Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 730 Reviewing Troops and Horses

Show sincerity, that's what it should be.But without the strength to meet him, how can he impress Zhang Song?

So Kou Feng decided to show the military power of Chu State.It is iron cavalry and continuous crossbowmen.

Up to now, Zhao Yun has recruited [-] cavalry, and they have been training for a while.According to Kou Feng's knowledge, recruits get started faster because of the help of stirrups.

With the help of stirrups, the previous [-] cavalry became more and more skilled in riding.

Although the continuous crossbowmen are a little worse, after all, the recruitment time is very short.But if it can demonstrate the firing power of the Liannu.Can also receive miraculous effects.This is all about Kou Feng.

Such power, still can't deter Zhang Song?On the one hand, it is the sincerity like a spring breeze, and on the other hand, it is the response to the powerful force.Are you afraid that Zhang Song will not obediently send the picture of Xichuan?

As a king, the first thing to show is the importance of great talents.If it is not enough, it is not impossible to supplement it with power.

In an instant, Kou Feng made a decision.

"Come here, summon the general of the town, Zhao Yun, and the general of the town, Chen Dalai, to see Gu." Kou Feng adjusted his posture and ordered.

"No." The guard outside the door agreed.

Not long after, Kou Feng's town general Zhao Yun and town army general Qiqi walked in.Although the two are of different affiliations, the soldiers and horses they command are also completely different from each other.

But they are all stationed in Xiangyang, one is called the town army, and the other is called the town.Both have the meaning of Gongwei Koufeng.Therefore, after the guards went to report, both of them arrived at about the same time.

After meeting at the door, they walked in together.

During this period, Zhao Yun obtained Kou Feng's sharp weapons, stirrups and horseshoes.And recruited [-] cavalry, and there were [-] troops before and after.

It was time to practice hard, and he looked a little tired.

The same is true for Chen Da, who now holds [-] troops.It is Kou Feng's trump card, and the Liannu soldiers are also full of energy.

"My lord." After the two entered the study, they immediately greeted each other.

"Excuse me. Sit down." Kou Feng waved his hand and said casually.We have been very familiar with the monarchs and ministers for many years.

"No." The two agreed and sat down.

"You have each formed an army for a while, how is it?" After the two sat down, Kou Feng said bluntly without talking nonsense.

Zhao Yun and Chen Da looked at each other, and finally Zhao Yun spoke first, clasped his fists and said, "My lord, the soldiers are working very hard now, and they are making rapid progress."

Kou Feng nodded when he heard the words, the news was similar to what he had received.After pondering for a moment, Kou Feng said: "Then, can the former veterans show an aura comparable to Xiliang iron cavalry during training?"

This is a necessary question, if Zhao Yun can't do it.Then we can only let the broken barracks go.Kou Feng had to admire the momentum of breaking the barracks.

"I haven't seen iron cavalry from Xiliang, so it's hard to say. But if you choose two thousand elite soldiers, they won't be far from General Gongsun's cavalry." Zhao Yun's eyes were bright, and he said confidently.

Stirrups, horseshoes and irons are of great help to cavalry.The effect of the horseshoe can only be displayed during the expedition.

But the effect of the stirrups is of great help to the cavalry's riding skills.Zhao Yun had trained [-] cavalry before, which was worthy of a battle.

Now with stirrups, it is even more powerful.Very brave.

Zhao Yun is confident that if he chooses 2000 senior soldiers, it will be enough to compete with the former Gongsun Zan White Horse Army.Of course, it may not necessarily be a big victory.

Just to be able to compete.

After all, Gongsun Zan's cavalry are elite soldiers from the north, and it will not be possible to catch up in a short time.

But Kou Feng was very satisfied with this, he was overjoyed immediately, and said with a smile: "Okay, immediately select [-] cavalrymen and train them strictly. After three days, there will be a military parade. Show off in front of Zhang Song in Yizhou Biejia face. Don't disappoint Gu."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will live up to expectations." Zhao Yun also said solemnly.

Kou Feng nodded, then turned his gaze to Chen Da.

"Your Majesty, although the recruiting time for Liannu soldiers is short, I have selected some veterans. What's more, Liannu soldiers are enough to show off the military. Liannu soldiers are secondary." Chen Da didn't use Koufeng When asked, he replied.

This idea coincides with Kou Feng's.

"Okay. Three days later, I will inspect the three armies. Liannu, cavalry, and the first battalion of the broken army. Get ready." Kou said happily on the cover.

"Promise." Zhao Yun and Chen Daqi agreed.

Because of time constraints, only three days.Therefore, after the two took the order, they bid farewell and left soon.

After the two left, Kou Feng finally let go of his heart.

A smile appeared on his face, and he murmured: "Cao Fuck, Cao Fuck. You let Zhang Song go, no matter what the reason is. It's always a big loss. But now it's cheaper for me. If things go well, the land of Shu It's mine."

He looked indescribably happy.

I picked up a leak once, and it still came out from between Cao Cao's fingers.This is a very refreshing thing.

Kou Feng arranged for Zhang Song to live in the mansion.

Under the service of the maids, Zhang Song took a shower and changed his clothes.Came to the study and sat down.He took out the picture of Xichuan in his sleeve.

This is a new painting, and it was drawn entirely by Zhang Song's memory.

