Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 718 Establishment of Invincible Cavalry

"This is the benefit of getting on and off the horse. Run around and try it out." Kou Feng encouraged with a smile.

"Promise." Zhao Yun promised, and immediately trotted Wu Yunju.

Back then, Zhao Yun gave this Wuyun horse to Kou Feng.At this moment, Wu Yunju still has an impression of Zhao Yun, so there is no discomfort in carrying Zhao Yun.

As the trot started, the joy on Zhao Yun's face became more and more intense.This, this little thing is really a god-defying artifact.

Although Zhao Yun himself was excellent at riding, with this stirrup, he could ride more flexibly.And with a foothold, the fatigue of riding a horse is greatly reduced.

It can save stamina during the raid, and can run for a longer time.

What are the advantages of cavalry?Is it two armies against each other?No, the two armies are facing each other, and the running cavalry is indeed very powerful.But the real power of the cavalry lies in the charge.

Thousands of miles to attack, thousands of miles to attack and so on.

They are elusive, and they are the kings of the army in this era.The length of the raid and how to maintain the physical strength of the soldiers became very important.

With this stirrup, the horse can be controlled more flexibly, the cavalry can be cultivated more quickly, and the physical strength of the cavalry can also be maintained.

If it is really the same, it means that there are countless benefits.

"Okay, that's great." As the running continued, Zhao Yun unknowingly let Wu Yunju let go, and Qianli Liangju ran like a gust of wind, very fast.

As the running time continued, Zhao Yun was heartbroken and really became ecstatic.This is a good thing, a good thing.

It's just so comfortable, so good.Zhao Yun was completely intoxicated by the benefits brought by the stirrup, and galloped on the horse.

When Zhao Yun woke up, they had already run dozens of miles away.

Thinking that Kou Feng was still in the camp, Zhao Yun broke down in sweat.Immediately turned the horse's head and turned back.

"How?" Kou Feng was wondering why Zhao Yun had been gone for so long.But when he thought that he might also be happy to see Lie, he felt relieved.When Zhao Yun rode his horse back, Kou Feng also asked happily.

In fact, there is no need to ask. After going for so long, I must have gone crazy.Isn't it a good thing, Zhao Yun can be so intoxicated?

"The last general has been a general for many years, but until today, I didn't know that there is such a good thing in the world that is so suitable for cavalry. Dare I ask you, what is it?" Zhao Yun turned over and dismounted, first sighed, and then clasped his fists and asked road.

"It's called a stirrup. Literally, it means helping someone get on a horse. But Zilong already has a deep understanding of the benefits, right?" Kou Feng explained with a smile, and then asked again.

"Stirrup." Zhao Yun muttered to himself for a while, and chewed repeatedly in his mouth for a while.Afterwards, he clasped his fists at Kou Feng and said, "In less than a year, we will surely build up a cavalry that is not inferior to Xiliang's iron cavalry, for your majesty to drive."

At this moment, Zhao Yun, Changshan Zhao Zilong, are so high-spirited.After Kou Feng saw it, he couldn't help but feel very happy.

Zhao Yun finally has a place to play.

"Hehe, as long as they are not inferior to the cavalry of Xiliang's iron cavalry, that's not enough. I still want Zilong to compete with the tiger and leopard cavalry." Kou Feng said solemnly, "They have also untied the cavalry now." After discovering the mystery of Chu Dao, he plagiarized Chu Dao, known as Wei Dao, which is very difficult to deal with. Does Zilong have confidence?"

"That's very difficult, unless after two years of training, supplemented by a lot of actual combat." Zhao Yun is very honest and steady, and he doesn't know how to flatter him at this moment, he just said honestly.

Of course, Kou Feng will not be a fool who likes to listen to flattery.Hearing this, he smiled slightly and said: "Of course that is the case. Gu believes that if he fights Ma Teng, Han Sui and other cavalry, Zilong's cavalry will be able to compete with tiger and leopard cavalry. In addition, Gu has a treasure .Zilong may not have realized it.”

With that said, Kou Feng came to Wu Yunju's side, patted Wu Yunju lightly, and immediately made Wu Yunju kneel down.Flip to the ground.

"Zilong come here." Kou Feng knelt down and greeted Zhao Yun again.

Zhao Yun felt a little strange, but he still squatted down.

Immediately his eyes straightened, he saw right.This horse, on this horseshoe, actually hit an iron hoof?

Iron hooves?

Zhao Yun is an expert in cavalry, so how could he not have thought of the damage caused to the horse by the wear and tear of the horse's hoof?If it is on the sole of the foot, get such an iron hoof.

That can really prolong the lifespan of the horse by a large amount, and there will be no misery that the horse will be injured when it encounters small stones while running.

Moreover, this is not Yaya.Kou Feng really did it.In the process of running just now, Zhao Yun clearly felt that this Wu Yunju did not feel any discomfort.

In other words, there is absolutely no problem with putting this horseshoe on the war horse.

"This, this." At this time, Zhao Yun had no emotions other than ecstasy.Today was really an eye-opener, really an eye-opener.

It turns out that there is such a treasure in the world.

