Xiangyang. .

During this period of time, Xiangyang lived very smoothly, with Kou Feng stabilizing Jingchu.Trade is also very prosperous, and Xiangyang is especially favored by businessmen because it is currently the capital of Chu State.

Every day, an endless stream of merchant ships docks at the ferry to the north.A scene of Jingchu prosperity.

However, stability and prosperity is prosperity.But during this period of time, it was the situation in Jiangdong that caught the people of Chu's attention the most.

Kou Feng ordered a thorough investigation of the population of the gentry.It is like a stone stirring up a thousand waves.The entire Jingchu people were in disbelief.

Everyone knows that the gentry in Jiangdong is huge and lacks the support of the gentry.A ruler is like a fish out of water, and sooner or later he dies.

But Kou Feng went in the opposite direction, intending to get rid of the gentry.This made many officials loyal to the state of Chu and the common people feel worried.Many officials also wrote to Kou Feng for this, asking to avoid this disaster.

But what is surprising is that the mighty countless gentry united to rebel, and it ended in dismal.It was basically pacified in less than a few months.

This made many officials overjoyed, but completely convinced by the fighting power of the Chu army.Under such a big country, what foreign enemies are we afraid of?

What are you still afraid of?

It can be said that everyone is happy to be a citizen of Chu State.

This is the state of Chu during this time.The hearts of the people are happy.

As the king of Chu, Kou Feng naturally paid more attention to the battle ahead.However, my heart is getting more and more relaxed.Because according to the battle report, Lu Xun had already suppressed Chen Xiong and the others to several counties.

He didn't even have the chance to go out to be a bandit.

Kou Feng thought it would take a year or two to quell the gentry, but he didn't want it to be done in a few months.

This made Kou Feng feel that it was worth it.After pacifying so many gentry, Kou Feng may get more than 50 people.Because the gentry itself can legally own some domestic slaves.

50 are just black households.

After the black households were liberated, there were still people who were originally domestic slaves.Add up, there may be five 10,000+.Although it is a fraction, it is also a considerable fortune.

It can feed thousands of soldiers and horses.

All in all, Kou Feng was in a very good mood during this time.

Today, it was almost noon, Kou Feng looked at the sky and decided to go to Xiao Qiao's for dinner.Because of the little ripples with Da Qiao some time ago.

Let Kou Feng often go to Xiao Qiao's yard unconsciously.

He also often wears clothes sewn by Da Qiao himself.

Maybe men are born lower body animals.Kou Feng was somewhat resistant at first, and deliberately avoided it for a few days.Later, he was relieved.

No matter who you are, who you are.Since you like something, why avoid it on purpose.

After figuring it out, Kou Feng became much more natural.I often go to Xiao Qiao's side, and often talk with Xiao Qiao and Da Qiao.

Soon, Kou Feng came in a carriage and came to Xiao Qiao's yard.

There was no need to inform Madam, Kou Feng walked in directly.

In the room, Qiao and Qiao are sitting side by side, making female celebrities.

Like two flowers blooming at the same time, they are very gorgeous and outstanding.

"Your Majesty is here."


After hearing the sound of footsteps, Qiao Qi Qi got up and said to Kou Feng Yifu.

"Hehe, sit down." Kou Feng said with a smile.

He lowered his head and glanced at the needles and thread in Joe's hands. They were sewing clothes, big and small.Kou Feng knew that the younger one was for Sun Shao and Kou Sheng.The big nature is for him.

"During this time, you have also sewed a lot of clothes for me, but you can't wear them all." Kou Feng smiled again.

"Who says it can't be finished." Xiao Qiao rolled her eyes at Kou Feng and said angrily.

Kou Feng has been leading troops and fighting outside all year round, and his clothes are easily worn out while sitting on a horse.How many pieces are not enough to wear.

"Hehe." Kou Feng chuckled, of course he wouldn't argue with Xiao Qiao.

"How's Shao'er doing recently?" Kou Feng turned to ask Da Qiao.

It made Xiao Qiao next to him show a coquettish look on his face.During this period of time, Kou Feng came to her side very diligently.It's really a drunkard who doesn't want to drink.Why can't Xiao Qiao see it?

Besides, when Kou Feng went to Wushan together with her, Xiao Qiao pretended to be joking and asked, do you still think about your sister?

Kou Feng immediately said that he was looking forward to Shu, so why not.

Although it was a bit of a joke at the time.But Xiao Qiao began to behave a little differently from then on.

For Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao still cherishes it very much.

Her husband died early, and she was not happy after marriage.After Sun Ce's death, he was suppressed by Sun Quan.And full of resentment towards Sun Ce.

The past 30 to [-] years have been very miserable.

Now that she finally got rid of Sun Quan, she should choose a good man and remarry.But Da Qiao was worried about Sun Shao and refused.

Little Joe can't help it either.

But Kou Feng's drunkard's intention is not to drink, and he often walks towards her during this time.She can feel it, and Da Qiao can naturally feel it too.But Da Qiao obviously didn't mean to shy away from it.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but I often visit her.

Whether it is intentional or unintentional.But what is certain is that Da Qiao may not have Kou Feng in his heart.

Regardless of his appearance, ability, fame, or power, this man is born to be a magnet, and he has the ability to make all the women in the world bow down.

