Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 719 Divine Weapon 1 Everything

"What kind of crossbow is this, Liannu?" Kou Feng didn't care about anything, lifted the quilt and walked down.Although the weather is a bit cold at the moment, the room is not too warm.Kou Feng was even wearing underwear, but his heart was full of enthusiasm.

Pointing at the delicate crossbow in Huang Yueying's little hand, she said in a trembling voice.

In the past, with the help of Huang Yueying, Kou Feng created a ship that was powerful in the southeast and almost invincible in the inland water system.

Smart mind, very good at these.

So Kou Feng acted on the spur of the moment and told Huang Yueying some of Zhuge Liannu's ideas.

In this era, there was a continuous crossbow, but it was only fired several times in a row.However, what Kou Feng asked to make could be launched ten times in succession.

Kou Feng believed that Zhuge Liannu was so famous that it must be able to launch ten times in succession.If you launch ten times at a time, you can only kill one person, so there is nothing to record in the history books.

And firing ten crossbow arrows one after another can kill ten people.The power is huge.Therefore, the idea that Kou Feng handed over to Huang Yueying was to be able to launch ten of them one after another.

But now seeing Huang Yueying walking in bouncing around, it seemed that she was here to show off and share her joy with Cai Da.Kou Feng reckoned that this was a ten-shot crossbow.

Kou Feng left Yongliang because he was worried about entering Shu.Unable to resist Ma Teng and Han Sui's large-scale cavalry, he ordered the construction of stirrups and horseshoes, so as to have the capital to compete with Ma Teng and Han Sui in cavalry.

Especially the function of stirrups and horseshoes is beneficial for both sides to fight.After several battles, the enemy is alive and well.It can fundamentally reverse the shortage of large-scale cavalry.

But there are no absolutes in everything. Although Zhao Yun is strong, the number of troops he trains is only [-].It cannot be compared with Ma Teng and Han Sui, two guys with more than [-] cavalry.

There is no advantage in quantity, but in terms of quality, the cavalry between Xiliang and Yongliang are even more fierce, very elite.

There may be a little problem.

And if Kou Feng encountered cavalry in the open, or in the defense of the city, what would he do to resist it?

The answer is Liannu.

Zhuge Liannu fired ten rounds one after another.The lethality is huge, as long as the enemy cavalry is close, you can make great achievements.

But if what Huang Yueying holds is Liannu, then it will be developed.

"That's right. It's the Liannu you mentioned. It took me a long time to get it out." Huang Yueying generously handed the Liannu in her hand to Kou Feng, and said proudly.

The repeating crossbow was huge, with what looked like a magazine clip in the middle, loaded with ten eight-inch long iron arrows.A little clumsy, and very heavy to start with.

It's hard to imagine that Huang Yueying's small body can actually lift such a heavy object.Kou Feng glanced at Huang Yueying strangely, this delicate and savage woman.

However, immediately Kou Feng couldn't put it down.

Feel free to try it.It's really itchy and I want to try the power of this crossbow.

"This is the boudoir, if you want to try it, you have to go to the shooting range outside." Beside, Huang Yueying blamed.

"Yeah. Come together." Kou Feng thought to himself, yes.She couldn't help turning her head to Cai Da who was still on the bed and said, "Ma'am, go out with Yueying for a while."

"Yeah." At this moment, Cai Da's face has returned to normal.Back then, Kou Feng had her serve with Huang Yueying at the same time.

Now Huang Yueying saw her lying with Kou Feng in the daytime, it was nothing.

After Kou Feng confessed, he walked out with Huang Yueying.

The mansion is very huge, with two school yards, one big and one small.The larger ones are used by the guards for their usual training.The smaller one is of course Kou Feng's private school.

In the school grounds, there are usually ten targets, waiting for Kou Feng's luck.

Soon, Kou Feng and Huang Yueying came to the small shooting range together.Kou Feng couldn't wait to stand in front of a shooting range, and took another aim.

Pulled the trigger.

"Pu Chi, Pu Chi, Pu Chi." Kou Feng pulled the trigger continuously, and ten iron arrows were shot out from the parts similar to magazines.

Lightning fast.

However, the accuracy isn't great.

With Kou Feng's archery ability and strong arm strength.There were actually five missed targets.None of them hit hearts.

It wasn't because of Kou Feng's lack of accuracy, but because the crossbow was so heavy that every time the trigger was pulled, there would be a strong vibration.

Even with Kou Feng's arm strength, he couldn't hold it steady.

"Hehe." Huang Yueying laughed while clutching her stomach, her voice was clear and sweet, very touching.

Kou Feng didn't mind, but was very happy.

Accurate what.On the battlefield, facing the black cavalry, the accuracy is bullshit.Only being able to shoot the most arrows in a short period of time is the kingly way.

Zhuge Liannu can fire ten times.

It is simply the nemesis of cavalry. As long as there are [-] such crossbowmen, tens of thousands of cavalry don't have to be too afraid.Cool.

Kou Feng ignored Huang Yueying, but looked at the Liannu in his hand with fiery eyes, and couldn't put it down.

"Hmph." Huang Yueying beside her snorted coquettishly, a little dissatisfied.

"Hehe. Ma'am was left out in the cold." Kou Feng immediately put down his crossbow upon hearing this, walked over and put his arms around Huang Yueying's slender waist.

