The Shanyue soldiers are persevering and even more aggressive.Even if the beast is still fighting, it is impressive.

But at this moment, it is no longer considered a cornered beast.

It was one-sided carnage.The Chu soldiers cooperated with each other and slaughtered the poorly equipped Shanyue soldiers one by one with the power of the Chu knife, as quickly as a professional butcher.

The trapped beast is still fighting, which makes people's morale high and becomes extremely fierce.

But under the massacre, people can only become desperate.

That's the case with the Shan Yuebing.

Taking the lead, he was still unable to withstand the attack of the Chu army, and was eventually hacked to death by the Chu army.

All the remaining Shanyue soldiers were either massacred or surrendered on their knees, begging for their lives.

In the deep mountains, like wolves and tigers, the Shanyue soldiers who were almost overwhelming Jiangdong were killed by Kou Feng at this moment tens of thousands.

At this moment, the Chu army's offensive has gradually slowed down.Instead of massacring the Mountain Rangers who knelt and surrendered, they began to deal with the aftermath.

From the beginning of fighting to the current massacre.

The handsome flag with the word "Chu" has not been moved at all, Kou Feng is standing under the flag, and no Shanyue soldiers can surpass it.


Kou Feng raised his head and glanced at the corpses of countless Mountain Yue soldiers in front of him. It is estimated that one-third of them were killed or injured.It is indeed a blood surname, and it is extremely ferocious.

But unfortunately.Kou Feng turned his head and glanced at his soldiers.

The Shanyue people hide in the deep mountains, lay an ambush, and make a sneak attack, which is first-rate.But on flat ground, in frontal fighting.It is impossible to change from a barbarian to a civilized person.

Their manufacturing techniques are probably not as good as those of the prairie people.

"My lord, take a rough head." Huang Zhong came over on his horse, holding a bloody head, and said to Kou Feng.

Kou Feng looked up, his eyes were red, and he looked extremely unwilling.

This is the man known as the butcher of Shanyue.

"Hang up." Kou Feng said in a very indifferent voice.

"Promise." Huang Zhong agreed, and ordered someone to find a pole and hang the Shanyue Butcher's head on it.

"My lord, this is Da Lu's uncle, and he is also a military advisor." At this time, Tai Shici also had a harvest, and he walked over with Da Lu's military advisor, smiling.

"Greetings to the Marquis of Chu." The military adviser Bootedun hid behind the battle formation, so he escaped with his life, but he looked very embarrassed, with disheveled hair and some dirt on his body.

After seeing Kou Feng, he trembled in fear.

Too strong, too strong.

The strength of the Chu army gave Shudun a feeling of encountering heavenly soldiers. You must know that their army can defeat the Shanyue soldiers of Zhou Yu's army in the deep mountains.

By now, Shoeton felt like he was in a dream.

After seeing Kou Feng, Xue Dun was even more so.Although this young Marquis of Chu just stood there, his majesty was unmatched.

This is not a majesty that can be formed by a simple and heroic appearance.

This is from the armor, gaze, momentum, and the momentum of being in the top position for a long time.The majesty of the city is blended.Even if ordinary people want to imitate, it is impossible.

Standing in front of Kou Feng, Xue Dun realized what is called majesty.

There is almost an illusion of not being able to lift your head.If Shudun hadn't suffered a defeat, it would certainly not be so unbearable.But it happened that they lost the battle, and they lost so badly.

So I felt that Kou Feng in front of him had a special majesty, and rushed towards him like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, making him unable to stand still.

Kou Feng glanced at Bootton and felt a little disappointed, this handsome uncle was too miserable.

But at this moment, it seems that this person has the highest status.Can't help treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"These people, can you order them?" Kou Feng glanced at the captured Shanyue soldiers and said.

"Yes." Boot Dun was taken aback at first, and then he was overjoyed, nodding his head again and again.

Now that he is defeated, life and death are all in the hands of this young Chuhou.And the meaning revealed by Chu Hou will also be used by him.How could this make Shudun unhappy?

"Kill all the seriously injured, and bandage the slightly injured. Let's go to Xindu." Kou Feng turned his head and said to Huang Zhong beside him.

That indifferent tone made Boots feel cold all of a sudden.

After a while, he said to his boots again: "Order them to pick up weapons and lead the way for me."

"No." Booton quickly responded.

A moment later, under the angry and helpless eyes of countless Shanyue soldiers, Huang Zhong personally led the army to kill all the seriously injured Shanyue soldiers, deal with the corpses, and bandage the less injured people.

Kou Feng's army headed towards Xindu non-stop.

Shanyue has a total of [-] people in three groups, and now one route has been destroyed by Kou Feng.Naturally, he wanted to find trouble for the next road. The leader of Shanyue on the Xindu side was Fengshui, who belonged to the Han people.

More cautious, cunning.Although troops have been dispatched, they are moving slowly. According to reports from spies, they are still wandering around the Xindu area.

plundering people.

Kou Feng didn't care much about the Shanyue people along the way.Today's battle made Kou Feng understand the Shanyue soldiers.The Shanyue people who have left the mountain are tigers who have lost their minions.

In addition to the commendable courage, whether it is military discipline or equipment, they are far behind.Nothing to be afraid of.

What's more, Fengshui automatically wandered around Xindu to plunder the population, and did not send troops to threaten their army.There is no threat at all.

It's just lunch.

