A few months later, the five great clans united with the major gentry to rise up together, almost igniting the beacon fire in Jiangdong.Up to now, under Lu Xun's rapid pacification, only the Chen family and the Xue family are trapped in several small cities in Kuaiji County.

They didn't have a name at first, they just rebelled for the sake of rebellion.Secondly, there is no foreign aid. Now, Lu Xun's army is entrenched outside, and it will be a matter of time before they are wiped out.

The small town named Shantun is the foundation of the Chen family.Chen's ancestral graves are all outside the city.

At this moment, Chen Xiong and Xue Xun, the two patriarchs, are sitting together in the study of Chen's ancestral house.

Both looked extremely haggard.

They thought they could force Kou Feng to compromise with force, and even went one step further to drive Kou Feng away.From among their own people, choose the Lord of Jiangdong and rule Jiangdong separately.

But I didn't expect Kou Feng to be so strong.

Kill decisively.

Lu Xun was even more skillful in commanding his troops, and he beat them to pieces, and they were almost defeated.

If it is said that the literati rebelled, it will not succeed in ten years.These pampered patriarchs led the army to fight, how could they be Lu Xun's opponents?

But at this time, it is too late to know regret.

"At this point, how should we make a decision?" Chen Xiong's expression was no longer as high-spirited as it was a few months ago, and the light in his eyes also became dim, and he said very decadently.

"The army is overwhelming. If Lu Xun breaks the city, you and I will be headed by owls like those patriarchs. The family is small, and the clansmen will be slaves." Xue Xun said with a pale face.

In the past few months, countless large and small families were wiped out.Without exception, the patriarch was killed and the family members were slaves. If the clan members had a bad reputation, they were also killed and the family members were slaves.

Since ancient times, scholars have been very prestigious.

Even if the country is broken, the family members of these scholars will not be allowed to be slaves to others.There are, but very few.As for Kou Feng, in order to avoid future troubles.

Not only were these people enslaved, but even the books in their homes were burned.

It is enough to be a slave to others, but if there is no book to read, their descendants will never have the chance to recover. It can be said that they have been slaves for generations.

This is so ruthless and decisive.

Kou Feng of the state of Chu intends to come here to make Jiangdong's gentry wipe out their children and grandchildren, so as to stabilize and stabilize Jiangdong.

I'm afraid, before this incident happened, not only them Jiangdong gentry, even the people of the world, probably would not have thought that Kou Feng would be so strong, so ruthless, and so decisive.

Just do it.

In order to rejuvenate the state of Chu, whoever stands in his way will die.Even if it is because of the war, the temporary loss can be ignored.For the stability of Jiangdong.

Destroy the mountains, destroy the gentry.After stabilizing Jiangdong, let Jiangdong become the hinterland of Chu State, the place of granary.

Jiangdong is not rich, that's right.But that was because most of Jiangdong's troops were held back by Shanyue.Thirty percent of the tax revenue is also controlled by the gentry.

Therefore, Sun Quan seemed a little weaker.

Historically, the State of Wu has basically made no achievements except for seizing Jingzhou in the war against the State of Shu.And because of this.

But now Kou Feng first eliminated Shanyue, and then pacified the gentry.It can be said that Jiangdong has been stabilized.With 150 million people in Jiangdong, as long as it develops well.Like Jingzhou, it is a matter of time before it reaches prosperity.

Kou Feng, this is a long-term plan, chaos first, and then great order.

But Kou Feng was the only one who was able to defeat this ruthless hand and was so decisive.Those who have ruled Jiangdong in the past have not had such decisiveness.

In Chen Xiong's mind, he had already outlined the image of a generation of heroes who would sweep away all obstacles with a fierce and domineering aura.Kou Feng this person, the hero of the world.

Very comparable.

In Chen Xiong's heart, almost his guts were remorseful.

They were too confident, too confident.

"Can we open the city to surrender now?" At this time, Xue Xun asked cautiously.

"Surrender?" Chen Xiong's eyes lit up, it was definitely a good idea.But is it doable?

Chen Xiong hesitated, but then made a decision.Anyway, if you are trapped in the city, you will die sooner or later.It's better to survive than to die, please come down and have a look.

"Okay, I'll send someone to ask for surrender immediately."

Chen Xiong suddenly stood up and said.Hundreds of years of business must not be ruined in his hands.

The gentry cherished the family, so they hugged together.But because of this, they are even more afraid of the scourge of genocide.As long as he can solve the catastrophe of extermination caused by his impulsive mind this time, Chen Xiong can do anything at all.

Inside the city are the private soldiers of the second family who are trapped in the city, but outside the city are the mighty Chu soldiers.

Now that Jiangdong is pacified again, Zhou Tai, Lu Meng, Fang Dao and others have returned to their bases, preparing to continue defending the remaining Shanyue.Only Lu Xun, who was originally in Kuaiji, was left, led 1 elite soldiers, and continued to attack Chen Xiong and Xue Xun.

Because the victory was imminent, Yi Ji, the governor of Yangzhou, also led some followers and brought some food, intending to reward the whole army.

At this moment, in the big tent of the Chinese army, Yi Ji, Gu Yong, and Lu Xun took their seats respectively.

In terms of position, Lu Xun is actually higher.However, according to the authority, the qualifications are high in Iraq.Therefore, Yi Ji sat in the handsome seat.

And Lu Xun and Gu Yong sat on both sides.

