"The two generals are wearing armor, so there is no need to be so polite." Kou Feng also got off his horse, helped Huo Jun up, and Zhou Shun said softly.After a pause, he said again: "The battle of Changsha, the two generals have worked hard."

It has been several years since Huo Jun and Zhou Shun came to Changsha.Especially Zhou Shun, one of the heroes who followed Kou Feng in the army.

If it were placed on ordinary people, at least they would be able to enjoy wealth and honor nowadays, but Kou Feng's three heroes now include Zhou Shun and Chen Gui.

They are all fighting bloody battles outside, and their official positions are not very high.

Seeing Zhou Shun's much older face, Kou Feng felt a little ashamed.

"It's not hard to fight for the lord." The two shook their heads in unison and said.

Kou Feng smiled wryly when he heard the words, but the two of them were sincere, so they didn't plan to say anything else, so as not to chill the hearts of the soldiers.

"This is not a place to talk, follow me into the city first." Kou Feng said to the two.

"No." The two agreed, and hundreds of people gathered in the city immediately poured into You County.

When he came to Youxian City, Kou Feng went straight to Huo Jun's mansion, sat down in the hall, and after talking about the past with the two, he immediately entered the theme.

"Does Zhong Miao have a map of Changsha?" Kou Feng asked.

Kou Feng has a map of Jingchu and a map of Changsha, but it is not as detailed as Huo Jun's map on the front line, and Huo Jun's understanding of Changsha.

To capture Tai Shici alive, he had to ask Huo Jun where is the best place to ambush him.

"Yes." Huo Jun also knew that the urgent thing at the moment was military affairs, so he nodded in response, and went down to get the map himself.

After a while, he hurried back with a map.

Sure enough, when the map was spread on the ground, Kou Feng immediately found that Huo Jun's map was much more detailed than his.

There are not only comprehensive cities, but also some small place names, and some special notes.Such as which place is suitable for stationing troops.

Kou Feng took a few glances, but didn't have much clue for a while.He couldn't help asking Huo Jun: "If Tai Shici retreats into Luling, does Zhong Miao know where is the best place to ambush?"

"My lord, can you predict when Tai Shici will retreat?" Huo Jun was startled when he heard the words, and said.The same is true for Zhou Shun next to him.

"If it's not bad, I'm afraid it will be tonight." Kou Feng nodded and said.

"So, this place is suitable for an ambush." ​​Hearing this, Huo Jun said solemnly, pointing to a blank place on the map.

"Why?" Kou Feng asked.

"The vegetation is luxuriant and it is easy to hide. Moreover, there is only such a road nearby. If Tai Shici really returns to Luling, he must pass through it. It is also the best place to ambush." ​​Huo Jun said.

Huo Jun has guarded Changsha for many years and has done his duty.As for the terrain around Changsha, where is suitable for ambushes, we all know clearly.

This season, only here is the most suitable place to ambush.

"Well, find me a guide later, and we'll ambush Tai Shici here." Kou Feng nodded trustingly and said.

"No." Huo Jun nodded in agreement.

……………… Taishici Camp.

After Tai Shici led his troops back, he ordered the generals in the camp who were above Sima to come to the hall for discussion.Tai Shici is a partial teacher here, so naturally he has no advisers.

General affairs, large and small, are decided by Tai Shici's generals.

"Now You County and An County have not been breached. But Kou Feng has come, with an army of [-]. Although it is somewhat different from our plan, it has also fulfilled the goal of Marquis Wu, and used the attack to attract Kou Feng to divide his troops to attack. I don't know Do you have any hesitation in your mind about how to make the next decision?" Tai Shici sat on the handsome seat with a big horse and a golden knife, although he fought Zhang Fei for more than a hundred rounds, his face was not red, he was not out of breath, but his eyes were bright and bright. God, shot out a stream of light, very energetic.

"Since the mission given by Marquis Wu has been completed, it is natural to retreat and return to Luling. After all, Kou Feng's Chu sword is too powerful. If it is a field battle, or if he comes to attack the camp, we will not be able to bear it." A military commander immediately came out. soundtrack.

"It's time to retreat."

Everyone agreed.

It's not that they are afraid of death, but that Chu Dao's reputation is too great. They are not afraid of death, but they don't want to fight a battle that has no chance of winning.

On the contrary, they have built Luling City for many years, enough to guard it.Ten thousand troops, according to their estimates, may not be able to capture Luling in May or June.

It can be regarded as sharing part of the pressure for Yuzhang and completing the task.

"Okay, then retreat tonight." Tai Shici also had the same thoughts as the generals, and nodded upon hearing this.But he does have to be more decisive.

"What tonight? Is the captain too hasty?" Tai Shici's decisiveness even surprised the generals under him.

"You know the benefits of the Chu sword. If the two armies are equal in number, no one can fight. If you don't retreat now, Kou Feng will attack tomorrow, how can I resist? Withdraw the troops and return to Luling, relying on the city to counter the Kou Feng and share the burden. Yuzhang's pressure, this is how Jiangdong can be preserved." Tai Shici's eyes were full of strange sighs, how powerful Jiangdong was when Sun Ce was alive in the past.

