Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 714 Order Zhao Yun to Build an Invincible Cavalry

Now that Gan's consent had been obtained, Kou Feng began to summon Deng Ai's mother and one of the nine ministers, Xiang Lang.Discuss marriage with them.

At this moment, in the hall, Kou Feng himself was sitting on the upper seat, and Xiang Lang and Deng Shi were below him.

Needless to say, Xiang Lang, a scholar-bureaucrat, is full of elegance.Now that you are Jiuqing, it adds a bit of official air.

Kou Feng also met Deng in his early years, and he was very beautiful.Over the years, as Deng Ai grew up and made contributions, his family was quite wealthy.

Pampered and pampered, he has a little grace.

The atmosphere in the hall was actually a bit strange, Deng saw Kou Feng again after many years.But the little general back then is now the majestic Duke Chu.

Deng Shi looked at Kou Feng who was sitting at the top and was wearing formal clothes.Feel unstoppable.Couldn't help lowering his head slightly.

Xiang Lang wondered why there was a woman present when the King summoned him.

"I summoned you two here today, I just want to ask one thing." Kou Feng said first, and then asked: "I know that Deng Ai and Xiang Chong are both unmarried. I wonder if there is a marriage contract?"

"My lord, Beloved is not engaged at the moment." Xiang Lang was taken aback for a moment before replying.

"Nor is Deng Ai." Deng shook his head and said.

"It's so good. There are two younger sisters in Gu's family. The older one is eighteen and the younger one is sixteen. She was born to the orphaned mother Gan, and Gu loves her very much. Her surname is also gentle and virtuous. Gu plans to ration the older one to Xiang Chong, and the younger one. Ratified to Deng Ai. Marriage with the two, what do you think about it?" Kou Feng asked with a smile.

The few words Kou Feng said just now made Xiang Lang somewhat prepared.Therefore, he replied happily: "It's the luck of the darling to love you."

No, Kou Feng treated the Gan family very well, this is something that everyone in the Chu country knows.Now she personally asks about the marriages of Gan's two daughters, calling them her younger sisters.

What a sight it would be if you could marry her.

"Little lady, please take my place. Thank you, Your Majesty, for your love." Deng said happily, having no objections.

Deng Ai was fighting abroad, and Deng was afraid that something might happen to him.Often worried, he planned to let Deng Ai marry a wife and have children first, so as to leave his blood.

I don't want Deng Ai to be dull and filial.But this matter was resolutely rejected.Now that Kou Feng makes the decision himself, Deng Ai must not refuse again.

Thinking of the joy, Deng's face is even more joyful.

"Haha, good, good." Kou Feng laughed loudly and said good twice.Immediately, he said: "In isolation, I ordered that the eldest sister Liu Zi be the Lord of Xiling, and the title is the Chief Weng Lord. The younger sister Liu Jie is the Lord of Chushou. In Chu State, she is equal to a princess. After that, I will order that it will be a good day to marry You two."

Deng Shi was still ignorant, but Xiang Lang was shocked.

What is the title of Xiling?Kou Feng raised his troops in Jiangxia, and his government was in Xiling.Now Lord Weng is entrusted with the title of Xiling, the title is Master Weng, and his status in Chu State is equivalent to that of a princess.

If Kou Feng really had the day when he jumped into the dragon's gate, he would be the eldest princess.

What about Chu Shou?

In the Han Dynasty, there was Hanshou, which is one of the most distinguished titles.Now Kou Feng rations Chu Shou to his younger sister Liu Jie.See more love.

Xiang Lang thought that no matter how good the relationship between Kou Feng and the Gan family was, there was a limit.I don't want to, but I dote on my daughter wantonly.

Love the house and Wu.

At the beginning, when Liu Bei drove Kou Feng away, he declared that the rebellious son had an affair with his mother.But now it seems that everything is broken.

If it was just that kind of relationship, it would be too late for Kou Feng to cover up people's eyes and ears, so how could he wantonly seal off Gan's two daughters?

This is possible only if the relationship is really good, just like a real mother.

Now that their family is able to marry this honorable and even more favored Lord by Kou Feng, it can be said that it is a blessing from heaven.

Xiang Lang was knocked unconscious.

Just like Kou Feng's situational style, he told Deng Shi and Xiang Lang later.Immediately extravagant, first officially seal the title.

With Yi Yitong's appearance as the princess, she puts her trust.

In November, married two younger sisters to Xiang Chong and Deng Ai.And issued an imperial edict to record Xiang Chong's previous achievements and seal off the Marquis of Guannei to show his favor.

In this matter, Kou Feng's purpose was just to make the marriage of the two younger sisters look good, and let Gan's comfort.But the impact is huge.