"The generals are really brave. When your majesty was in Moling, he discussed with me. They all thought that it would take several years to put down the Jiangdong rebellion. I don't think that within a few months, the flames of war all over the sky would disappear." Yi Ji was very pleased. said with emotion.

Lu Xun, Lu Meng and other Jiangdong old generals are indeed very good, and they are invincible against elite soldiers.

"It's not that we were brave, but the situation is different." Lu Xun didn't dare to take credit for it, but said with emotion.

"The pacification of the mountain has made the king's popularity in Jiangdong comparable to that of the old Sun family, or even slightly higher. Such a prestige, even if the gentry incited a rebellion in the village, there are very few people who cater to it. Therefore, it is easy to deal with it. If the king has not put down the Shanyue rebellion, I am afraid it will really last for a year or two." Lu Xun admired him very much.

Lu Xun was born in a rich family, and he is very clear about the power of the big family.One of them is that there are many domestic slaves, and they can stop an army of thousands, or even [-] at once.

Each has equipment and so on.Very difficult to deal with.

The second is the prestige in the village. If there is any clan dispute in the village, the first person to look for must not be the government, but the local big family.

Over time.The prestige of the great clan gradually increased.As long as you climb up and call out, followers will gather.

But Kou Feng, first designed it himself to calm down Shanyue.He has increased his own prestige countless times in the hearts of the people in Jiangdong.Then, began to eradicate the gentry.

In the conflict with the gentry, most of the people did not help the gentry.It's like breaking off an arm of a gentry, and only then can today's great victory be achieved.

In just a few months, most of the gentry rebellions in Jiangdong were put down.

If the cause and effect are attributable, I am afraid that Kou Feng's ingenious plan broke the food road of Shanyue and pacified the merits of Shanyue, so that the gentry can be pacified so quickly today.

"Haha, that's right. Your Majesty's ingenious plan is to level the mountain. I waited behind, but it was thanks to Your Majesty's blessing." Yi Ji joked, yet respectfully said.

Originally, Yiji thought that sitting in Jiangdong and becoming the governor of Yangzhou must be hard work.Yiji himself likes to be pioneering and troublesome.Therefore, even Taiwan, where the future is unknown, went, and established the foundation of Taiwan for Kou Feng.

It laid the foundation for the pacification of Wu Yue.

There are two evils in Yangzhou, Shanyue and the gentry.Originally, Yi Ji thought that he would also spend a lot of time and energy on governing Yangzhou for Kou Feng.

But I didn't expect Kou Feng to calm down hundreds of Shanyue who hadn't been able to surrender for thousands of years with a clever plan.Then indirectly laid the foundation for the pacification of the gentry.

Kou Feng came up with the solution himself.This made their courtiers not only admire, but also a little bit more ashamed.They fought and made meritorious deeds abroad, but in fact it was thanks to Kou Feng's blessing.

I am really ashamed.

Gu Yong's face could not help showing a bit of admiration.

Indeed, Kou Feng can often stand out from others.Very human indeed.

Just as the three were paying their respects, Chen Xiong's envoy arrived.

"Sir, the Inspector, the traitor Chen Xiong sent someone to see him." The guard reported.

"Hmph, this is begging for softness." Lu Xun snorted coldly and said disdainfully.I really have no backbone. When I launched an army against Chu, I incited so many people to rebel with words, but I ended up being soft-boned instead.

Since Kou Feng rescued Lu Xun from the quagmire of Jiangdong, Lu Xun has been a thorough loyalist, and no one has a good impression of these gentry who incited the rebellion.

"If we ask for surrender, we can't make a decision in private. It's better to meet this person first, and then report to the king, and ask the king to make a decision." Yiji shook his head and said safely.

Whether to accept surrender or not, it is not easy for them as courtiers to make a decision.

"Please come in." Lu Xun nodded and waved.

"No." The guard promised, turned and left.Not long after, a middle-aged man walked in.

This middle-aged man looks really good, but he looks haggard and stressed.

"Villain Chen Feng, I have met all the masters." Chen Feng saluted Yi Ji and the others one by one.

He is Chen Xiong's younger brother, so he has some knowledge, that's why he was sent to beg for surrender.

"But you came here to ask for surrender?" Yi Ji didn't despise him, but said kindly.

"Yes. The head of the family mistakenly believed what people said, and wrongly raised troops against the wise king. He has repented today. Please forgive me." Chen Feng looked humble and almost begged.

"I can't make a decision on this matter. If Chen Xiong is sincere, he can send his heirs here. I will write to the king again. If the king agrees, he can accept surrender. If the king does not agree, then I will let him down." Yi Ji said faintly road.

In fact, Yiji knew in his heart that most of Kou Feng would not agree.Because the name of Kou Feng is the law, according to the law, it is against the law for Chen Xiong and other gentry to have many domestic slaves.

Exceeds the amount legally possessed.

Of course this is no child's play.The first evil should be punished.In addition, Kou Feng himself is a fierce and decisive person who never regrets compromising after making a move, most likely he will destroy his family.

"Thank you, my lord." But Chen Feng didn't know what Yiji was thinking, and bowed down happily instead.

Immediately, Chen Feng returned to the city and brought one of Chen Xiong's sons as a hostage.And Yiji also has an official document in Kou Feng, please Kou Feng to make a decision.

At present, Chen Xiong is already on his last breath, and going back and forth this time is not considered to be delaying the military situation.

(To be continued)

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