Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 727 The abduction was successful

"What's next?" Zhang Songben was still looking forward to it, thinking that if there were some friends in Yecheng, he could pass the time.

I don't want to be a stranger, and my eyes can't help but turn cold.

When Zhang Lan arrived, she had already learned about Zhang Song's appearance, character and temper in detail.

I know that Zhang Song hates the contempt of others the most.

Therefore, it was very natural to see Zhang Song's ugly face at this moment.He bowed down and said: "I am a minister under the account of the Duke of Chu, surnamed Zhang and named Lan. I pay my respects to Zhang Biejia."

"How did Duke Chu know that this old man is in Yecheng?" Zhang Song was taken aback after hearing Zhang Lan's words, and immediately walked out.

Standing at the door, looking around for a moment, then walked in angrily.

"This old man has no grievances with Duke Chu, why did he harm this old man?" Zhang Song was furious, but he had to say in a low voice.

Now that he is in Yecheng, and Kou Feng sent people to contact him, wouldn't he be harmed?If Cao Cao became suspicious and killed him, it would be over.

"Don't be wrong. Duke Chu has admired Biejia for a long time, so how could he not?" Zhang Lan also whispered after hearing the words, and then said: "Chu not only knows that Biejia is in Yecheng, but also knows that Biejia is in Yecheng." Man Chong brought Wei Dao into Yizhou and joined forces with Liu Zhang. Now Man Chong is still in Yizhou and was captured by Duke Chu."

"How could Man Chong be caught by Duke Chu?" Zhang Song was shocked again, ignoring the previous anger, and asked.

"Mr. Chu has been coveting Yizhou for many years. There are countless spies. He is very clear about some situations in Yizhou. And Man Chong's frame is shaking in Yizhou, so he naturally took advantage of it." Zhang Lan said with a smile.

Immediately, he said solemnly: "Early before Chu Gong appointed Wu Yue, he heard that there were two talents in Yizhou.

As she said that, Zhang Lan sighed, and said: "However, although the two gentlemen are talented, their fortunes are not good. Although one is expensive, even though he is respected, he is noble. The other is because of his personality. There is a shortage, which leads to being besieged by his colleagues, and the situation is miserable. The Duke of Chu has already made up his mind to hire the two to enter the Chu State, and treat the two well with the etiquette of the scholar-officials. It is a pity that the two gentlemen are both in Chengdu. I'm afraid Liu Zhang will notice it and hurt the two great talents. Therefore, Duke Chu gave up."

"But this time, the Duke of Chu heard that Biejia was suspected of entering Yecheng. He couldn't help but immediately sent his subordinates to scout the way, and wanted to ask Biejia to enter Chu. To tell you the truth, sir, I have been waiting in Yecheng for a month."

To be honest, Zhang Lan was very sincere, both in tone and content.

It also revealed Kou Feng's goodwill towards Zhang Song and Fazheng.

The mention of Fazheng is the finishing touch, because Zhang Song, as Biejia, is an existence in a state, under one person, and above ten thousand people.

Not to mention that all the heroes in the world know him, at least the princes, most of them have heard of him.If he was only mentioned, Zhang Song would definitely give a dismissive smile.

This is too obvious a way to solicit.

They said they admired his great talent, but in fact they wanted to recruit him and let him do something for the state of Chu.

But when it comes to Fazheng, it is different. Fazheng is indeed not well-known, but his talent is indeed very high.And Zhang Song knew it in his heart.

Even though Kou Feng's eyes were darkened, he could still feel that Fazheng was unusual.It can be seen that his understanding of the people in Yizhou is very deep.

In other words, regarding his high talent, this sentence is not a lie, but Kou Feng's conclusion after in-depth understanding.

It was a compliment, but the compliment reached Zhang Song's heart.

Thinking about the attitude of the person in front of him, and thinking about the surprise that flashed in Cao Cao's eyes that day.Zhang Song's heart suddenly changed.

Don't talk about being dead set on Kou Feng, because it's impossible.But at least I think Kou Feng is much cuter than Cao Cao.

"Thank you, Duke Chu, for your trouble. I'm just a servant of Liu Yizhou, so I don't want to rebel against Shu and enter Chu." Zhang Song shook his head and said.

Although Kou Feng seemed to be sincere, Zhang Song would not be fooled so easily.

"Don't drive and don't refuse first." Zhang Lanchu said calmly, and then said solemnly: "Although Liu Yizhou got Wei Dao's luggage and can compete with Zhang Lu in Hanzhong, but after a long time, there is no guarantee that Zhang Lu in Hanzhong will not develop a similar weapon. Yu Wei Dao’s knife manufacturing method. This Wei Dao is an imitation of my Chu Dao, and there are lessons learned from the past. This is not impossible. And if Zhang Lu develops a similar knife and competes with Liu Yizhou again, I’m afraid Yizhou is not Opponents. Zhang Lu and Mi Thief are not convinced by Wang Hua. If the Kingdom of Abundance is handed over to him, how can you be reconciled?"

Saying that, Zhang Lan glanced at Zhang Song, and said with a smile, "Furthermore, Duke Chu just wanted to ask you not to enter Chu, and it's not that you have to make a decision."

Kou Feng knew Zhang Lu's thoughts very well.I know that Zhang Song is not disloyal to Liu Zhang, but that Liu Zhang is really not the master, and that Yizhou is a land of abundance.

Such a great place may be occupied by rice thieves like Zhang Lu.From Zhang Song's point of view, it was a pity.

