Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 722 Called You Conspiracy, Captured Alive

Carrying a kind of heart to visit the virtuous.

Man Chong came to Fucun.After asking the villagers, they came to Zhuge Liang's mansion.

Man Chong just planned to have someone knock on the door.The guard next to him came to Man Chong and said in a low voice: "General, the farmers in this area are all very good soldiers."

"Really?" Man Chong was a little surprised when he heard the words.

"Indeed." The guard nodded affirmatively and spoke out for the team. He naturally knew the temperament of the nearby villagers like the back of his hand, so he was very vigilant.

Man Chong pondered for a moment, then smiled and said: "This place is under Liu Yizhou, if there is an ambush, how could Liu Yizhou not know? It's okay."

Saying that, Man Chong waved to his subordinates: "Go up and knock on the door."

"No." The guard behind promised, and went up to knock on the door.

In the mansion, Zhuge Liang chopped wood in the front yard himself.

At the beginning, Zhuge Liang was farming and studying in Nanyang, so he was self-reliant.Although I am a little rich now, I still need to relax my muscles and bones occasionally.

"Touch." The chopping knife was raised high, and then fell quickly, and a log was split in half.Firewood as high as a hill has been piled up next to it.

Zhuge Liang wiped the sweat off his forehead and planned to take a rest.

"Master, there is a gentleman who is asking to see you." At this moment, the house slave came in from the outside and bowed.

"Introduction to the hall." Zhuge Liang's face flashed helplessly. He has become so famous recently that almost every few days someone came to his door.Zhuge Liang was a little overwhelmed.

After a while, Zhuge Liang put on dry clothes and came to the hall.

"What a look." When Zhuge Liang saw Man Chong, he couldn't help admiring.

And when Man Chong saw Zhuge Liang walking in, his eyes lit up.Both sides have good first impressions of each other.

"I'm passing by here, and I heard that there are talented people here, so I take the liberty to come to the door, and I ask the master to forgive me." Man Chong raised his fist and said with a smile.

"Sir, I'm overrated, but I'm just a villager." Zhuge Liang said with a smile.

With that said, Zhuge Liang invited Man Chong to sit, and he himself sat on the first seat.

"The so-called reputation is worthless. Sir, you are humble." Man Chong shook his head and smiled.

"Hehe." Zhuge Liang laughed and stopped answering.

That humble attitude made Man Chong even more fond of him.

Then, Man Chong talked with Zhuge Liang about various schools of thought.Originally, Man Chong was just trying to find out, but Zhuge Liang answered fluently.

Slowly, Man Chong was amazed by Zhuge Liang's erudition.

"With Mr.'s talents, why do you live in the mountains?" Finally, Man Chong couldn't help but regret.

"Hehe, it's not yet time." Zhuge Liang seemed to answer.

Man Chong's heart moved, and he suddenly felt hopeful.The conversation just now gave Man Chong a very intuitive understanding of Zhuge Liang.

He is very talented and knowledgeable, and he is definitely a first-class talent.

But such a talented person lives in the mountains.But when he asked Zhuge Liang, he said that it hadn't come yet, and he was waiting for the Ming Lord.

One of the reasons for coming to Yizhou this time is to supply Liu Zhang and Wei Dao to resist Chu.The second is to write down some mountains, rivers, landforms, passes and important cities in Yizhou.and deployment of troops.

But if he can complete these two tasks, he will bring back a great talent by the way.Isn't it perfect?

There was a sudden movement in Man Chong's heart.

"To tell you the truth, sir, I am a general under Duke Cao's tent. This time I came to Sichuan to do an important matter for the prime minister. Mr. Wen is famous, so I couldn't help but come to ask for an interview. When I saw you today, sir, you are indeed a man." Zhong Zhilong. If Mr. is willing to go to the north, I will definitely recommend it for you. Our prime minister is eager to seek talents, and with Mr.'s talent, he will definitely be reused." Man Chong revealed his identity and said.

"My surname is Man, and my first name is Chong. My name is Boning." As he spoke, Man Chong introduced himself.

Previously, the two called each other Mr., but did not say each other's names.Zhuge Liang wanted to live in seclusion here and watch the situation in the world.I don't want to be exposed prematurely, so I always call myself Anonymous when I meet with ordinary people.

And Man Chong also estimated his status.Now that Zhuge Liang is a great talent, of course he has to launch an offensive.

Zhuge Liang's expression didn't move, but he was very surprised in his heart.It's full of favors.Man Chong still has status in the north, of course Zhuge Liang has heard of it.

But it was because I had heard of it that I was so surprised.

Man Chong actually came to Sichuan.Could it be that Liu Zhang actually combined with Cao Cao?It's really seeking skin from a tiger.

Zhuge Liang shook his head helplessly in his heart.

However, Zhuge Liang remained calm on the face, and said with a smile: "So it's Mr. Man Boning, no respect, no respect."

"I don't know Mr.'s name?" Zhuge Liang didn't mean to announce his name, but Man Chong asked reluctantly.

"I have lived here for more than a year, and I have always been anonymous." Zhuge Liang shook his head and said.

This is already a polite refusal of Man Chong's invitation.

But when he came to Sichuan, he met such a talented person but missed him, which is obviously not Man Chong's character.He couldn't help but said: "Listen to what Mr. said earlier, it's not the time yet, I don't know when will be the time?"

Zhuge Liang pondered for a moment when he heard the words, it's hard to say.Maybe he would offend Man Chong and spread the matter to Liu Zhang.