One is the reason why Liu Bei drove Kou Feng away back then, and that matter was self-defeating in this major event.

In addition, it is Kou Feng's nostalgia.

Gan's is just Kou Feng's adoptive mother.What's more, Kou Feng turned against Liu Bei and killed Liu Bei.But now he is supporting his adoptive mother, and he is well-known to marry his mother and daughter.

There is no blood relationship, but the same sister.Not only are they beautiful and married, but they are also called Wengzhu, each of whom has a food town, just like a princess.

In the Han Dynasty, princesses not only had status, but also power.Especially the eldest sister Liu Zi, the head Weng Zhu, is even more respected.

what is this?

This is nostalgia.

Look at these people who followed Kou Feng, except for the Gan family, the rest of the civil and military generals, the rewards are very decent.The old minister treated him with kindness and kindness.

For example, the veteran Huang Zhong has been out all the time, commanding military power.Both control the Jianghuai military.It can be said that the grace is not fading.

The people of Chu State honor him.

Not only that, Chen Da, who joined the army with Kou Feng, is now a prince, and Zhang Dao, Xu Tian, ​​etc. are also listed as Jiuqing.

Gan Ning was the right general and lieutenant.

A woman is afraid of marrying the wrong man, and a minister is afraid of following the wrong master.

Back then, a group of Hebei celebrities followed Yuan Shao, what a miserable end.Today, Kou Feng is not only Mingjun, but also nostalgic.Now the state of Chu is thriving even more.

Under this general environment, no matter whether it is a civil servant or a general.Ambitious people are very motivated.Indirectly affected the general environment of Chu State.

People's hearts are more cohesive.

"If you don't want to, there will be such an unexpected effect."

Jian'an 16 years, December.

Kou Feng sat on his knees in the study, feeling the period of time, full of vigor in the civil and military affairs of the court, and sighed with emotion.It's really unintentional.

Really did not expect this to happen.

But at the same time, Kou Feng knew that the time was almost here.

First, Shanyue and the gentry in Jiangdong were pacified, which made the interior very stable.Jing Chu, Wu Yue practiced as one, no longer separated from each other.

Then he issued an edict to seek talents, and summoned a large number of civil servants and generals.Enriched talent pool.

After that, because of Kou Feng's tolerance for business, merchants gathered in the territory of Chu State, which was very prosperous.After that, Kou named Xiaogan as Xiaogan and married his daughter.

Bring people together.

The entire state of Chu, after recuperating during this period of time, has gradually reached a state of youth and vitality.

At this moment, it is an opportunity to take Xishu.

But Kou Feng still felt that something was missing.

The so-called worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools.

After Chu Dao, ships and other incidents, Kou Feng has not invented some sharp weapons for a while.It's not that I don't want to.

But because they dare not.

For example, stirrups and horseshoes.

Kou Feng's previous war horses were very scarce.I was afraid that after I invented it, I used it once, and it was very cool.But I am also afraid of being plagiarized by others, such as Ma Teng, Han Sui and so on.

If these two cavalrymen were plagiarized, Kou Feng would never want to leave the Kingdom of Shu in his life.Nest directly in the mountain nest.

Other people's iron horses outside are too dangerous.

However, it is different now.After this period of steady development.And because Gongsun Kang is currently causing chaos in the north, he still needs some support from Kou Feng.

Therefore, vigorously develop trade.

Kou Feng continued to transport grain to the north, while Gongsun Kang continued to transport horses to the south.Now there are nearly [-] to [-] war horses lined up outside Xiangyang City.

Of course, Kou Feng would not leave such a large amount of military resources alone.

If Zhao Yun is ordered to recruit [-] troops at this time, he will have [-] cavalry.With [-] cavalry, as long as they have been trained for a year and a half, coupled with stirrups and horseshoes, the advantage will come out.

Can compete with Ma Teng, Han Sui and their cavalry.

In this way, after entering Shu, Kou Feng can send troops to the north to compete with Ma Teng and Han Sui.

When marching and fighting, win first and then fight.Now Kou Feng's rear is gradually stabilized, food and grass are sufficient, and the country is strong.Then prepare the stirrups and horseshoes.

It is not enough to be prepared.

It is to win first and then fight.

It can be said that Kou Feng has been coveting for a long time to build an invincible iron weapon with stirrups and horseshoes.Now the treasury is full and there are many horses.

It's a great time.

How could Kou Feng not feel itchy?

Immediately he waved his hand and said: "Come here, summon the general Zhao Yun in the town to come and have an audience."

"No." The attendant at the side immediately responded and walked out.

The use of horseshoes and stirrups can be said to be a great leap forward for cavalry.Not only can you fight Ma Teng, Han Sui, and Cao Cao, but you can also collect the remnants after defeating Ma Teng and Han Sui.

