In the city of Xiangyang, in the Duke's Mansion of Chu.I am very happy.

At this moment, it is the first month of the 17th year of Jian'an. In the last month, last month, the family has added a young master and a young lady.

They are Kou De from the Ding family and Kou Shu from the Mi family.

Today is the full moon day of Kou Feng's only daughter, Kou Shu.

Some families lack sons, so boys are naturally scarce.Kou Feng's family is the only daughter, and of course Kou Feng attaches great importance to her.

He ordered a family banquet to celebrate.

In the hall, Kou Feng's eldest son Kou Wei, eldest son Kou Chang, third son Kou Zhan, fourth son Kou Sheng, fifth son Kou De, and eldest daughter Kou Shu gathered together.

And Kou Feng's many wives and concubines, the Gan family and so on.

Among them, Kou Shu was held in Kou Feng's arms. The little guy was a phoenix among dragons and had a very high status.

Of course, Kou Feng's family management is not strict. The family eats, drinks, talks and laughs, which is not as good as ordinary wealthy families, who eat and sleep without talking.

In this happy atmosphere, a guard broke in.

"Your Majesty, there is news from Shu, Jiang Gonggong is waiting outside to be summoned." The guard reported.

"Oh?" Kou Feng snorted, and then handed Kou Shu in his hand to Gan who was next to him, and said apologetically, "Mother and son will return as soon as they go, and I will leave this to you."

"Don't worry." Gan embraced Kou Shu, gave Kou Feng a reassuring look, and said with a smile.

Immediately, Kou Feng glanced at his wives, concubines, and children, got up and went out.

Soon, Kou Feng came to the outside of the study. Jiang Wan, one of the three masters, was waiting outside the door to be summoned. In addition, Kou Feng also saw a man with an extremely vulgar appearance. increase.

Surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Your Majesty." Seeing Kou Feng coming, Jiang Wan bowed respectfully, and Fazeng next to him, seeing Duke Chu coming, did not dare to neglect, and bowed after him.

However, his eyes were rather surprised.

I heard that Kou Feng was young, but I didn't expect Kou Feng to be so young.Then how young was he when he established himself in Jiangxia and swept Jingchu?

Fa Zeng calculated Kou Feng's age, and couldn't help being surprised.

At that age, he himself was probably still a kid with a unclear mind.

"Talk inside." Fazeng stared at Kou Feng for a long time, Kou Feng didn't mind, nodded to Fazeng, said, and walked into the study.

Jiang Wan and Fa Zeng walked in one after another.

After sitting down with each other, Kou Feng asked Jiang Wan, "I wonder if there is any news from Shu?"

"This strong man's surname is Fa, and his name is Zeng. Not long ago, he brought news from the Shu region. I probably know it already, but please tell him about it." Jiang Wan said to Fa Zeng who was next to him. nodded, said.

"Oh, Fa? Who are you from Fa Xiaozhi in Shu?" Kou Feng asked with a little surprise.

Fazheng, that's a big shot for nothing.In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Fazheng is compared to Guo Jia and Cheng Yu.The author of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms used this to praise Fazheng's talent.

But in Kou Feng's view, although Guo Jia and Cheng Yu have made a lot of contributions in their respective countries, they are not as good as Fazheng's contribution.

Zhuge Liang has a saying.It is said that when Liu Bei was in Public Security, the north was afraid of Cao Cao, and the east was afraid of Sun Quan's coercion.It was very embarrassing to advance and retreat.

And Fazheng as its auxiliary wing, made Liu Bei soar above the nine heavens.From the dragon trapped in the shallows to the flying dragon in the sky.Achieving the honor of ninety-five.

In the Battle of Hanzhong, it was designed to behead Cao Wei's famous general Xia Houyuan.It is indispensable to Shu, just as Zhuge Liang is good at governing the country.

Fazheng is the mastermind and Zhuge Liang is the humerus. Only then did the Shu Han in history come into being.

So after Fazheng's death, Liu Bei bestowed him with the posthumous title of Wing.Feather, the meaning of assistant.

Kou Feng's evaluation of Fazheng is also very high. There are four prime ministers in Shu Han, namely Zhuge Liang, Jiang Wan, Fei Yi, and Dong Yun.

But in Kou Feng's view, when the Shu Han was struggling in the early stage of starting a business, the most talented and meritorious people were Zhuge Liang, Xu Shu, Pang Tong, and Fazheng.

Among them, Pang Tong and Xu Shu only served Liu Bei for a short time due to their own reasons, so Zhuge Liang and Fazheng have the highest merit.

Later Jiang Wan, Fei Yi, Dong Yun and others are incomparable.

I have long admired Fazheng in my heart, and seeing that Fazeng's surname is Fa, a native of Yizhou, I couldn't help asking.

I don't want to, but I hit the target.

Fazeng was very excited, because in Shu, Fazheng was the successor of the famous scholar Fazhen.But the reputation is not as good as that of Huang Quan and others, and it is even less likely to be reused.

Instead, in the distant state of Chu.Kou Feng, the Duke of Chu, was able to speak Fazheng in one language, and he also knew the character of Fazheng, filial piety. It can be seen that he was not only slightly impressed, but had heard it a lot.

How could Fa Zeng not be excited by this?

This trip to Chu State is really the right time.Fa Zeng secretly shouted in his heart.

Therefore, his face became more respectful, and he raised his fist at Kou Feng and said, "I report to your lord, Fa Xiaozhi is the elder brother of my clan."