So Zhang Song took the risk and wanted to dedicate the land of Shu to Cao Cao in advance.Then he failed, so he dedicated the land of Shu to Liu Bei.

Therefore, when Zhang Lan speaks at the moment, every sentence is inserted into Zhang Song's heart.Zhang Song was shocked.

After a long time, Zhang Song let out a sigh of relief and asked, "What's the solution?"

This is asking Zhang Lan's last sentence, what does it mean to let him enter Chu, but let him make a decision.

"Although I am expressing goodwill to Biejia on behalf of Duke Chu, I am not Duke Chu after all. If you want to truly understand Duke Chu's sincerity, Biejia has to go to Chu State. In addition, don't drive in Cao Wei at this moment. The land is thousands of miles away. Don’t drive, you can go south and enter the state of Chu to meet the Duke of Chu. Then, turn to Hanzhong, and it will not be too late to return to the land of Shu.” Zhang Lan suggested.

"This." Zhang Song couldn't help pondering, obviously a little moved.

Because of Kou Feng's sincerity, and Zhang Lan provoked the pain in Zhang Song's heart.He really didn't want Yizhou, the land of abundance, to be occupied by thieves like Zhang Lu, the rice thief.

Seeing Zhang Song pondering, Zhang Lan breathed a sigh of relief.He planned to leave, to give Zhang Song some time to think about it.

Sometimes it is not a good thing to be tempted too much, but to take a step back, it is possible to achieve the goal.

Although Zhang Lan is not a great talent, but this aspect is handy.

"This is the mansion that Cao Cao bestowed on the honored guests. It is strictly guarded. Today, when I enter the gate of the mansion, it will definitely be heard by Cao Gong. It is not a place to stay for a long time. Please forgive me and say goodbye first. If you don't want to drive, you can go south and enter. Hongnong. Let’s go to Hongnong and wait for me." Saying this, Zhang Lan cupped her fists at Zhang Song.

"Please." At this moment, Zhang Song was considering whether to enter Chu, somewhat absent-minded, and immediately stretched out his hand when he heard this.

Zhang Lan clasped her fists again and left with a smile.

This time, I really exhausted my words and thought.However, it finally worked out.

For example, before the king came, he said that Zhang Song might run into a wall with Cao Cao.Sure enough.Otherwise, how could he, a servant of the Duke of Chu, talk to Zhang Song for so long?

Besides, Zhang Song's expression made Zhang Lan feel sure about winning.

With a look of joy, Zhang Lan hurried out of the mansion where Zhang Song lived.And quickly disappeared in Yecheng.

But after Zhang Lan left, Zhang Song couldn't calm down for a long time.

When I first left Yizhou, I was full of ambitions. I wanted to dedicate Yizhou to Cao Cao, so as to prevent Zhang Lu from invading Yizhou, but also to find a future for myself.

With the contribution of Xichuantu, Zhang Song is confident that he can get a title of Marquis.It is an honor for Liehou to inherit his family.

With such a title, Zhang Song is satisfied.

But in the end, the full ambition was shattered in front of Cao Cao.All shattered.He thought that Cao Cao was very human, so he was willing to dedicate the land of Shu to Cao Cao.

I don't want Cao Cao to be an ordinary person, who judges people by their appearance.Zhang Song couldn't help but burn down the map of Xichuan in despair, planning to go back to Yizhou to become a rich man.

When he didn't want to despair, Kou Feng appeared again.

In Zhang Song's eyes, Kou Feng's power is not enough to compete with Cao Cao.At least in terms of overall strength, it is slightly inferior.And Kou Feng killed the nobles.

Zhang Song thought it was a matter of digging his own grave.But it is undeniable that Kou Feng is the person most likely to calm down the world except Cao Cao.

Now with Kou Feng's status and attitude.

If Kou Feng pacifies the world, it means that he has succeeded in seeking to usurp the throne.He is going to be honored in the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and as a hero, he still has a future.

These are all secondary, the fundamental reason is that Kou Feng is very sincere.

Not only sent people to investigate Yizhou early, but also learned that both he and Fazheng were talents.A person who can be sincerely hired as a scholar-bureaucrat.

And not far away, he took the risk of sending a small official to Yecheng to meet him.

Isn't that considered sincerity?

Zhang Song was moved.

It is undeniable that Kou Feng's offensive was very effective.At this moment, Zhang Song felt desperate, extremely desperate.

Kou Feng dispatched Zhang Lan, who was like a spring breeze, to Zhang Song's side, allowing him to see hope again.

"Perhaps, it's time for the old man to draw another picture of Xichuan." After a long time, Zhang Song murmured.

The so-called Xichuan map was drawn by Zhang Song himself.And Zhang Song has the ability of photographic memory, if he can burn one picture, he can draw another one of course.

As soon as he thought of it, Zhang Song ordered someone to bring over a white cloth, and began to draw another picture of Xichuan from memory.

At the same time, someone visited Zhang Song, and it did reach Cao Cao's ears.

In Weigong's mansion, Cao Cao is dealing with official business.After hearing the guard's report, he didn't take it seriously.

Zhang Song came here on orders to express Liu Zhang's submission to him.Always belong to people with good intentions.A friend visiting, so what?

"Go on, if the matter of Zhang Song's side is not a big one, there is no need to report it to Gu." Cao Cao waved his hand.

Cao Cao felt that if the surveillance was too much, it would make Zhang Song think something.Only then did the order come down.

"No." The guard responded and walked out.

(To be continued)

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