"That is, nail him to the sole of the horse's foot." Said, Kou Feng patted the horse's leg and explained.

"This, Your Majesty. Wouldn't this hurt the horse?" The craftsman next to him asked hesitantly.Judging from these objects made by Kou Feng, I am afraid that they are to equip war horses and improve cavalry capabilities.But if you nail what is called a horseshoe on the horse's hoof, wouldn't it hurt the horse?

"It depends on the old gentlemen. Anyway, there is a way to nail the horseshoe on the sole of the foot without hurting the horse." Kou Feng paused and said: "Since the old gentlemen know that cavalry , then you should know that the soles of the horses are most likely to be injured when galloping. After the First World War, most of the injured horses were due to hoof injuries. Horse hoof injuries cannot be treated, which is really a great loss. Nailing this horseshoe on the sole of the foot can recover a lot of losses. So, don’t believe it, just try to believe it. See how you can nail the horseshoe on the sole of your foot.”

As he said that, Kou Feng looked at the craftsmen very kindly, without arrogance at all.

The so-called twisted melon is not sweet. It is an anecdote through the ages to nail this horseshoe on the sole of a horse.Commanding these craftsmen domineeringly may cause some conflicts in their hearts.

It doesn't make sense.

But when Kou Feng talked to these craftsmen like this, the craftsmen believed it a little bit.

"No." A moment later, the craftsmen respectfully responded.

"Okay, as long as it can be developed, there will be rewards." Kou Feng called out and laughed.

Except for the horseshoe, this thing has no technical content. According to Kou Feng's estimation, it should be able to come out in a month at the longest and a few days in the shortest.

At that time, large-scale equipment cavalry.It's really a very enjoyable thing.

Kou Feng couldn't help being in a good mood.After speaking a few words with Zhang Dao, Kou Feng drove back to the palace with a smile on his face.

Kou Feng, Duke of Chu, is occasionally busy.There are also emergencies.

As soon as he returned to the mansion, Kou Feng planned to stay with Xiao Qiao for a while.Recently, Yaner and Kou Feng hang out with Da Qiao newlyweds.

But at this point, a servant came to report that Da Si Nong Mi Zhu asked to see him.

Da Si Nong's management is very complicated, involving farming and mulberry, as well as some government-run institutions, such as salt cooking, iron smelting, etc. He is so eager to see him, I am afraid that something important has happened.

Kou Feng pondered for a moment, then hurried back to the study on the way to Da Qiao's side.

In the study, Mi Zhu had already been waiting there.As Kou Feng's status increased, Mi Zhu's face became more and more radiant now.

When Kou Feng proclaimed the Duke, Mi Zhu was named Guan Nei Hou because of his meritorious service.Today, the family of merchants has transformed into a prominent and powerful person.

Naturally, it is more relaxed and comfortable.

However, at this moment, Mi Zhu's face was a little solemn.

"Your Majesty." Hearing the sound of footsteps behind him, Mi Zhu turned around and greeted Kou Feng.

"Excuse me, sit down." Kou Fengjian said in shock.

"No." Mi Zhu agreed, and sat down beside him.

"Did something happen in such a hurry to come here?" Kou Feng asked after he sat down.

"During this period, a lot of smuggled salt went to Hanzhong along the Yangtze River, and I found out a lot. I also got some news. Hanzhong and Yongliang are very short of salt." Mi Zhu reported back, saying, took out his sleeve A brochure, handed out.

A servant took it and handed it to Kou Feng.

Kou Feng took it over and looked at it, his expression became slightly serious.

Salt is a huge profit, and it has always been under the control of the state.Salt tax is one of the major taxes of the imperial court.As a military reserve, iron is the most important thing.Kou Feng established the state of Chu, and put the management of salt and iron under the leadership of Da Siong.

These two are a kind of forbidden existence, but in this era, there is no shortage of desperate annihilators.In the past, some people even sold iron to grassland people.

In history, successive dynasties repeatedly banned it.

Selling iron is collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country, and there are people who cooperate with the enemy and traitorous country.What's more, this little smuggled salt.

However, Kou Feng's attention quickly focused on the news that Mi Zhu said.Because Ma Teng and Han Sui each called Hou Jianguo, although Cao Cao asked the emperor to issue an edict and recognized the status of the two, he secretly retaliated.Cut off the road for the westward transportation of salt on land.Numerous levels are set.

Although private salt still flows into Yongliang, Yongliang is currently short of salt.

And Hanzhong also had a bad relationship with Liu Zhang in Yizhou.Liu Zhang, who owns well salt in Yizhou, also cut off the supply of salt in Hanzhong.

Hanzhong salt is also very scarce.

This helped the smugglers to commit salt from Chu and enter Yongliang and Hanzhong.

Kou Feng also saw a business route from it.Now the state of Chu can sell the monopoly Chu books to the northern gentry, which can be said to be making a lot of money every day.

But the overhead is also high.Such as Chu Dao, it is very expensive.

Therefore, there is a lot of money in, but not much in reserve.Kou Feng doesn't mind having more money in his warehouse.

This salt is a good business route.

