Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 706 Chu Jun’s Resoluteness

In the end, with the joint efforts of the gentry, a powerful coercion was formed, which crushed the little overlord Sun Ce.Afterwards, Sun Ce died.

When Sun Quan succeeded to the throne, he was decisive, and his talents were not enough to compare with Sun Ce.It also took advantage of the trend and compromised with the gentry.

Sun Quan couldn't even deal with the moths inside, but he actively fought outside, intending to dominate the southeast.It's ridiculous.

Because they successfully fought against the Sun brothers, most of the gentry in Jiangdong are relatively optimistic about Kou Feng's rule of Jiangdong.It is also relatively certain that Kou Feng will not take them under the knife.

But there are also a small number of gentry clans who have already sensed the difference. After Kou Feng dealt with the Zhang and Zhu clans, the two clans surrendered their population and land wantonly.Afterwards, Gu and Lu also investigated the number of people hiding in the clan and the number of fields under the guidance of Gu Yong and Lu Xun, and then handed them all over to Kou Feng.

After that, a group of gentry were alerted, and then people and fields who were hiding illegally were also called.That's why there is a miracle that Jiangdong's population has increased by [-] within one month.

At that time, most of the gentry secretly laughed at the small number of gentry who donated their population and fields, thinking that they were destroying their foundations.

Even now it is the same.Among the gentry in Jiangdong, there was a peaceful scene of singing and dancing.No one realized that Kou Feng's sword had been raised.

Tingwei Zhao Lei was ordered to purge Jiangdong gentry together with Yangzhou Governor Yiji and Pingyue General Lu Xun.

After leaving Xiangyang, take a big boat, ride the wind and waves down the river, and go straight to Moling.

After receiving the news, Yiji went out of Moling City in person to welcome Zhao Lei into Moling.

Moling City, in the study of the Governor's Mansion.

Yi Ji and Zhao Lei were sitting opposite each other. After seeing the official document that Zhao Lei brought over Kou Feng's handwriting, Yi Ji said solemnly, "Your Majesty, have you made up your mind?"

"Chaos first and then great order. In order to eradicate future troubles in one fell swoop, whoever blocks and kills whoever is killed." Zhao Lei said with an extremely rigid expression.

"In this case, I will first inform Lu Xun, General of Pingyue, that Zhonglang will prepare Fang Dao together. It is estimated that Jiangdong will be in chaos if this official document is passed." Yi Ji said.

"It should." Zhao Lei nodded.

Although the gentry is a cancer, it is indeed very powerful.This time it must be bloody.But there is a saying that is good, the preparation is lax, and it is definitely not as good as the preparation.

The air gentry would never have thought that Kou Feng would be so strong and stubborn.Certainly not many people would be prepared, and a hasty resistance would be a dead end.

First, Yi Ji breathed a sigh of relief with his staff, that is, Biejia Gu Yong and others, and then wrote to Lu Xun, ordering him to order the Pingshan Yueqi Army, as well as Fang Dao, who is in Wujun and in charge of the navy, to prepare for the emergency.

After the third day, Yi Ji showed Kou Feng's order to the Jiangdong gentry.

The name is of course to thoroughly investigate the criminals who hide the population.If there is no one hiding the population, don't be alarmed.

But this is a troubled time, and there are many refugees.No matter who it is, as long as they have a little wealth and influence.To a certain extent, refugees who exceeded the legal provisions were recruited as domestic slaves.

Wouldn't it be like killing them all with one stick?

There are those who are frightened.There are those who piss off the shit.

The terrified and terrified gentry immediately went home to thoroughly investigate the hidden population, and obediently sent them up.But this is only a small part.

Many people are watching.

Some people sneered endlessly.

Kou Feng's doing this is really nonsense.Jiangdong is a land controlled by the gentry, and being an enemy of the gentry is tantamount to cutting oneself off from others.

It's strange that Jiangdong can sit still.

In addition to the top four families in Jiangdong, Zhu, Gu, Lu, and Zhang, there are also many noble families and powerful families.Among them, there are six first-class ones.

They are Chen, Song, Feng, Xue, Wu, Zhao and other six families.

The top four families, because of their reputation, do not have many black households.And these six masters are the real mainstream.

Adding up these six families, the number of people who concealed the government and hid in private, black households, added up to as many as [-], with an average of [-] to [-] people for each major surname.

This is not a shocking thing. In the past, Mi Zhu, a merchant, also restrained tens of thousands of refugees because of his wealth and war.

When marrying Mi's family, there are [-] to [-] strong men in dowry.

It shows that in troubled times, human life is cheap.

It is not shocking that the six families recruited [-] refugees.

At this moment, the heads of the six families are planning affairs in a Zhuangzi outside Wucheng.

Originally, the Six Families should have joined the Four Families in planning affairs. After all, the Jiangdong gentry had always been united.However, these four great masters had more or less entanglements with Kou Feng, and they all abandoned their influence early on.

Many domestic slaves in the family, who are equivalent to cash cows, were automatically given to Kou Feng.Of course, the six families who cherished the slaves also parted ways.

Therefore, at this moment, Gu, Lu, Zhang, Zhu and so on are left out of the planning.

in the hall.

The patriarch of the Chen family, Chen Xiong, is the master of this village, and sits at the top.Below them are Song Qi, Feng Huang, Xue Xun, Wu Chao, and Zhao Jing.

They are the heads of all tribes.