"In this way, the horses have better endurance and fewer injuries. This way, the chances of cavalry being injured are reduced. As long as we win every game, our Chu cavalry can be compared with tiger and leopard cavalry. To a certain extent, we can definitely Surpass the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry." Kou Feng was also very ambitious, and laughed.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, with these two things, the general also has confidence." Zhao Yun also said with high spirits.

Back then, Zhao Yun himself was a young general under Gongsun Zan's tent.Gongsun Zan is a master of cavalry, and he is well-deserved as the number one figure in the world.

Zhao Yun learned a lot of skills under his tent.Commanding the cavalry is already good, plus these two things.

Kou Feng couldn't help smiling when he thought of the happy place, he couldn't help it.

"Is there any wine?" Feeling refreshed, Kou Feng couldn't help asking with a smile as he wanted to get drunk.

"Originally, alcohol was banned, but today I am very happy, so I will prepare for it at the end." Zhao Yun laughed loudly.

Immediately, the two entered the Chinese army tent together.There is no singing and dancing to add to the fun, and there is no good food.But Kou Feng and Zhao Yun were still full of enthusiasm, drinking cup after cup, until they both fell on the table together and fell unconscious.

"Uh." When Kou Feng woke up, he had already arrived at a room.The fragrance is overwhelming.Kou Feng sniffed it carefully and knew that this was Cai Da's room.

"Ma'am, ma'am, bring me a bowl of water." Kou Feng stretched out his hand from the quilt and shouted.

"Hangover." There was a sound of footsteps outside the door.Cai Da walked in with a bowl of something unknown.

Wearing a long gown, she has a graceful figure.Followed by a group of maids.

As the main wife, Cai Da has a very high status in the family.It is the existence second only to Gan's, and of course it serves the most people.

Without Cai Da's signal, a maid came up and half-supported Kou Feng.Let Kou Feng's head rest comfortably on her full chest.

Then Cai Da walked over gently, holding a bowl of something that she didn't know what it was.Feed it to Kou Feng.

"Gulu, gulu." Kou Feng just drank it without looking at it.

Not to mention, I had a splitting headache at first, but after drinking this bowl of sober up, I felt a little better.

"It's been a long time since I've had such a good drink. It's really good. But after this, I feel tired and uncomfortable." After drinking, Kou Feng smiled wryly and said.

"You know how powerful you are, but your majesty still doesn't know how to restrain yourself." Cai Da cast a coquettish glance at Kou Feng when she heard the words, and said angrily.

"Isn't this happy? It's rare to be happy a few times a year. Happy, happy. Hahaha." Said, Kou Feng couldn't help laughing.

The completion of the stirrups and horseshoes also indicates that his preparations for the conquest of Xishu are complete.

As the saying goes, win first and then fight, Kou Feng not only has a chance of winning against Liu Zhang, but also has a lot of confidence in Ma Teng and Han Sui incidentally.

How can you be unhappy?

"What is it that makes you so happy?" Cai Da saw Kou Feng's joy beyond words, even in the usual boudoir, she had never seen Kou Feng so excited and excited.

Apart from being curious, I was also a little bit jealous.

"It's better to be alone than to be happy. I just won't tell you." Kou Feng said with a smile.

"Hmph." Cai Da snorted arrogantly, a little dissatisfied.

"Hehe, come here and let Gu hug me." Kou Feng smiled and stretched out his hand, wrapping around Cai Da's slender waist.Cai Da blushed and glanced at the maids around her.

The maids knew what was going on, and all retreated.

Really happy, but also feel unbearable headache.Leaning on the fragrant Cai Da, Kou Feng fell asleep without knowing it.

"I don't know what to be happy about." Seeing that Kou Feng fell asleep like this, Cai Da felt a little disappointed, but immediately, she couldn't help complaining.

Don't tell her either.

Immediately, Cai Da gently laid Kou Feng flat, then lifted the quilt and lay beside Kou Feng.

When Kou Feng woke up again, he didn't wake up naturally.Instead, he was woken up by someone.

"Sister, sister. What do you think I have accomplished?" A very cheerful voice came in, and a moment later, a veiled, very lively figure rushed in.

Who is it not Huang Yueying?

This girl has been a married woman for several years.But because there is an aunt taking care of her above, and her cousin Cai Da below.

No pressure at all.Therefore, after so many years, she is still as lively as a girl.

As soon as she entered the house, Huang Yueying saw Cai Da and Kou Feng sleeping in each other's arms.She couldn't help but blush, the maid stopped her from letting her in just now.

She was still very angry and forced her way in.Unexpectedly, these two shameless people would actually Xuan Yin in the daytime.

"You guys." Huang Yueying said angrily.

"Cough." At this time, Kou Feng and Cai Da also woke up respectively, Kou Feng's mind became much clearer, seeing this, he coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment.Cai Da's face turned red.

There is a kind of shameful person who is caught in bed.

Although, it is legal for Kou Feng to be in bed with her.

Originally, Kou Feng planned to use words to prevaricate Huang Yueying and coax her to go out first.But when Kou Fengyi saw what Huang Yueying was holding.

The eyes suddenly straightened.

What kind of crossbow is this?Could it be?

(To be continued)

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