Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 729 Chu’s Military Strength

"finally come."

Xiangyang, in the study of Duke Chu's mansion.

After Kou Feng received the report from the little official, his face was full of joy.

Zhang Song, although the situation has changed, Zhang Song is still on an envoy to the north, and he must have received a little contempt from Cao Cao in the north.

Otherwise, how could he be taken advantage of?

Xichuan map.

Although Zhang Song's status is not good, it is somewhat useful.But after all, Yizhou belonged to Liu Zhang, and only Fazheng and Meng Da dared to conspire with Zhang Song.

But now that Fazheng has secretly surrendered, Meng Da is in the same party as Fazheng.

Therefore, the role of Zhang Song's identity is almost gone.But Zhang Songgui is a special driver, with a distinguished status, and he has a photograph of all the maps of Xichuan all night long.

There are also records in history, saying that Zhang Song had a picture of Xichuan, which was originally intended to be dedicated to Cao Cao, but was later dedicated to Liu Bei.Kou Feng didn't know the truth about this matter.

But Kou Feng knew that if Zhang Song really had a photographic memory, even if there was no so-called picture of Xichuan, it would be very cheap for him to draw one.

With the map of Xichuan, it will be very cheap to attack Shu, which can be said to be twice the result with half the effort.

Therefore, Kou Feng did not hesitate to spend all his money, and with the title of Marquis of Guannei, he chose a person like Zhang Lan who was not afraid of death to go to Yecheng to contact Zhang Song.

The so-called great reward must have a brave man.With no reward, who can serve you?Yecheng is Cao Cao's territory, Zhang Song's attitude is unclear, and if he is not careful, he will be killed.

After spending so much time, Zhang Song was finally brought here.

As long as you get it, Kou Feng will take out all the passwords in Zhang Song's stomach.

"Come here, set up a stand in the north of the city. Gu must go to meet Zhang Song in person." Kou Feng was delighted for a moment, and ordered.Immediately afterwards, Kou Feng ordered again: "Order Pang Tong, the general of the left army division, to accompany him."

Afterwards, Kou Feng first changed his mian clothes, put on his mianguan, got into a carriage, accompanied by hundreds of guards, and headed north of the city.

Along the way, no soldiers cleared the way.

But Kou Feng was extremely loved among Jingchu, and the people naturally let him go.

Soon, Kou Feng and his party arrived outside the city.

Immediately, Kou Feng ordered the captain of the city gate to command the soldiers, and invited the people to enter through the small gates on both sides, leaving the middle gate empty.

Kou Feng's carriage was at the gate of the city, and Pang Tong arrived after a while.

"Your Majesty." Pang Tong saluted Kou Feng, he was still dealing with military affairs in the city a moment ago, so it was strange that Kou Feng would summon him.

"Don't drive Zhang Song to Yizhou." Kou Feng first explained, and then said a little embarrassedly: "This person looks even worse than Shi Yuan, so it may be cheaper to come with Shi Yuan alone."

Pang Tong smiled and nodded.

Although they are also people with unpleasant looks, Pang Tong is obviously much more magnanimous than Zhang Song.I don't care about my appearance.

Therefore, I heard that Kou Feng took him as a role model.It proves that there are ugly people under Kou Feng's tent, and Kou Feng does not discriminate against ugly people.Pang Tong didn't mind either.

Seeing that Pang Tong didn't mean to be angry, Kou Feng breathed a sigh of relief.Immediately looked forward to it.

Xichuan map ah.

Just as they were looking forward to it, Zhang Song and his party gradually appeared.Although he had never met Zhang Song, Kou Feng felt that the person he was waiting for had arrived.

"Chu Gong went out of the city to welcome you." On the opposite side, Zhang Lan saw Kou Feng's bicycle frame here, and couldn't help being shocked. He knew that Kou Feng valued Zhang Song, but he didn't want to.

He couldn't help saying to Zhang Song enviously.

The whole of Jingchu can make Kou Feng like this, without the skill of ten fingers.

Zhang Song was also taken aback for a moment, and then a huge feeling of being valued surged in his heart.Can't help tidying up his clothes, he ordered: "Stop the car, the old man wants to see Duke Chu in person."

"Promise." Zhang Lan promised and ordered the convoy to stop.

Immediately, Zhang Song got out of the carriage, and walked dozens of steps ahead of Kou Feng's carriage.At this moment, Kou Feng has led Pang Tong to meet him.

When Zhang Song saw a young man wearing a crown and uniform approaching from the opposite side, he couldn't help being slightly shocked.

According to the rumors, Kou Feng was very young, but it was unexpected that he was so young.

The eyes are full of spirit, but they don't give people a stinging feeling of domineering.He looks heroic, but he doesn't have the roughness of a martial artist.

Adding up the whole body, it is rather extravagant.There is a majestic atmosphere, and there is also a kind of spirit similar to that of the emperor.

It's the first time I saw Kou Feng, but Zhang Song has already realized that Kou Feng and Cao Cao are essentially different.That is Kou Fengru's steaming red sun, with an imposing manner.

But Cao Cao is like the yellow flowers of yesterday, gradually aging.

However, even though he was shocked, Zhang Song still maintained his face, bowed to Kou Feng very humbly, and said.

"Zhang Song, from Yizhou, pays homage to Duke Chu."

Claiming to be from Yizhou is very meaningful.

Kou Feng was even more delighted, he helped Zhang Song up with a smile and said: "Sitting alone in Jingchu, I heard from afar that Mr. Shu is famous. I have admired him for a long time, but it is a pity that the mountains and rivers prevent me from seeing each other. It is very hateful. Now I can see you." It is truly a great pleasure in my life to see Mr.

