Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 710 The Real Crouching Dragon

The so-called Fucun.

It is a village that has just been established not long ago.

When it was first established, it was a group of men.And they are all soldiers from the army at a glance.Then, under the means of the village chief Wu Mingshi.

The men gradually married women from nearby villages.Then, the shape of the village was gradually formed.

But still unique.

Because there are no old people or anything in the village.

Speaking of this Anonymous, he is really well-known far and wide.There are many scholars from all over the world who come to make friends with each other, which makes this Fu village gradually prosperous.

Everywhere you can see handsome and very imposing scholars coming to Fu Village in a carriage.

Kou Dao was one of the parts that followed Wumingshi to the west, but he knew that Wumingshi was a dragon in Wollongong back then.

Also known as Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang.

When Liu Bei was defeated at the beginning, people's hearts were scattered all at once.Zhuge Liang gathered them together and entered Yizhou westward with the majesty accumulated before.

To avoid Kou Feng.

Some of them are more loyal to Liu Bei.Always thinking about revenge, but as time passed, they gradually got married and had children.

The thought of revenge faded away.

Yizhou is very stable.They love it too.

But Zhuge Liang, who has the ability to manipulate the world, is of course unwilling to go dormant, so he named the village Fucun.There is a dormant smell.

Because of dormancy, there will be a time when it will soar into the sky in the future.

Making friends with a large number of scholars has exhausted Zhuge Liang's reluctance to dormant.

On this day, Kou Gang and his wife were working outside, and saw a man who looked like a scholar passing by the road, heading for their village.He couldn't help laughing and said: "Sir, you have a great talent, no matter where you are, you can't hide it. I don't know when it will soar into the sky."

"Soaring into the sky? Can you be a high-ranking official in Yizhou?" Kou Yu's wife just married here not long ago, but she always listened to the men around her admiring the nameless person, so she had a little more respect for the nameless person.

At this moment, he asked very longingly.

State officials.In the eyes of Kou Gang's wife, this is already a very remarkable achievement.

"Yizhou Liu Zhang is not a hero, how can he make Mr. Yi give in?" Kou Gang said disdainfully.

At first he said a word of pride, but then Kou Gang stopped.

There are many heroes in this world, such as Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Sun Quan, Kou Feng and so on.Although Kou Gang can be regarded as one of the people who are loyal to Liu Bei.But I have to admit that Kou Feng is indeed a hero.

At this moment, Liu Bei and Sun Quan are both dead.The only one left who can aspire to the top of the world and establish an indomitable foundation is Cao Cao, Kou Feng.

But one of them is a traitor.Liu Bei's sworn enemy.The other was the one who directly killed Liu Bei.Except for these two, the rest are mediocre people.

Not good enough for Mr.

Although Kou Gang didn't want Mr. to commit himself to these two, he had to admit it.If the husband really intends to come out again, then these two are the best choices.

"I hate that the emperor left too early." Kou Yuan said with tears.

It's a pity that the emperor's uncle is so famous, but he misunderstood Kou Feng, which led to a crushing defeat.

At this moment, it has been rumored for a long time that it is Zhuge Liang's Anonymous.Sitting in his own study, there is a charming woman sitting beside him, serving Zhuge Liang to read.

Although it is a village, Zhuge Liang's residence is a unique mansion.There are also maids and servants around.

Of course, this is not something Zhuge Liang can afford, although he escaped with more than a hundred pieces.But the family wealth is not much, and the soldiers are settled and married for them.

Zhuge Liang was more struggling.

But Zhuge Liang also had an adventure. He became famous and was favored by a local powerful family, who assigned a woman to him as his wife.

Zhuge Liang also considered that he was quite old, and this woman from a powerful family had also seen it once, she was gentle and gentle.So they got married.

Because of this, Zhuge Liang's life is very good.

The life after marriage made Zhuge Liang completely calm down.The whole day is either reading books or working in the fields in person to experience the life of the idle cranes.

Some people have no shortage of talent and wisdom.What is lacking is precipitation.

In history, Zhuge Liang assisted Liu Bei before and after the Battle of Chibi, but at this moment, Zhuge Liang was recommended to Liu Bei by Xu Shu several years in advance.

Without the accumulation of years of farming and reading, acting in the south is a little more impulsive.It's not rational, so it indirectly led to Liu Bei's defeat.

But during this period of pastoral life, life after marriage.Let Zhuge Liang be very enriched and cultivate his body.The whole person's mental outlook and inner self-cultivation have undergone tremendous changes.

It can be said that Zhuge Liang has improved himself during this period.Zhuge Liang at this moment is the real Crouching Dragon.

Have the talent to help the world.

When two people meet, the first impression is not eloquence or intelligence.But appearance, and temperament.

Zhuge Liang has such a good appearance, his figure is more than eight feet tall, and his face is majestic.Coupled with this change in temperament, the whole person is like the legendary talented hermit.

Therefore, it is possible to become famous in such a short period of time.Everyone who met and talked to him was full of praise.

"Master, there is someone outside the door who claims to be Ma Feng, the prefect of Jiangyang, begging to see him." At this moment, an old servant came in and said to him.

