Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 628 Designing to Capture Taishi Ci Alive

"Kill." Under the city, after a loud laugh, Zhang Fei clenched his hands, shouted loudly, and rode his horse towards Tai Shici to kill.

Although one person rides one, but it shows the momentum of thousands of troops.

"Hmph." Facing the menacing Zhang Fei, Tai Shici snorted coldly, stopped the spear, took out the bow on his back, drew the arrow, and drew the bow.

"Swish, swish, swish." In an instant, Tai Shici shot three arrows in the shape of the character "Pin", aiming at Zhang Fei.

The bow is a precious bow, so the speed is of course extremely fast.However, Zhang Fei still had a look of excitement on his face. "Bang, bang, bang." The spear swung repeatedly, and within a short period of time, the three arrows were thrown into the air.

"Puchi, Puchi, Puchi." Although the arrow was lifted, the remaining force of the arrow still penetrated into the soil, which shows how powerful Tai Shici's bow is.

"Hmph." Tai Shici snorted coldly, and the arrows in his hand were as fast as lightning, and he shot five or six arrows in a row.

But Zhang Fei picked them up one by one, and the one-on-one bows and arrows were not very lethal to Zhang Fei.

With this delay, Zhang Fei was only a few dozen steps away from Tai Shici.But Tai Shici still had an arrow in his hand, the range of the bow and arrow is that the shorter the distance, the greater the lethality.

Tai Shici was still confident in his archery skills.

"Whoosh." For the last arrow, Tai Shici took a little time to calculate the distance, and when Zhang Fei was only twenty steps away from him, he shot it fiercely.

With a whistling sound, the arrow rushed towards Zhang Fei who was close at hand.

Zhang Fei watched Tai Shici bend his bow to aim, and he was already prepared in his heart.The shorter the distance, the greater the lethality. Although Zhang Fei is not good at bows and arrows, the truth is clear.

He knew that this last arrow would definitely be a huge threat, if he was not careful.He could be shot on the spot, and that would be too much play.

Zhang Fei chose to dodge this arrow, and almost at the same time Tai Shici shot the bow and arrow, Zhang Fei lowered his entire upper body and lay on the horse's back.

This strong arrow almost shot past Zhang Fei's head.However, Zhang Fei's gaze was extremely steady, with almost no fluctuations.

"Drink." Over there, Tai Shici raised his bow, picked up the long spear stationed on the ground, and charged towards Zhang Fei.The momentum is not weaker than Zhang Fei.

"Touch." Of course, Zhang Fei is not a vegetarian. Although he was disturbed by the bow and arrow, he still rushed forward with his spear in a hurry. The spear touched Tai Shici's spear. Tai Shici's fierce stab was caught Zhang Fei made a slight deviation.

Stabbed from the side.

Immediately, two war horses crossed and passed by, and they fought together, and there was no winner.

It's a little troublesome to say, but it's just a matter of a moment.From Zhang Fei's formation to Tai Shici's hundreds of steps, he shot ten arrows in a row.

In the end, the two passed each other, almost in the blink of an eye.

But the soldiers from the three sides looked stunned when they went up and down the city.Is Tai Shici great?Of course it is powerful, even if there is not enough time, it can shoot ten arrows.

The speed is faster than an arrow.Almost lightning fast.In particular, he is holding a family heirloom bow with amazing lethality, which is a huge test of his arm strength.

If it was an ordinary general, he might not be able to withstand even an arrow.

Therefore, Tai Shici's attack was fierce, and Zhang Fei's defense was also very good.Ordinary generals would be killed with just one arrow, but he deflected ten of Tai Shici's arrows and shot them in succession.

While the three soldiers were stunned, they all nervously stared in the direction of the two of them, almost without blinking their eyes, not daring to miss this evenly matched battle.

Outsiders see it as straightforward, but only Zhang Fei and Tai Shici know about the suffering.

Just now, Tai Shici used a lot of strength to draw the bow and shoot the arrow, and now he is a little sore and numb.And Zhang Fei also had to defend, Tai Shici's arrows were too fast, and if he was not careful, he might be shot on the spot.

He also put in a lot of effort to fly ten arrows in succession.

"Come again." Zhang Fei just turned his horse's head, faced Tai Shici again, immediately shouted, and rode his horse forward to charge.

On the opposite side, Tai Shici had just transferred over. Seeing Zhang Fei being so arrogant, he was naturally not to be outdone.It's a rush.

"Bang bang bang."

Immediately, under the eyes of the three parties, these two peerless generals staggered left and right, divided or fought, and the sound of weapons clashing was endless.

It was almost too dark to kill.

In an instant, Bai Yuhe passed by.Seeing that the two people's foreheads were covered with sweat, but there was still a tie.

