swallowed him. .

In one word, the Shanyue people's way of life is exhausted, the big ones swallow the middle ones, and the middle ones swallow the small ones.Like a pack of wolves in the deep mountains, fighting each other and taking the strongest.

Seeing his own defeated army, Feng Shui's first thought was not to rescue him, but to swallow him.

The Fengshui clan's influence is in the Xindu area, no, it is even a big clan in the entire Shanyue.Otherwise, there would not be nearly [-] strong people coming out.

And if it can swallow these 3 to [-] people.

Feng Shui could imagine that his power had increased dramatically.Become the number one existence in Yamagoshi.

"Swallow it, just swallow him. We are afraid of Zhou Yu, Sun Quan, Jiangdong, and Han people. We will become the top clan in Shanyue. We will rule Shanyue and fight against the Han people."

The pony from the deep mountain changed its literati temperament when it met the water, revealing the hideousness of the mountain people, and howled.

"Roar, swallow him."

Fengshui commanded Shanyue in the form of a clan, and the commanders of the four subordinates were all descendants of the same clan.For development and growth, even with Jiangdong, the Han people competed for supremacy.

All of them showed fiery eyes and shouted loudly.

"Kill." A group of 3 people rushed towards the enemy amidst the roar of mountains and tsunami.

About three miles away, Zhudun, a military adviser who was captured by Kou Feng and surrendered.Compared with when he was captured, his complexion was much better.

Although it was because of Kou Feng, he replaced Ta Lun as the commander-in-chief of the Shanyue team after all.

Da Lu was killed, but he was still alive.It is useful and can continue to live.After all, this is a happy thing.

"Commander, the spies are here to report, and the thief commander Fengshui led his troops to kill here." At this moment, a general came to Shudun and reported.

"How dare he lead his troops out? It seems that the prestige of our troops has really been ignored." Boots suddenly became furious, even though they had just lost to the Chu army.Lost badly.

But after all, it is a rare big family in Shanyue. In response to Li Dian's call, 5 Shanyue people walked out of the deep mountain.They have [-] to [-] people.

Not only the number of reasons, but also the prestige, as well as the quality of soldiers, are far higher than other tribes.

Now it is looked down upon.

The Chu army is too strong, the sword is as fast as lightning, and the man is Xiong Hu.They can't kill them, so are we afraid of even your small tribe?

What's more, Xue Dun also wanted to kill Fengshui's tribe, show his face in front of Kou Feng, and prove that he is still valuable, and he can only survive if he is valuable.

This was what Shoeton knew when he was taken prisoner.

"Kill him, kill him." With a wave of his hand, Zhuodun ordered.

"Kill." Although he was defeated once, he remained brave and ruthless. Twenty or thirty thousand people shouted to kill, and rushed over without fear.

The Shanyue people's feet were extremely fast, and soon, the two Shanyue people met on the way.

"Feng Shui, I will let your part be removed from Shanyue Zhong today." When he saw Feng Shui's handsome flag, he suddenly roared.

"Hey, aren't you that dog-headed military adviser? What's the matter, is that Da Lu dead? Haha, God help me." Feng Shui didn't see the handsome figure with a big knife, he was surprised at first, and then he was overjoyed , suddenly roared.

Mountains and mountains contend for hegemony, and the most important thing is bravery.Without such a great combat power as Ta Lu, their chances of winning would be a little bit higher.

"Kill." The two sides fought in this small place.

One side wants to annex the other side, and the other side wants to make a face in front of Kou Feng, both of which are full of momentum.

The killing was Fenwai's ferociousness, with screams and fights again and again.

In almost a moment, countless people fell to the ground.But more people rushed over one after another.

At this moment, Kou Feng led the Chu army about three or four miles away.

Because they were afraid that the spies in the water would hear the news that they were there, so they fled quickly.Kou Feng purposely dropped three or four miles away, and waited for the two sides to fight until the inextricable battle, and then he entered, and wiped out Fengshui's Shanyue people in one fell swoop.

Shanyue people are fierce tigers in the deep mountains.Even Kou Feng's Chu army may not have the confidence to defeat these fierce soldiers in the deep mountains.

Moreover, Huang Zhong, Zhang Fei, Gan Ning and the others had no experience in fighting the Shanyue people in the deep mountains, so they were extremely vulnerable.

This time, hundreds of thousands of people came out of the mountain.Kou Feng made up his mind to annex them to solve future troubles, and of course they were not allowed to escape.Kill them all.

In this way, in the future, if you sit and lead Jiangdong, you will be able to be stable, and you will not be like Sun Quan in history, with more civil wars and fewer foreign wars.

The fun of competing to balance the world is missing.This Shanyue is in a state of desperation.

"Report to my lord, they have already started to fight." A spy from the front came on horseback and reported.

"Oh? How's the momentum?" Kou Feng asked.

"Don't hold back, it's quite ferocious." The spy replied using the word quite ferocious.

"Oh?" Kou Feng was really surprised this time.I thought Na Shudun would not be so obedient, at least he would play some tricks.

Unexpectedly, since he was so obedient.

