Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 648 Meeting in a narrow road

Yamagoshi, a gentry.

It is Jiangdong's confidant's serious trouble over the years.

Sun Quan suppressed the Shanyue people and wooed the gentry.Only then did he secure the position of the Lord of Jiangdong.

However, it was very difficult for Sun Quan to suppress the Shanyue people. Most of the Shanyue people hid in the deep mountains.

But if they don't go deep into the mountains, they will explode at the most critical time.Surprise attack on the rear of Jiangdong.And it's also very loose.

It doesn't mean that it can be wiped out if it can be wiped out.

But now the Shanyue people have automatically walked out of the deep mountains, and they have also merged into three groups, and 10 people came to attack.This is really good news for Kou Feng.

As long as it hits head-on this time, these 20 Shanyue people will be defeated.Plus last time, the Shanyue people that Zhou Yu wiped out.Even if Kou Feng does not send troops again, I am afraid that the Shanyue people will not be able to recover their vitality in ten or twenty years.

"Call Pang Shiyuan over immediately."

After being pleasantly surprised, Kou Feng immediately said to Kou Shui.

"No." Kou Shui responded and walked out immediately.Seeing Kou Feng's happy face, Kou Shui didn't dare to neglect, and quickly left the camp, heading towards the Pangtong camp in the west of Yuzhang City.

At present, Kou Feng's army of more than [-] people outside Yuzhang City is based on the second room in the northwest. Kou Feng personally sits at the mouth of the lake in the north to ensure the smooth flow of water, and to know the situation in the city, so as to prevent Quan Cong and his large-scale army from mobilizing to Moling for rescue.

And Pang Tong sat in the west, guarding against Quan Cong's army.

When Kou Shui came here, he said it was after Kou Feng summoned him.Pang Tong made arrangements for precautions, and then he got up and came to the mouth of the lake.

"My lord, what's the rush to call me here?" Pang Tong came to Hukou, went straight into the tent of the Chinese army, and saluted Kou Feng.

"The mountain is getting closer. There are hundreds of thousands of people." Kou Feng smiled and handed the few volumes of urgent reports in his hand to Pang Tongdao.

"Oh?" Pang Tong took it in a little surprise, and finished reading it in a while.Smiling, he raised his head and said to Kou Feng: "Sun Ce, Sun Quan repeatedly attacked Shanyue to consolidate Jiangdong. I don't want to partner with Shanyue now to preserve Jiangdong."

"Hehe." Kou Feng chuckled, really seeing the same thing.This thing is also considered weird.

However, people always have to go crazy before dying.It is common sense for Sun Quan to unite with Sanyue.

"I plan to lead 3 horse infantry troops, and defeat the [-] people. I just don't know, can Shi Yuan take care of the [-] troops in this city?" Immediately, Kou Feng said solemnly.

Originally, Kou Feng deployed about [-] people outside the city to deter Quan Cong and them in the city so that they would not dare to send troops without authorization.

But now that Kou Feng has taken away 5000 people, the situation is more mysterious.

"Your Majesty, go by yourself. I will arrange it." Pang Tong said very confidently.

"Okay. Then I will destroy the [-] mountains first, and create a bright future for Jiangdong." Kou Feng laughed when he saw Pang Tong's confidence.

Immediately, Kou sealed the handwriting, making Pang Tong the commander-in-chief of the whole army, and led more than 5000 troops to frighten the defenders of Yuzhang City.He summoned Huang Zhong and Tai Shici himself, and led [-] horse infantry.

First attack the mountain commander Da Lu who came from Linchuan.

……………… Yuzhang City.

During this period, Quan Cong, Li Dian, Zhou Tai and others have all settled down a lot.Kou Feng's momentum is too strong. Although they have 7 people, their morale is not high.After losing for a while, morale plummeted even more.

There is really no way to compete with Kou Feng.

I had to honestly wait for news from Shanyue.

When Kou Feng received the news from Shanyue, Quan Cong and the others had already received the news.