"Oh?" Kou Feng asked casually, but he didn't think it was right.A look of surprise appeared on his face, and he immediately became happy.

At first glance, Fazeng knew that he was a person who relied on his body instead of his mind.Since he brought news from Shu, the mastermind behind it must be Fazheng.

Fa rectification.

To be honest, Kou Feng has been worried about one thing.That is the opportunity to enter Shu, where there are many obstacles and passes.As long as a small number of soldiers can resist external aggression.

Historically, Liu Bei was also able to enter Shu because of Zhang Song, Fazheng and others.Afterwards, to attack Liu Zhang, Liu Bei went from north to south.

Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang and others went from east to west.

The two armies marched together, invincible.But it took several years to win the land of Shu, which shows the dangers of the Kingdom of Shu.But now, although Kou Feng is strong and strong, he is more than a little stronger than Liu Bei in history.

There are countless good generals and advisers.But without such an opportunity, the future is relatively slim.It may take a long time.

Moreover, history has changed, and Kou Feng doesn't know whether people like Fazheng and Zhang Song will act as they did in history.Therefore, Kou Feng has been worried about this matter.

Now that Fazeng has arrived, there is such a Fazheng standing behind him.Not only did he have the opportunity to meet such a great talent, but it also gave him the opportunity to enter Shu.

How could this not make Kou Feng happy?

However, although Kou Feng was overjoyed for a moment, it was fleeting and he restrained himself after a while.He smiled and said, "I sit alone in Jingchu, but I often hear the law of filial piety and virtuous talents. I don't know how filial piety is good?"

It was originally news about Shu, but Leng was used by Kou Feng as an occasion to win over talented people.

Jiang Wan below was a little surprised, but also thoughtful.

Kou Feng is famous for his ability to observe and employ people.Among the five great generals, Huang Zhong and Gan Ning were all excavated by Kou Feng himself.

Huang Zhong became famous all over the world when he met Kou Feng when he was old.It can be seen that Kou Feng is Bole.Now, when it comes to this rectification, Kou Feng is overjoyed.

It can be seen that this Dharma should not be ordinary.

In Jiang Wan's heart, he had a deep impression of Fazheng.

"My lord, my brother is doing very well recently." Fazeng said first, and then solemnly said: "My brother is in Shu, but I saw that Liu Zhang, the governor of Yizhou, is not a hero. If this continues, Yizhou will sooner or later. Occupied by rice thief Zhang Lu. Therefore, Chang Siming Jun. And the king sits on Jingchu, annexes Wuyue, and Jiaozhou belongs to him. Famous all over the world. My brother often wants to go west to Chu as a minister, but it is a pity that the mountain road is dangerous. It is inconvenient to move. This I just gave up. I just always have Chu in my heart."

After finishing his words of loyalty, Fazeng paused, and then said: "The day before yesterday, Wei General Manchong brought the Wei knife and the production method into Shu to support Liu Yizhou. Liu Yizhou also planned to send other generals Zhang Song to the north to join forces. Cao Cao. My brother was afraid that the king would not be prepared, so he sent a villain to report to the king."

Kou Feng was slightly shocked, his eyes burst into an extremely angry look, and then disappeared.

The reason for Kou Feng's anger was precisely because Cao Cao gave Yizhou with the Wei knife, which made it more difficult for him to enter Shu.But the reason for the concealment is also very simple.

The enemy of the enemy is his friend.

It is very normal for Cao Cao to resist him with his baggage Liu Zhang.

Kou Feng digested in his heart, after the impact of this news.His complexion returned to normal, and he said solemnly to Fa Zeng: "If it wasn't for Fa Xiaozhi, Gu would still be kept in the dark. If there was a war, I'm afraid I would suffer a lot. Please also ask the strong man to return to Shu, and thank Fa Xiaozhi on behalf of Gu .”

Hearing this, Fazeng shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, it is not easy for a villain to go out of Shu, and it is even more difficult to go back. Before leaving, my brother told me that after the villain came to Jingzhou, he would live in Jingzhou until Junshang settled down. to Shu."

"Yeah." Kou Feng nodded when he heard the words, and praised his caution in his heart.

Rebellion is a major event, and a little carelessness may lead to the death of the family.

Although Fa Zeng is a small person, but this time and time again.There is also the possibility of revealing the rebellion.So Fazheng simply let Fazeng live here.

At the same time, there is another hint.

That is, Fazeng became the proton and stayed in Jingzhou.

Those who can be trusted by Fazheng and even participate in rebellion, it can be seen that Fazeng is someone Fazheng trusts and cares about.Now Fazeng is in Jingzhou.

It is a disguised hope to gain Kou Feng's trust.

Fazheng's thoughts are so close.

Immediately, Kou Feng Wenyan comforted Fa Zeng a few words, and then found an official and arranged Fa Zeng to live in Jingchu.

After Fazeng left, Kou Feng's expression gradually became serious.

"With Wei Dao's luggage, Liu Zhang of Shu can make the army stronger in a short period of time. Although the essential quality has not changed, it has indeed become a force that cannot be ignored. It will become difficult for Chu to enter Shu. A lot." Kou Feng said with a sigh.

Jiang Wan also nodded solemnly when he heard the words, and then sighed.

Immediately, he said: "Since Cao Mengde used the Wei knife to support Liu Zhang, why don't we draw a tiger like a cat and spread the Chu knife to Gongsun Kang in Liaodong?"

(To be continued)

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