Kou Feng and Huang Yueying were the only two here, being hugged by Kou Feng like this, Huang Yueying didn't even blush.Instead, he leaned back in Kou Feng's arms gracefully.

"Come to my yard at night, for two consecutive months, don't say no." Huang Yueying said softly, her eyes watery.

"Okay." Kou Feng also knew the entanglement in Huang Yueying's heart. He had been married to him for so many years, but he had no children. Seeing that the newcomers Ding and Mi were pregnant, and they were about to give birth.Huang Yueying was naturally anxious. Although her surname was still that of a girl, she was eager in this respect.

In addition, during this period of time, Huang Yueying asked Zhang Zhongjing to recuperate her body, and it should be almost done.

Kou Feng usually sees Huang Yueying so busy helping him tinker with these inventions, but his heart aches.Two months is two months, anyway, this little girl is very juicy.

Kou Feng thought with a smile.

"By the way, this thing. It is very precise, and it will be damaged if you are not careful. Especially it can't be exposed to rain. In addition, the cost is very expensive, which is the price of five Chu knives. The main reason is that many craftsmen's time was wasted, and the production is too expensive. So precise. Finally, the crossbow bolts are also very expensive. Anyway, they are very expensive. Also, two people need to work together to load the crossbow bolts. It is very troublesome." Leaning in Kou Feng's arms, Huang Yueying explained this in great detail. Liannu's disadvantages, and looked at Kou Feng cautiously, this thing is really too expensive, with Huang Yueying's carefree personality, she couldn't help but be surprised.

However, she looked at Kou Feng's face, but she was very calm, with a kind of momentum that the mountain collapsed in front of her without changing her face.

"Are you worried?" Huang Yueying couldn't help asking.

"Fool? What is the best thing about Duke Chu? It is to make these sophisticated offensive and defensive equipment. In the battle against Xiangyang, Gu made siege equipment worth tens of thousands of gold. Now those equipment are sealed in the treasury Gu didn't feel distressed. The money can't be spent, but the dead can't be resurrected. Using these money to exchange the lives of soldiers. Gu thinks it's very worthwhile. What's more, Gu has no shortage of money. Gu is a rich man " Kou Feng laughed, stretched out his hand to pinch Huang Yueying's face, even through the veil, he could still feel the delicateness and tenderness, making people love it.

Thinking of the pleasures in the boudoir, Kou Feng couldn't help but move.

"Monopoly." Huang Yueying curled her lips, showing some disdain.

Immediately, Kou Feng coaxed Huang Yueying, and then promised Huang Yueying to stay in her room at night and for two consecutive months in the future.

Only then did Huang Yueying be sent away, and she got a few precise drawings and the repeating crossbow.

"I'll call you Liannu of Chu State from now on, you have to make contributions for Gu Gu." Kou Feng stopped in the school grounds for a moment, said softly to the injured Liannu, and then walked out.

After a while, Kou Feng came to the study, and ordered the eunuch Zhang Dao, chief minister Mi Zhu, and town army general Chen Da to come to see him.

Huang Yueying helped him make this thing.Then naturally order a large-scale casting.Zhang Dao, the servant in charge of the Kaogong Mansion, was responsible for the construction.The chief secretary in charge of finances, Mi Zhu, was in charge of appropriating funds, and finally, the general of the town army, Chen Da, was in charge of training the [-] crossbowmen.

That's right, Kou Feng will do everything vigorously.

In order to be able to conquer Xiangyang, he spared no expense to manufacture the siege equipment worth tens of thousands of gold, just to reduce casualties.

It's the same now, planning to build [-] Chu crossbows at a time, even though the value of the [-] crossbows is [-] Chu knives.

Didn't Huang Yueying say that it is very difficult to load the iron arrow with this thing, it requires two people to do it, and it is not short.

In this way, it is impossible to continuously load iron arrows on the battlefield.Think about how fast the cavalry charge, before you can load the arrow, they rush in front of you.

Still pretending to be a fart.

And Kou Feng planned to create [-] Chu State Liannu at one time and recruit [-] Liannumen, so that there would be a scale of [-] iron arrows fired.It is enough to support a war with tens of thousands of enemy cavalry.

To put it simply, it is to spend money to make up for the shortcoming of the Chu State Liannu, which can only be used once when confronting cavalry on the battlefield.

What is rich and powerful, just Kou Feng.

The continuous sale of Chu books has made Chu's finances develop from relatively poor to relatively rich.At present, there is a shortage of salt in Hanzhong and Yongliang, so Kou Feng took the opportunity to collect [-]% of the tax from the merchants.

Let Chu's finances develop towards prosperity.

Therefore, Kou Feng has the ability to be rich and powerful.

Kou Feng sat in the study for a while, and soon, Chief Secretary Mi Zhu, eunuch Zhang Dao, and Zhenjun General Chen Da came in one after another.

The one who arrived later was Chen Da, who was also an old official from Kou Feng's family. Kou Feng tracked down his previous achievements and made him a general of the town army, and he was the lowest rank of Tinghou among the lieutenants.

There are three hundred households in the fief.

However, although he is the largest and first-class lieutenant, he is very prominent in the current state of Chu.

He was ordered to continue commanding the Po Army and the Second Battalion of God Arms.

(To be continued)

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