Li Dian, Quan Cong, and Zhou Tai were all in the tent of the Chinese army under Li Dian.

All three of them had happy expressions on their faces, and they were very strong.

"A total of 11 to [-] people is really unexpected." Quan Cong sighed, and it was indeed a sigh. They repeatedly conquered Shanyue, but they did not subdue Shanyue, but some of Cao Cao's seals and letters.

Can mobilize so many Shanyue people to make trouble.

However, at this moment, Quan Cong didn't feel any resentment in his heart, instead, he was full of joy.What a life-saver.

"If it weren't for the fact that Shanyue is too widely distributed, and some are even in deep valleys, it would be too difficult to contact, otherwise there would be more." Li Dian said with a smile on his face.

It's a strange thing.

In the past, Cao Cao, Sun Quan, and Shanyue were all sworn enemies.Now they are sitting together to fight against the prestige of Kou Feng.The lips are cold and the teeth are dead, this ancient principle is indeed correct.

"Now that the mountain is moving, Kou Feng will definitely not be able to sit still. Shall we also move? Take the opportunity to kill Kou Feng?" Zhou Taicong suggested.

"Don't be in a hurry." Li Dian shook his head and said.

"Originally, Gan Ning and Zhang Fei attacked Moling. Although Moling was guarded by Lu Meng, it was very difficult. But now there is a Shanyue army with [-] troops and it is going straight to Moling. Presumably, the danger of Moling can be solved. The other two routes, then Reinforce us in Yuzhang. If Kou Feng moves, he will definitely have to fight. After Kou Feng and Shanyue have fought, it will not be too late for us to move again."

At the beginning, Cao Caoguang gave Shanyue an official position, sealed the letter, and wooed them to deal with Sun Quan.But now it is different, they want to use Shanyue people to attack Kou Feng.

At the same time, Cao Cao also hoped that Sun Quan's Jiangdong would be more stable.

Now, let Kou Feng and Shanyue go to fight, it is time to sit and watch the mountains and tigers fight.

"What Man Cheng said is true. Besides, if we go out of the city to fight, I'm afraid we won't be the opponent of the Chu army." The words were a bit sharp, but what Quan Cong said was not wrong.

The morale of the current Cao-Sun Alliance is low, and it is not Kou Feng's opponent.Go out and fight, you will lose.

At this moment, a guard came to report that Kou Feng's army had moved.In the Hukou area, there were 4 to [-] horse infantry troops, heading south.

"5000 people? Then there are only [-] to [-] troops left outside the city."

Li Dian, Quan Cong, and Zhou Yu looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.The Chu army was already strong, and their superiority in numbers overwhelmed them even more.

Now there are 8 to [-] people, which is equal to the defenders in Yuzhang City.Somewhat relieved their stress.

"Let's look at Kou Feng's struggle with Shanyue first." Li Dian said with a smile on his face, feeling like he was holding a pearl of wisdom.

Hundreds of thousands of people, if Kou Feng wants to wipe out this group of people, he will have to hurt his muscles and bones.

………… Linchuan is about a thousand miles away from Yuzhang City.

In Jiangdong, it can be regarded as a big city.

Please report that General Shanyue led his troops to gather northward from here, but it is not true, Shanyue lives in the deep mountains, basically has nothing to do with Linchuan City.The city belongs to Jiangdong Sun Quan.

Because the purpose this time was to defeat the Kou Feng, they did not go to loot Linchuan either.Instead, they headed directly north, intending to advance to Yuzhang City and compete with Kou Feng for supremacy.

At this moment, this group of Shanyue soldiers with 5 to [-] soldiers is walking on the road between Yuzhang and Linchuan.

The Shanyue people, like the general Jiangdong people, are somewhat shorter than those in the north, but they are very capable.Because of the hardships in the deep mountains, Shanyue people are stronger and darker than Jiangdong people.

The foot strength is also more outstanding.

This group of 5 to [-] Shanyue soldiers walked together, with an unruly aura that almost soared to the sky.

At the forefront of the army, a large flag was erected.On it is the Chinese character "General Fubo."