Reorganize and take the Qiang from the west.Go north to destroy the Huns, and then go north to destroy the Xianbei.

Although thinking about it now, it's a bit too ambitious.However, Kou Feng still sincerely admires the prosperous scene of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's large-scale cavalry entering the grassland.

If there is an opportunity, open up the Silk Road again to the west.Expel the prairie people to Europe to the north, consolidate the rule of the Korean peninsula established by the Gongsun clan of Liaodong to the east, and further completely eliminate the Sanhan there.

How cool it is.

Time passed quickly, and Kou Feng was just a little too ambitious.Zhao Yun is here.

"Your Majesty." The armor on Zhao Yun's body was not removed, so it can be seen that when Zhao Yun's men were summoned, Zhao Yun was still training the cavalry, which can be described as diligent.

"Zilong is wearing armor, so there is no need to be more polite." Kou Feng said with a smile.Immediately, he pointed to the seat next to him and said, "Sit."

"Thank you sir." Zhao Yun responded and sat on the side seat.

"I don't know the lonely cavalry, and the elephant soldiers. What happened?" Kou Feng asked.

Although the elephant soldiers moved clumsily, it was difficult for them to go north.However, there are still some uses in the south, and Kou Feng thought it might be useful in the pacification of Western Shu.

The compilation is retained.

In addition, after the surname returned to Jiaozhou, the number of elephants increased to forty or fifty.If it's against infantry, it's just a lot of fighting power.

Kou Feng then became concerned.

"My lord, the elephants have gradually adapted. The training of the cavalry is in full swing. The soldiers are all very hardworking." When the cavalry was mentioned, Zhao Yun's face lit up, and he said with a smile .

It is undeniable that Zhao Yun came from Gongsun Zan.Zhao Yun didn't want to deny it either.And what Gongsun Zan relies on to rule the roost is the invincible cavalry.

Although Zhao Yun left Gongsun Zan back then, he admired him very much in this respect.

There were no conditions for following Liu Bei at the beginning, but since following Kou Feng, there are [-] cavalry.Zhao Yun has always had a soft spot for cavalry.

After receiving it, it is natural to train hard.Now talking about cavalry is naturally elated.

Poor Zhao Yun is a very calm person, but when it comes to cavalry, he loses his appearance.

"Hehe, that's very good." Kou Feng nodded happily, and then asked: "Since the cavalry has gradually got on track, can we see if we can increase the cavalry to 3 by adding another [-] troops? "

Zhao Yun was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "My lord, the establishment of cavalry is not a matter of one day. It takes a few years to become an elite, and now [-] cavalry have just entered the track. If it increases again, I am afraid it will be nothing. Good thing."

As the saying goes, a meal should be eaten bite by bite.Although Zhao Yun also hopes that he can command an army of [-], and Megatron the desert.However, Zhao Yun focused on safety, first trained [-] elite soldiers, and made these [-] cavalry soldiers into the best of the best.Then use [-] as the base to expand.This is Zhao Yun's plan.

Zhao Yun expects to use it for three years.

Zhao Yun's idea may be the time necessary for the establishment of cavalry.But obviously Kou Feng couldn't wait that long.

And Kou Feng has a shortcut.

A shortcut that only he knows.

"What if there is no way to reduce the time for cavalry training from three to five years to one year, or even half a year?" Kou Feng asked with a smile.

Zhao Yun thought it was impossible at first, but when he thought of Kou Feng's endless tricks, he couldn't help saying: "Do you have a good strategy?"

"Please tell me." After saying that, Zhao Yun immediately raised his fist and said.

Eyes flooded, very excited.

If this distance can be shortened, wouldn't it be possible to train as many cavalry as there are cavalry?What a big deal.What a big deal this is.

How powerful is the large-scale cavalry in the northern Central Plains and in the grasslands and deserts.

How can Zhao Yun, who is fascinated by cavalry, not be excited?

Under Zhao Yun's expectant gaze, Kou Feng laughed, and said: "There is, but now I can't get it out. Because it's still here." Said, Kou Feng pointed to his head.He said again: "However, it only takes a little time, and it should be able to be built. So, you can go to recruit soldiers without worry. Recruit [-] soldiers, and [-] before and after. If you want to conquer Yizhou in the west within a year, two or three Lin Yongliang within the year. At that time, it will depend on Zilong whether he can compete with Ma Teng, Han Sui and others."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, if it is really a powerful weapon, I will definitely live up to expectations." Zhao Yun accepted the order happily.

The look is still very excited, since Kou Feng said it, he must have the means.Zhao Yun has no doubts.

Cavalry, massive cavalry.

As calm as Zhao Yun, but also very excited.

(To be continued)

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