What Jiang Wan said was to imitate Cao Cao's enemy bandits.At present, Gongsun Kang is the most capable, and Ma Teng, Han Sui and others.

After Kou Feng entered Shu, he bordered it.

If you say that Ma Teng and Han Sui are heavy on supplies now, there will be endless disasters in the future.

To be honest, Kou Feng had thought about Jiang Wan's strategy before, and he was very moved.It was before Gongsun Kang raised his troops.If Kou Feng gave the method of making the Chu knife to Gongsun Kang.

I am afraid that today's Gongsun Kang will not lose so badly.After a disastrous defeat, he retreated to Liaodong and has been depressed ever since.

But Kou Feng didn't do that.Why?

"People often say that Gu is a hero, and Gu does not deny it. Gu's conspiracy is the world, and today the emperor is in power. Gu is rebellion. It is indeed a generation of heroes, killing thieves. But Gu is not a hero. Gongsun Kang conspired with the Wuhuan people, Plotting Youzhou. Gu did not stop it, but indulged Gongsun Kang. It was a last resort and an expedient measure. But if the making method of the Chu knife is introduced to Liaodong, Gongsun Kang may win the hearts of the Wuhuan people. So he handed over the making method of Chu Dao to the Wuhuan people. Since then, people in the prairie know how to make Chu Dao. This is a matter of disaster for all generations. Although Gu is tempted, he dare not do this.” Kou Feng’s His expression was magnanimous, without any trace of guilt.

Collaborating with Gongsun Kang of Liaodong is an expedient measure. Kou Feng must do it in order to seek the world.But if Chu Dao was brought into the grassland, Kou Feng would definitely not do it.

"I made a slip of the tongue." Looking at Kou Feng's solemn expression, Jiang Wan felt a little guilty, and bowed down in the tunnel.

"Hehe, Gong Yan is planning for the country, so how could it be a slip of the tongue. Instead, it is the lonely uncle Gong Yan." Kou Feng smiled, stood up, stepped forward, and helped Jiang Wan up, said.

"Ashamed." Jiang Wan was still a little guilty.

"Hehe, let's not talk about that. Just now, Fazeng mentioned Wei Dao, but he also mentioned another matter. Liu Zhang sent Zhang Song to the north to communicate with Cao Cao." Kou Feng laughed, and changed the subject, and said.

"What do you mean, Your Majesty?" Jiang Wan asked in confusion, even confused.This seems to be too normal, Cao Cao gave Liu Zhang a heavy burden, and Liu Zhang expressed his gratitude.

"Of course there is nothing unusual about it, but the key point is that Zhang Song is somewhat ugly in appearance and short in stature. But he is proud of his personality and has a lot of self-esteem. He also has the ability of photographic memory and is a rare hero in Sichuan. Although Gu is just guessing, he still feels that Cao Mengde may have misjudged him and neglected this person. This made him hold a grudge. Not only did he not join forces with Cao Cao, but he was able to conspire with Chu. More than [-] people. If we can collude with him, the road to Shu will be much smoother." Kou Feng laughed.

This is what he just thought of.

History has changed a lot, but there have been amazing coincidences.Zhang Song is still an envoy to Cao Wei.

If it continues to be a coincidence, Zhang Song is neglected by Cao Cao and holds a grudge.

This is more beneficial to Chu State.Although now Kou Feng has established a country and proclaimed himself a public.Although he is still known as a courtier of the Han Dynasty, he respects the Emperor of Han.

But it is no different from treason.

And Liu Zhang is a clan member of the Han Dynasty, and he still has nostalgia for his homeland in his heart.Therefore, if you want to be like Liu Bei in history, let Zhang Song find a way to get him into Shu and resist Zhang Lu.

That is impossible.

But Zhang Song has a high reputation as a Biejia.If we can get his help, coupled with Fazheng's planning, the future will be smooth.

How could Kou Feng give up this opportunity?

"The minister sent a small official to enter Yecheng, and the timing is right?" Jiang Wan heard his voice and knew his elegant meaning, and said.

"Ah, send a courageous official there." Kou Feng nodded with a smile and said.

If you don't do it once at this time, you will be too sorry for yourself.

Because the matter is urgent, I don't know where Zhang Song is now.Therefore, after discussing with Kou Feng for a while, Jiang Wan immediately turned around and went down to make arrangements.

After Jiang Wan walked out.

Kou Feng smiled slightly, Liu Zhang, Liu Zhang.Even if Cao Cao armed you to the teeth, is it a sheep or a sheep.No matter how cunning a sheep is, it cannot escape from the hunter's grasp.

In particular, this sheep is still a sick sheep.

Thinking of Liu Zhang living in Yizhou, the land of abundance.The strength is strong, but he was invaded by the rice thief Zhang Lu, and he has no power to fight back.Although the state is rich, it doesn't need big talents such as Fazheng, Zhang Song, Huang Quan and others, and the atmosphere is relaxed.

There is no arrogance of a prince in troubled times.

Thinking about it again, now that Fazheng has been in touch, maybe Meng Da, who has been inseparable from Fazheng in history, may also be brought along.There is another chance to make friends with Zhang Song, and obtain the legendary detailed map of the territory and the layout of the troops.

Kou Feng was in a good mood.

Immediately, Kou Feng thought that today was his daughter's full moon day.I couldn't help but immediately got up and went back to hug my daughter.

And the entire Chu State continued to prepare for the territorial war.

