Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 725 A hero who stumbled, Cao Cao

However, Man Chong is also a very courageous and intelligent person.

He immediately figured out the flaw.His complexion improved, and he raised his fist with a smile and said, "If Lord Chu said to pass on the making method of the Chu Dao to Gongsun Kang, this foreigner would be convinced. But if Lord Chu said to pass on the making method of the Chu Dao to Ma Teng, Han So, I don't believe it."

"Oh?" Kou Feng snorted.

"Mr. Chu has the idea of ​​entering Shu. If he enters Shu, he will border Ma Teng and Han Sui. If Mr. Chu intends to go north to fight Duke Cao for life and death, he is destined to eliminate Ma Teng and Han Sui. Mr. Chu He is a person with a far-sighted vision, so how can he provide heavy equipment for the enemy?" Man Chong said with a smile.

Kou Feng couldn't help admiring, this guy is really accurate in seeing things.

Not only that, Man Chong also flattered him in a roundabout way.To put it simply, how can such a wise monarch as you give to the enemy?

If Kou Feng was an ordinary person, he would be very happy.I really believed Man Chong's words.Not only did he not give it to Ma Teng, Han Sui sent him the method of making the Chu knife, and maybe he treated Man Chong kindly.

"If Gu's vision is far-reaching, why doesn't a wise man like Bo Ning join Gu and serve that innocent Cao Mengde?" Kou Feng asked with a smile.

Man Chong couldn't help but choked.

"Anyway, Cao Mengde sent Bo Ning to accompany Liu Zhang, just to block Gu's army. Let's wait and see if Gu can enter Sichuan before Cao Mengde." Kou Feng laughed.

"Foreign ministers will wait and see." Man Chong was somewhat disdainful of Kou Feng's words, so he couldn't help but said very bluntly.

If it is said that Kou Feng can enter Shu, it is full of confidence.Kou Feng was able to get such a confidential matter from Wei Dao, which proved that Liu Zhang was incompetent and couldn't control the eagerness of the officials under his account.

He has no ability to stop Kou Feng.But if Kou Feng can enter the land of Shu before Cao Cao, then Man Chong will put a question mark.

Shu not only has high mountains and dangerous waters, but also has the help of Wei Dao.It's hard to get in.

Seeing Man Chong's appearance, Kou Feng didn't feel annoyed anymore, instead he said with a smile: "After a while, Bo Ning will know why Gu is so confident. Now, Gu wants to invite Bo Ning to live in Xiangyang, with Cao Chun. live."

Man Chong's expression was very stable, and he didn't lose his face in shock.Although according to intelligence, Cao Chun has not stepped out of the mansion under house arrest in the past few years, which can be said to be useless.

And he is full of favors and will follow Cao Chun's back road.

Immediately, Kou Feng sent someone to suppress Man Chong and let Man Chong live with Cao Chun.Waiting for the day when Kou Feng will bring peace to the world.

If that day really comes, Kou Feng might pardon the world and let go of Man Chong, Cao Chun.

But before that, both of them were prisoners.

……………………… Yecheng.

This city is a rare big city in Hebei with a large population.Moreover, since Cao Cao became the Duke of Wei, most of the leading generals migrated their small clansmen into Yecheng.

It's not that Cao Cao doubts the loyalty of foreign generals, but that there are such rules in today's troubled times.They were all very tacit, and the generals put forward their own petitions, petitioning to move the family into Yecheng.

As a result, the population inside and outside Ye City has increased greatly.Prosperity is not lost to Xiangyang of Chu State.As the capital city, Yecheng is very worthy of its name.

On this day, Yizhou drove Zhang Song to the outside of Yecheng.

Sitting on the carriage with dozens of guards beside him, Zhang Song at this moment has the posture of a scholar-bureaucrat.The only regret is that Zhang Song's face is covered with wind and frost.

Now Yizhou is fighting endlessly with Zhang Lu. Although Zhang Ren is there, Zhang Lu in the north still has a certain upper hand and is fighting against Yizhou.

Even in the war, Yizhou is still at a disadvantage.This has brought some inconvenience to the mission.Zhang Song pretended to be a businessman, and after traveling for a long time, he was able to leave Shu.

Enter Ma Teng, Han Sui's side.

Ma Teng and Han Sui didn't encounter any trouble at all, and now the two of them have wiped out the nearby princes, big and small, and they are called Hou Jianguo, and they are very stable.

He wholeheartedly wants to resettle the country and consolidate the foundation.

However, Yongliang and Liang have been fighting for many years, first there was Dong Zhuo's rebellion, and then Li and Guo fought endlessly, and the population has long been sparse.Moreover, talents have also entered the Guandong eastward, or entered Shu County southward.

The two of them didn't have many capable people at all, so despite their efforts, there was still no one living in Yongliang.

When Zhang Song passed by, he not only had to be careful of bandits, but also avoided going to shops or villages along the way.It was very hard to walk.

And entered Luoyang, and passed Hulao Pass eastward.

After leaving Hulao Pass, this place is quite different.Not only did the miserable situation of thousands of miles of people disappear, but the population gradually became denser.

There is a situation of peace after the troubled times.

This intensified Zhang Song's yearning for Cao Cao.It proves that Cao Cao is stronger than Ma Teng and Han Sui by more than a star.Have the spirit of overcoming disasters.

Therefore, when arriving in Yecheng.

Zhang Song's mood is unprecedentedly good.

