Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 711 Issuing the Seeking Order

"Hehe, when the time comes, Liu Yuzhou's spirit in heaven will surely comfort him." Ma Feng said with a chuckle.

But Zhuge Liang was a little absent-minded. Although it was not obvious, Ma Feng, who was often in the officialdom, could smell a bit of it.

Knowing that Zhuge Liang may also be doing things for Jiangdong, he started to do calculations and other things.So he got up and said.

"Since you don't have the intention to become an official, then I will leave first. Only if after a few years, you have the intention to become an official. Please also come to my house. I will fulfill today's oath and recommend you to Liu Yizhou."

Ma Feng promised.

"Thank you, Lord Prefect, for your kindness." Although Ma Feng didn't like the chief prefect, but Ma Feng was kind, so Zhuge Liang said politely.

Immediately, Zhuge Liang sent Ma Feng away.

Zhuge Liang stopped outside the door for a while, then returned to the study.

"Husband, what's the matter?" Zhuge Liang who returned to the study was obviously different from when he went out.Zhuge Liang's wife is also a very careful person, so she couldn't help asking softly.

"It's okay, madam, go down and cook a duck for my husband. My husband suddenly wants to eat it." Zhuge Liang had something on his mind and didn't want to talk about it, so he smiled and asked his wife to go down and do something.

"En." Zhuge Liang's wife had no doubt about him, she nodded obediently and walked out.

Very gentle.

"Defeated to Xishu, I am in a terrible state of distress. It is a great blessing in life to have this wife." Zhuge Liang said with a flash of tenderness in his eyes.

Immediately, he put away his thoughts again.

He began to digest the news that Ma Feng brought just now.

Kou Feng made a move against Jiang Dong, is this self-destructive?

It seems so.As Ma Feng said, most of the talented people in this world come from the gentry, at least those who are famous are from the gentry.Although the humble family has one or two great talents, most of them have been buried.

In addition, the gentry married each other to form a very large force.

Therefore, if ordinary forces want to succeed, they must rely on the support of the gentry.Back then, Yuan Shao won over a large number of gentry with his reputation as the fourth generation and third prince of the Yuan family.In order to gain a foothold in Hebei, there is no second in prestige.

Now it seems that Yuan Shao is nothing more than a mediocre talent.But he was able to achieve such a foundation with mediocrity.It shows the energy of the gentry.

But Kou Feng sat in Jingchu, but eradicated the gentry.This is really self-destructive.

But this is only on the surface.The Jiangdong gentry is the most stubborn gentry in the world.They are xenophobic, extremely xenophobic.Moreover, the forces are all over the sky, and the same spirit is connected, against the monarch.

Their presence will only cause unrest.

Early eradication is beneficial and harmless.As for Kou Feng's eradication of so many gentry in Jiangdong at once, he cut off the source of future talents.

Zhuge Liang also has an opinion.

Kou Feng has Chu Shu, which is said to be very cheap.The reason why the gentry has such a high status is not because the family has a large collection of books, which allows the children of the gentry to open their minds.

Kou Feng has Chu Shu, which is enough to cultivate all kinds of talents in batches.He wasn't afraid that after killing all the gentry, there would be a short circuit.

But the same as Cao Cao's opinion, Zhuge Liang also knows that this kind of thing seems to be beneficial and harmless, and he is a wise person, so he has to do it.

But since the existence of a group of special ethnic groups such as the gentry, Kou Feng is No. 1 except for the prosperous times, such as Han Dynasty Wen, Jing, Wu, and Guangwu Death Emperor.

In the prosperous age, the power of the emperor is supreme, especially these four are extremely powerful, and they are all people with supreme prestige during their respective reigns.

They have no scruples in their actions, and they can kill whoever they want.

But Kou Feng is in the time of war, when the strength of unity is most needed.Therefore, the first four emperors may not be able to compare with Kou Feng in terms of determination, decisiveness, and courage.

"It's really a hero in a troubled world." Zhuge Liang was silent for a long time, then sighed.

I said convincingly in my heart.

From this, Zhuge Liang couldn't help thinking that he was a fledgling and was recommended by Xu Shu.But at that time, I was still young and too arbitrary.

I don't know how to judge a person's heart and surname.

When Liu Bei had a disagreement with Kou Feng, he didn't know the important surname of Baoquan Kou Feng.If it was at that time, he would have the heart and surname he has now.

Knowing that Kou Feng's talent is enough to succeed Liu Bei.It must be stopped with all its strength.

There will be no subsequent defeat.

And at the beginning, he valued Xu Shu very much, and his cultivation of character was much higher than his.Now it really is also the clouds open to see the sky.The official residence is the general of the military division.Holding one side's military power.

The more he admired Kou Feng's ability in his heart, the more Zhuge Liang regretted that year.