On the one hand, they are contacting Zhang Song. On the other hand, Chen Da and Zhao Yun are still recruiting soldiers, preparing to build iron cavalry and Liannu army.

The servant Zhang said that he was also stepping up forging horseshoes, stirrups, and precision crossbows.

Everything is preparing for the attack on the Shu Kingdom and the competition between Yongliang and Ma Teng and Han Sui.

About three days later, Kou Feng received a shocking news.

A pair of soldiers who were sent to monitor Zhuge Liang actually captured Man Chong in the territory of Shu.

Dog Yue is full of pets.

Although Kou Feng understood Cao Cao's embarrassment to Liu Zhang, he was very upset.I also hate Man Chong in my heart.

This person came to Jiangxia before to plot against his Chu Dao.Although he was fooled once with a defective product, it indirectly led to the killing of five thousand tiger and leopard riders, and the capture of Cao Chun.

But from that time on, Kou Feng had a bad impression of Man Chong.

Coupled with this change in Shu.

Now, unexpectedly, a small soldier took Man Chong as a prisoner.This put Kou Feng in a very good mood.

That group of soldiers belonged to General Wei Kou Shui.

In the study, Kou Feng sat at the head, looking very interested.And the next Kou Shui is also very happy, explaining what happened in detail.

After listening to Kou Feng, he laughed and said: "Although these soldiers are not doing their job properly. They gave up seeing Zhuge Liang and captured Man Chong alive. But after capturing Man Chong alive, he was able to bring him safely into Jingzhou. Loyalty is commendable, and Very courageous." As he said that, Kou Feng paused, and then said: "In addition, Zhuge Liang is currently sitting in Fucun, which has the meaning of lurking, and has no intention of becoming an official of Liu Zhang to block the lonely way. You can ignore him for the time being. , When Gu officially enters the land of Shu, you can go and summon him in person. Don't worry about the mistakes of this group of soldiers."

After Kou Feng said this, he thought for a while, and said: "Capture the enemy's general alive, he will be transferred from official to lieutenant, and sealed off as Marquis of Guannei. That dubo is now the Marquis of Guannei alone. The soldiers in that team also have their own rewards. .Comfort well. Also, go down and bring Man Chong to Gu.”

"Promise." Kou Shui promised, turned and walked out.

"I'm full of favors. I'm so lonely that I want to meet you. I don't hesitate to travel a long way to enter Shu from the north, and then I'm taken captive in Shu. What kind of situation is it like?" After Kou Shui left, Kou Feng Kaihuai smiled and said.

With that said, Kou Feng tidied up his appearance and sat down again.

Not long after, Kou Shui walked in with Man Chong.

No matter when Kou Feng sees Man Chong, Man Chong always dresses up as a very standard scholar, and he also has the bearing of a scholar.

In addition, Man Chong has an extraordinary appearance, and his personality is extremely rigid.All kinds of matching together form a unique charm.

But this time, as a prisoner, Man Chong's temperament has not changed.On the contrary, I am even more proud.

He held his head high and held his chest high, as if he was an envoy on a mission.Very imposing.But in Kou Feng's view, all this just proves Man Chong's guilty conscience.

Maybe it's just Man Chong's intention to show an aura of life and death that is not afraid of honor or disgrace.But they are all paper tigers.

"Foreign minister Man Chong, pay homage to Lord Chu." After entering the study, Man Chong clasped his fists to Kou Feng and saluted in a very grand manner.

"After a few years, I will come to Jingzhou again. I don't know how Bo Ning feels in his heart?" Kou Feng asked with a smile.

This was obviously a sarcasm, and Man Chong's complexion changed slightly immediately, a little ugly.He is dedicated to making enemies with Kou Feng.It fell into Kou Feng's hands today, and there was no good fruit for the plan.

Therefore, Man Chong smiled slightly and said: "I will be in a very good mood when I come to Jingzhou again."

"Hehe." Kou Feng chuckled, and then asked, "Let's talk about it. Duke Cao sent Bo Ning into Shu, and taught Liu Zhang how to make a Wei knife. Don't be afraid. Do Gu also follow suit and spread the skills of Chu Dao to the world? Ma Teng and Han Sui are sitting on Xiliang iron cavalry, and they are extremely powerful.

Kou Feng was unhappy with Man Chong's proud look, and planned to scare him.Although Man Chong is indeed talented, but after being captured, he behaved irregularly and acted like he was not afraid of anything.

It really deserves a beating.

Sure enough, Man Chong's complexion changed and became very ugly.

I knew that Kou Feng had spies in Shu, but I didn't expect it to be so deep.At present, the Wei knife should still be in the stage of mass production, and it is impossible to equip the army.

That is, it is kept secret.But Kou Feng knew it. Obviously, in the territory of Shu, there was a very high-ranking person who fell to Kou Feng.

The land of Shu is very weak, and it should cooperate with the inside and the outside.The time for Chu to conquer Shu will be greatly shortened.

As Cao Cao's diehard loyalist, how could Man Chong not lose his face?

Moreover, Kou Feng's words were also very scary.If Kou Feng also followed Cao Cao's example and handed over the making method of the Chu knife to Ma Teng, Han Sui, Gongsun Kang and others.

Then it will be Cao Cao's turn to burn out.

It's really a mistake, not only inexplicably captured.And even something so confidential as Wei Dao was leaked.

Man Chong's face became more and more ugly.

(To be continued)

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