Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 720 Cao Cao is really shameless

Although the soldiers and horses led by Chen Da were elite, they were too few after all, and they were only 1000 in total.And now finally got the chance.

Kou Feng planned to let him command the Liannu soldiers.

To say the bravest, Chen Da is certainly not one of them.But Chen Da is the most reliable. You can see that he has managed the barracks for many years and has always been loyal.

Therefore, the commander of the Liannu soldiers must be him.

When everyone gathered, Kou Feng took out a few blueprints and the Liannu.

"Come around." Kou Feng took these things, stood on the floor in the middle, and just knelt and sat down casually.

Although Mi Zhu, Zhang Dao, Chen Da and the others were puzzled, they knelt and sat down without any hesitation.

"Look, this is a repeating crossbow invented by Mrs. Gu. It can be loaded with ten iron arrows and fired ten times. It can be fired ten times instead of ten at once. It can kill ten people. Whether it is power or Compared with ordinary hand crossbows, the shooting range is not bad at all. How about it?" Kou Feng said with a smile while holding the Chu State Liannu.

What Kou Feng said was a bit of a fantasy.In this era, there are already four or five rounds of continuous crossbows, but they are only fired once.

It is to shoot four or five arrows at one person.I have never heard of it, and it can fire four or five rounds of continuous crossbows one after another, let alone ten rounds.

That is equivalent to carrying ten Liannu in one's chest.In the fight with the enemy, no, in the fight with the enemy cavalry, what a huge power it is.

Not to mention Chen Da, the leading general, even Mi Zhu, Zhang Dao was trembling all over, excited.However, although Kou Feng said the Arabian Nights, no one was convinced that since Kou Feng said it, there must be something to it.

"If so, this is really a sharp weapon for the country." Mi Zhu said excitedly.

"This will have a miraculous effect whether it is against cavalry or infantry. The journey to Shu will be smooth." Chen Da was even more excited, and he had the urge to laugh three times.

"Hehe, that's true. However, this little thing also has some flaws." Kou Feng couldn't help being relieved when he saw that everyone knew how powerful this Liannu was.Immediately, the defects of these crossbows were explained one by one.

"If this is the case, you should be careful to protect yourself. Moreover, the amount should be larger. Otherwise, it will not be easy to face the enemy's tens of thousands of cavalry." After Kou Feng finished speaking, Chen Da, out of the general's consideration, and Kou Feng's idea exactly the same.

Protect it carefully at ordinary times so as not to damage the crossbow.And the amount must be huge to form effective lethality.

And the cost is not within the scope of Chen Da's consideration.

"Gu also has this intention. He plans to fight ten thousand times. As for the recruitment of soldiers, I will leave it to you, the general of the town army." Kou Feng smiled and nodded, trusting Chen Dao.

"The final general will be lucky enough to live up to his fate." Chen Daxin readily agreed and said.

"It's just, Your Majesty, it's expensive." Mi Zhu, who was in charge of finance, said with a sad face beside him.

Now Chu State's finances have just become rich by relying on Chu Shu and the salt tax.These [-] crossbows will add [-] troops, plus the horseshoes and stirrups to be built, and the [-] soldiers Zhao Yun is responsible for recruiting.The financial situation of Chu State will become mediocre again.

It made Mi Zhu feel distressed.

"If you have money, spend it. Don't be a miser. It will end badly." Kou Feng shook his head and said solemnly.

"No." Mi Zhu actually knew this truth. In troubled times, it is not the time to save money, but how to spend it.For example, Liu Biao has been in Jingzhou for many years, and his wealth can rival the country.But in the end, overnight, the property was sealed by Kou, and Cao Cao and others took it over.

Therefore, I quickly figured it out, and promised.

"The matter of recruiting craftsmen is left to Wuwei." After Kou Feng finished Mi Zhu, he turned his head, shouted Zhang Dao's name, and urged.


Zhang Dao didn't have any pressure, he was just in charge of the craftsmen, and he agreed very readily when he heard the words.

Immediately, Kou Feng arranged the details and told the three to cooperate with each other and not to feel bad.It is necessary to recruit soldiers in a very short period of time and let the Liannu Army be established.

At that time, the iron cavalry with Zhao Yun will be the two wings of Chu State and the wings of the country.

Soon, Zhang Dao, Mi Zhu, and Chen Da all went down.Kou Feng intends to forge [-] Liannu and build up [-] Liannu soldiers.This puts a lot of pressure on the three of them.

Finance, conscription, and forging all take time.

Although the state of Chu is peaceful now, the three of them still feel that the sooner the better.

After the three of them left, Kou Feng sat down in the study alone, his gaze a bit deep.

The so-called win first and then fight.

In the near future, Chu State will have [-] iron cavalry and [-] Liannu soldiers.Liannu soldiers can not only be used to fight Xiliang cavalry, but also have a place to use in the mountainous Shu land.

It should be the weapon of the country.

Thinking about it, Kou Feng couldn't help being ambitious.

Now Chu State is gradually on the track, and the army is gradually sufficient.It can be said that the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong.Just wait for the east wind to come, and then you can attack Shu.

The new state of Chu must be a large country with a vast territory. Yangzhou, Jingzhou, Jiaozhou, and Yizhou are so majestic.

Kou Feng's eyes couldn't help being hot.


In the 16rd year of Jian'an, winter.

Cao Cao defeated the coalition forces of Yuan Shang, Yuan Xi, Wuhuan, Gongsun Kang and others in the north. Although Kou Feng responded in the south, he marched north with a large army and entered Xudu, Xuzhou, Yuzhou, etc. Cao Cao had no choice but to Return to the army for rescue.

However, Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi were still beheaded, Wuhuan people were seriously injured, and Gongsun Kang retreated to Liaodong with heavy casualties. He used Liaodong's dangers to block the attack of Cao Cao's general Zhang Liao.

Since then, Yuan's influence has completely disappeared in the Central Plains.

Only Gongsun Kang, the Marquis of Yan, remained in the north, but his morale was also low.Cao Wei's situation is a little better.

It has been several months since this incident spread from the north to Yizhou.

In Chengdu, Yizhou, at the mansion of Fazheng.

Fazheng sat in the study frowning. Now that Cao Wei's situation has improved, it means that the situation in Chu State has become worse.

If Chu Gong Kou Feng, Ma Teng could not be pacified before Cao Cao, before Han Sui entered Xishu, then the environment of Chu State would become worse.

Now that Fazheng's heart belongs to Chu State, it is naturally for Chu State's consideration.

"I don't want Cao Cao to be defeated by Chu Gong several times, but his glory is still there. Gongsun Kang, Wuhuan people and hundreds of thousands of soldiers were defeated by him at once. Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi were also beheaded on the spot." Fazheng frowned and sighed.

Just when Fazheng was thinking about the current situation.A servant came in and reported, "Master, Liu Yizhou sent someone to summon you."

"Prepare the car." Fazheng nodded and waved.

Immediately, he tidied up his clothes and went out.After a while, take a carriage to the Governor's Mansion.

When Fazheng arrived, many officials had already gathered in the hall of the Governor's Mansion.

Among them are Huang Quan, Wu Yi, Zheng Du, Zhang Song and others.And of course Liu Zhang, as the rightful lord, is also there.However, Fazheng is not concerned with these people, but another person.

This person has a white face and no beard, a slender figure, and an extraordinary momentum.Very face-to-face.

After taking his eyes away from this man, Fazheng realized that Liu Zhang was different today, and he was very happy.

"It's almost there." Seeing Fazheng coming in, Liu Zhang nodded in satisfaction, and then introduced: "This is the general under Duke Cao's account, Man Chong, Mr. Man Boning." After speaking, Liu Zhang paused and sighed : "Nowadays the rice thief Zhang Lu is in trouble. Cao Gong, as the prime minister, is very concerned about the Southwest War. Some time ago, he even developed the Wei Dao that can compete with Chu Dao. He sent Bo Ning Sir, come over and bring Wei Dao and more than a hundred blacksmiths."

"Prime Minister is worthy of being the pillar of the Han Dynasty." All the ministers were surprised and delighted, and they couldn't stop complimenting.

With the rise of Kou Feng, the Chu Dao he relied on to rule the roost has become famous all over the world.It can be said that no one knows, no one does not know.

Now that Yizhou is at war with Hanzhong, Yizhou is obviously lost. Although Zhang Ren has made a lot of contributions in the north, he is still at a disadvantage overall.

Now with the help of Wei Dao, who is comparable to Chu Dao, he should be able to defeat Zhang Lu.

Why are people not excited?

Everyone is excited and happy.Only Fazheng, Huang Quan, Zheng Du and other wise men watched with cold eyes.

These three people are rare wise men in Yizhou, and Cao Cao's intentions can be seen at once.This is because Cao Cao still has Ma Teng in front of him, and Han Sui made trouble.If you can't spare your hands, clean up Yizhou.

He was also afraid that Yizhou would be weak and would be taken by Kou Feng, so he spared no expense and took the Wei knife that he had finally developed.

The purpose is to let Yizhou have a little self-protection power, at least until Cao Cao pacifies Ma Teng and Han Sui.

And it has nothing to do with protecting Liu Zhang and resisting Zhang Lu.

Who is Zhang Lu?Among the heroes of the world, they are nothing but clowns.

"Grandpa Cao is very generous. General Man Boning even came to Yizhou at all costs. My lord." Zhang Song first clasped his fists at the north, and then said to Liu Zhang: "Nowadays all the heroes in the world are rising together. Respect the Han Dynasty. But Cao Gong is the only one who respects the Han Dynasty and is a model for the world. Now that I am full of enthusiasm, I will take the opportunity to contact Cao Gong to show my loyalty to the Han Dynasty."

To say that the most excited one is probably Zhang Song.

He is a hardcore Jiang Cao faction.

Now Cao Cao has also shown kindness to Liu Zhang. In Zhang Song's view, this is an excellent opportunity.Thinking about it, in his mind, the troops stationed in Yizhou had very detailed information about all the cares about Yizhou.

Zhang Song's heart was extremely hot.

As long as you dedicate this information to Cao Gong, you will be able to contribute to Yizhou.Not only did he have outstanding meritorious service, but he was also able to protect himself in this troubled world.

Really the best of both worlds.

"Don't drive Mr. Zhang, right?" Man Chong raised his fist at Zhang Song.That's right, Cao Cao's purpose is to support Liu Zhang and resist Kou Feng.

When he came, he had a detailed look at the faces of some officials in Yizhou, and Zhang Song naturally recognized them.

"Exactly." Zhang Song clasped his fists in return.

"It's been a long time." Man Chong smiled at Zhang Song and said.Immediately, he said to Liu Zhang: "Mr. Cao also often has this idea, saying that Liu Yizhou sits in the southwest and has made outstanding achievements. Dangyong is in the southwest of the town and is the Marquis of Shu."

(To be continued)

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