Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 728 Zhang Song Feels the Call of Chu State

About five days later, Zhang Song obtained the seal of the Marquis of Shu from the emperor, as well as ribbons, clothes, etc. In addition, there was an edict officially ennobling Liu Zhang as Marquis of Shu.

It's just that the edict is a little vague about whether it is possible to establish a country and call it a vassal.

Not stated.In fact, there is no need to go into details. Now there are Chu, Qin, Liang, and Yan who call themselves princes in the world. If the emperor Liu Xie wants to stop it, that is impossible.

What's more, Liu Zhang is in Shu, where the mountains are high and remote.All the more so.

As soon as this edict arrived in Yizhou, Liu Zhang estimated that he would become a marquis, and he would build a country to unite people's hearts and resist Zhang Lu.

However, Zhang Song himself did not directly return to Shu from Yecheng as promised.

Zhang Song and others entered from Hulao Pass and arrived near Luoyang that day.


Yanjing in the past is very decadent now.Not only are there not many people around, but the population in Luoyang City is not too large.

It was Dong Zhuo's fire that burned too viciously.

This is the second time Zhang Song has seen the tragic situation in Luoyang, but he still has lingering fears.Thinking back to those years, the bloody fighting in Yanjing is really chilling.

"Go, go to Hongnong." Zhang Song ordered.

After passing Luoyang, go west to Tongguan, and then you can return to Shu.But after Hongnong, it went astray.This order is a bit strange.

But the captain of the guard did not dare to give the slightest discount, nor did he dare to raise it.

"Promise." With a promise, he ordered the team to change direction and go to Hongnong.

Since you are kind.Then the old man went to meet the Duke Kou of the Chu State, and experience the prosperity of the Chu State, which is praised by the world.

On the carriage, Zhang Song's eyes flashed, and he thought to himself.

But he has already made up his mind to go to Chu State.

Hongnong.After the former young emperor Liu Bian was abolished, he was granted the title of King Hongnong.It is also within the Sili.This city, like most of the cities in Sili, has been greatly damaged.

However, it is much better than Luoyang.

When Zhang Song came near the city gate, someone greeted him.

This is a middle-aged man with a straight waist, who seems to be from the army.Immediately aroused the high vigilance of the guards around Zhang Song.

"Dare to ask, but Zhang Ziqiao, Zhang Biejia?" the middle-aged man asked respectfully.

Zhang Song was taken aback at first, and then his body felt faintly cold.The middle-aged man actually knew that he was here in advance, and sent someone to wait.

That must have followed him along the way.

Thinking of it, Kou Feng captured Man Chong, the Cao Wei general, in Shu.How could Zhang Song not feel chills all over his body?

This must be Zhang Lan's person.

Fortunately, Zhang Song was also a person who had seen the big scene. While his body was getting cold, he quickly adjusted.Calmly said: "Take this old man to see Zhang Lan."

"Promise." The middle-aged man promised, and entered Hongnong in the face of Zhang Song.

The street was relatively cold, and a group of people hurried past and came to an ordinary mansion.

Under the leadership of the middle-aged man, Zhang Song came to the hall.At this moment, Zhang Lan was standing in the hall wearing plain white clothes, her face full of joy.

"Don't be afraid to come, it's really a blessing for my country of Chu." Zhang Lan bowed deeply to Zhang Song and said sincerely.

"Don't talk nonsense, the old man wants to see Duke Chu. Besides, among the guards of the old man, most of them are sent by Liu Zhang to escort the old man. If the old man enters Chu, it will be sure." Zhang Song said deeply.

In troubled times, someone who stole the status in a state.No one is a good stubble, it's a matter of family and life, Zhang Song naturally has to be ruthless.

"Okay. I will solve it." Zhang Lan understood Zhang Song's meaning and said happily.

Not long after, only a few of the dozens of guards of Zhang Songben and his party remained.They were all Zhang Song's own slaves.After a round with Zhang Lan, the group set off towards Chu State.

About three days later, a group of people came to the outside of Wancheng, "Zhang Biejia, after passing there will be Wancheng. Outside the city, there is an army of more than [-] guards led by General Xu Shu, the Right Army Division of Chu State."

At this moment, Zhang Song was sitting in the carriage, while Zhang Lan was riding the horse outside.Zhang Lan pointed to the front and said with a smile.

"Xu Shu, General of the Right Army Division, has been famous for a long time." Zhang Song nodded and said.

In fact, Xu Shu didn't have any amazing achievements, but was famous all over the world as Kou Feng's teacher.But people in the world dare not underestimate him.

After all, being able to teach a disciple like Kou Feng is a skill.

Zhang Song walked all the way in, and he already knew the distribution of cities in the north.Knowing that Xu Shu was stationed here was almost like a sharp knife on Cao Cao's chest.

Make it difficult to sleep and eat.In this area, Kou Feng has the upper hand.

Immediately, the group continued south.When he was about to reach the territory of Wancheng, he saw a group of people appearing in front of him.Among them, there is a carriage.

Sitting in the car was a handsome and very dignified man.

It was Xu Shu.

"But Zhang Ziqiao from Yizhou is in front?" Seeing the carriage appearing in front of him, Xu Shu raised his fist and laughed.

"I'm just here, I don't know if I'm here?" Seeing Xu Shu's demeanor, Zhang Song couldn't help asking cautiously, not daring to underestimate him.

