Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 712 Developing the Harem and Developing the Country

The early autumn of Jian'an 16th.

Kou Feng built a [-]-foot-high platform outside Xiangyang City, called the Qiuxian Platform.Announce to the world that all virtuous and talented people, even if they have a small disadvantage, can also go on stage to pay homage to the general.

The world is shocked.

At the beginning, Cao Cao ordered to seek talents.Although it is also a hint, it is only an example.But it didn't directly say that people who are at a disadvantage can also worship as officials.

But Kou Feng directly announced this to the world.

There are those who cast aside the world, and there are those who rejoice.

Those who despise him, of course, think that Kou Feng is the pioneer who opened up the world, and if he is an official, he can be outstanding.But virtue is not cultivated.Isn't it to disrupt the government and the world?

This is the way to bring disaster.

"This person was born as a commoner. I don't know that the selection of officials in the world is always based on virtue. Only those who have high moral character can be loyal to the emperor and love the country. However, if their moral ability is low, even if they have outstanding talents, they will be rebellious officials and traitors who will harm the country."

A famous scholar in Hebei, Ju Guang, who was born in the Ju family, was very saddened.It is believed that Kou Feng is the first to open up the world.If Kou Feng used people with disadvantages to disrupt Chu, that would be fine.If Kou Feng is a person who has a disadvantage in using small details, the state of Chu will prosper.Wouldn't the princes of the world want to follow suit?

At that time, the gentleman will not cultivate virtue, but only cultivate talent and learning.Isn't this a mess?

This man named Juguang has a very famous elder brother, Jushou, one of the two most useful counselors under Yuan Benchu's tent in the past.

Therefore, the influence is not small.

In addition, the capital of Cao Cao's Wei State is in Hebei. Therefore, Kou Feng's move was reviled by many people in the Hebei area.

There are many people who think that Kou Feng is digging his own grave, and they also think that Chu State will be in chaos.

There are those who cast aside, and of course there are those who rejoice.

In the past, all countries had both ability and political integrity, but what is ability and integrity?Then it must be famous.But in the current world, most of the famous people are gentry.

The humble gentry were buried because they had no social circle.

What Kou Feng said about meritocracy, is he really trying to recruit those people who wipe out the evil?no.The ultimate goal is to recruit those who have no reputation, but have talent.

However, even if there is a disadvantage in the small details, it is like the country of Cao Wei, who behaves badly and behaves very embarrassingly.Cheng Yu even had grudges with many people.

The law of the Shu Han must be punished.These are not big festivals.

Not only will Kou Feng not cast aside, but he is very happy that his subordinates will bring these people to justice.

"Chu Gong is the first to open up talents, and the Chu country will definitely prosper."

Nanyang celebrity, Feng Xie from a poor family.After hearing about this incident, he felt that it was a good thing, and he called Duke Kou of Chu the Mingjun.

Chengdu, the residence of Fazheng.

When Fazheng heard the news, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Even I want to hang up and leave."

It's just that when I think about it, even if I go, I might just be a mid-level person.Only then did Fazheng hold back, and stayed in Yizhou to help Kou Feng enter Yizhou, in order to get greater appreciation and reuse.

No matter how many people cast aside it, it can't stop the humble scholars from all over the world, and those who have no chance of official career because of a little loss of virtue, from entering Chu State.

There are also scholars who have taken a fancy to Kou Feng's eclectic selection of talents, and think that Chu State is prosperous and enter Chu State.

On the land road, there are many horse-drawn carriages and many servants accompanying them.

On the waterway, scholars came with slaves and went boating on the rivers.

In the past few months, Xiangyang City has become incomparably prosperous.

Kou Feng also came to the stage several times to pay homage to generals, recruiting former Wu generals Chen Wu, Qi He, Zhuge Dan from Nanyang, the brother of Zhuge Liang, Zhang Xue from the north, and Feng Xie.

Wu Jie is the captain of the army, and Wen Jie is the minister.

Especially Chen Wu, Qi He and others, when Kou Feng entered Jiangdong, both of them were generals in their own county. Later, seeing Sun Quan's defeat, they just wanted to rescue Sun Quan.

But Sun Quan surrendered.The two of them hung up their posts and left.

Kou Feng didn't stay in Jiangdong for long, and he couldn't appeal in person.

At this moment, Kou Feng issued an order to seek talents.The two left the mountains separately and came to the state of Chu.

They are all people with experience in leading the army. Kou Feng not only worshiped him as a school lieutenant, but also granted him military power.Very cheap.

This incident lasted for a long time in Chu State. During that time, scholars from all over the world gathered, and Chu State presented a scene of prosperity.

Moreover, more scholars saw the stability and prosperity of Chu State.The large population is different from the Central Plains.Some offshoots of the big clans came with their families.

Staying in the state of Chu indirectly prospered the state of Chu.

Since then, the civil and martial arts that Chu State can use are really as numerous as those who crossed the river, as many as a cow's hair, and they are very prosperous.

There is a good saying.

"Aggressors have the right to fight first, and those who build the foundation are moralized. If you approach the land and lead the land, if Suizhi uses culture and virtue to wait for the change, it will not be difficult to level up. The way to use troops is to win first and then fight. Measure the enemy and judge the general, so Do nothing.”

It means that to attack land, you must first have military power.To consolidate the political power, we must build culture and morality.There must be a chance of winning the war first, and then fight again.

