"This period of time has delayed you, so let's move in tomorrow." Kou Feng looked very gentle, gently holding Da Qiao's hand, and said softly.

Whether this counts as a marriage proposal, Kou Feng doesn't know.

But Kou Feng knew that if Da Qiao agreed, he would be one of the hostesses in the palace.If Da Qiao refuses to agree, it proves that Kou Feng has misjudged him.

The dog said it would be wrong.

From now on, Kou Feng will deliberately avoid Da Qiao to avoid embarrassment.

Da Qiao trembled when she heard the words, then nodded with tears in her eyes, and said softly: "Yes."

"Hehe." Kou Feng chuckled, stretched out his hand to grab Da Qiao's waist, and hugged Da Qiao horizontally.And said loudly: "Close the door, no matter how big the matter is, no one is allowed to come in."

"No." A guard's voice sounded from outside the door.

At this moment, Kou Feng really realized what was in the hearts of those foolish lords.Guarding a charming and beautiful woman like Da Qiao.

It's all the same.

Why do you have to go to court early.

At this moment, Kou Feng suddenly wanted to come once the king did not go to court early.Steal half a day's leisure in floating life.

Kou Feng is very diligent sometimes, but sometimes he doesn't mind being lazy.Hang out with wives and concubines at home.

But is Kou Feng considered a faint king?no.

Kou Feng himself despised the faint king very much, because it was not they who became the king of the country themselves, and their heads were in different places.It was their sons or grandsons who became kings of subjugation because of the troubles caused by the previous foolish king.

This kind of person who treats his own life and the lives of his sons and grandchildren as a child's play is very disgusting.But Kou Feng didn't envy those hardworking Mingjun either.

Like Qin Shihuang, Han Wudi, etc., they have made great contributions, but they are all powerful.Energetic, with a strong desire to control.

On the one hand, because of these strong desires, the talents of the officials under the group were suppressed.Make everything under their own control.

There is no benefit in governing the country like that, and it is not fun to live by yourself.

What Kou Feng wants to do is to govern the country and the world, and also to make his own mansion free of resentful women.

Don't work hard all your life for the fame before and after.

Lust is good, lust is not a disease.

Holding Da Qiao's delicate body in his arms, Kou Feng's eyes were a little blurred.

And Da Qiao trembled a little.Although she agreed to Kou Feng, she also thought that it would have to wait for her to move into the mansion.

But Kou Feng was about to pick them immediately.

But on the other hand, looking at the lust in Kou Feng's eyes, Da Qiao felt joy in his heart.

The so-called women are those who please themselves. Looking at Kou Feng, she knew that she was not wishful thinking.

This is the study, a place to read.

But there is also a place at the back where Kou Feng can rest after being tired from reading.

There are beds and bedding, everything is available.

Kou Feng hugged Da Qiao and walked to the bed, and put Da Qiao on the bed.Then, the whole person fell on Da Qiao's body.

Their lips met, and they reached into their arms.

He is very familiar with driving a car, but Da Qiao is a little clumsy and even a little at a loss.

But under Kou Feng's offensive, he gradually lost his mind.Panting softly, the landlord unconsciously touched Kou Feng's tiger waist, and twisted his body shamelessly.

Like a water snake.

Unknowingly, he was stripped clean by Kou Feng.

A beautiful face, proud peaks, a slender waist, and that touch of touching black.

Da Qiao is a woman who is easily emotional, and she is not as good as water.Kou Feng just made a little offensive, and she was already soft all over, not only a layer of moving blush appeared on the skin, but also a fine layer of fragrant sweat.

"Your Majesty." Da Qiao gently put his hand on Kou Feng's hip, begging.

At this time, Kou Feng was relatively sober.He gently fiddled with the hair on Da Qiao's face, and saw the woman's face clearly.

She is Big Joe, not Little Joe.