"In Shanyue, the strong are respected. Those boots were frightened by us, and they didn't dare to have a heart of resistance. Instead, they wanted to cater to us, save their lives, and get rich. Only when they killed were they jealous." Only Tai Shici is the general who has fought with Shanyue several times, and he explained the mystery in one sentence.

"It happened to save me a lot of effort. It seems that this person may be needed to go into the deep mountains and destroy the mountains in the future." This time, Xue Dun really proved his worth in front of Kou Feng.

At least Kou Feng remembered this person.He laughed, waved his hand and said, "Order the soldiers to speed up and destroy this branch of Shanyue."


Huang Zhong and Tai Shici made a promise, and immediately led their troops to march quickly.

Ordinary marching is very different from fast marching.Walking fast is running, and this speed is like two people suddenly.

The distance of three miles was almost whistling.

When Kou Feng led his troops to kill, it was the time when the two Shanyue soldiers were inseparable.

At this moment, Feng Shui was shocked.He didn't understand that the Shanyue soldiers with the boots were obviously defeated, and the commander was damaged.

Why are they still so brave? Their eyes are full of confidence to kill the enemy.

The 3 to [-] Shanyue soldiers were evenly matched with the [-] of them.This was definitely beyond Feng Shui's expectations, what gave them confidence.

Do they really think they are invincible?

"Sue Dun, surrender, I will not only spare you, but also promote you to be deputy commander." If you continue to kill, I am afraid that something is wrong, Feng Shui took the opportunity to collide with Xue Dun, and shouted loudly.

"Zuo Shanyue will be wiped out sooner or later, but now I'm going to kill you." Boot Dun dismissively said loudly.

Just kidding, after seeing the combat power of the Chu army, Shudun has been unwavering in whether Kou Feng can command Jiangdong.It should be very smooth for the mighty Chu army to destroy Shanyue.

Now he happened to be on the list of Kou Feng's thigh, and he had a chance to show off.Change your identity and become the person who exterminates Shanyue.

Why do you want to go back to Shanyue again and be wiped out by Kou Feng?

In terms of strength, there is a huge gap.Let Shudun become Kou Feng's diehard loyalist at this moment.That combination of fear and timidity made him burst out with unparalleled loyalty.

It's like following the Chu army to have food, and following Shanyue will starve to death on the street sooner or later.

"Kill." Not only was Shudun not persuaded, he was not good at fighting, but at this moment he became extremely brave, fighting with Feng Shui, and actually had the upper hand.

"What kind of medicine did this dog-headed military master take wrongly to become so brave?" Feng Shui groaned secretly in his heart.

The next moment, he finally knew why Shoeton became so brave.Because the Chu army was killed.

"Kill." Different from the noisy yelling of the Shanyue soldiers, this yell of killing is so neat, so powerful, like a tiger swallowing thousands of miles, so powerful.

It is also like a powerful army that is invincible when it encounters weak soldiers.

After the shout of killing, the Shanyue soldiers under the command of Bootton were like a cat seeing a mouse. They were afraid for a while, and then burst into a very fierce arrogance.

"The Marquis of Chu is in charge of the formation outside. If we don't kill them, we will die. Kill them." Xue Dun turned pale for a while, and after turning pale, fierce flames shot out, and he roared.

"Kill." The already ferocious Shanyue soldiers became even more ferocious.

Feng Shui was gradually unable to resist, and it was hard to imagine what kind of situation this was.After Shu Dun and the others succumbed and indirectly surrendered to Kou Feng, it was as if they had become the Chu army, with the incomparable arrogance of the Chu army.

This kind of momentum not only fears the real Chu army, but also shows great arrogance and confidence to Fengshui, who is a mountain soldier.

"Zue Dun, you are colluding with foreign enemies." At this moment, Feng Shui changed color and roared.

"So what, it's better than being killed. Now I'm the butcher, and you are the meat. Kill you." Shoe Dun once again burst into a powerful ferocity, raised his spear, and stabbed Fengshui like lightning.

This shot was almost the most amazing shot in Bootton's life.And this moment is also the time when the color of the water changes.Up and down, the shot hit Bootton's neck.

The feeling of the spear penetrating into the neck made Shuodun stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed.He saved his life, he can prove to Kou Feng that he is useful.

"Feng Shui has been killed by me. Marquis Chu is here, so don't hesitate to surrender." Boots pulled out his spear, and immediately, Feng Shui's neck was bleeding like a fountain.

It shook and fell to the ground.

The handsome flag bearer next to him could see it very clearly.Suddenly paled, and dropped the handsome flag to the ground.It's like proof.

Immediately, the morale of this group of Yue soldiers in Fengshuishan dropped to the lowest level.

Coupled with tens of thousands of Chu troops in front, no matter how fierce they are, they dare not have the slightest desire to resist.

"Please forgive me, Marquis Chu." Countless Shanyue soldiers knelt down and begged for mercy.

Because Shanyue's language is closer to Jiangdong dialect, Kou Feng can barely understand a few words.

It suddenly became very weird.This superficial trick of driving tigers and swallowing wolves can become so outstanding.It doesn't cost a single soldier to make Shanyue people dog eat dog.

And he won a big victory.

(To be continued)

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