack, seeing Cao Cao admit defeat at this time, he couldn't help comforting him.

"Haha, Wen Ruo doesn't need to worry about it. I have fought countless battles in my life, and defeat is really common." Cao Cao let out a hearty laugh.

Seeing Cao Cao who had finally returned to normal, both the counselors and generals present breathed a sigh of relief.The rational Cao Cao is a hero, and the irrational Cao Cao is a bear.

The difference between the two is too great.

"The Kou Feng who is stationed outside." Chen Qun raised his fist and asked.

"Let him go on his own. Since he won't attack the city, will he still stay here for a few years? You must know that if you defend for a long time, you will lose. Maybe someday, when you are alone, there will be a few more surprise attacks. Just give him his camp. Unplugged. So, he will leave by himself." Cao Cao shook his head and said.

The recovery of reason made Cao Cao extremely calm.

Kou Feng was just asking for a decisive battle to annoy him.

"No." Chen Qun breathed a sigh of relief, and agreed.

Although Cao Cao failed this time, the hearts of the officials improved a little.After Cao Cao talked to the officials, he ordered them to go back.

I was tired after waiting midnight.

After everyone left, Cao Cao sat alone for a while.Went to Mrs. Bian's room in the inner courtyard.

Since this period of time, Cao Cao's temper has been very hot, and he scolded Mrs. Bian a few words for no reason, which made Mrs. Bian terrified.Cao Cao felt guilty.

When Cao Cao came in, Mrs. Bian was still waiting.

Of course she knew about the news of Cao Cao's expedition, and she was a little worried, so she waited until now.

"The prime minister is back." Although she was a little afraid to face Cao Cao during this period, Mrs. Bian was still happy to see Cao Cao returned safely.

Get up and greet him.

"During these days, I have left you alone." Cao Cao sighed, and unexpectedly put Mrs. Bian into her arms. Mrs. Bian did not expect Cao Cao to do this, and she felt relieved and shy at the same time.

He turned his head and glanced at several personal maids. The maids smiled knowingly, bowed their heads and walked out.

"Is the battle going well ahead?" Mrs. Bian asked in a low voice after embracing each other for a while.Although it feels good to be hugged by Cao Cao, Mrs. Bian is more worried about the war ahead. With 13 troops stationed outside, she really can't sleep well at night.

"It's going well, I guess Kou Feng will retreat after a while." Cao Cao said with a smile.

Holding Madam Bian's waist, Cao Cao couldn't help thinking of Madam Ding.However, at this moment, the sense of humiliation in Cao Cao's heart was much less.

Instead, he was thinking that if he hadn't been so lustful in the first battle in Wancheng, when he first surrendered to Zhangxiu, it was because of Zou's famous name.And ordered Zhang Xiu to offer it.

He made another foolish trick and sent people to pay a lot of money to make friends with Hu Che'er, a fierce general under Zhang Xiu's tent.

There would be no battle in Wancheng where the middle-aged lost his son and lost his nephew.Dian Wei is gone.

At that time, she was also in a bad mood, and when she came back, she was reprimanded by Mrs. Ding and sent her away.

Now that I think about it, there is a reason for this.He didn't ask Mrs. Ding too much qualifications, so he made her a widow for the rest of her life?

Cao Cao smiled wryly, for the first time he took it seriously, and regretted what happened to Wancheng.

However, to be honest, that kid Zhang Xiu is quite capable.It took several raids to win Wancheng. If it wasn't for Zhang Xiu's ability and military exploits, he would have been killed by him by now.

Cao Cao is a relatively open-minded person.Thinking of Zhang Xiu now, I don't have much hatred.

Hugging Mrs. Bian tightly, Cao Cao's thoughts drifted far away.Suddenly, something caught his attention.Immediately, I felt that it was feasible.

Kou Feng was right, Cao Cao thought of Wancheng and Zhang Xiu through Mrs. Ding.I naturally thought of Zhang Xiu's excellence.

And the few times he failed.

Cao Cao failed twice in Wancheng, one of which he won first and then lost.Cao Cao remembered this incident very clearly.When he was retreating, Jia Xu planned to pursue him for the second time.

And tonight he attacked Kou Feng's camp at night, will Kou Feng relax his guard?At least, the generals under Kou Feng's account must have been somewhat dereliction of duty.

For example, Zhang Fei, this man Cao Cao knows that he is a fierce general, but he is also a little reckless.Xuzhou was taken by Lu Bu because of Zhang Fei's negligence.

Besides, according to Xu Chu, Zhang Fei was injured.

If you can think of a little, Cao Cao can start to calculate the feasible surname.