No, only security is left today.

"No." All the generals were taken aback when they heard the words, and then silently agreed.

The situation is stronger than people, without city walls, they are indeed no match for Kou Feng.


Late at night, about an hour before dawn.Tai Shici's army began to gather silently, abandoning supplies and food.

But with the dry food with me, it is enough to return to Luling.

Soon after, the army assembled in the school grounds.Tai Shici was wearing armor, with a bow pinned behind him, and a spear in his hand, riding his horse and standing in front of him.

Behind them lined up are all generals in charge of the army.In the end, there were thousands of soldiers.Even for the soldiers who were injured in the siege of this battle, Tai Shici also ordered a carriage to be resettled, and was going to take them back to Luling for treatment.

"Let's go." Tai Shici took one last look at the empty camp, gave a soft drink, and led thousands of soldiers towards the vast night.

Retreat without fighting, and Kou Feng is at the front.

Naturally, Tai Shici and all the soldiers were a little relaxed, and after marching for about an hour, the sky was already bright.

Tai Shici took the lead, bathing in the sun, feeling a little warm.

However, when he thought of returning to Luling, he might face Kou Feng's fierce attack, Tai Shici's heart became serious again.

Although there is a city as a backing, Kou Feng is still not easy to fight.

Just like Jiangling, Xiangyang, and Xu Huang and Yujin, who occupied these two fortified cities, they were all defeated, and they were defeated overnight.

Kou Feng is not easy to defend.

At this moment, in the dense vegetation ahead, Kou Feng, Zhang Fei, Chen Da, Kou Shui and others led five thousand elite soldiers, quietly ambush.

In order to prevent missing time, Kou Feng ordered five thousand generals not long after dark, led Zhang Fei, Chen Da and others, quietly copied the difficult path, bypassed Tai Shici's camp, and came Arrived here to ambush.

Since the ambush, Kou Feng ordered the soldiers to remain silent.I was also afraid that if there was any movement, Tai Shici would be scared away.

At this moment, Kou Feng was wearing armor, but it didn't keep warm at all.The morning dew slowly dripped and flowed from the collar.

Kou Feng's underwear was almost wet.I feel uncomfortable all over my body.But Kou Feng didn't move at all, he just stared straight ahead.

Waiting for Tai Shici's arrival.

"Da da, da da." When the crisp sound of horseshoes sounded, Kou Feng's spirit was shaken, and he immediately became cautious.

Although he tried his best to observe, he still didn't dare to make any noise.Afraid of disturbing Tai Shici.

The area where Kou Feng is located is about the middle reaches of the entire army's ambush.If Tai Shici entered in front of him, it would be the best time to attack.

Kou Feng lay in ambush, motionless.Soon, Tai Shici appeared in front of Kou Feng, with a strong horse on his crotch, and a great general at once.

Ling Lie's aura made people dare not look directly at him.

Staring at Tai Shici's figure, Kou Feng felt solemn.This fierce general is not easy to capture, he may lead the remnants to break through, and he may also die on the spot.

You have to be careful with it.

"Kill." When Kou Feng felt that it was almost the same, he let out a low growl.Following Kou Feng's signal, the large-scale archers lying in ambush in the grass on both sides of the road immediately poured the arrows they had prepared in their hands towards Tai Shici's army in the road.

Because of Kou Feng's confession, Tai Shici was not the target.But the soldiers under his tent suffered disaster.In almost one face-to-face meeting, 200 people were killed.

Wounded and wailed, countless.

Suddenly, the army was in chaos.

"Calm down, calm down." Tai Shici reined in his horse and stood up while shouting, "Zhang Fei, come out."

Although Tai Shici didn't understand, why someone would lie in ambush here first because of his motives.But for the person in ambush, he immediately thought of it.

Besides Zhang Fei, Kou Feng, etc., who else here can come up with such a large-scale army.

There was great hatred in his heart, so Tai Shici's voice was full of tyranny.

Seeing Tai Shici name and name, Zhang Fei felt a surge of impulse in his heart, but he looked at the direction of Kou Feng's ambush, and stopped immediately.

Along the way, Kou Feng repeatedly told him to calm down and calm down.Don't go out to fight with Tai Shici, lest the two tigers fight and cause casualties.

Therefore, even if Zhang Fei is a fierce tiger, he has to be a cat now.No one responded to Tai Shici, only arrows poured out.

After two rounds, some generals under Kou Feng's tent led the ambush troops to fight out.To kill Taishi Cijun who was already in disarray.

As the saying goes, taking advantage of your illness will kill you, and ambush is chaos.

"Kill." Amidst the shout of killing soaring to the sky, countless soldiers, holding the Chu knife that made Jiangdong's face change, rushed towards Taishi Cijun brazenly.

"Rush out, rush out." Seeing that Zhang Fei didn't respond to him, and seeing Kou Feng's ambush soldiers rushing out, Tai Shici put an end to his desire to fight Zhang Fei to resolve the war.

He immediately changed his strategy and planned to rush out.If you wait for the ambush to be in place.Even if Tai Shici paid for it himself, he was not confident that he could lead his troops out of the ambush circle.

(To be continued)

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