Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 705 Lu Su, Xu Huang entered Chu as a minister

Although Kou Feng didn't put on any pomp, the majestic King of Chu State came.Naturally, there is some momentum.

When the concierge heard that it was Lord Chu coming, he immediately opened the middle door and quickly reported to Lu Su.

Lu Su is Wu Chen, and he is also one of the loyal ministers.After Wu's demise, it was also sad for a while.However, the current period in Xiangyang.

But it's all about nothing.

The rare free time, let Lu Su's mood recover a little.

Lu Su's system is weak, and he has been running around all these years, busy with family and country affairs.There is no good news from the wife at home.Recently, perhaps because of comfort, his wife became pregnant.

Lu Su's mood is even better.

Because it is a rare child.Lu Su took good care of him.This period of time is also very fulfilling.

This day, Lu Su was planning to go to the market in person to buy some food to nourish his wife.

I heard that Kou Feng has arrived.

The strange color on his face disappeared in a flash, and then he tidied up his clothes and walked out with his head held high.

"Lu Su pays homage to Duke Chu." After Lu Su came to the door, he bowed down.

"I live in the state of Chu today, but I am a lonely citizen. Why don't you call him the king, but the Duke of Chu?" Kou Feng felt helpless, and this was still a twist.He also deliberately showed displeasure on his face.

"The world is also the Han Dynasty." Lu Su pointed to the land under his feet and said politely.

"Please come in and sit alone?" Kou Feng was about to roll his eyes, but finally held back and raised his head.

"Please, Mr. Chu." At the door, under the audience in the hall, he made things difficult for Kou Feng, and Lu Su was in a good mood.He bent over and saluted.

Kou Feng released Lu Su, who was under house arrest, and gave it to a servant in the field.But he didn't come to the door immediately, and deliberately let Lu Su cultivate for several months.

The meaning of this, and the love.

How could Lu Su not know?Among the kings in the world, Kou Feng is probably the only one who can tolerate such a carefree surrender.

In his heart, Lu Su was actually grateful for Kou Feng's courtesy.

But after all, he was an old minister of Wu, and Lu Su still had a grudge about the destruction of Soochow.However, after he made things difficult for Kou Feng just now, his mood changed, and the brooding in his heart disappeared.

Therefore, he readily welcomed Kou Feng in.

The residence that Kou granted to Lu Su was very elegant.Lu Su stayed at home these days and had nothing to do.After arranging it personally, it is full of elegance.

Lu Su invited Kou Feng to enter the hall, and then called his wife to meet Kou Feng.

Lu Su's wife, surnamed Wu, is from Jiangdong. She has a very fair complexion and has the beauty of suet and jade.At this moment, she was even more charming when she was pregnant.

There is good news about Lu Su, and Kou Feng also knows about it.Glancing at Mrs. Wu, Kou Feng said with a smile: "There are two great joys in life, the first is success and fame. The second is successors. Now that Zijing is the second fastest, I don't know when to give it a go and build achievements?"

To be famous is to seek oneself, and to have successors is to seek after one's death.

It's all about life.

Lu Su smiled when he heard the words, and said, "You can just speak directly."

"Hehe." Kou Feng chuckled, and said cheerfully: "At the beginning of the establishment of the Chu Kingdom, there were not enough officials, so I wanted to hire Zijing as Shangshu to assist Shangshuling Liu Ba."

Shangshu is like a secretary. Back then Kou Feng planned to use Lu Su to join the army.Also a secretary.

Now Sangong and Jiuqing have been settled, although Lu Su's talent is actually enough to serve as Jiuqing.But for now, he can only give in.

"It's what you want." Lu Su replied with a smile.

However, there are also some intentions to win fame and fortune for the front and back.After all, after you have an heir, you always have to pass it on to the family.

Although Lu Su didn't know whether it was a man or a woman.

"Okay, Gu will go to the official document and order Zijing to be the Minister." Kou Feng said with great joy.

The more talents the better, now Lu Su joins.Sufficient to make up for some deficiencies.Prosperity and great Chu are just around the corner.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. It's just that Lu Su has something on his mind, and he wants to ask you." Lu Su thanked him and said.

"Say." Kou Feng couldn't help but said in a good mood because he was in a good mood.

"I wonder how my lord will deal with Xu Gongming?" Lu Su asked.

Back then, Kou Feng put Lu Su and Xu Huang under house arrest because they were both captives and to avoid their boredom.By accident, the two became friends who talked about everything.

Now Lu Su has avoided disaster, but Xu Huang is still locked up by Kou Feng.Lu Su wanted to ask Kou Feng about Xu Huang's future.

"What does Zijing think?" Kou Feng's heart moved, he was also planning to use Xu Huang, and Lu Su and Xu Huang were good friends, Kou Feng also knew.

Lu Su should also know what Xu Huang was thinking.

"A good general in the world is like a woman, living in a deep house. It's really sad and deplorable." Lu Su sighed.

Immediately, he raised his head and looked at Kou Feng, wanting to get exact news from Kou Feng.

"Okay. Gu Dang hires Xu Huang as the general of Zhonglang. Go to Cangwu and assist Bu Zhi to deter Baiyue." As soon as Lu Su finished speaking, Kou Feng knew that Xu Huang could be surrendered.I couldn't help but feel happy, thought about it for a while, and said with a smile.

