Liu Zhang's eyes straightened immediately.

Liu Zhang is not a hero, but he also has the ambition to separate one side.If you don't have this ambition, why hold on to this foundation so hard.

But Liu Zhang knew that he had no such possibility at present.

Although during this period of time, Chu, Wei, Liang, Qin, Yan and other vassal states have emerged in the world.But each has its own advantages.

Only he, Liu Zhang, was pitiful, only in danger of mountains and rivers, and was beaten by Zhang Lu.

If Jianguo proclaims himself a lord, it will inevitably make the world ridicule.

But now that the imperial court has granted him the title of Marquis of Shu, and he will be in the southwest of Yongzheng.Although Liu Zhang knew that it was Cao Cao, it must be false, but at least he has such a prominent position.

How can Liu Zhang not be moved?

"Mr. Bo Ning, don't worry, Liu Zhang will be the prime minister's southwest barrier." Liu Zhang was excited in his heart, but managed to keep calm on his face, and assured Man Chong.

"Hehe, Liu Yizhou has such a heart, so I'm glad to congratulate you." Man Chong nodded with a smile, and then said: "Recently, I can't return to the north. For specific matters, I would like to ask Yizhou to send envoys to the north to meet the prime minister. .”

"Okay." Liu Zhang nodded happily and said.

"My lord, I'm willing to go." Zhang Song was worried that he couldn't find a chance to contact Cao Cao.

"This." Liu Zhang glanced at Zhang Song, pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Get ready, we will leave tomorrow."

I can finally contact Cao Cao, Mr. Yizhou.

Zhang Song annoyed the joy in his heart, nodded in promise and said: "No."

Huang Quan, Zheng Du, these wise men, of course don't know that Zhang Song, a prominent figure in Yizhou who is under one man and above ten thousand people, actually has the intention of selling Yizhou.

They are still thinking about how to use Wei Dao to counterattack Zhang Lu and how to guard against Kou Feng.

Although he knew that Cao Cao's intentions were not pure, but Wei Dao had a real benefit.

"Come, come, come. Everyone, come and have a look, this legendary Wei Dao is comparable to the Chu Dao." On the one hand, I am happy that I have obtained the technology to forge Wei Dao; The Marquis of Shu felt happy, and Liu Zhang said with a smile on his face.

At this time, Liu Zhang stood up, picked up the black knives brought by Man Chong on the case, and handed them out in person.

"Clang, clang."

Most of those present got knives.They got out of their sheaths one after another, and then they all gasped.

"It's a really good knife."

Even Fazheng couldn't help admiring, the blade was light and thin, glowing with a faint light, he stretched out his hand and scratched it, and immediately a bloodstain appeared.

Really sharp.

"This sword, Cao Cao called it Wei Dao, but I'm afraid it is a copy of Kou Gong's Chu Dao. I don't feel ashamed."

As for Cao Cao calling this replica knife the Wei knife, he is very disdainful.

Fazheng is a person who goes down in the dark all the way after recognizing a truth.Now that he already belongs to Kou Feng in his heart, he is naturally hostile to Cao Cao.

"Good knife, with this knife, not only can defend against Zhang Lu, but also compete with Kou Feng." The rest, including Liu Zhang, Huang Quan and others, all admired sincerely.

"This Wei knife has been popularized in the north, and Cao Gong's enemies are only Ma Teng, Han Sui, Gongsun Kang and others. They have nothing to do with Liu Zhang in the west. Giving Liu Zhang the technology of this Wei knife will not only help Liu Zhang resist Zhang Lu can still resist Kou Feng's westward expansion. If he can drag Kou Feng to Western Shu for a few years with Weiwei Dao, I believe Cao Gong has already pacified Han Sui and Ma Teng. At that time, hum."

Man Chong is very confident in his heart.

"My lord, immediately summon all the blacksmiths in Yizhou to make this kind of sharp weapon. To counter Zhang Lu." After admiring for a moment, Huang Quan immediately said.

Very decisive.

"Do it right away." Liu Zhang nodded, and said decisively for a rare time.

With this Wei Dao, little Zhang Lu is nothing.

"Promise." Huang Quan promised and walked out immediately.

Immediately, Liu Zhang encouraged the crowd, and they retreated one after another.However, Man Chong stayed.

"Liu Yizhou, although I came here on orders, the task has been completed now. It's like taking a break from a busy schedule. I heard that the mountains and rivers in the Shu land are very beautiful, don't you know?" Man Chong tentatively asked.

"Haha, why not?" Liu Zhang knew that Man Chong might have other purposes, but so what?Liu Zhang is very clear about the solidity of his mountains and rivers in Yizhou.

As long as you guard various key points, you can defend against many armies.A full pet can't take anything away.

"Thank you Liu Yizhou." Man Chong was overjoyed and bowed down.

He did have some purposes, such as spying on the military and drawing a map of Shu.Since Cao Cao has the ambition to dominate the world.

Of course, the land of Shu is also one of the goals, so one needs to know something about it.

"Do you want me to provide guards for the husband?" Liu Zhang asked kindly.

"No need. I brought ten guards this time, all of whom are good soldiers. Besides, Yizhou has been at peace for a long time, and there are no large groups of thieves. It's safe." Man Chong shook his head and refused.