At this moment, the two sides are crossing each other again.

However, this time, both of them had reached a certain level of physical strength, and they didn't immediately flatter their horses to fight again. They just took a silent breath and recovered.

Suddenly, the two of them, who had rested for a while, had a tacit understanding and shouted almost simultaneously, ready to fight again.

But at this moment, Kou Feng's army arrived.

"Woooooooooooooo." Amidst the melodious sound of the horn, a "Chu" flag appeared on the horizon in the distance, and soldiers like Lin Ruyu appeared in front of Tai Shici.

"Let's fight again in the future." Tai Shici immediately tightened the reins of the horse, and shouted at Zhang Fei. He reined in the horse and returned to the formation. The one in the middle bent down beautifully, picked up the precious bow on the ground, and threw a blow at Zhang Fei. Then he led more than a thousand soldiers and returned to the camp.

Kou Feng's Chu Dao is so powerful that it has already been famous all over the world.Tai Shici had been warned several times by Sun Quan's letter, and he had already remembered it in his heart.

Never fight against Kou Feng in the field, at least have to saw the city and defend it.

If Kou Feng hadn't shown great interest in Tai Shici, Zhang Fei wouldn't have led hundreds of people to plan a fighting general and capture Tai Shici alive.

At this time, he wouldn't just watch Tai Shici escape.A single charge of the cavalry would probably leave half of Tai Shici's thousand troops behind.

However, now even Zhang Fei has shown interest in Tai Shici.After all, there are too few people in this world who can rein in their horses and fight him for more than a hundred battles without revealing their defeat.

"Uncle is really too sloppy." Just when Zhang Fei showed some appreciation to Tai Shici's back, Kou Feng rode his horse to Zhang Fei's side and said with a wry smile.

When Zhang Fei led the Qingqi to come one step ahead, he told Kou Feng that the purpose was to lead the cavalry to attack Taishici from the side, so as to relieve the pressure on You County.

Of course Kou Feng also thought it made sense, so he sent Zhang Fei over.But judging from the posture just now, this uncle is really brave and ruthless, and has penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

However, if this is not the case, I am afraid that Zhang Fei's majestic atmosphere despite tens of thousands of people will not be able to support him.

The so-called enemy of ten thousand people does not exist.But the real existence, such as Zhang Fei and Guan Yu.Neng led dozens of cavalry to face Cao Cao's hundreds of thousands of troops, without changing his face.

And after breaking, return.This is the real enemy of all people.

"I wanted to capture him alive, but I didn't want to fail." Zhang Fei said embarrassedly, but there was no shame on his face.

"If you want to kill Tai Shici, the third uncle may take a little time. But if you want to capture him alive, you need at least one more third uncle to do it." Kou Feng shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

If Tai Shici was so easy to catch, then he wouldn't be Tai Shici.In a sense, arresting people is much more difficult than killing people.

"That's true." Zhang Fei thought for a while, and felt that Kou Feng's evaluation was very pertinent. Since the winner cannot be determined in a short time, it can only depend on physical strength.And Zhang Fei felt that his strength was about the same as that of a cow.

Judging by Tai Shici's small arms and legs, he probably doesn't have much staying power.

But if you want to catch it alive, it won't work.Unless the two attack.But Zhang Fei couldn't do the kind of thing where two people pinched one person when they were fighting generals.

Therefore, it is too difficult to capture Tai Shici alive when he wants to fight generals.almost impossible.

"How can we capture him alive? This man has a strong personality. If he fights, he will definitely die willingly." Zhang Fei said, in fact, Zhang Fei met Tai Shici several times in the early years.

When he was in Qingzhou, however, Zhang Fei didn't talk much to Tai Shici at that time.I don't have a deep impression of Tai Shici either.Therefore, during the battle just now, it was Tai Shici who Zhang Fei yelled at.

Instead of Taishi Ziyi.

"Of course it was an ambush." ​​Kou Feng turned around and looked in the direction of Taishi Ci's camp, with a strange look in his eyes.

On the way here, Kou Feng was also struggling with this problem.If Tai Shici cannot be captured alive, how can he be allowed to meet Da Qiao's mother and son?If Da Qiao's mother and son were allowed to take risks before the battle, Kou Feng would not be able to do so.

After all, to instigate rebellion against Tai Shici, one must awaken Tai Shici's loyalty to the former Sun Ce.

So, if you can't capture Tai Shici alive, you can't do anything.

But when Tai Shici saw him retreating sharply, Kou Feng had some plans in mind.It seems that Tai Shici very much does not want to play against him in this team.

why?Elite soldiers?I'm afraid not, the pride of a fierce general like Tai Shici would not admit that his soldiers were not as good as his.