Kou Feng is also thinking about Xu Huang, Xu Huang is a famous general in the north, and his family is all in the north.Although he has made great contributions, Cao Cao has not dealt with Xu Huang's family at present.

But if Xu Huang descends to Chu and raises troops to attack Wei.I'm afraid it's hard to say.

In order for Xu Huang to surrender smoothly, Kou Feng deliberately avoided Xu Huang's embarrassment.Transfer Xu Huang to Jiaozhou, so that Xu Huang, a man, doesn't have to live in seclusion in the house like a woman.

And Kou Feng got another general to help Bu Zhi take control of Jiaozhou.

It's really the best of both worlds.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness." Lu Su solemnly bowed down.

There are very few people who treat surrendered generals with such courtesy and patience as Kou Feng.It took more than a year to pass Xu Huang.But he never killed him, but took pity on his talents.

This kind of patience is really rare in the world.

After persuading Lu Su, Kou Feng was in a good mood.Thinking of Xu Huang again, he couldn't help ordering the guards to go to Xu Huang's quiet place.

Xu Huang's place is no worse than Lu Su's, but there are guards all around him.When Kou Feng came, the guards would naturally go.

And led Kou Feng into the hall to meet Xu Huang.

Compared with Lu Su, Xu Huang's complexion is much worse.His complexion was a little pale, and his eyes were a little decadent.

Just like what Lu Su said, it is really pitiful, deplorable, and even more pity that a man lives in a deep house like a woman.

If Xu Huang was completely loyal to the Cao family, life would be easier.Cao Ren back then, and Cao Chun now, are doing very well.

Because I made up my mind not to surrender.

But Xu Huang, when he was in Xiangyang, fell into Kou Feng's trick.As a result, there was a little resentment towards Cao Cao, and loyalty was no longer [-]%.

Therefore, I am not reconciled to being a prisoner in the deep house anymore.

When Kou Feng saw Xu Huang, he couldn't help but sigh.And when Xu Huang saw Kou Feng, his eyes lit up.

"Today, Lu Zijing recommended Gongming. I plan to use Gongming to go to the south and cross the prefecture. Although this way, it will not affect the small family in the north. It is the best of both worlds. I don't know what Gongming wants?" Kou Feng looked very gentle. road.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Although Xu Huang was under house arrest, he was very well informed. Of course, he knew about Kou Feng's proclaiming the Duke.

At this moment, it feels like seeing the dawn through the clouds and mists.

For a year, it was quiet in the deep house.Xu Huang has been exhausted physically and mentally for a long time.Now I can go out and command the army again, and Kou Feng is sympathetic, so I can go to Jiaozhou.

Xu Huang couldn't help but burst into tears.

After a year of being quiet for a tough man.Finally served it.

Afterwards, Kou Feng and Xu Huang spoke a few more words.Then, personally withdraw the guards here.From the place of house arrest, this place has become Xu Huang's house.

After finishing all this, Kou Feng returned to Duke Chu's mansion.And immediately issued an order to seal Lu Su as Shangshu and listen to it under the tent of Shangshuling Liu Ba.

And Xu Huang will be the general of Zhonglang, and he will rest for two months.Go south to Zhonglang General who sits in Cangwu, and go to Buzhi to take up his post.

So far, under Kou Feng's tent, there are two more talents, Lu Su and Xu Huang, one literary and one military.

The state of Chu is also full of talents, and its wings are plump.

Cao Cao claims that his generals are like clouds and his counselors are like rain.Now the state of Chu is not far behind.

This is just Kou Feng's achievements in talent during this period of time.Even more intense is the Jiangdong population event.

Jiangdong has a population of about 150 million, but the apparent population is only a million.And one-third of the black households were collected by various noble families.

Even if Kou Feng dominates Jiangdong, he will only get two-thirds of Jiangdong.

Want to know what power is? Land?no.Soldiers?Yes, but not quite.The real big force is talent and population.

Why did Sun Ce claim that Wu Yue had millions of people?Instead of saying that Wu Yue has a hundred thousand armors?

It is precisely because population is more important than soldiers.

Since Kou Feng has dominated Jiangdong, he naturally wants a complete Jiangdong.Perfect, not Jiangdong, which was divided by one-third by the gentry.

This is Kou Feng's determination. For this reason, he did not hesitate to set off a bloody storm and eradicate the Jiangdong nobles and powerful people.

However, the gentry in Jiangdong didn't realize much that the storm was about to come.

Back then, even if he was as tough as Sun Ce.After sitting in Jiangdong, he must also be soft on the gentry.Back then, when Sun Ce first pacified Jiangdong, he also wanted to eradicate the cancer of the gentry.

But the resistance was too great. On the one hand, many talents under Sun Ce's account were from noble families.On the other hand, the dominance of the gentry made even Sun Ce quite frightened.

Later, Sun Ce started killing people.Killed many people.This is also the reason why Sun Ce was known as easy to kill in history.Like Sun Ce, what a shrewd person.Know politics, know politics.Originally, he had a good relationship with Yuan Shu, but as soon as Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor, Sun Ce raised his troops against Yuan Shu.

Political acumen is high.Such a person should be more sensible.But Sun Ce killed people, killing many celebrities and gentry.There must be a reason, and the reason is that they want the gentry to spit out one-third of Jiangdong's power.

But the result, of course, was a failure.

(To be continued)

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