General Fubo.It was this Shanyue commander who took the title of general awarded by Cao Cao in his early years.

Under the banner, there was a dark man galloping away, with a steed under his crotch and a huge sword at his waist.It's just bold.

Ta Lun is the commander of a huge tribe in Shanyue, who defeated all the heroes of Shanyue with a single blow.He is the most vocal warrior in Yamagoshi.

The appearance of Da Lu is almost the same as that of the Han people, but the clothes he wears are slightly different. The rebelliousness in his eyes is unique to ethnic minorities, and it is also the biggest difference between Da Lu and Han people.

"Commander, it is rumored that the Chu army is strong, and now there are [-] people attacking Yuzhang. They beat Jiangdong Sun Quan and Cao General Li Dian to the ground. We must be more cautious this time." Next to him, there was an older middle-aged man who was Da Lu's uncle and a military adviser.

"Hahaha, the Chu army is strong. Can we be as strong as our Shanyue people?" Da Lu laughed loudly and said disdainfully.

Regardless of Zhou Yu's repeated battles with the Shanyue people, they always have the upper hand.But when it comes to fighting, Shanyue is the one who has the upper hand.

The Shanyue soldiers who can endure hardships and stand hard work are much, much more powerful than Jiangdong.

From Ta Lu's point of view, the Chu army was able to beat Sun Quan and Li Dian so hard that they couldn't lift their heads, at most they were on par with the Shanyue soldiers.But his self-confidence told him that the Shanyue soldiers must be more fierce than the Chu soldiers.

As for the Han people, they just have more conspiracies and tricks.

If it weren't for the conspiracy and tricks of the Han people, this Jiangdong must belong to their Shanyue people.

Da Lu felt a little resentful in his heart.

"Marshal, it's different this time." The military adviser wanted to persuade him again.This time, the military division also agreed to send troops.After all, Sun Quan was strong enough, and he repeatedly attacked Shanyue, which consumed a lot of Shanyue people.

But such a powerful Sun Quan was still beaten by Kou Feng. If Kou Feng became the master of Jiangdong, how would the Shanyue people survive?

In addition, Cao general Li Dian was circling among them, so they sent troops.

But sending troops strategically is one thing, but fighting tactically is another.

"Hmph, don't say any more. I know how to increase the momentum of others and destroy my own." Ta Lu said very unhappy.Moreover, he pulled out the huge sword at his waist, raised it and said: "If you encounter Kou Feng, you will be chopped off with one knife."

"Cut off Kou Feng." Excited light burst out in Da Dao's eyes, who is Kou Feng?According to the rumors, Jiang Dong was beaten to the brink of death by a character who was defeated by a hero.

Cao Cao was dealt a fatal blow by Kou Feng, and he still hasn't recovered.

If Kou Feng is cut off, his prestige will definitely increase greatly.At that time, command all the soldiers and plot to seize Jiangdong.Make yourself king.Kill all Han men and rob all Han women.

Restore the glory of the ancient Yue kingdom.

Ancient Yue Kingdom.Although there is no written language in Shanyue, the Ancient Yue Kingdom really existed.It is passed down from generation to generation from the mouth of the elders.

Thinking of the glory of the ancient Yue Kingdom in ancient times, Da Lu became very excited.

At that time, Jiangdong was the boundary of the ancient Yue State, and the Han people were just small tribes along the Yellow River.

"Marshal, some brothers found signs of Chu army activities ahead." At this moment, a spy reported back.

"How many people?" Ta Lu asked.

"About 4 to [-] people are lining up."

"Kill over there." With a grin on Da Lu's face, he howled loudly.

An army of 4 to 5 Han Chinese.Can it stop the Shanyue soldiers of [-] to [-]?

One of the fierce Shanyue soldiers can deal with another Han soldier.

"Kill." After Ta Lu gave an order, [-] to [-] Shanyue soldiers uttered a cry of killing in unison, and the crowd rushed towards the north with enthusiasm.

(To be continued)

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