Duke Chu's mansion, the back house.

Because of the expansion of more than three times, the back house has also become extremely huge.Wives and concubines each have a reading yard.Each has maids and slaves.

At this moment, inside Xiao Qiao's room.

Kou Feng hugged Xiao Qiao and lay on the bed.

Although it was a white day, the two faced each other frankly.

Kou Feng put his arms around Xiao Qiao's slender waist, and moved his hands over Xiao Qiao's flat belly in an irregular manner.A touching blush appeared on Xiao Qiao's crystal clear skin.

"It's really mighty." After several conquests, Xiao Qiao couldn't bear the joy anymore, thinking helplessly in her heart.

It stands to reason that women recover quickly when it comes to things between the bed.But on Kou Feng, it doesn't work very well.Kou Feng's physique is much stronger than that of ordinary men.

Leading troops to fight outside all year round, while tirelessly exercising.This made Kou Feng's body full of hard muscles, and he felt very hard when he leaned on him.

"However, it feels quite safe." Xiao Qiao leaned against Kou Feng's arms, unable to resist Kou Feng's big hand, thinking wildly in her heart.

Kou Feng touched with one hand for a long time, and even climbed up to Xiao Qiao's peak, but Xiao Qiao still didn't respond.You know, this woman is really tired.

Although he didn't fully enjoy himself, Kou Feng was fine.Instead, she embraced Xiao Qiao and lay quietly on the bed.

"I've seen Da Qiao today." Kou Feng buried his head on the plump peaks of Xiao Qiao, sniffing traces of the intoxicating frankincense, and said softly.

"Have you seen what my sister wants?" Xiao Qiao took a breath, put her hands on Kou Feng's tiger waist, hugged Kou Feng behind her back, and laughed softly.

"You know?" Kou Feng asked.

"I taught her by hand. Otherwise, she wouldn't know it." Xiao Qiao laughed.

"Oh." Kou Feng snorted.

"You have to wear it often. In order to sew those four clothes, she pricked her fingers countless times. Looking at the fine wounds, I feel distressed." Xiao Qiao said softly.

What Xiao Qiao said was very casual, but Kou Feng somehow suddenly remembered the little ripples between him and Da Qiao just now, and couldn't help feeling impulsive again.

Xiao Qiao felt Kou Feng's movement.

His face flushed slightly, and he said angrily, "Your Majesty will be like this when you mention my sister. You are really stupid."

"Jiangdong Erqiao, now that you have Xiaoqiao, even if you have Longwangshu, why not?" This rebuke made Kou Feng's bones numb, and he let out a strange laugh, and once again his glory was lifted.

He didn't feel sorry for her anymore, and immediately went into battle.

Amidst the bursts of panting, Kou Feng let out again.

When the cloud and rain were put away, Xiao Qiao felt that her whole body didn't look like her own.I didn't even want to move a finger.He couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Kou Feng.

Her face is like a peach blossom, charming and charming.

This time, Kou Feng had a great time.Stop moving.

"By the way, I plan to escort Sun Ce's mother from Wu County to Xiangyang. Let Sun Shao take care of her, what does Madam think?" After a long time, Kou Feng asked.

"This is not very good." Xiao Qiao hesitated and said.

"Oh, why?" Kou Feng asked.

Now that the mountain is more and more peaceful, he started to attack the gentry. Kou Feng is also afraid that the old lady will suffer some crimes in Jiangdong.

"Although Sun Shao is a direct grandson, but my elder sister lives with my father now, it's nothing to take over the old lady. Even if it is support, the old lady still has a young son. If the king really wants to take over , why not take them together and let them live separately?" Xiao Qiao suggested.

Kou Feng thinks it is right after thinking about it, if Mrs. Sun and Mr. Qiao are brought together, it seems inappropriate.Anyway, getting Mrs. Sun to live in Xiangyang is also to comfort Sun Shangxiang's heart.

He greeted Mrs. Sun and the youngest son together.If Sun Shangxiang wants to kiss his mother, he can go to Juju.

"Okay." Kou Feng nodded and said.

Early the next morning, Kou Feng sent a pair of people to Jiangdong to bring Mrs. Sun and her youngest son to live there.

After about February, it is already summer.

Kou Feng believed that the time was right, so he convened the Sangong Jiuqing under his account to discuss and solve the Jiangdong problem.

"Cao Wei in the north is now fighting with Gongsun Yan endlessly, and the war has not ended for several months. Cao Wei, the great enemy of Chu, has no time to look south. I have decided to issue a decree to thoroughly investigate the matter of the surplus of nobles occupying domestic slaves and fields in Chu. Your Excellencies What do you think?"

Kou Feng knelt on the seat and spoke.

The hall is a place of majesty. Every time Kou Feng summons his ministers, he will wear a crown.It is the same today.Now, Kou Feng is used to looking at people through the beads.

Looking around, the beads on the head will be very stable.

"My lord, population and land are important assets of the country. Officials of different ranks can have different sizes of fields. The higher the meritorious service and the higher the official position, the more land they can have. This is the honor bestowed by the king. But in recent years of troubled times, in Jiangdong, Jingchu, there are many tyrants annexing land and hiding people. Among them, Jiangdong is a disaster. It is the rice bug of the country. It should be thoroughly investigated." One of the nine ministers, Tingwei Zhao Lei is very upright , agreed immediately, speaking loudly and resolutely.

Kou Feng couldn't help but glanced at Zhao Lei with admiration, and to be honest, this matter was an offense.Especially offending a large number of gentry in Jiangdong.