Mrs. Bian felt that Cao Cao's hands were getting tighter and tighter, as if they were going to cut off her waist.At first I could bear it, but after a while I couldn't.

"Prime Minister." Mrs. Bian said to Cao Cao in a little pain.

"I remembered something." Cao Cao was taken aback when he heard the words, lowered his head and saw Madam Bian's painful face, and couldn't help apologizing.

"It doesn't matter." Mrs. Bian shook her head and said, after a pause, she asked sweetly, "What did the prime minister think of?"

"Maybe you don't need to let Kou Feng retreat, just defeat him." Cao Cao smiled and said to Mrs. Bian, he didn't say enough, just said maybe.

This matter should be discussed with the advisers, especially Jia Xu.

Mrs. Bian was taken aback, but even more happy.Although she doesn't understand military affairs, she also knows that there is a huge difference between Kou Feng's retreat and Cao Cao's defeat of Kou Feng.

"Madam, let's go to bed first. I still have to go there." Cao Cao thought about it, and felt that it was still feasible.Can't help saying to Mrs. Bian.

"Prime Minister, go. Don't blame me." Mrs. Bian said softly.

Cao Cao nodded, let go of Mrs. Bian, and strode out.

After returning to the hall, Cao Cao planned to send someone to find Jia Xu.But when he thought about it, Jia Xu just went back.Besides, it takes a little time to go back and forth.

It is still late at night, and there is still a chance to do it again.It would be a pity if the delay was in vain.

Thinking about it, Cao Cao found a guard and said: "Go to find Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, and Le Jin, and order them to prepare [-] soldiers and horses, and be on standby at any time."

The guard was taken aback, why did the prime minister go out of the city to fight again just after he came back?However, although he was surprised, he was a little guard, so of course he didn't dare to say anything.With a promise, he quickly found someone to notify the three generals.

After the guards left, Cao Cao ordered someone to get a war horse, rode the horse out of the prime minister's mansion, and went straight to Jia Xu's mansion.

Jia Xu is a person whose surname is Taohui.He has a very high official position now, especially trusted by Cao Cao.But he is not confident that he is not from Cao Cao's direct lineage.

Therefore, if Cao Cao didn't ask him for a strategy, he wouldn't take the initiative to answer.The place where I live is not a high-end mansion, but a lower-middle mansion.

Like ordinary wealthy households.

He married his daughter and his daughter-in-law.They are also looking for those families with very low family status.To keep a low profile so far, he can be regarded as a generation of strange people.

When Cao Cao came to look for him, Jia Xu had just returned, and after taking off his clothes, he planned to sleep next to his wife.Jia Xu keeps a low profile and has an extremely calm personality.

There are only a few wives and concubines who accompany her, and the wife is not stunning, and she is old and fading.But Jia Xu never gave up.

When people came to report at the moment, Cao Cao came late at night.Jia Xu was also taken aback.Immediately, he guessed Cao Cao's intention.The army was defeated, and came here late at night.

There is nothing else to do but fight again.

Jia Xu smiled apologetically at his wife who was woken up next to him, and said, "The Prime Minister is here." After saying a word, Jia Xu walked out.

Cao Cao came here, so naturally he wouldn't be shut out.The servants had already been invited into the hall, and Jia Xu went straight to the hall.

In the hall, Cao Cao sat in the first place without hesitation.Seeing Jia Xu walking in, he couldn't help showing a smile.Asked: "Did you bother Wen He?"

"The prime minister came just in time, and he hasn't slept yet." Jia Xu owed Cao Cao and said with a smile.As he spoke, he walked straight to a seat next to him, knelt down and sat down.

"I don't know if the prime minister is visiting late at night, do you want to fight again?" After sitting down, Jia Xu asked proactively.

"He who knows me is gentle." Although Cao Cao said so, there was no surprise on his face.After speaking, Cao Cao pondered for a moment, and asked Jia Xu, "I don't know Wenhe, but do you remember the battle in Wancheng?"

In the battle of Wancheng, Cao Cao lost too much.It is also because of this that Jia Xu keeps a low profile.

He suddenly mentioned Wancheng, and Jia Xu's heart fluctuated a little.However, it calmed down in an instant.He knew that Cao Cao was not someone who settled accounts after the autumn, and he knew that Zhang Xiu was alive and well.

And Jia Xu kept a low profile because of her nature.Since it wasn't after the fall, it was the battle of Wancheng, which had something to do with tonight.

Jia Xu couldn't help squinting his eyes, and thought about it carefully.After a while, he raised his head and asked Cao Cao, "A picture of a cat or a tiger?"

"Gu really wants to take pictures of cats and tigers, but I don't know what to do with the text and meaning?" Cao Cao admitted with a smile and nodded.

(To be continued)

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