But the Shanyue army on the other road made Kou Feng a little anxious.

Kunfeng of Yuhang has [-] soldiers from the mountains.Currently advancing rapidly to Moling.

Gan Ning and Zhang Fei's army also has 5000 soldiers. If they meet alone, they are enough to defeat the Shanyue soldiers.But there is Moling City next to it, and what is even more worrying is that Lu Meng is also there.

That guy who moves like a tiger and is as quiet as a fox is definitely not easy to deal with.

If it drags on for too long, it may really capsize in the gutter.Therefore, Kou Feng's next step was to rush to Moling, and successfully slaughtered the [-] mountain Yue soldiers in Fengshui.

And if you kill the enemy head-on, your own losses will be relatively large.The Chu army was right just now, but there were thousands of casualties on its own side.

Not many died, but many were injured.

That's why Kou Feng asked the captured Shanyue soldiers to take up weapons and serve as pioneers.It is used to drive away tigers and wolves.

As for whether he can hold the scene, Kou Feng didn't care much.

After the battle just now, no matter whether it was the Shanyue soldiers or the military strategist, they were probably terrified of the Chu army's combat power.Let them come back to fight the Chu army, it is better to have a good fight with the [-] Shanyue soldiers in Fengshui who are also Shanyue.

After all, although a pack of wolves is afraid of tigers, they may not be afraid of another pack of wolves.

Xindu is a big city.

But the land is vast and sparsely populated, and only the popularity in the city is slightly stronger.In fact, not only Xindu, but the entire Jiangdong area is sparsely populated.

It was all caused by years of fighting with Shanyue.

Destroy each other, fight each other.

At this moment, in response to Li Dian's call, [-] troops were sent to Yuzhang to reinforce Li Dian's Fengshui, but he led his troops outside the new capital to plunder the people and population.

Except for Xindu because the city was too tall, most of the nearby counties were conquered by Fengshui.

Fengshui is different from Takun, Takun is a purebred Yamakoshi.And Fengshui is Han people, they live in the deep mountains, and they are named after the Han people.With the situation of the clan, it is in charge of countless Han people and Shanyue people.

Feng Shui sent troops this time, saying he was responding to Li Dian, but in fact he was planning for himself.At present, the three forces in Jiangdong are competing, isn't it a good time for the fisherman to benefit?

As a Yamagoshi, it's impossible not to be greedy.Fengshui has long coveted the people inside and outside the new capital city.He came this time to rob the entire Xindu.

To make up for the loss that Zhou Yu brought to him when he attacked Shanyue last time.

Feng Shui is a middle-aged man, dressed in the standard Han style, with a crown on his head.It looks like a literati.

Thinking of Zhou Yu, Feng Shui couldn't help being angry and gloating at the same time.

What is angry is that Zhou Yu wiped out countless people under his tent in the last crusade against Shanyue.Fortunately, I heard that Zhou Yu had been sealed off in Xiangyang by the Chu Hou Kou.

It's really a drink and a peck, the strong is even the strong.

So, Feng Shui didn't want to have a real confrontation with Kou Feng.He couldn't beat Zhou Yu, so he was forced to hide in the deep mountains to prevent Zhou Yu from going further.

For Kou Feng who killed Zhou Yu, isn't he looking for abuse?

At this moment, on a flat ground more than a hundred miles away from Xindu, [-] mountain Yue soldiers who met the water were stationed here.There are tens of thousands of looted civilians in the rest.

Feng Shui plans to go home.

"Common people go first, we'll leave the rear." Feng Shui said to a subordinate general.

"No." The general responded, and immediately went down to make arrangements.

Moments later, tens of thousands of people, driven by the Yue soldiers of Shuqian Mountain, showed sorrow, or simply walked to the mountains not far away with tears streaming down their faces.

Although Fengshui is a Han Chinese, his way of ruling is no different from that of ordinary Shanyue people.After these people entered the deep mountains, they became the second-class people in the deep mountains.


"Marshal Bao Zong, there is news from the rear. There is a Shanyue soldier rushing towards this side." Just as Feng Shui wanted to raise the rear army, he also left.But some spies rushed to report.

"Whose soldier?" Feng Shui asked with a nervous look on his face.

"Looking at the banner, it should be bold." The spies reported again.

"Ta Lu?" A look of doubt appeared on Feng Shui's face. They were all recruited by Li Dian. During the [-] troops from Shanyue this time, everyone knew the basics.

Ta Lun led his troops to the north to rescue Yuzhang.Same as his mission.But after he robbed the people in Xindu, he planned to pat his ass and leave.

Could it be that Ta Lu knew that he had broken his promise and entered Yuzhang without an entourage.And lead troops to retaliate?

Thinking that everyone is Shan Yue, fierce and powerful.Da Lu is also a famous warrior in the mountains.Feng Shui's heart suddenly felt cold, and he was about to order to speed up and leave.

The spies continued: "However, they don't seem to have many soldiers, only about [-] to [-]. And the young ones saw that many of them were wounded."

There were four or five people in Dabang, but now there are only [-] to [-] left, and many of them are injured.

defeated army.These two words immediately appeared in Feng Shui's mind.

Isn't this the time to grow and develop?

"Swallow him." Feng Shui was sure, and waved his big hand.


Following Feng Shui's order, the [-] Mountain Yue soldiers who were planning to leave immediately turned their horses around and rushed to the rear.Really menacing.

(To be continued)

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