Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 649 With a flick of a finger, tens of thousands of soldiers are destroyed

About ten miles away to the north, there are lofty mountains on both sides, which can be said to be high mountains and dense forests.One of the roads leads directly to the north.

Kou Feng personally led the army, stationed in the middle of the road.The Shuai flag with the word "Chu" next to it is very majestic.

Huang Zhong and Tai Shici were lying in ambush in the dense forest on both sides.

Kou Feng has never heard of the handsome and rugged mountain.But on the eve of going south, I also asked some officials who knew the Shanyue people.

This one is rough and fierce and easy to kill, while other Shanyue are plundering population and resources.He only plundered women and plundered resources.

Men, the elderly, and children among the population will all be killed.

Bring back only women.It can be said to be a racial madman.

After hearing this, Kou Feng couldn't help but want to tear him up.Because they are the same kind of people, if Kou Feng himself is also a Han Chinese supremacy, he can be said to be very repulsive to foreigners.

This is from the fact that he has repeatedly recruited the strong Shanyue people under his rule to go north to join the army. After taking time out of the strong Shanyue people, almost only old people, children, and women are left.You can see it.

Kou Feng is planning and realizing it.Use Han men to reclaim Shanyue women.And use Shanyue's men to join the army to fight.This extreme method guarantees the purity of Han blood.

As the same kind of people, Kou Feng certainly regards Da Lu as his mortal enemy.

In fact, it stands to reason that such a person should be the first branch of Shanyue that Zhou Yu wiped out, because the danger is too great.But on the contrary, this guy usually hides in the mountains.

When Zhou Yu came, he left, and when Zhou Yu left, he got up to burn, kill and loot.

And it's extremely ferocious, even if it doesn't retreat.It can also be matched with Zhou Yu's kill.Very brave.This is the characteristic of Shan Yuebing.

However, the mountains are his home field.Kou Feng might not be able to do anything to him in the mountains.But alas.

"A fierce tiger in the mountains will also meet a lion in Africa." Kou Feng stood up on his horse with an extremely relaxed expression.

To deal with such a fierce character, as long as you use a little strategy, you can meet and defeat him.

He even said that Kou Feng was useless.

His spies were widely distributed in Jiangdong. After Shanyue erupted, Kou Feng's spies concentrated on these three Shanyue branches.Among them, the first to deal with is naturally the most important.

His route and everything are under Kou Feng's close surveillance.

When Kou Feng arrived here, he ordered ambush soldiers to stand beside him.When the spies from both sides contacted, the ambush did not move.Kou Feng himself pretended to have just arrived and started to line up.

It is estimated that some Han generals with IQ would not be fooled by this kind of strategy.But the kind of Shanyue people who hide in the mountains all year round.

Kou Feng decided to give it a try, even if it didn't work, he could fight head-on.With the advantage of Chu Dao, Kou Feng's army is enough to rule the southeast.

Although the Shanyue soldiers are fierce, Kou Feng is confident that he can defeat him head-on.And it's a big win.

"My lord, that Talun has already accelerated." At this time, a spy came to report.

"Continue to monitor." Kou Feng ordered.

"No." The spy replied and left immediately.

Ten miles, three miles, two miles.

After the spies reported again and again, Kou Feng finally saw the legendary Shanyue madman.

Kou Feng never underestimated the ferocity and ferocity of the Shanyue soldiers.But when I actually saw it, I was still taken aback.

Although the equipment is simple, but this group of Shanyue people stood in front, with a ferocious aura like wild beasts, shining straight into the sky.

"Hahaha, who is General Chu?" Ta Gun took the lead and shouted.

"Tell him, Kou Feng is here." Kou Feng turned his head and said to Kou Shui beside him.

"Promise." Kou Shui responded, stepped forward a little, and shouted: "Chuhou, General Zhendong is here. You barbarians, you will be captured before your hands are tied."

Kou Feng?Da Lu was also taken aback. He thought it was just a Chu general, but he didn't expect Kou Feng to be here in person.But after being taken aback, Da Lu immediately became furious.

Barbarians, barbarians.

When we were in the ancient Yue Kingdom, you Han people were just small tribes in the Central Plains.

"Crazy man, I will kill you today to sacrifice the flag." Ta Lu blushed suddenly, his neck was thick, he yelled, and killed him with a knife.

"Whoosh whoosh."

At this moment, Taishi Ci and Huang Zhong's arrows, who were hiding in the forest not far away, hit him.

The mountains and forests on both sides are a hundred steps away from Dalong, and ordinary people can't shoot it.But this is very convenient for Tai Shici and Huang Zhong.

It's just that the power is indeed slightly weaker.

The Shanyue people are hunters in the mountains, and they are very sensitive to danger.He jumped over and immediately hid under the horse.

"There are ambushes on both sides, first rush to kill Kou Feng's formation. Kill him." Just as Ta Lun hid under the horse, several arrows flew past. If it wasn't for Ta Lun's quick response, he might have become a hedgehog.

"I don't think Shanyue people are very sensitive." In the forest, Huang Zhong slightly shook his head regretfully.One is that the ride is rough and sensitive, and the other is that it is too far away.

It's all over a hundred.

"Kill." The Shanyue soldiers saw that their general was attacked, all of them were furious, shouting to kill and rushed up.

Like a pack of wolves attacking fiercely, that fierce flame is rare among the enemies Kou Feng encountered.No wonder they were killed so easily. Even if they were ambushed, they would probably continue to fight.Has little effect.

Self-proclaimed bravery.

"Blow the horn." But would Kou Feng be afraid?With a sneer, Kou Feng ordered.