"In today's world, although the princes are rising together, known as Chu, Wei, Yan, Qin, and Liang. But in fact it is just Chu and Wei competing for power. If you want to choose one person and go to him, it must be one of them. And Kou Feng sits Steady southeast, westward is imminent. Western Shu will eat it up sooner or later. If I defect to Kou Feng, it will be when he enters Shu. If I defect to Cao Cao, it will be when Kou Feng enters Shu. And assist Liu Zhang to resist Kou Feng. Now, is it Kou or Cao?" Zhuge Liang asked himself in his heart.

To be honest, Zhuge Liang was really sad in his heart.

He followed Liu Bei and was indeed loyal.And Liu Bei's political stance is to support the Han Dynasty, which is incompatible with Cao Cao.And Kou Feng killed Liu Bei directly.

They all have great enemies with Liu Bei.

But in the end, this world belongs to one of them.If Zhuge Liang wants to show his ambitions in the world, there is no third way to go.

But in this seemingly helpless, difficult choice.

In fact, Zhuge Liang already had the answer in his heart.

In terms of ability, it will be omitted.Cao Cao and Kou Feng should be at the same level.Even Kou Feng is slightly worse.If it weren't for Kou Feng's endless methods, he would definitely not be Cao Cao's opponent.

But if it has an advantage over another, then Kou Feng has the absolute upper hand.

Whoever is younger is more courageous.Whose country is richer and whose current situation is the most beneficial?

Without him, Kou Fenger.

The state of Chu ruled the southeast arbitrarily, and there was no enemy on all sides except Cao Cao.At this moment Cao Kou is on strike again.The advantage is too strong.

"Current events make people. Although Cao Cao is strong, the Cao family is definitely not Kou Feng's opponent." There was a little boasting in Zhuge Liang's eyes.The hero is getting old, and the future will definitely not be the era of Cao Cao.


Chengdu, inside Zhang Song's Mansion.

Zhang Song, Fazheng, and Meng Da were discussing affairs in a room in the front yard.

Among these three people, Zhang Song saw Liu Zhang's weakness, and sooner or later he was plotted by others, planning to find a way out.And Fazheng was squeezed out and oppressed.

And Meng Da is purely because he is a good friend of Fazheng, and also holds part of the military power.

Under Fazheng's deliberate connection, the three finally came together.

This time, Meng Da also got a chance to return to Chengdu, so the three of them sat together to discuss the way out.

"In today's world, Zhang Lu seems to be powerful. But he can only bully Liu Yizhou. But in the world, he is just a clown. In terms of prestige, ability, and power, he should belong to Prime Minister Cao. If there is a chance, I will definitely seek Liu Yizhou and come out. The opportunity to use Yecheng. The way out is to connect with the Cao family." At present, of course, the three of them can't talk about any conspiracy, but they are discussing who should take refuge in.Zhang Song is optimistic about Cao Cao.

Meng Da is based on the righteousness of the law in everything.

"How about Duke Kou of Chu State?" Fazheng was inclined towards Kou Feng in his heart, because Yizhou was bordered by Chu State, if Kou Feng sent troops, he could occupy Yizhou in a year or two if he went well.

His living environment will be greatly improved after Fa-rectification.

Fazheng was full of talent and learning, but was oppressed.Full of resentment, but also bold, good at clever strategies.If he can connect with Kou Feng, he can even go to Chu alone to make suggestions for Kou Feng.

"Although Kou Feng of the Chu State was powerful for a while, it was reported just now that he exterminated the gentry, which is tantamount to digging his own grave. I'm afraid it won't last long." Zhang Song has talent, but his vision is not as good as Zhuge Liang's, and he has a lot of righteousness.

Still think Cao Cao has an advantage over Kou Feng.

But Fazheng didn't take it seriously in his heart. It was precisely this point that made Fazheng value Kou Feng.Similar to Zhuge Liang, Fazheng secretly applauded Kou Feng's determination and courage.

But although the three of them are colluding, Zhang Song is the mastermind.Don't drive in the official residence, which is very advantageous.Therefore, Fazheng pondered for a moment, and did not intend to argue with Zhang Song.

Anyway, he is optimistic about Kou Feng, anyway, Kou Feng's power is enough, and he is invincible on all sides.Marching into Xishu is already on the verge of launching, and it may be launched at any time.

When the time comes, Kou Feng will enter, he is trying to persuade Zhang Song to welcome Kou Feng.

However, at this moment, the three of them decided to unite with Cao Cao based on Zhang Song's opinion.After the negotiation was concluded, Fazheng and Meng Da left Zhang's mansion together and returned to Fazheng's mansion.

Although Fazheng is quite frustrated now, his grandfather Fazhen is a very famous celebrity, and his family is quite grand.

After the two entered the court, they went straight to the study.

"Filial piety, if the plan is not secret, it may harm the whole family. Is it really worth it?" Although Meng Da is very righteous, at this moment, he still has doubts in his heart.