Although it is good for the country, it is not good for Zhao Lei who spoke first.If the news of the other day spread, it was Zhao Lei who agreed to this matter.

In the future, many people will definitely attack and wipe out Zhao Lei.But Zhao Lei still said it without any scruples, which shows that he is very loyal and for the country.

Kou Feng felt very gratified to get a Tingwei like Zhao Lei.

"Tingwei Zhao Lei, the public is loyal to the country. I am very lonely." Kou Feng said comfortingly, and then solemnly said: "Order Tingwei Zhao Lei to go to Jiangdong to meet Yiji, the governor of Yangzhou, and Lu Xun, the general of Pingyue. Investigate the hidden population of the gentry. If the gentry donate the hidden population and land on their own initiative, it is still considered for the sake of the country and can be dealt with lightly. But if the population is hidden, it will be stubborn. That is to say, it will be disposed of. If more than a hundred people are hidden, they will be confiscated Family property. If you hide more than a hundred households, you will be executed immediately. If you resist, you will be wiped out. The small family will be a slave."

"Promise." Zhao Lei solemnly promised.

"Heavy codes are used in troubled times, but people's hearts are just a fluke. With this order, I am afraid that Jiangdong may be in turmoil soon. You should be aware of it and act accordingly." Immediately, Kou Feng ordered.

"Promise." The three lords and nine ministers agreed in unison.

A heavy code in troubled times filled the air with a bloody smell.

Kou Feng is strong and courageous.Now sitting in Jingchu, Wuyue Jiangdong is just new, he is not afraid of chaos in Jiangdong.First chaos and then great rule.

Now Shanyue has been pacified and gained millions of people.Jiangdong has a population of 210 million. If the gentry is pacified, the population will reach 250 million.

In addition to the large population of Jingchu, the state of Chu, which was feuded by Kou, has a population of 800 million.

Even compared to Cao Cao's north, I'm afraid it's not much better.

Now that Cao Wei is surrounded by many enemies and bandits, of course Kou Feng wants to rejuvenate the state of Chu.

Soon, Tingwei Zhao Lei was ordered to head east.It was destined to be a bloodbath.

Of course Kou Feng also has Jiangdong's affairs on his mind, but it's useless to worry about it.He can't go to quell the chaos by himself.

However, because of this, Kou Feng thought of someone.

Lu Su.

To deal with foreign enemies, Kou Feng kept Xu Shu, Huang Zhong and others outside.Even Ma Liang, a scholar-bureaucrat, is now in Wuxi to build and consolidate Wuxi.

Although there are still many talents around him, Kou Feng still feels that it is not enough.

Lu Su.

When Lu Su was captured alive, Kou Feng confessed to Lu Su that he had [-] troops in Taiwan. At the beginning, Lu Su knew that Jiangdong was going to die.

But still not down.

If Jiangdong is there, he will be Wu Chen.

The voice was very firm, but Kou Feng knew that it was impossible for Lu Su to be loyal to Sun Quan after Jiangdong's death.This can be seen from Lu Meng, Zhou Tai and others.

It's not that these people are not loyal, but because the country is dead, and in the process, they each did their best, and they are worthy of heaven and earth.

And Sun Quan surrendered himself.

Therefore, they can be regarded as following Sun Quan and surrendering, and they are all worthy of Wu.

So Kou Feng knew that it would be a matter of time before he recruited Lu Su to be an official.However, Kou Feng was also afraid that the persecution would be too much. After capturing Sun Quan, he did not go to Lu Su immediately.

Instead, Ling found a good mansion in Xiangyang and gave it to Lu Su to live in.He was not placed under house arrest again.

It was because Lu Su didn't understand, so he rejected his call.

Thinking about it, it has been so long, Jiangdong is already a summer lotus.Kou Feng decided to formally recruit Lu Su as an official.

Besides Lu Su, Kou Feng also planned to recruit Xu Huang.

This fierce general has also been quiet for a long time.Back then, Yu Jin wanted to exchange Cai Mao for Cao Ren's safety, not Xu Huang.Under Kou Feng's instigation, Xu Huang should feel a little bit of resentment towards Cao Cao in his heart.

Kou Feng thought, it's been so long.

No matter how loyal a minister is, I'm afraid he can't bear it.

So, I decided to bring Xu Huang along.Add another piece of literature and one military to Chu State, two great talents.

So Kou Feng returned to the house.I changed into a set of clothes, which is the clothes that Da Qiao sent over last time.There are four sets in total, including spring, summer, autumn and winter.

On the one hand, Kou Feng felt that this was a little wish from Da Qiao, and on the other hand, Xiao Qiao also said it.So often wear.

After making sufficient preparations, Kou Feng ordered General Wei Kou Shui to prepare his chariots and horses.Let's go to Lu Su's house together.

Lu Su's residence in Xiangyang was personally selected by Kou Feng. The environment is quiet and very elegant.After Kou Feng pacified Jiangdong, he also moved Lu Su's wife and clan members into Xiangyang.

The main reason is that after Lu Su is released, Lu Su will take the opportunity to flee back to Jiangdong.

Today, the wives of the tribe are all in Xiangyang.Only then can Lu Su live in Xiangyang obediently.

In addition, Kou Feng also specially found a Zhuangzi outside the city for Lu Su, which is regarded as property.In the name of a private person, it was given to Lu Su.

Let his family not go hungry.

It can be described as thoughtful.

But Kou Feng did not go to see Lu Su after the war.Until today.

(To be continued)

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