It's not because she looks somewhat similar to Xiao Qiao, and I feel sorry for her.It was because Kou Feng wanted, wanted to have this good woman.

"Big Qiaoer." Kou Feng leaned down, bit Da Qiao's crystal earlobe lightly, and called out.

In the middle of the confusion, Da Qiao seemed to be aware of something, and there was a trace of sobriety in his eyes, looking at Kou Feng, very happy.

She was also afraid of one thing, she was afraid of Kou Fengna only because she was similar to Xiao Qiao.Men are very fond of that kind of thing.

But at this moment, Kou Feng was calling her name.

"Your Majesty." A trace of sobriety quickly disappeared, Da Qiao raised her body emotionally, stretched out her slender jade hands, supported Kou Feng's huge body, and accommodated it.

"Hmm." A soft hum, very ambiguous.


Kou Feng has been thinking about Da Qiao for a long time.

At this moment, it is naturally clean and full.The two stayed in this study for a whole day.Until the night, Kou Feng was hungry.

Only then reluctantly got out of bed.

Looking back at the bed, Da Qiao was sleeping soundly on it.

The women in the deep house are all delicate.Da Qiaoyan is Kou Feng's opponent.At this moment, she was very tired, but there was a spring in her eyes.

The corners of the mouth are also slightly raised, looking very satisfied.

"Governing the country and the world is nothing, but making the family free from resentful daughters is a big deal." Seeing this, Kou Feng felt a little complacent, dressed himself, and went out.

"Your Majesty, the old lady sent someone over just now, but the little one blocked it." After going out, the guard said to Kou Feng.

old lady?

Kou Feng nodded, it was very normal for the Gan family to look for him.

"Strictly handle, no one is allowed to enter. Then send someone to find Mrs. Qiao." This is not the backyard, and someone may come in. Of course, Kou Feng is not at ease. After giving orders, he got into the carriage and went to Gan's yard.

Although the Gan family is not Kou Feng's biological mother, her status in the mansion is extremely respected.She lived in the largest courtyard in the mansion, and served the most maids.

The mansion is very big, but Kou Feng rode in a carriage and soon arrived outside Gan's courtyard.Walked in on foot, and then went straight into Gan's house.

Inside the house, Gan's is working as a female celebrity.In the past, the Gan family sewed clothes for Kou Feng, but now that Kou Feng has so many women, it is difficult for the Gan family to get involved.

Deprived of the duty of being a wife.

So she started sewing clothes for her grandchildren.After Kou Feng tried hard to persuade her to no avail, he let her go.However, Kou Feng tried his best not to let Gan's become a female celebrity at night.

hurt the eyes.

"Mother." Kou Feng came to Gan's side, snatched the female red from Gan's hand with a little reproach, and threw it aside.

"Ah, it's already dark." Gan was not angry, looked up at the sky, yelled, and said with a smile.

And got up by himself, picked up the clothes that Kou Feng had left aside, patted the dust, and folded them neatly.

Kou Feng was very helpless.

"By the way, I sent someone to look for you today, but why didn't you get a response?" Immediately after sitting down again, Gan asked curiously.

This is not like Kou Feng's style.

"Cough. My son has urgent matters to deal with." Kou Feng blushed, then coughed lightly, and said nonsense.

"Oh." Gan nodded without doubting him.

"I'm looking for you about your two younger sisters." Immediately, Gan's face straightened and he said.

"Isn't my sister still young? Let's talk about it in a few years." Kou Feng was taken aback for a moment, then understood, and replied.

Regarding the marriage of Gan's two daughters, Liu Zi and Liu Jie, Gan also mentioned it to him once, but Kou Feng blocked it.

Although he has a very good relationship with Gan, he is away all year round.As Gan's daughter, she can accompany Gan more often.In addition, Kou Feng also loves Liu Zi and Liu Jie very much.

Pamper her like taking care of your own sister.

I don't want them to marry early.Now, the older one is eighteen, and the younger one is sixteen.In this day and age, it is considered old.

