Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 717 Zhao Yun's Ecstasy

As for the recruitment of salt tax, it was handled by Da Si Nong Mi Zhu.

As for how much gold and silver will be enriched for the treasury, Kou Feng is also looking forward to it.There are too many places to spend money.

After dealing with this matter, Kou Feng got up and went to the backyard to talk with Xiao Qiao.

About a day later, the stirrup was placed on Kou Feng's case.

"It's a good thing." Kou Feng looked at the round and shiny stirrup on the case, and admired it.This is obviously used for his purpose and is of great ornamental value.

The cost is definitely not low, and those used to equip cavalry on a large scale are of course second-class.

"Is there another pair? I want to keep this alone." Kou Feng raised his head and asked Zhang Dao who was standing beside him.

"Yes, I have forged many pairs." Zhang Dao nodded immediately.

"Okay, get it here. Together with a full set of saddles, I have to personally try the power of this little thing." Kou Feng laughed and said.

"No." Zhang Dao promised.

Not long after, Kou Feng and Zhang Dao stood in the school yard of the public residence, Kou Feng was still holding Wu Yunju.Today's Wu Yunju has entered adulthood, very strong, a godly horse.

At this moment, it is wearing stirrups, and the saddle that matches the stirrups, etc.Stirrups are just gadgets, and there is nothing wrong with Wu Yunju.

"General Wei, look at it. Equipped with this, what's the difference?" Kou Feng said last time, Kou Shui said that the stirrups were no different, and he still had a grudge. coming.He turned his head and said.

Kou Shui's face turned red slightly, a little embarrassed.

At this time, Kou Feng stepped on the stirrup and got on the horse.Very fluent.Not only Kou Shui, but even Zhang Dao's eyes lit up.

"With this, it will be much cheaper for knights to get on and off their horses." Kou Shui admired even more.

"Hehe, the fun is yet to come." Kou Feng chuckled.Looking in front of his eyes, there are ten targets standing in front of him.There are some distances respectively.Kou Feng ordered people to take the bow and arrow, and rode his horse to gallop.

"Swish, swish, swish." During the run, eight arrows hit the bull's-eye in a row of ten arrows.The other two arrows missed slightly.But Kou Feng didn't feel sorry.

Because when he galloped wildly, his usual level was only six out of ten arrows.But today, it can hit eight out of ten.

It seems that Kou Feng's archery has improved, but in fact it is the stirrup that gave him a foothold, making his posture and state of bowing and shooting very stable.

Therefore, the hit rate has increased a bit.

In fact, this is just a side effect of the stirrup. The biggest effect of the stirrup is actually to give people a foothold during the fight, so that the feet are fixed, and the ascent is much more stable.

Fighting like this can give full play to the cavalry's greatest advantages.

As Zhao Yun said, it takes a long time for cavalry in this era to be trained.But with the stirrup, it will be shortened a lot, so that more cavalry can be produced in a short time.

"Your Majesty is good at archery." Only Kou Feng knows the improvement of Kou Feng's hit rate, and others can't see it. Zhang Dao complimented him.

Kou Feng couldn't help but patted his head.The power of this stirrup seems to be known to those who know how to do it, and by the way, try it for themselves.

"After a few days, Lonely Zhao Yun has equipped stirrups on a large scale. Let me show you, and you will know." Kou Feng didn't intend to explain, it was too troublesome.said with a smile.

"Uh." Kou Shui, Zhang Dao was a little confused.

"Haha." Kou Feng laughed and stopped talking.Anyway, he is in a very good mood now, the stirrup is ready, and the horseshoe should be good too.

"Immediately order the Kaogong Mansion to forge one hundred thousand pairs of such stirrups. It can be rough, not too delicate. Reduce the cost." Immediately, Kou Feng ordered.

"Promise." Although he still didn't see the key purpose of this gadget, just looking at getting on the horse and getting off the horse has a little way, Zhang Dao didn't refute, and promised with a smile.

After the stirrups were presented by Zhang Dao, about half a month later.

Kou Feng once again received good news from the Kaogong Mansion.

After the forging of the craftsmen and the consumption of about [-] bad horses, they finally researched a way to put horseshoes on the horseshoes without harming the horses.

After Kou Feng heard the words, he immediately led Wu Yunju to the Kaogong Mansion.

The last time I came here was to guide.This time, it was to receive the goods.Of course the mood is different.

"Your Majesty, this horseshoe can really be nailed to the horse's shoe. Although it looks cruel, it doesn't hurt the horse at all, and with the protection of this horseshoe, it prolongs the service life of the horse's soles and makes the horse's foot more comfortable. The lifespan has been extended." The craftsman who was the leader last time, after seeing Kou Feng, immediately said with a smile on his face.

"Hehe." Kou Feng chuckled, also very pleased.

Immediately, he brought the Wuyun horse behind him, handed it to the craftsman and said, "Also put a horseshoe on this lonely Wuyun horse."

"No." The craftsman promised, and said.

They looked extremely confident. After injuring about [-] bad horses, they conducted repeated experiments and equipped more than a hundred bad horses with horseshoes. They were very proficient.