These people are all shadow nobles in Jiangdong, born with arrogance.They are very imposing and famous people themselves.Sitting together, the momentum goes without saying.

Among them, Chen Xiong was over forty years old, with a white face and beardless eyes, and he sat in the first seat, very dignified.

"Kou Feng's official document is tantamount to breaking with Jiangdong. Who does he think he is, leaving our gentry. Can he rule Jiangdong? Even Sun Ce, who is as famous as Kou Feng, did not dare to do so." Song Qi who was sitting below laughed loudly with disdain.

"But he did. Slaves, fields. They are all crops made of iron. No matter how many they grow, they will not lose money. We have a large number of people, and the whole family depends on these slaves to support themselves. If the slaves It’s all handed in, so don’t you want to save on clothes and food?” On the other side, Feng Huang was also very dissatisfied.

"The old man has already said that if those outsiders rule Jiangdong, there will be trouble sooner or later. No matter how strong Kou Feng is, we must support Sun Quancai. Outsiders are all wolves. Among them, Kou Feng is the jackal among wolves. "An old man with sixtieth hair but a very hot temper said very sharply.

This person is the head of the Wu family, Wu Chao.

Most of the people here are of the same generation, only Wu Chao is the previous generation, so his status is very respected.

His words are also very in line with everyone's wishes.The reason why Jiangdong is exclusive is because the gentry hold together and rely on each protect their own interests.

So, very exclusive.

Today, Kou Feng intends to sever the foundation of the gentry's existence, which further confirms that it is better to choose Jiangdong's own people to rule Jiangdong.

The smell of xenophobia is stronger.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it. How to make a decision on this matter, or as the owner of this place, shouldn't you also say something?" Another patriarch, Zhao Jing, said to Chen Xiong who had never said a word.

"What is your opinion, sir?" Xue Xun also asked.

"Of course it is a resolute resistance. We are huddled together, that is, the whole Jiangdong. Unless he wants to make Jiangdong chaos, we have to compromise. Besides, even if he is tough, can we just sit and wait for death?" Chen Xiong originally said The face is expressionless, but at the moment, it is very tough, with very sharp eyes and domineering.

"Okay, that's a good point. We Jiangdong are huddled together, how can we be afraid of him being a child." Wu Chao, the oldest, yelled and laughed.

"Hold together, we will govern Jiangdong."

Since then, the six families have twisted into a rope, planning to fight against Kou Feng head-on.Even if you lead your troops to rebel, you will not hesitate.

This is a common problem of common people in the world, and they are domineering in the local area all the year round.I forgot that a strong man has a strong man, and that every mountain is still as high as another.

The Jiangdong gentry at this moment.

The major surnames in Yizhou in history.When Liu Zhang, Liu Bei, and Liu Chan ruled Yizhou, there were many surnames who rebelled.The result is death.

In the past, Jingzhou was also ravaged by sect thieves.

The three southern states are all like this, let alone the Central Plains?

These six guys didn't even think about it, Kou Feng's foundation was in Jingchu, and he spent a lot of time and energy cleaning up Jingchu.The foundation is already very deep.

Jiangdong is just a new acquisition, and it is already unstable.Let him mess up.

Eliminate the big clans and support the small clans.First chaos, then great order.

In order to revitalize Chu, Kou Feng felt that he would not be merciful.There will be no compromises either.

This fall.

After the governor of Yangzhou issued an order for Kou Feng to inquire about the hidden population, he cooperated with Ting Wei Zhao Lei to start a thorough investigation.Make public the data that has already been checked in the past year.

By the way, those big clans were also threatened to hand over their population.However, most of the gentry held a wait-and-see attitude, especially the gentry headed by the Six Great Families, who seemed stubborn.

Soon after, the governor of Yangzhou ordered Lu Xun, the general of Pingyue, to lead his troops to destroy the most powerful Wu family.Because it was the first to bear the brunt, the barbarians wiped out their clan.

Under Kou Feng's dominance, an aristocratic family that had existed for hundreds of years was wiped out overnight.

This scares many, but outrages many more.Exterminate the family, destroy the family.This is the Nilin of the Jiangdong gentry, none of their families have been in business for a hundred years, or even hundreds of years.Clan pride, sense of honor, sense of existence, and sense of crisis.

Let the remaining five families of the six families, together with many large and small noble families, rebel.

Together, they make up six or seven out of ten of the Jiangdong gentry.

Originally, many people thought that Kou Feng would feel something was wrong, and ordered to appease the many gentry.But what surprised people was that Kou Feng ordered for this to change Pingyue General Lu Xun to Pingwu General, leading Lu Meng, Zhou Tai, Quan Cong, Fang Dao, Jiang Qin, Ding Feng and other six generals, with nearly eight soldiers. Ten thousand.

Put down the rebellion.

In the direction of the army, the head of the evil will be killed, and the family will be slaves.Let these people who think of themselves as nobles and nobles feel like domestic slaves.

The army is overwhelming, majestic.At this time, the six people knew that they had regretted it.

Kou Feng is not the Sun brothers, his roots are in Jingchu.Kou Feng is not a weak person like Sun Quan. He only wants the foundation of the eternal world, not a temporary compromise, and asks the gentry for the right to rule in a low profile.

He wants to chaos Jiangdong first, and then rule Jiangdong.

Record all the population in the book and revitalize Chu.Lay the foundation of eternal life.

(To be continued)

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