"Woo woo woo." Amidst the sound of horns, Tai Shici left and right, and Huang Zhong led the army to fight out from the forest.

"Kill." The cry of killing was loud.

If the ferocious flames of the Mountain Yue soldiers are wolves, then the ferocious flames of the Chu army are the descending tigers.Invincible and invincible, the invincible Han army.

If the Shanyue soldiers are tigers, then the Chu army is a group of lions.

Shanyue soldiers, relying on their bravery, are not afraid of ambushes.But the pack of wolves meets the pack of tigers.There will always be a price to pay.

"Hmph, the Han people really have a lot of conspiracies." However, Ta Lu didn't feel this difference. He watched two armies rushing out from both sides, as if they were encircled.

But there is no surprise on his face, and he has fought more with the Han people.Da Lu has suffered many times, that guy Zhou Yu is too powerful.

He can only hide in the mountains.

A simple strategy like Kou Feng cannot compare with Zhou Yu's wisdom at all.Therefore, when the Dao Han people really conspired, he also nakedly showed his disdain for Kou Feng's simple strategy.

"It seems that there are only tens of thousands of people, tearing them apart." Da Lu touched his chin and thought for a moment, then roared.

When the two armies are at war, one Shanyue soldier can withstand two Han soldiers.

This is the conclusion that Takao came to after fighting with Jiangdong generals over the years.

"Kill." Similarly, the Shanyue soldiers were also very confident. Such a simple strategy, wrong, is not considered a strategy, but a small trap.

Now the two armies meet and fight hand to hand.Their Shanyue soldiers are invincible.

Numerous Shanyue soldiers raised their crude weapons and charged at Kou Feng's army with grim smiles.

Just like Ta Lun ordered, use the greatest force to attack Kou Feng's main formation, and ignore the ambushes on both sides.

As long as Kou Feng is beheaded, everything will be over.

Da Gang licked his slightly dry lips, thinking grinningly.

But the next moment, the smile on Da Gang's face froze.

Just like there are no tigers in the mountains, monkeys can be called kings.Only when the tiger does not meet the lion can it rule the roost.

But when a tiger suddenly came from the mountain, the monkeys had no choice but to fall down and scatter.And when a tiger meets a lion, it must be torn to pieces.

Are the Mountain Yue soldiers fierce?Very ferocious.Zhou Yu's Jiangdong soldiers and Shanyue soldiers would not be as exaggerated as a one-to-two fight head-on, but it is certain that they will suffer.

Especially when we met on the mountain road.Zhou Yu may be defeated.

But Kou Feng's army met Zhou Yu's army and fought head-on, one against three.The benefit of the Chu knife is even more unrivaled in the world.

Therefore, when the Shanyue soldiers rushed to the handsome flag with the word "Chu" sitting in the middle of the road, it was almost a face-to-face encounter, and a row of Shanyue people were cut down by the Chu soldiers.

"Kill." The Chu soldiers held blood-stained Chu knives one by one, like a tiger that had just licked the blood, and killed the pack of wolves.

"Kill, kill, kill." At this time, Tai Shici and Huang Zhong's ambush soldiers had also engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the Shanyue soldiers, without saying a word, they chopped down a large area of ​​Shanyue people.

It is even more dizzying than when the Shanyue soldiers abused Zhou Yu's army in the deep mountains.

"How is it possible, you didn't eat. Give me some strength." Ta Lun hadn't accepted the reality for a while, and felt that the mountain guards were not exerting enough force, so he was furious and yelled.

The majesty of the voice was almost clearly audible on this tragic battlefield.

But his Shanyue soldiers didn't listen to him this time, and they couldn't feel it from the momentum. Only when the two armies were really fighting, could they feel the strength of the Chu army.

The Chu army is also completely different from the Jiangdong soldiers commanded by Zhou Yu back then. Their ferocity is comparable to that of a tiger, and their Chu sword is as fast as lightning.

Their desire to attack surpassed that of the Shanyue soldiers.Completely defeated the Shanyue soldiers.

"Kill, kill, kill." When the two armies met, it was not that one Shanyue soldier could cut down two Chu soldiers as Ta Lu imagined, but that one Chu soldier could cut down five Shanyue soldiers.

"Kill, kill, kill." The more you kill, the more victorious you will be, and the more powerful you will be.

Within a short time of the encounter, the Shanyue soldiers left thousands of corpses.There are 5 to [-] people waiting to be slaughtered.

"How is it possible, how is it possible. You bastards who haven't eaten yet." Da Lu's eyes were completely red, with a look of complete disbelief on his face, he yelled again and again, brandishing a long knife and rushed over.

It's not so much unbelief, but in fact, I can't believe it, and the timid one can't believe it.

Only the fierce soldiers of Shanyue can maintain the current situation of dominating half of Jiangdong.If the Chu army is really so powerful, will the Shanyue people still have a way out?

No, absolutely not.

As a racist, Da Lu absolutely couldn't believe such a thing.So, kill it.He rushed up with a wild knife.

"The army of Chu is really tough and unusual." Da Lu's military adviser, that is, his uncle, was already ashen-faced at this moment.

Ambush or not does not matter.Because the Shanyue soldiers are not like the Han army, they will be in chaos when they encounter an ambush.When the Shanyue soldiers were besieged by wolves, they could still fight like trapped beasts.

It was a tenacious character cultivated in fighting wild beasts in the deep mountains all the year round, and he was brave and ruthless.

But tens of thousands of people met and fought, and the Shanyue people were almost defeated when they met each other.This can only be said that the Chu army is too strong, too strong for the Shanyue soldiers to deal with.

(To be continued)

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