"How can dragons be confused with fish and shrimp? If I don't take advantage of the momentum, I would rather die." Fazheng said violently.

The law corrects this person to be intelligent, but does not practice virtue.

In history, after achieving great things, it is also a virtue of a meal, and all grievances are revenge.

But why did such a surname form?He was also oppressed, and Liu Zhang was dim and didn't know talents.If Liu Zhang can discover Fazheng's talent and reuse it.

How can Liu Bei take Yizhou?

Meng Da was also touched, sighed, and stopped talking.

"After Zijing goes back, he should train soldiers and horses diligently, and be Kou Gong when he enters Chu. If you can bear Kou Gong's injury, you can be a pioneer, make great achievements, and worship generals and marquises." The two were silent for a long time, and Fazheng was facing each other. Mengda encouraged.

"Isn't it Duke Cao? How did you become Duke Kou?" Meng Da was startled and asked.

"Although Zhang Ziqiao is talented, his vision is really lacking. Cao Gong is just at sunset, but Kou Gong is in the sky. How can you choose Cao Gong and abandon Kou Gong?" Fazheng said slightly. He smiled and said, "According to my prediction, Mr. Cao is still dealing with Xiliang. During the Western Qin Dynasty, Mr. Kou may have already entered Shu."

"As the old saying goes, first come, first served. Then, how can you surrender Cao?"

"Then why just now?" Meng Da nodded clearly, but asked again in doubt.

"Zhang Ziqiao is your best friend, second in one state. Make friends with him first, and then get on the same boat as him before you can take advantage of the situation and join forces with Duke Kou. Otherwise, you and I are nobodies, even if Duke Kou is a sage, I'm afraid we will treat him like ordinary people. "Fazheng said with a smile.

Fazheng is unwilling to be confused with ordinary fish and shrimp.Want to become a dragon.How could Kou Feng underestimate him.This is why he conspired with Zhang Song.

To take advantage of the situation, let Kou Feng see him clearly.Then he assisted Kou Feng to achieve great things.

Just when most of the wise men in the world can see that after Kou Feng solved the two major troubles in Jiangdong with decisive means, that kind of aura that is at the top of the sky and awe-inspiring to the world.

Of course Kou Feng is not idle, he is doing something that is more beneficial to the development of Chu.

After solving the two major troubles in Jiangdong, the territory is very peaceful, and there are no major enemies outside.At present, Pang Tong's army is resting again.

The time to conquer Shu has not yet come.

What are you going to do?Rest and recuperate, open up business channels, and strengthen talent reserves.These are very necessary.

Therefore, Kou Feng wanted to order to seek talents.

State of Chu, Xiangyang City, in the palace.

Kou Feng summoned Jiang Wan among the three lords under his tent, Liu Ba, the minister, and Jiuqing and other important officials to discuss the matter of seeking talents.

Lu Su was also among them because of the special courtesy given by Koufeng.

"The world today is full of troubles. But it is also a time when capable people come forth in large numbers, such as the five good generals of the Wei State, Jia Xu, Cheng Yu and other advisers, as well as my Chu State Huang Zhong, Gan Ning, Zhao Yun, Tai Shici, Zhang Fei, etc. Are they born Slightly cold. There is no shortage of talented people in this world, but Shaobole is nothing more than that."

In the hall, Kou Feng sat at the head, dressed very orthodox, and said loudly.

"At this time, although the state of Chu has all the ministers to help, it is still very weak. Therefore, I plan to order to seek talents. Talents with high morals, I ask for them. But even if the virtues are slightly damaged, they are outstanding. I don't let the lonely one go. In today's troubled times, we should know how to be flexible. You must be talented. I don't know what you think?" Kou Feng looked around the crowd through the bead strings, and said dignifiedly.

"If a country wants to be strong, power is indispensable. It is flesh. Only with flesh can it be strong. But talents are bones. Only bones can do it. How can flesh and blood be separated? What your majesty said is very good." Jiang Wan as One of the three princes straightened his body and expressed his way first.

He also agrees in his heart.

In the prosperous age, it is necessary to use noble virtues to stabilize the country and guarantee the imperial power.In troubled times, one needs to know how to adapt.You can't use someone else just because they have a bad moral character.

In that case, wouldn't it be driving talents to other people's power?

Big loss, big loss.

As soon as the order of seeking talents came out, Kou Fengwei was the only one who acted.It must be able to attract many poor scholars from all over the world to enter Chu State.This is to dig the foot of the enemy's wall and strengthen oneself.

It is really a good way to strengthen yourself.

"Your Majesty is holy." All the ministers prostrated themselves.

"Okay, immediately publish the official document and spread it to the world. I have to build a high platform to show my determination." Kou Feng couldn't help but said happily when he saw that the people also believed that only talent was the way to do things.


The ministers agreed.

(To be continued)

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