"Oh?" Zhuge Liang let out a soft groan, but he didn't look surprised.Although she lives in seclusion, she is well-informed.Ma Feng, the prefect of Jiangyang, is quite ambitious, but lacking in talent.Even in my dreams, I wanted to hire a great talent to help me.

Now that he has made some statements here, it's time for Ma Feng to come over.

"Unfortunately, Liu Zhang is not a hero, and sooner or later he will be annexed by Kou Feng." Zhuge Liang shook his head and thought to himself.

"Welcome into the hall." Zhuge Liang said to the old servant first, then got up and straightened his clothes, turned his head and said to his wife, got up and walked out.

After a while, Zhuge Liang came to the hall, and the old servant who greeted Ma Feng first also welcomed Ma Feng into the hall.

"I don't know if the prefect came to visit, but I'm far away from welcoming you. Please forgive me." After Zhuge Liang saw Ma Feng, he saluted, but that was all.

Not respectful, not alienating.

"Hehe, it's the old man's recklessness for a sudden visit." Ma Feng laughed.Although he is only in his thirties, he calls himself an old man.

"Serve tea." Zhuge Liang first said to the old servant behind him, then stretched out his hand and said, "Sit."

"Thank you." Ma Feng thanked him.

It is also a matter of habit, although this room is called a hall, but there is only one table, two cushions, which can be regarded as two seats, which is very simple.

After Zhuge Liang invited Ma Feng to sit across from him, he also sat down.

"I don't know why the prefect came from a long way away?" Zhuge Liang, as the master, of course wanted to ask such a question, although he knew it well.

"I'm ashamed to say it." Ma Feng was ashamed, and then he raised his fist and said to the sky: "Although Liu Yizhou is so kind and generous, I promise to be the prefect of Jiangyang, but I have little talent and learning, and I haven't made much achievements in the county. I often want to find a good person. I am the master. I heard the name of Wuming, so I came to visit and wanted to hire you as a staff member in the county. If you are willing to come, you will definitely treat me as a long history."

Chang Shi is usually the right-hand man of the chief officer.Now Ma Feng is the prefect of the county, and this long history is the second in command of the county.It shows sincerity.

But Zhuge Liang's heart is in the world, how could he fancy this little Jiangyang Changshi?

"Hehe, I claimed to be Anonymous to the outside world, but I was completely ashamed at the beginning. In fact, my surname is Zhuge, and I have a single name. In the past, I was a minister under Liu Yuzhou's tent." Zhuge Liang said with a smile.

Zhuge Liang also somewhat declined this remark.

"It turned out to be Mr. Wolong, disrespect, disrespect." After hearing this, Ma Feng was naturally shocked.See you quickly.

Jingchu has two talents, Wolong and Fengchu. Although this is Yizhou, it is relatively remote and closed.But with the rise of Kou Feng, Pang Tong's reputation is very grand.

And Zhuge Liang, who is as famous as him, is of course also famous.

The so-called people who are worthy of fame, since Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong are as famous, they naturally have some capital.Furthermore, Liu Bei's defeat was not Zhuge Liang's problem.

It's that Liu Bei himself has too few resources to use, and the little Xinye is the prefect.How can it be compared with Kou Feng who was sitting in the seven counties of Jingnan at that time?

After hearing Zhuge Liang's self-introduction, Ma Feng was not only shocked.I also feel ashamed that I want to ask Zhuge Liang to be the chief history of the prefect.

"Please forgive my abruptness, sir. I will send a letter to Liu Yizhou immediately, recommending him to take up a post in the state." Ma Feng immediately changed his original intention and said sincerely.

"Thank you, Lord Prefect, for your kindness. It's just that after the first battle in Jingzhou, I discovered my shortcomings. I'm currently studying hard at home to cultivate my body and family name. It will be sooner or later to be born to assist the Ming Lord. But it's not at this moment." Zhuge Liang smiled. declined.

It will be sooner or later, but it will definitely not be Liu Zhang.Zhuge Liang secretly sighed in his heart.

"Hey. Kou Feng is showing off his fierce power. In the battle between Jingchu and Liu Yuzhou, he unfortunately fell, which makes people sigh." Ma Feng thought that Zhuge Liang was still silent in grief, so he couldn't help but sighed too.

I already knew it in my heart, so I couldn't force it.

Even if he recommends it to Liu Yizhou, I am afraid Zhuge Liang will refuse.

In this era, the hiring of leaders is rejected.That's a very common thing.People at that time would not despise it, but admire it.

As he said that, Ma Feng said again: "Sir, you may not know that during this period of time, Kou Fengxing's troops wiped out many Jiangdong gentry, and wiped out countless big families. This is to cut off the way out and cut off talents. You must know that there are more gentry in the gentry." Yes. It is the foundation of the country's talents. If this person is so fierce, he may not be far from defeat."

Ma Feng's words were actually to comfort Zhuge Liang.After all, Liu Bei was defeated by Kou Feng. Seeing the turmoil in Jiangdong at this moment, Kou Feng may have no successors.

According to Ma Feng, Zhuge Liang should feel happy.

Sure enough, Zhuge Liang was shocked all over, and a very strong divine light burst out from his eyes. Although he quickly disappeared, he was caught by Ma Feng.

(To be continued)

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