"It's just a vain name. On the contrary, I am ashamed to have troubled Duke Chu." Feeling Kou Feng's sincerity, Zhang Song couldn't help but moisten his eyes, and sighed.

"Hehe, under the fame, there are indeed empty scholars. For example, although Xu Jing is a famous scholar in the country, he has no ability to be a minister. But he just stole the high position. This is not self-aware. But on the other hand, Mr. Fa Xiaozhi and Fa Xiaozhi are Outstanding talent. Mr. is worthy of the name of being a high-ranking leader. It's a pity that Fa Xiaozhi is depressed." Kou Feng first praised Zhang Song a few words, and then he sighed for Fazheng and said.

"From what Duke Chu said, it seems that you know a lot about me and Xiaozhi?" Zhang Song couldn't help asking, both moved and puzzled.

"Fazheng, the character is filial piety. He has a wonderful plan." Kou Feng said with a smile, and then said: "Fazheng has never met or talked to him alone. But there are many people in Shu. Spy, they pass the news over, and I can only feel it."

As he said that, Kou Feng sighed even more: "There are only four talented people in Yizhou, one is Mr. Fa Zheng, the third is Huang Quan, and the fourth is Zheng Du. It's a pity , Liu Yizhou has so many good talents, but he doesn't know how to use them for himself. On the contrary, he is no match for Zhang Lu, which is really a sigh. The four of you, sir, are also really a sigh."

These words reached Zhang Song's heart.There are only four people in Yizhou who can be called resourceful people, he, Huang Quan, Fazheng, and Zheng Du.

But only him, Huang Quan and Zheng Du were used.Secondly, although Huang Quan, Zheng Du and others have outstanding resourcefulness, sometimes Liu Zhang will not agree.

It's really stupid, otherwise little Zhang Lu, how can he compete with Yizhou?

"It's a pity that the late Yizhou Mu Liu Yan died early, otherwise Yizhou would never be in the current situation." Zhang Song sighed.

"Liu Yan is indeed a hero." Kou Feng nodded in agreement.Liu Yan is much more powerful than Liu Biao. He suppressed the powerful in the state, dared to use Zhang Lu externally, and cut off contact with the imperial court.To close the country.

Gather hearts.If Liu Yan hadn't died early, there might be another one among the heroes of the world.

Immediately, Kou Feng and Zhang Song talked for a while outside the city gate.Kou Feng remembered that there was Pang Tong next to him, so he couldn't help pointing at Pang Tong and said to Zhang Song with a smile: "There are left and right military advisers and generals under the solitary tent, all of whom are important ministers of the Chu State. Mr. Right Military Advisor General has also seen it, this is the lonely left Military division general, Pang Shiyuan."

In fact, Zhang Song had already noticed the man next to him, who had bright eyes, but his appearance was similar to him.Listening to it now, this is the general of the left army division under Kou Feng's tent.

Can't help calming down a doubt in my heart.

Kou Feng was too enthusiastic, even Cao Cao was surprised when he saw his appearance.But Kou Feng was indifferent.

Now that there was Pang Tong standing beside him, Zhang Song felt relieved.

Duke Chu is extraordinary.He finally believed that Kou Feng was not a mortal.

"I've met General Pang." Zhang Song saluted with his fists cupped.

"I've seen Mr. Zhang too." Pang Tong nodded with a smile, and said politely.

Kou Feng and Zhang Song were talking together just now, but he never interrupted.I didn't feel left out, it was very natural.

"Mr. came from a long way, full of travel and dust. First go to the city to rest for a day, and we can talk tomorrow if we have something to say. How about it?" After Pang Tong and Zhang Song met, Kou Feng suggested.

"It's up to Duke Chu to decide." Zhang Song said with a smile.

Immediately, Kou Feng invited Zhang Song to take the same car, and returned to Xiangyang City with Pang Tong and others.

Kou Feng valued Zhang Song, so naturally he would not neglect Zhang Song.They vacated a mansion in Xiangyang and ordered someone to find a docile and well-behaved maid to serve Zhang Song.

Later, Kou Feng summoned Zhang Lan.

In the study, Kou Feng sat in the upper seat, and Zhang Lan, who was a little nervous, stood below him.

"Please tell Gu in detail about the process of meeting Zhang Ziqiao." Kou Feng said.Because Zhang Lan and others were in Cao Wei, the two had no correspondence, and Kou Feng did not know the details.

Now that Zhang Song has come to Xiangyang, the details of the past are not very important.But Kou Feng felt that it was still necessary to find out.

"Promise." Zhang Lan promised, and explained the process of meeting Zhang Song in detail.

"As soon as we met, he was moved. It seems that Cao Mengde really didn't know where he neglected Zhang Song." Kou Feng felt very strange.

Logically speaking, it is unlikely.

But forget it, Zhang Song is here anyway.Cao Cao pushed a good picture of Xichuan in front of him, and if he didn't accept it, he would be too sorry for himself.

"Go on. In a few days, Gu will officially write a letter to seal you as a Marquis of Guannei to demonstrate your meritorious service." Kou Feng said to Zhang Lan with a pleasant face.

"Thank you, my lord." Zhang Lan was overjoyed and bowed down.

Immediately, Zhang Lan resigned.Kou Feng continued to sit on his knees, with some thoughtful light in his eyes.

How to proceed?

Kou Feng knew that it was not easy to get the picture of Xichuan in Zhang Song's mind.

Or, we should show Zhang Song the military strength of our Chu State, so that Zhang Song can further believe that his entry into Shu is just to get something out of a pocket.

Kou Feng thought.

(To be continued)

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