But I didn't expect that this person was Kou Feng's tent, holding a heavy soldier, and the mighty general Xu Shu of the right army division.

"This is Xu Shu, the general here. He has already heard about Zi Qiao's name. He heard that Zi Qiao passed by, so he came here to meet you." Xu Shu laughed and got off the carriageway.

"It turned out to be General Xu Yuanzhi, General of the Right Army Division." Zhang Song was shocked when he heard the words, but also felt like a spring breeze.

After he went to the north, he came to Yecheng silently and anonymously all the way.With a pilgrimage in mind, I went to meet Cao Cao, but was defeated by Cao Cao's fleeting eyes.

But the state of Chu not only sent Zhang Lan to contact, but after entering the territory of the state of Chu, Xu Shu, a well-known military adviser, came to greet him.

How grand it is.

Zhang Song is very concerned about other people's eyes because of his ugliness.If others are alienated because of his ugliness.He doesn't say he holds a grudge.

But also won't make friends with it.

On the contrary, if others don't care about his appearance and have sincere friendship with him, Zhang Song will become friends with him.Zhang Song and Fazheng are friendly, and that's exactly what happened.

At this moment, although Zhang Song and Kou Feng did not meet each other, but because Kou Feng sent Zhang Lan to the north to meet him, he also sent Xu Shu to meet him outside.

It made Zhang Song feel very warm.

With that said, Zhang Song also got out of the carriage.

The two stood on one side for a long time.Xu Shucai took a closer look at Zhang Song. This unattractive person, who was so favored by Kou Feng, might really have great talent.

Kou Feng Nai Bole is almost famous all over the world.Xu Shu, who is a teacher, is more aware of Kou Feng's ability to discover talents.

Therefore, when Kou Feng asked him to welcome Zhang Song, Xu Shu led the people out without hesitation.As the honorable teacher of Chu Guojun, he condescended to welcome Zhang Song.

After looking at Zhang Song carefully, Xu Shu was attracted by those shrewd eyes.A person with such eyes is definitely not a mortal.

Xu Shu thought to himself.

Xu Shu looked at Zhang Song, Zhang Song could feel it naturally, but Xu Shu stared into his eyes with some appreciation.

This is different from the feeling Cao Cao gave him.

a pair of eyes.Someone once joked with Zhang Song that the only thing Ziqiao can do is a pair of eyes.

It's not so beautiful, but it's shrewd and capable, very energetic.

Of course, Zhang Song was also sizing up Xu Shu, and felt that this important minister of the Chu Kingdom was indeed majestic and magnanimous.

Immediately, the two exchanged a few words.Xu Shu invited: "Since Ziqiao has arrived in Wancheng, let me do my best as a landlord."

Xu Shu was very sincere.But Zhang Song shook his head and said, "I appreciate Yuan Zhi's kindness. I'm just rushing to meet Duke Chu, so I shouldn't stay for a long time."

Feeling Xu Shu's attitude, Zhang Song looked forward to meeting Kou Feng even more.

"Since that's the case, then I won't do much to keep you. See you again when I have a chance, please." Xu Shu nodded and clasped his fists.

"Take care." Zhang Song clasped his fists at Xu Shu, boarded the carriage again, and the group continued towards Xiangyang.

"Zhang Ziqiao." Behind the team, Xu Shu stroked his beard with a smile on his face.No matter what idea Kou Feng is playing, this person should be a talent.

After passing Nanyang Wancheng, Kou Feng no longer arranged for anyone to meet Zhang Song.Impressing people is one thing, but if it is too much, there is a feeling of being courteous for nothing.

However, Zhang Song was not idle along the way.Instead, it carefully reflects the customs of Chu State.At that time, Kou Feng plundered the whole county of Nanyang, so the people in Wancheng area were relatively few.

But as soon as they arrived in Xiangfan, the people became denser.It is very, very thick, and the faces of the people are also very healthy, with many smiles on their faces, and they seem to be very happy.

Originally, Zhang Song felt that the prefectures and counties under Cao Cao's rule were better.But as soon as I arrived in Chu State, I felt the comfort of Yizhou in Chu State, as well as the dense population.

There is a feeling of prosperity.

Why did Zhang Song not want Yizhou to fall into the hands of people like Zhang Lu?It is precisely because he is very proud of the stability and prosperity of Yizhou.

Now outside of the Land of Abundance, there is still such a grand event in the world.This made Zhang Song's heart full of respect for Chu Gong Kou Feng.

If it is said that Zhang Song felt Kou Feng's sincerity before, and knew that Kou Feng was very good at leading troops in battle.But there are fewer tricks.

But this time, Zhang Song felt the ability to govern the country.Ordinary people, such as Ma Teng, Han Sui, etc., do they have such great ability to manage the territory under their rule so well?


After entering Xinye Fancheng, Zhang Song crossed the Xiangjiang River and did not reach Xiangyang, but he already felt the prosperity of Xiangyang.On the Xiangjiang River, boats and boats are like clouds.

There are a large number of merchant ships passing by.

Very prosperous, prosperous.

When Zhang Song disembarked at the northern ferry in Xiangyang, he was even more attracted by the scene of prosperity in front of him.Countless chariots and horses, countless boats.

The gathering of merchants from the north and the south is a rare situation in today's troubled times.

Chu country.

He hasn't seen Kou Feng yet, but Zhang Song's heart is full of admiration.

(To be continued)

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