As the saying goes, blocking is worse than sparse.You can be blocked for a while, but you can't be blocked for a lifetime.Moreover, why block.In Hanzhong, Yongliang was short of salt.

Cao Cao's side is embargoed.

They can be transported to Chu State to sell.Things are vaguely expensive, and since there is a lack of salt over there, it should be very expensive.

"Your Majesty, there is a war between the two Sichuans. Zhang Lu in Dongchuan only occupies one county, but he can't hold back Liu Zhang in Xichuan. This Liu Zhang is too incompetent. But, shouldn't our Chu State also send troops? If Zhang Lu takes Yizhou, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with." Just as Kou Feng was pondering, Mi Zhu said beside him.

"Hehe, don't worry about this gentleman. Although Liu Zhang is weak, he has a lot of troops. It's not very good, but the defense is more than enough. Little Zhang Lu, if he wants to swallow a snake, he may not be able to swallow it in a few years. " Kou Feng said with a smile when he heard the words.

"Cough." Mi Zhu blushed slightly. He was not good at military affairs, but after receiving the news, he still couldn't help saying this.

Of course Kou Feng didn't blame Mi Zhu, but he explained a little bit.

Immediately, Kou Feng brought the topic back to the table salt.

"As the saying goes, blocking is worse than blocking. Since we can't stop the smuggling salt merchants, we will give them all we can to sell the salt to Hanzhong and Yongliang." Kou Feng narrowed his eyes and said.

"Well, isn't this fueling the arrogance of the folks selling salt?" Mi Zhu became anxious when he heard this, and retorted without caring about the etiquette of the monarch and his ministers.

"Hehe, wait a minute, sir." Kou Feng chuckled and said, "There is actually a shortage of salt between Hanzhong and Yongliang. This smuggler is taking risks for profit. Since there is interest, why don't we want to make a fortune from it?" .And block this benefit?"

"Your Majesty, you mean?" Mi Zhu was a businessman with a lot of brains, his eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he vaguely thought of something.

"We will issue an order to inform Chu State. The situation of Hanzhong and Yongliang, let it be explained clearly. Then send Yanyin, and those who hold Yanyin can go from Jingzhou to Hanzhong, and then go to Yongliang. Don't arrest them. But you have to pay taxes. Pay [-]% of the taxes." Kou Feng squinted his eyes, like a businessman.

It's even more frightening than annihilating merchants.

Ten percent.Even Mi Zhu, who had a premonition, couldn't help being shocked.If Kou Feng hadn't been the lord of the Chu Kingdom, Mi Zhu would have been known as annihilating merchants long ago.

Ten percent of the tax is how much the salt merchants spend when they purchase the goods, and how much they have to give to Kou Feng.

"Would this be too cruel?" Mi Zhu couldn't help saying.This is tantamount to cutting flesh on the merchant.

"No. Gu thought it was too lenient. Hanzhong and Yongliang are short of salt. As long as merchants transport salt to these places, the profit can be doubled several times. Gu just collected [-]% of the salt tax. These salt merchants You can make a lot of money by walking down in one trip. It’s cheaper for them.” Of course, Kou Feng had an idea in his heart that he would not push the salt merchants to a dead end.

This tax is [-]%, but it is a matter of two interests.

Kou Feng received a large amount of tax revenue, and the salt merchants can feel at ease after having the salt guide.We are taking the waterway and entering Hanzhong.

After avoiding smuggling and being seized by the government, the tragic scene of family ruin and death.

"This." Mi Zhu thinks about it, Kou Feng's strategy is very suitable for the current situation.Can make a lot of money.

Therefore, Mi Zhu didn't say anything more.

"However. We need to show that our Yanyin is very valuable, so that the salt merchants will rush to buy Yanyin. This will pass our interrogation. Therefore, those who smuggle must be severely punished. Starting from the death penalty, the serious ones will be destroyed. Family, property confiscated, family slaves. Let everyone in Chu know that buying orphaned salt is better than smuggling." Finally, Kou Feng said coldly.

To strive for balance in the world, the first thing is to accumulate power.

Just like when Emperor Wu of the Han fought against the Xiongnu, it was the savings of the previous decades that gave him that capital.Later, although Emperor Wu of the Han defeated the Huns, he wiped out his decades of savings.

For a little bit of profit, Kou Feng will fight for every inch of land.Not to mention the huge interest in salt.Whoever dares to smuggle does not pay taxes.

Kou Feng can kill his whole family, and he will not be soft-hearted.

Besides, Kou Feng didn't force the merchants to a dead end, but just paid [-]% of the tax.After paying taxes, the money earned will still make the merchants rich for a while.

And those who take risks and continue to smuggle.They are all ruthless people, or destroying businessmen.It was a pity that Kou Feng killed them.

And don't feel any guilt.

The cold and icy eyes made Mi Zhu tremble.I immediately mourned for those smugglers.Although Kou Feng usually looks very kind, but the cold Kou Feng is very cold, and he will never be soft-hearted or anything.

However, this is also very rare.

Especially in troubled times.Resolute and decisive.When he is lenient, he is very lenient, and when it is time to be ruthless, he is not soft on his hands.

This is the first condition for surviving in troubled times.

"No." Mi Zhu bowed down and promised.

(To be continued)

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