Just kidding, since it's spying on the military, why would he wear eyeliner?

Liu Zhang was also very pleased with Man Chong's compliments on Yizhou's peace for a long time.

Immediately, the two continued to chat.

After Fazheng left the governor's mansion, he immediately got into the carriage and returned to his mansion.

"This matter is a secret. Kou Gong may not have many spies in Shu. It may be over if he gets the news. And this is also an opportunity. If I present the news, firstly, I can express my determination, and secondly, I can also communicate with Kou. public contact."

After sitting in the study for a long time, Fazheng finally made up his mind.

"Come here, go and call Fazeng over here." Just do it when you think about it, Fazheng called out immediately.

The so-called Fazeng is a brother of Fazheng. He admires him very much, almost obeys his orders, and is very reliable.

"No." The slave's promise sounded outside the door.

Not long after, a burly man walked in.There is hardly any resemblance to Fazheng dressed as a literati.But it is indeed Fazheng's family brother, Fazeng.

Fazheng first came to the door, looked left and right, and then closed the doors and windows.

"Brother, what's wrong, so mysterious?" Fa Zeng asked with some thick lines.

"You go to Chu State, go to Xiangyang. Try to find a way to see the Duke of Chu. If you can't, you go to see the Sangong Jiuqing. Just say, Cao Wei Manchong brought Wei Dao and the method of making Wei Dao. Please Duke Chu builds more embankments. Besides, after you go to Chu, don’t come back. I’ll tell the public that you’ve gone on a tour.” Fazheng lied next to Fazeng’s ear and told him softly.

"Brother, do you want to gain a better future?" Fa Zeng said with excitement in his eyes.

He admired Fazheng's talent the most.But Fazheng's fortune is not good, and there are some reasons for his personality.As a result, he has been excluded all the time. He sees it in his eyes and feels very dissatisfied in his heart.

Seeing Fazheng secretly contacting Kou Feng now, I am very excited.

"Yeah." Fazheng nodded, and then said: "Go, be careful on the road. Be natural, you don't have any letters on you, and no one will arrest you."

"Yeah." Fa Zeng nodded vigorously.

Immediately, the two brothers discussed for a while, and Fa Zeng went out.

"What's the future? It depends on this fight." After Fa Zeng left, Fa Zheng sat alone in the study and said softly.

Some vicissitudes.

What a tragedy it is to not be able to reuse all the talent and learning, especially for someone as strong as Fazheng.


This day, Man Chong arrived in Jiangyang.

He took a carriage and brought ten guards to Jiangyang.

During this period of time, Man Chong traveled to many places.Among them, some passes in the north are already well known, and all of them have been secretly recorded.

In addition, there are some Liu Zhang's barracks layout, and some basic information about Yizhou.

Man Chong has already completed most of the tasks assigned by Cao Cao.Next, Man Chong will go to the east to see for himself, to see Yizhou's defense against Chu's attack.

Comparing the two comparisons, we can calculate how long it will take for Kou Feng to invade Shu.

It would also be good for Cao Cao to be more prepared.

When I came to Jiangyang, I just dropped by.

However, there were some accidents.

"I heard that in the city of Jiangyang, there is a hidden dragon named Wumingshi. He has the talent to know the world, and the eunuch Ma Feng asked for it, but he couldn't. He is really a hermit."

"Yeah, I've heard about it too, and I don't know if it's so powerful in the rumors. I really want to ask for advice."

Man Chong was eating in a restaurant in Jiangyang City when he heard someone talking next to him.

Man Chong glanced back, the people who spoke were very young, and they were all dressed as scribes.

"Anonymous? One-stop?" Man Chong became a little interested, and after a quick meal, he ordered the guards and drove to the outside of the city.

After inquiring all the way, I finally came to the vicinity of Fucun.

"Although this place is not a good place, it is still beautiful. A hidden dragon, I really want to see if there is something real. If you are really talented, you can go back to the north. If you just need a diagram, then that's all. Sitting in the carriage, looking at the surrounding scenery, Man Chong thought to himself while commenting that it was average.

"Hey, isn't this Man Chong?" Man Chong and the others didn't notice it, but a few farmers passing by with their farm goods noticed Man Chong.

One of them let out a low cry.

"You're not mistaken, this is Man Chong?" A person who seemed to be the leader asked in a low voice.His eyes glowed with excitement.

"Of course, I used to be Duke Chu's guard. I met Man Chong once, and I still remember it vividly. I heard that this man is a general in the north. He has a general strategy, courage and color, and his status is not low. Capture him alive. It's just a great achievement, and I met him in Shu, there must be something wrong. If I can capture him alive and bring him back to Chu, hey, Chu Gong will appreciate it." Just now I recognized a farmer who was full of love, his eyes were full of longing Luster, hehe said with a smile.

When Zhuge Liang escaped, Kou Feng ordered a team of people to monitor him.No less than 20 people, and now these people have settled down in Yizhou.

It is near Fucun, where Zhuge Liang lived.

It happened that Man Chong passed by here, and it happened that one of them was Kou Feng's guard.It's also because of Man Chong's bad luck.

They nodded very tacitly, ready to do a big job.

(To be continued)

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