Prosperous Chu State, to multiply power.Strengthen your own side, and then you can fight against the world.

It is the real foundation to recruit talented people and prosper the state of Chu.

The solar terms entered early winter, and the weather gradually became colder.

On this day, Kou Feng was sitting in the study reading a book, warming himself with a charcoal fire.Heating in this era is very monotonous, and charcoal fire is a common means.

Fortunately, Kou Feng's system is strong and he is not afraid of severe cold.

At this moment, sitting in the room again, it is very warm.

"Your Majesty, the old lady specially ordered the servants to bring hot soup." At this moment, a crisp voice sounded from outside the door.

"Come in." Kou Feng put down the book in his hand and raised his voice.

After a while, a graceful maid came in, holding a bowl of hot soup in her hand.As soon as Kou Feng heard it, he knew that Mrs. Gan personally cooked the pot.

While a warm current rose in his heart, Kou Feng also felt his appetite increased.

After the maid was put away, Kou Feng waved the maid away and began to enjoy the delicious soup.

Although it doesn't feel cold, but when the soup is eaten, the whole body is hot, which makes people very comfortable.

"Sir, Mrs. Shangyongguo is asking to see you." Kou Feng had just finished the hot soup, before he had time to wipe his mouth, he heard the guard outside the door reporting that Da Qiao had come to see him.

Kou Feng knew the reason for coming here.

During these days, Da Qiao made a lot of clothes for him.Seeing that winter is coming, I may have made a few sets of winter clothes.

Kou Feng also knew about Da Qiao's intentions.

Maybe it was out of gratitude in the early stage, but in the later stage, there were some small ripples between the two.

Since these days, Kou Feng has been busy recruiting talents from the state of Chu.I didn't see Da Qiao more, but Da Qiao always missed him.

Make clothes for him.

is a good woman.

But now seeing that all aspects of Chu State are on the right track, Kou Feng feels that it is nothing to delay any longer.

"Please come in." After a while, Kou Feng said loudly.

"No." The guard promised, and immediately welcomed Da Qiao in.

Entering Da Qiao, he was wearing plain clothes, looking very plain.But he couldn't hide his delicate face and graceful figure.

Holding a stack of clothes in his hands.

In the past, when Kou Feng saw Da Qiao's face that was very similar to Xiao Qiao, he always thought about the passion in bed with Xiao Qiao.

But at this moment, it is different.

After getting along with each other for several days, Kou Feng recognized the existence of Da Qiao.For several months, I didn't ask for anything.It was just behind him, the woman who made clothes for him.

Although there are many people making clothes for Kou Feng now.But Da Qiao is always that special one.

"Your Majesty." Da Qiao put down his clothes first, then knelt down in front of Kou Feng and said softly.

In the past, Kou Feng would have a few words with Da Qiao.Then, the two left in such a calm manner.But Kou Feng stood up this time and passed the high case.

And came to the front of Da Qiao, knelt down and sat down.

It's winter now, and at such a close distance, you can clearly smell the hot air exhaled from the other party's mouth and nose.

Of course Kou Feng's skin is thicker than the city wall, but Da Qiao's tender face is full of red glow.Breathing is also a little short, with shortness of breath.

A pair of plump breasts that were about to come out suddenly became choppy.

Kou Feng was very serious at first, but when he saw the pair of crisp breasts on Da Qiao's chest, a playful smile appeared in his eyes.

In the past, Da Qiao always wore very loose clothes, covering his proud body.But recently, I have worn tighter clothes.

It shows the temptation of the chest and the slender wasp waist very well.

Kou Feng dared to bet that Xiao Qiao told Da Qiao.

Kou Feng's gaze made Da Qiao even more uneasy.He lowered his head slightly, but his body did not move.

There is indeed Kou Feng in her heart.

At first, when Kou Fengjie came to her, she was very scared.But when he came to Jingchu, he found that Kou Feng was not a vicious person like the rumors said.

On the contrary, he is very considerate.

Because of Xiao Qiao's relationship, she asked Kou Feng to go boating and rescue Sun Shao.As a result, Kou Feng went there and rescued Sun Shao.

A kindness survived like this.

Because of this kindness, Da Qiao also often enters Chugong's mansion.Doing some things within one's ability gradually made some difference from Kou Feng.

This man has the most top-notch charisma in the world.

He is young, promising and handsome.Wearing a Mian suit, Mian Guan sat on it, and a sense of majesty disappeared.There is a charm that makes men submit and women fall in love.

Although it is a bit exaggerated to say so, but looking at those civil and military generals under Kou Feng's tent, they are politically powerful on the battlefield.

But to go in front of Kou Feng is to abide by one's duty.

This is enough to prove.

But Big Joe doesn't care about these.The reason why she approaches Kou Feng like moths to a flame is because she envies the tenderness between Kou Feng and Xiao Qiao.

People in the world, until now, still compare Kou Feng with Sun Ce.But in Da Qiao's view, Sun Ce is worthless.

That naturally cool man is proud, conceited, and very egotistical.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have yelled, bled profusely and died after looking in the mirror because of his face and hands.Sun Ce only cares about himself.

The son behind him can also ignore it.

But Kou Feng is different. He not only has a tacit understanding with Xiao Qiao, but also loves his son very much.

Da Qiao deliberately approached Kou Feng, it was just that simple.

Because she hopes that for the rest of her life, she can hide in the arms of a man like Kou Feng and sleep soundly.

(To be continued)

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