But Zhang Dao was more worried.

"Your Majesty, this black cloud horse is your Majesty's mount. It is rare to go to the battlefield, so you don't need to nail it?" Zhang Dao persuaded.

"Hehe, if even Gu doesn't dare to put on the horseshoes for his beloved horse, how can he persuade Zhao Zilong to put on horseshoes for his beloved [-] war horses? Wait a minute, Gu will ride Wu Yunju to Zhao Yun's side Take a stroll and let him know the benefits of these two things." Kou Feng said with a chuckle.

Wu Yunju's character is a bit fierce, and Kou Feng is afraid of the forging process.The Wuyun horse suddenly exploded, so when the craftsmen were putting on the stirrups for the Wuyun horse, Kou Feng stayed beside the Wuyun horse, comforting the Wuyun horse.

However, in this process, there was no accident at all, and it was very smooth.

Not long after, iron shoes were installed on Wu Yunju's limbs and hooves.From now on, when running, it is not afraid of the small stones hurting its soles.

"Puchi." But there was still something strange, Wu Yunju neighed in some confusion, and stomped the sole of his foot.

"Haha. Let's go, let's take you to meet Zhao Zilong. Now you are an upgraded version of the war horse. Zhao Zilong will definitely be shocked when you see it." Kou Feng laughed, rode on the Wuyun horse, led Kou Shui and other guards, and went out Kaogongfu rode his horse out of the city all the way to Zhao Yun's barracks outside the city.

At present, the barracks are relatively empty, and many cavalry generals have taken their soldiers to various places to recruit reliable cavalry.

The quality of the cavalry is the first priority, and the selection is very strict.

Kou Feng also ordered that the local government should cooperate as much as possible.

Zhao Yun himself was in the barracks, handling various affairs.Mainly to manage the luggage and train the remaining cavalry on a daily basis.

When Kou Feng led his troops to arrive, Zhao Yun was training cavalry outside the barracks.

There is nothing else tricky about cavalry training except to make it run.All kinds of long and short runs, in which soldiers can become proficient and become elite cavalry.

A small barracks cannot accommodate so many cavalry running, so cavalry training is mostly outside.

When Kou Feng arrived, it aroused the shock of a school lieutenant who stayed behind.

"Your Majesty, General Zhao is training soldiers outside, and I will go to inform you soon." Near the gate of the camp, the captain said to Kou Feng.

"No need. Just wait here alone." Kou Feng refused with a smile.

If there is a major event, just like last time, Kou Feng asked Zhao Yun to recruit [-] troops, and he called them back.This time, although it is a big deal.But there is nothing wrong with delaying for a moment.

Kou Feng was idle anyway, so why bother Zhao Yun's daily training.

"No." The captain promised without any meaning.

However, Kou Feng waited for an hour, and when the sky gradually approached noon, the ground began to vibrate. After a while, a very aggressive cavalry appeared in front of Kou Feng's eyes.

At the same time, Kou Feng also saw the front of the cavalry, that side of the "Zhao" flag, the majestic figure in silver and white armor.

The fierce general Zhao Yun.

Looking at Zhao Yun today, Kou Feng couldn't help but recall the secret determination he made when he was learning riding skills under Zhao Yun's men in Xinye.

In the future, we must build an invincible iron cavalry and let Zhao Yun command it.Don't bury Zhao Yun's talent.

Now it really has come true.It is not only Zhao Yun who has the stage to lead the cavalry and display his talents.He also had an almost invincible cavalry.

Equipped with stirrups, horseshoes, invincible cavalry.

"Your Majesty?" Zhao Yun also saw Kou Feng when the gallop of the cavalry slowed down.He couldn't help being surprised, and immediately got off his horse and said, "My lord."

"Zilong doesn't need to be polite." Kou Feng stepped forward and helped Zhao Yun up.Immediately, he said with a smile: "This time, Gu has brought you two treasures. The various benefits of these, Gu will let you know first. Go and experience it for yourself."

"No." Zhao Yun said happily.But he remembered that Kou Feng told him earlier that there were two magic weapons to shorten the time for cavalry establishment.

Kou Feng saw Zhao Yun's joyful expression, smiled slightly, and waved back. Wu Yunju was very psychic, and walked to Kou Feng's side.

It has been walking for a while now, and it has become accustomed to wearing a pair of iron shoes under its feet.

"Put your feet inside and try riding on it again." Kou Feng stroked Wu Yunju's head, then pointed to the stirrup and said to Zhao Yun with a smile.

"No." Zhao Yun is an expert in cavalry, Kou Feng pointed again, and he immediately knew that the iron thing installed on both sides of Wu Yunju was the so-called whitish.

With a promise, Zhao Yun followed Kou Feng's instructions, stepped on the stirrups, turned over and sat on it.

Compared with Kou Shui and others, Zhao Yun is a real expert in cavalry. Once he sat on it, he felt the benefits of the stirrups. His eyes brightened and he shouted, "Okay."

(To be continued)

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