Now Zhang Song is also hesitating whether to dedicate this to Kou Feng.It stands to reason that Kou Feng's sincerity is really sufficient, much more than that of Cao Cao.

Let's not talk about Cao Cao's contempt for him.At least Zhang Song thought it was contempt.It is said that Cao Cao received him because of Liu Zhang's face.

He was Liu Zhang's envoy, so Cao Cao treated him solemnly.

But Kou Feng was only targeting him, not Liu Zhang.

Of course Zhang Song didn't know, Kou Feng took the first opportunity, he knew that Zhang Song was very talented and had the ability to remember with a photograph, and even knew that Zhang Song had a map of Xichuan that could help Kou Feng enter Xishu more smoothly.

He could only feel that Kou Feng was very sincere.And Chu State is very prosperous, and there is a feeling of prosperity.But Zhang Song still hesitated.

It seems to be slightly insufficient, but I can't tell.

"Let's have a look first before we talk about it." Zhang Song sighed, put the picture of Xichuan back into his sleeve, and hid it well.Immediately, I planned to read a book again.

Although it had been a long time since he entered the study, it was the first time Zhang Song looked at the study.Seeing stacks of books, he couldn't help being taken aback.

Immediately, Zhang Song showed great interest. Zhang Song had heard about Chu Shu's reputation as early as in Yizhou.But never got to see it.

Now, since you have entered the state of Chu, you should take a good look at it.

Thinking about it, Zhang Song stood up immediately, and took down a book of Chu from the bookcase next to him.

The book is very light and comfortable in the palm of the hand.Zhang Song looked at the cover, "The Analects of Confucius." Then, when he opened it, he was shocked.

Sure enough, the handwriting is so clear.

When he was in Yizhou before, Zhang Song still didn't believe that there was such a wonderful book in the world.Unexpectedly, it turned out to be true.

The quality of this book is not bad compared with the rumored ones.

Read word by word, page by page.

The color of admiration on Zhang Song's face became more and more intense, after flipping through the book in his hand.Zhang Song heaved a sigh of relief, "It's really an Unrivaled Treasure."

Stopped for a moment, sighed for a moment.Suddenly Zhang Song's face changed, and he rushed out the door immediately.Found a follower waiting outside the door.

He asked urgently: "My little brother, what is the cost of this Chu book?"

"I don't know much about this little one, but I heard that Chu books are very, very cheap. Much cheaper than bamboo slips. This is thanks to Chu Gong. At present, in Chu State, there are many poor children who can't afford books, and they all get Chu books. It’s a gift from the Lord.” The attendant was just a servant serving in front of the door, but his face showed admiration, and he smiled.

"I see." Zhang Song's face suddenly glowed.

He finally knew why Kou Feng had solved so many gentry in Jiangdong so happily.You must know that the gentry is the foundation and a force for cultivating talents.

Kou Feng exterminated the gentry, tantamount to digging his own grave.Zhang Song thought so before, but now he saw Chu Shu's true face.Only then did Zhang Song know that Kou Feng didn't need the gentry to help him cultivate talents.

He can cultivate talents himself and use them for him.As long as there is this cheap Chu book.

Think about it, if everyone had a copy of this book.How many talents can be produced in this world of Great Chu?Thinking about it, Zhang Song felt his scalp go numb.

The impression of Kou Feng has changed from a flawed hero to perfection.

Zhang Song touched his cuff and made up his mind.

But in the next few days, things did not develop as Zhang Song imagined, although Kou Feng often summoned him to sit with him.

But basically no chance.

Until the third day.

"Sir, the new recruits were formed recently, and your majesty is going to parade. I specially asked you to come here, and please go and see." General Wei Kou Shui, wearing a suit of armor, came to the door and said in person.

"Recruit?" Zhang Song showed a look of interest on his face, then he nodded and said, "Okay, please wait a while, general, for the old man to change."

After speaking, Zhang Song entered the inner room, changed into a set of clothes, and left the mansion.Go out of the city together with Kou Shui.

The Chu army is so powerful that there are navy troops and a battalion of broken troops.I heard that the first battalion of the Pojun is one against ten, which is very powerful.

Zhang Song had long wanted to meet him, so this time Kou Feng's invitation came naturally.

Sitting in the carriage, Zhang Song was looking forward to it.

After leaving the city, the group came to an open area.There are many soldiers guarding the handles around, and a huge wooden wall stands in the middle.

There are rows of seats in front of the wooden wall.There is also a handsome flag with the word "Chu" hanging on it.

When Zhang Song came, the seats were already full of people.Zhang Song slightly apologized, got off the carriage, came to the front of Kou Feng, and said to him, "I'm a step late."

"Haha, Zi Qiao came at the right time." Kou Feng laughed out loud and said indifferently.Immediately, he ordered the attendant next to him: "Build another one next to the lonely one."

"No." The attendant promised, immediately found several guards, and moved a seat over.

"Thank you, Duke Chu." Seeing Kou Feng's kindness, Zhang Song couldn't help being moved, and bowed.Then came to sit next to Kou Feng.

And Zhang Song, for the first time, attracted the attention of civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty of Chu State.This also includes Kou Feng, who specially brought out Man Chong for a stroll this time.

(To be continued)

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