Maybe it was a disaster.

"When the land of Shu is broken." Zhuge Liang said.

The land of Shu was conquered?Man Chong was taken aback for a moment, then took a deep look at Zhuge Liang.By now, the situation in the world has become very clear.

If Cao Cao was able to defeat Ma Teng, Han Sui would only have obtained the broken Yongzhou and Liangzhou.It doesn't work at all.

But if you go to Shu, it will form a siege to go abroad.Cao Wei is more favorable.

But if Kou Feng gets the land of Shu, the balance will tilt towards Chu.

In this world, basically it depends on whose hands the land of Shu falls into, whoever will benefit.This is also the reason why Cao Cao spared no expense to share the manufacturing method of Wei Dao with Liu Zhang.

But now Zhuge Liang said that he would not be born until the land of Shu was breached.It can be seen that the eyes are very vicious.I know that when I become an official, it is the most secure time.

At least, Man Chong thinks so.He didn't know at all that Zhuge Liang's heart had already tilted towards Chu.No thoughts to Cao.

"Just wait until the day comes." Man Chong said with a sigh.

However, I still have confidence in my heart.After Cao Cao entered Shu, he must recommend Zhuge Liang to be an official in the court.

"Hehe." Zhuge Liang laughed.

Immediately, the two chatted for a while, and Man Chong got up to leave.Now that Zhuge Liang has made up his mind, he can't persuade him any more.


"Take care of yourself."

At the door, Man Chong and Zhuge Liang bid farewell.

"Let's go. Let's continue westward." Man Chong looked back at Zhuge Liang's mansion, sighed, and said.

"No." The guard responded, and led the carriage to continue westward.Man Chong will continue to observe the defensive forces against Chu State in the west of Shu.

"When I come next time, I must invite you out of the mountain. At that time, the prime minister must have already entered Shu, and I am afraid that I can no longer refuse." On the carriage, Man Chong was still brooding.And secretly made up his mind.

Be sure to follow Cao Cao into Shu.

Man Chong himself has a stubbornness that will not give up until he reaches his goal.


At this time, outside a forest, dozens of people gathered together. They were dressed as farmers, but they carried blades on their bodies, not Chu swords, but ordinary blades. Many of them carried hunting bows on their backs.

The leader is a very powerful and powerful man.

This group of people was a group of soldiers sent by Kou Feng to monitor Zhuge Liang's existence.At the head was a Dub.

"Report to your lord, Man Chong has gone west."

Suddenly, a man came running towards this side and reported.

"Go, go in ambush." ​​Du Bo grinned and strode towards the west.

Full of pets, it is really a big fish that can't be imagined.And it was hunted in Yizhou.

After a while, dozens of people lay down in a mountain depression.This place is a mountain path, which is the only way from West Shu to the east.

Although Yizhou has many plains inside, it has many mountains outside.

This is a good place to ambush.

"Here we come." He said in a low voice, and Du Bo immediately gestured for the soldiers to lie in ambush.After a while, the carriage full of pets gradually appeared in front of everyone.

There are six guards in the front and four in the back.The physique is very strong, the eyes are very bright, and the Chu knife is hung on the waist.

Looking at the Chu Dao-like knife, Du Bo's eyes froze.He was born in the state of Chu, so he was naturally aware of the power of the Chu knife.

Fortunately, they have bows and arrows here.

Feeling relieved, Dubo stared closely at the front when the carriage was very close to them.Du Bo ordered: "Kill."

"Swish, swish, swish." Immediately, more than a dozen arrows flew towards Man Chong and them.

Because they were caught off guard, seven people were hit by arrows and fell to the ground. Only three people were able to avoid the catastrophe because of their quickness and dexterity in reaching out.

"Is there an ambush?" The scream made Man Chong startled. He raised his head and saw most of his guards fell to the ground, his eyes were tearing apart.

The next scene made Man Chong feel even colder.

I saw dozens of people dressed as farmers rushing over with ridiculous swords in their hands.From the looks of it, it was a ragtag bunch.

But it broke out a chilling atmosphere, like a tiger descending from the mountain.

"Kill." Du Bo yelled loudly, and rushed over in the lead.Although Man Chong's guards were all good players, there were only three of them left. Under the charge of dozens of them, the ground was blood-stained in just a moment.

But Dubo and other dozens of people, but no one was injured or injured.

Except for a few people who were responsible for confining the corpses, Du Bo led people to surround Man Chong.

"Don't hurt me, I'm Liu Yizhou's guest." Man Chong barely kept his composure, and said kindly to the leader, Du Bo.

I thought that in the name of Liu Zhang, I could get away with my life by luck.Unexpectedly, Uncle Du laughed loudly and said, "Man Chong, don't fool me. You are a general under Cao Cao's account. When you come to Shu, you must have some secrets."

"As for me, I'm a small soldier under Duke Chu's tent. It's a great honor to catch you today."

"Haha." The soldiers around laughed loudly.It's really not easy, the little soldier captured the general alive.

"This." Man Chong only felt dizzy for a while.

According to the rumors, Liu Zhang was lax in defense, and it was true.Surprisingly, dozens of soldiers from the Chu State were deployed in Shu, and they also carried sharp knives.

It really hurt him.

This time, let alone draw a map for Cao Cao, spy on the military situation, and visit talents.This life has been explained.

It really shouldn't have rejected Liu Zhang's suggestion to ration the guards.Man Chong regretted it in his heart.

(To be continued)

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