The only one may be Chu Dao.

Only the power of the Chu knife can make Tai Shici retreat without a fight, which is really amazing.In the field, even if [-] Chu troops equipped with Chu knives were to face [-] or [-] Jiangdong soldiers, Kou Feng was confident that he could win.

What's more, according to the information, Tai Shici's soldiers were only seven thousand, and after attacking the city for several days, there might be only five or six thousand soldiers left.

Against his [-] Chu army, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

Therefore, Tai Shici retreated so simply.

Going deeper from this, Kou Feng had some outlines in his mind.The way Sun Quan prepared to counter his offensive was to attack and defend.

An army of [-] to [-], including Li Dian, Quan Cong, and Ling Tong, stationed in Yuzhang to counter the invasion of other bandits.

Tai Shici attacked Changsha with a partial division, luring him to divide his troops to resist, thus reducing the pressure on Yuzhang.According to the plan, Tai Shici may attack You County and An County first, and then advance to Changsha.

If he can win the entire Changsha in one fell swoop, he can establish a defensive circle in Changsha.Even if you are defeated, you can defend Luling if you retreat.

But obviously Tai Shici underestimated the ability of the partial teacher he set up in Changsha, Changsha County Wei Huo Jun.As a famous general who is good at defense, Huo Jun successfully resisted Tai Shici and waited for reinforcements.

Tai Shici now has almost no cities to guard, and he can't compete with the power of the Chu sword, so there is only one way left.That is to retreat to Luling.

With the tall city, strictly guard against death.A small camp is obviously not enough.

Kou Feng could tell from Taishi Ci's resolute retreat just now.This guy is very likely to leave camp overnight tonight.If Kou Feng can move towards the direction of Luling in the east first, the garrison will ambush.

What war is best to fight?Be it ancient or modern.Ambush is the best war to fight.Generally, the advantages are obvious, so it is very possible to capture Tai Shici alive.

"Tai Shici's surname is resolute and decisive. I'm afraid he won't retreat so easily. No matter what, we'll have to fight." Zhang Fei said, not quite believing Kou Feng's words.

If it was him, he would definitely have to fight Kou Feng in a battle.

"It is because of the decisiveness that Tai Shici may retreat tonight. Think about it, when our Chu Dao was born, we beheaded Jiangdong's fierce general Pan Zhang, and then in the battle of Dangyang, we killed Cao Cao's five thousand Tiger and Leopard Cavalry. Everyone is afraid. Tai Shici is undoubtedly a fierce general. He is loyal and treats his soldiers well. He and his army are definitely brave and good at fighting. But in front of our Chu Dao, he must be eclipsed. "

Kou Feng confidently pulled out the Chu Dao from his waist, the blade was glowing with a faint light, and the blade was extremely sharp.

Zhang Fei also has this Chu knife.Since he came under Kou Feng's tent, Kou Feng gave him a handle as a gift.Because of this, Zhang Fei has a deeper understanding of how sharp the Chu knife is.

Think about it, 1 soldiers holding Chu swords bully five or six thousand troops holding spears and ordinary long swords.If he was Tai Shici, he might feel chilled too.

"It's really possible to retreat overnight." Zhang Fei stroked his beard and said thoughtfully.

"It's very possible." Kou Feng replied with a smile.

"Now, let's set up camp first. Let Tai Shici know that we are going to sneak forward and set up an ambush." ​​After a pause, Kou Feng smiled again.

"En." Zhang Fei nodded, expressing his understanding.

Next, Zhang Fei and Chen Da led the crowd to build a camp, and built the camp very close to Youxian County, as if the city and the camp were relying on each other to resist Tai Shici.

There is no shortage of fortifications such as trenches outside the camp gate.

After handing these over to Zhang Fei and Chen Da, Kou Feng led Kou Shui and other hundreds of guards into the city of You County.

"Greetings, my lord." The gates of You County opened wide, and Huo Jun led Zhou Shun and other soldiers to welcome Kou Feng.

Huo Jun and Zhou Shun's faces were a little excited.It has been several years since the last time Jiangxia parted.This was the first time they had seen Kou Feng in several years.

The lord is still the lord, but the power, influence, and prestige have changed drastically.The capital city of Chen Bing, the emperor, was sealed in the land of Chu almost like asking for it, and he was called the Marquis of Chu.

General Feng Zhendong gained the right to Tunza Yangzhou.

A fake festival axe is even more qualified to be treated equally with Cao Cao's prime minister in terms of fame and status.

It can be said that it was a bird in the past, but it is a phoenix today.very different.

The two were so excited that they could hardly contain themselves.

(To be continued)

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