But Kou Feng didn't mind.

His sister, who dares to mind.

Of course Gan knew what Kou Feng was thinking.Because of this, Gan blamed and said: "You are marrying a younger sister, not a king. You can't use power to overwhelm others. After a woman gets married, she must keep her duty."

Gan's surname is like this. After a woman gets married, she must keep her duty.

Kou Feng patted his head, looking at Gan's determined expression.It is also helpless.Immediately, after thinking for a while, he asked, "Then does mother have someone she likes?"

"I often live in the deep house, so I don't know who to choose. You can only appoint two of them." Gan said helplessly.

"However, the general should not be brave and resolute, and the official should not be too deep and utilitarian." Gan said immediately.

Although Gan has a thought of marrying and obeying her husband, it is still necessary to choose in advance.

Of course, the Gan family also wanted her daughter to marry a good man, someone with status, so that she would have nothing to worry about for the rest of her life.And Kou Feng is precisely based on what he sees.This is full of civil and military affairs in the dynasty, whoever Kou Feng points out counts.

"This." Kou Feng thought for a while, but there was someone to choose.

One is Deng Ai. This kid is very resolute and brave, but his bravery is not reckless, but supplemented by general strategy.Fighting for a lifetime, it is estimated that nothing will happen.

Moreover, he is young and has no marriage.It is a good match.

In addition, Kou Feng thought about it for a while, and he thought of Xiang Chong, who was still immature back then, but now he has gradually grown into a talent, and is currently serving as a general of Zhonglang under Pang Tong's tent.

Back then, Xiang Chong was only a military lord, but with Pang Tong's crusade against Cao Cao and Jiangdong, he made great contributions, and he was not bad.It went up step by step.

He also has an elder, Xiang Lang, who is also one of the nine ministers.

According to Kou Feng's judgment, these two people should be the most powerful among the unmarried people in the court.

Moreover, Deng Ai is dull and Xiang Chong is honest.

Although this lacks a lot of fun between husband and wife, it will not be promiscuous.Liu Zi and Liu Jie were both taught by the Gan family. Their surnames are gentle and easy to satisfy.

It is probably quite happy to have an honest and reliable husband.

"There are two people, both are General Zhonglang, and one is Marquis of Guannei. The elder is Jiuqing. One of them, the mother should remember, is Deng Ai. The other, although not the ultimate talent, is also a good talent. The most important thing They are all honest and reliable, and they are a good match." Kou Feng thought for a while, and said to Gan.

"Deng Ai? A bit dull, but very filial. A person who can be filial to his mother is not someone who can bully his wife. As for Xiang Chong, you can decide." Gan was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

Obviously the impression of Deng Ai is still there.

"Hehe, the son ordered that the eldest sister Liu Zi be the Lord of Xiling and marry Xiang Chong. The second sister Liu Jie was the Lord of Chushou and marry Deng Ai. What does mother think?" Kou Feng saw the Gan family Satisfied, he couldn't help but smile.

"I'm afraid this is inappropriate." Gan said hesitantly, but his eyes were filled with joy.

Weng Lord, that is the title only for the daughters of princes and kings.Kou Feng is now the same as the emperor, even all the officials can be canonized, and the title of brother Wengzhu is nothing.

The Gan family is not uncommon for the title of the Weng Lord.But she was delighted by Kou Feng's love for her two younger sisters.

But on the other hand, Gan felt that Kou Feng was also embarrassed.Because of Liu Zi, Liu Jie's surname is Liu after all.

"My son's younger sister is of course the Lord Weng. Don't say it's the Lord Weng. When my son becomes king and hegemony in the future, he will be named a princess. Give him food. The rest of his life will be worry-free." Kou Feng laughed.

Gan's kindness cannot be changed in a lifetime.Feng Wengzhu is nothing.

"Yes." Gan Shi nodded happily.

(To be continued)

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