"Go in." Zhang Song waved his hand and ordered.

"No." The captain of the guard promised, and Zhang Song's carriage headed towards Yecheng.Now that the capital of the country has just been established, the investigation in Yecheng is naturally very strict.

There are dozens of Zhang Song and others, and they are all equipped with swords.It immediately attracted the attention of the guards.

"Soldier, I am Zhang Song from Yizhou. I have been ordered to come to see Duke Wei. I would like to inform you." Fortunately, Zhang Song was close to the city wall, so he got out of the carriage first, took out the seal on his waist, and handed it to The soldiers who guarded the city were killed.

"Wait a moment." The tense expressions of the city guards eased for a moment.

Then he handed the seal to another person, and that person passed the news to Cao Cao.

Duke Wei's mansion.

This mansion is inherited from Yuan Shao's mansion in Ye City. At the beginning, Yuan Shao had the ambition to swallow the world, so the mansion was naturally very luxurious and magnificent.

Now as Cao Cao's residence, not only is there no grievance at all, but it is very grand.

Today, Cao Cao is handling official business in the study.

It's all trivial things.Originally, Cao Cao should still be in Xudu, after all, he is the prime minister.But because Liu Xie, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, was suddenly angry, he blamed him.

He has lived in Xudu since then, and is happy in Yecheng.

"Meng De, the captain of the city gate came to report that Zhang Song is here in Yizhou." Suddenly, Xia Houyuan came in from the outside and reported.

Now that Xia Houyuan is the executive Jinwu of the Wei state, his authority is to take charge of the defense of Yecheng, and the school lieutenant below of course reported it to Xia Houyuan immediately.Of course Xia Houyuan didn't dare to neglect, so he immediately came to report to Cao Cao.

"Oh? Please." Cao Cao was overjoyed immediately and stretched out his hand.

Cao Cao is very concerned about the situation in Yizhou.Otherwise, Man Chong would not have been dispatched to Yizhou to send Wei Dao.

Liu Zhang is not talented, but he is also a bit powerful.It is up to him to resist Kou Feng.

And Zhang Song came to Yecheng quietly as the other driver, which shows that Man Chong's work in Yizhou is very smooth.

Cao Cao was naturally overjoyed, thinking that resistance to Kou Feng was hopeful.

Not long after, Zhang Song walked in.He came in with hope, and with a sense of pilgrimage.But his image is really not flattering.

Although he is not the ugliest person in the world, he is one of the ugliest people Cao Cao has ever seen.

Thinking about how many civil servants and officials there are under Cao Cao's account, all of those people are dignified and very dignified people.And Zhang Song looks like this.

In addition, Zhang Song is also a Bie Jia, a character with less than one person and more than [-] people in a state.

But this look.

Originally, Cao Cao was able to hide his emotions and anger.But this time, he didn't know how to do it, and the surprise in his eyes flashed away.

No contempt, just surprise.

It is also fleeting, and then converges.The smile returned to his face, and he said, "Zhang Bie came all the way here, it's really hard work. Sit down."

According to the moment, the expression on Cao Cao's face is very hospitable.

But Zhang Song's heart turned cold, as if it was hot and cold after being poured with cold water.

Ordinary people can't feel the surprise in Cao Cao's eyes flashing away, but Zhang Song can feel it.Because Zhang Song was pretending to be ugly, but also because of this, he was very sensitive.

Pay more attention to the eyes of ordinary people.Although Cao Cao's astonishment was only fleeting, he did not escape Zhang Song's eyes.Although it's just surprise, not contempt, hate or something.

But in Zhang Song's heart, Cao Cao left a stain.

In addition, before that, Zhang Song's imagination of Cao Cao was perfect.Youdao Mingjun cured disasters, pacified the world, and made the people live and work in peace and contentment.

Comparable to ancient emperors, very perfect.

Just because it is perfect, once a stain appears, it will be magnified a lot, a lot.

It can be said that at this moment Cao Cao's image in Zhang Song's heart was broken.

Although at the moment Cao Cao is very hospitable and enthusiastic with a smile on his face.But in Zhang Song's heart, there is a sinister sense of hypocrisy.

If you can't even tolerate his appearance, how can you talk about enthusiasm?

Zhang Song's heart was filled with extreme thoughts for a moment.

Of course Cao Cao didn't know that it was just a flash, it was difficult for ordinary people to catch, and he would not feel any kind of surprised gaze.Let him make a mistake and become eternal hatred.

It hurts Zhang Song's heart to be so big in vain.

At this moment, Cao Cao still had a smile on his face.

And Zhang Song also recovered after a period of restlessness.He has received too much that kind of stare in his life, and Zhang Song's superficial skills have already been tempered.

There was also a smile on his face, and he raised his fist and said to Cao Cao: "Mr. Cao is the chancellor of the Han Dynasty. He heard that Yizhou was attacked by the rice thief Zhang Lu, and it was difficult to resist. He sent Man Boning to Yizhou to support Wei Dao not far away." The production method. For Liu Yizhou, it is a great kindness. It is the same for the people of Yizhou. Now the ministers just walked a little bit far to thank Duke Cao for his kindness. It is not counted as What."

The current Zhang Song is very humble.

Even Cao Cao, who has seen countless people, can't see the earth-shaking changes in Zhang Song's heart at this moment, from a loyal descendant of the Cao faction, to a very disgusted Cao Cao.

Just because of the small, imperceptible gaze.

(To be continued)

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