What's more, Kou Feng treated Sun Shao very well.He himself saved Da Qiao from fire and water.This kindness is an excellent foundation.It can be seen that Da Qiao did not hesitate to learn from female celebrities in order to be able to sew clothes for Kou Feng to wear.

If it really works, Xiao Qiao doesn't care.Anyway, Kou Feng has so many women.If Da Qiao and Kou Feng can achieve good things, they have to live here.

Since then, she also has a companion.

But when Kou Feng peeped at her sister in front of her sister.This made Xiao Qiao very angry.

Feeling the strange look in her sister's eyes, Da Qiao felt a little uncomfortable.But he still didn't retreat, smiled slightly, and said: "It's been a good time, but it's been hard to study. The three old gentlemen are very strict."

"It's good to be strict. Only strict teachers can produce high-quality apprentices." Kou Feng had a thick skin, but he didn't think much of it. He smiled and nodded.

After saying a few words like this, Kou Feng asked Xiao Qiao to clean up and start eating.

For lunch, Da Qiao didn't go back to eat.

Kou Feng sat in the middle, and Qiao and Qiao sat on the two sides, and the three of them ate together.Although the relationship between the three is still very simple.But in fact, there is already such a tacit understanding.

Kou Feng could also feel that Da Qiao didn't agree, but he didn't mean to refuse either.

After lunch, Kou Feng left first.With Da Qiao around, it is not easy for Kou Feng to be gentle with Xiao Qiao.

After returning to the study, Kou Feng also received a document from Yiji from Yangzhou.When Yi Ji said that Chen Xiong begged to surrender, he couldn't make a decision, so he gave it to Kou Feng to make a decision.

Kou Feng couldn't help but sneered.

What is called the law is that there can be no tolerance in the slightest.That's called law.If Chen Xiong were let go today, it would be tantamount to destroying his prestige.

Recognize that laws can be changed.

How to convince the public in the future?

"The gentry owns land, and the slaves are all custom-made. The number of them depends on the level of the official position. The high ones have more land, and the low ones can only have few. The Chen family exceeds the law by a lot. Thinking about his mistakes, he intensified the situation instead. He incited the people to rebel. If you are a traitor, kill them and never tolerate them." Kou Feng made instructions on the top of this booklet, which was very cold and ruthless.Then, he immediately handed the notebook to the attendant next to him.

"Send people to Shangshutai, and ask Liu Ba to send officials to quickly hand over to Yiji, the governor of Yangzhou." Kou Feng said.

"No." The attendant promised, bowed his head, took the paper, and walked out immediately.

"If you want to rebel, you can rebel, if you want to surrender, you can surrender. There is no such cheap thing in the world." Kou Feng, who had been instructing just now, seemed to be polite, but now he stretched his waist like a market, and said disdainfully.

With no outsiders present, Kou Feng was more casual.

After criticizing Yiji's book, Kou Feng knew about Jiangdong's rebellion and basically put it down.Since then, Jiangdong has become the hinterland of Jingchu.

There are 60 people, who can work diligently and enjoy the peace and prosperity at the same time.He also paid taxes to the state of Chu to fund the state.

With the prosperity of Jiangdong, prosperity.Kou Feng's life will become better and better in the future, and the national power of Chu State will become stronger and stronger.

Sixty-seven million people.

It is estimated that Cao Cao's north has only such a small population.

Moreover, Cao Wei's army is much larger than that of Chu State, and it is still surrounded by enemies.Unlike Chu State, foreign enemies can be temporarily abandoned.

Suppress internal conflicts with peace of mind and calm down internal chaos.Seek a development, seek a leap.

As the state of Chu became more and more powerful, Kou Feng's life was of course getting better and better.At the same time, it becomes more and more comfortable.

After stretching, Kou Feng felt a little sleepy.After thinking for a while, he decided to sleep with Ding Shi.

Thinking of the Ding family, Kou Feng's mood became even better.For this matter, I still have to thank Zhang Zhongjing.Now Ding is pregnant.Not only that, there is also good news for Mi, who has always been infertile.

These two women who have been miserable for half their lives have children of their own.

For the second daughter, it is really a gratifying thing.

While Kou Feng was enjoying life in the rear, Yangzhou Yiji also received Kou Feng's order to kill Chen and Xue.Immediately, immediately ordered the siege.

Lu Xun broke through the cities occupied by the Chen and Xue clans in just one day.

Kill Chen Xiong, Xue Xun.The family was a slave and burned the ancestral house of the Chen family, causing this family that had enjoyed a reputation for hundreds of years to be exterminated in one fell swoop.

So far, Shanyue, the foreign enemy in Jiangdong, and the gentry, the internal enemy, have been suppressed by Kou Feng one after another.

Chu State is stable.But the impact of this matter is very huge.

You must know that the gentry is the most influential group of people in the world, stronger than Yuan Shao, and they also started their fortunes from the gentry.Although Cao Cao can use poor families, he doesn't dare to persecute the nobles too much.

Only Kou Feng can make a painful decision to eradicate the moths of these countries.

The first person in the world who dared to do this.And it worked.Returned Jiangdong to a bright future.

This is not something that people in the world can ignore.

(To be continued)

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