Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 732 1 Crossbow Arrow, Shock of Liannu Soldiers

"It's really rich and powerful."

Man Chong didn't know if it was jealousy or sourness.

According to rumors, Kou Feng had already plundered Jiangling and set up an army, and then it got out of hand.During the Battle of Jiangling, tens of thousands of gold were spent to build a batch of huge siege equipment.

In order to avoid the injury of soldiers.

Now one, as expected.

There are 800 people, one gold per person, there are [-] gold.That is a very large sum of wealth.

"The power is strong, the treasury is sufficient, and there are strong soldiers outside." Zhang Song also left this impression in his heart.In the end, he agreed with the strength of Chu State.

"Aiqing go and bring in the Liannu soldiers." Zhang Song, and Man Chong's expressions fell into Kou Feng's eyes, and he smiled slightly.It's only now.

"Promise." Chen Daying made a promise, and led the [-] battalion soldiers down. After a while, about a thousand soldiers came in with Liannu in hand.

Although some of this group of people were veterans selected by Chen Da from various armies, they were very calm.But there are also some recruits, who seem to be very uneven.

Although Zhang Song doesn't understand soldiers, he can see the way.There was something weird on the face.

It stands to reason that the soldiers show the lowest grade first.Put the highest level last.How earth-shattering the soldiers who broke the barracks just now.

Head start.But after this group of weak soldiers was produced, the grass roots laid down earlier were wiped out.

"Haha, is this also a soldier from the Chu Kingdom?" Man Chong said with a laugh.Very hearty look.

And the civil and military ministers of Chu State were also very confused.Even the troops of Chu State, such as Huang Zhong's army, are all elite.

Why take out such weak soldiers for inspection?

Liannubing is still a secret.Even Pang Tong and the others did not understand how shocking this soldier was because of their different affiliations.

Let alone the rest.

Hearing Man Chong's words, everyone didn't refute, which is indeed a little weaker.But Kou Feng didn't speak.I watched quietly.

Ahead, Chen Da led the 1000 people with a very solemn expression.

This time, there was no thunderous sound of beating drums.On the flat ground, however, there were hundreds of wooden handles erected in rows.

The Liannu soldiers lined up in a square formation very simply.

"Liannubing?" Man Chong's eyes were full of disdain.Even Cao Wei also has crossbowmen.It is not only Cao Wei, Gongsun Kang, Ma Teng, and Han Sui who can make four or five consecutive shots, they should also be able to make that kind of four or five consecutive bows.

There is nothing strange about Kou Feng's continuous crossbowmen.In addition, these soldiers seem to be all recruits.Then it's even more worthless.


When Chen Da gave an order, the soldiers in the front row pulled the trigger one after another.A cold iron arrow flew out immediately and shot at the target ahead.

A shot of a crossbow is nothing.What's more, the aim is not good, there are so many targets in the arena, and many arrows miss the target.

"Not only is he a newcomer, but he's also a crossbow." Man Chong's eyes became even more silent.The officials of Chu State were also a little disappointed.

But then, what happened.Let Man Chong suddenly stand up.Not only Man Chong, Zhang Song, but also the civil and military ministers under Kou Feng's tent were all stunned.

Because, Chen Da didn't give the order to load the crossbow, and shouted again, "Fire."

"Swish, swish." Once again, countless iron arrows were fired from the crossbow.




After ten orders in a row, ten iron arrows were fired from the continuous crossbow, and the iron arrows were not reloaded once in the middle.

"This, this is, the continuous crossbow fired ten times in a row?" Man Chong was so shocked that he could hardly speak, and then his whole body turned cold.

The so-called continuous crossbow capable of firing four or five arrows in succession was not paid much attention to in Cao Wei.Because that's just a good scene, and the lethality is actually only one person.

And the arrow is very troublesome.

Ornamental use is far greater than practical use.

But Kou Feng's is different, it can fire ten arrows in a short period of time, and it can fire them again and again, that is to say.

With a continuous crossbow, the maximum lethality is ten people.There is an essential difference.

If there are 1 people, assisted by infantry, they can resist the attack of groups of cavalry.It is simply a magic weapon.

Although Man Chong is a literati, he is a general, so he knows all kinds of soldiers well.After this data came out, how could it not make him feel cold all over?

This is a continuous crossbow specially developed to deal with cavalry, a sharp weapon of the country.With it, the gap between Kou Feng and Cao Wei in cavalry can be bridged.

Although it cannot completely move back to the disadvantage, it is also very rare.Besides, the crossbowmen are not only able to deal with cavalry, even against infantry, it is also a very powerful weapon.

Shu Road is difficult, and it is difficult to ascend to the sky.

Large-scale cavalry would never want to enter it.But Liannu is not in this list.With this Liannu soldier, how can Liu Zhang's army resist?

They, Cao Wei, gave Liu Zhang the method of making Wei Dao, and it became a joke in front of the Liannu soldiers.

Unless Liu Zhang insisted on defending the city, the two armies faced each other in the wilderness. Kou Feng could kill tens of thousands of Liu Zhang's army as long as he deployed [-] Liannu soldiers.

This is simply massacre.

Although Man Chong is cold all over, Zhang Song is no different.Although he has the heart to enter Chu, but thinking of the past, he still wanted to give Yizhou to Cao Cao to make him an enemy of Kou Feng.

Thinking of the consequences made him shudder.

He dedicated the land of Shu to Cao Cao on his front foot, and maybe Kou Feng would enter the land of Shu with his back foot.With this crossbow, nothing is impossible.

If so, wouldn't Zhang Song become a joke in Yizhou?

Fortunately, after a trip to the north, Cao Cao despised him too much, otherwise he would really have dedicated the map of Xichuan to Cao Cao.While Zhang Song squeezed a cold sweat, he reached out and stroked the cuff of his right hand, feeling very grateful.

"How did your majesty develop such a magical weapon?" Although Pang Tong was very magnanimous and could keep his emotions and anger hidden, but at this moment, he was very happy and asked excitedly.

This is a magical weapon to enhance the combat power of the army.

As long as every large army is equipped with such continuous crossbows, the combat effectiveness of the entire Chu army will increase infinitely.

"Hehe, it was just a few days ago. However, the cost is a bit expensive. A single crossbow is worth five Chu knives. However, I think it is worth it." Kou Feng said with a smile.

"Of course it's worth it." Pang Tong said excitedly.

He has no control over Chu's finances.But he never worried about military expenses, which shows that Chu's finances are very ample.

In today's troubled times, since the finances are abundant, it is natural to use them wisely.As long as the money can get it, everything is paved.

Being a miser doesn't end well.

Not to mention a magic weapon like the Liannu.

The few words spoken by the monarch and his ministers once again shocked everyone.Zhang Song is ignorant, he doesn't know how much the Chu knife will cost.

But most people in the Chu country know that it is very expensive.It has been several years since the power of Chu State was formed, but now it is barely equipped with the whole army.

It can be seen how expensive it is and the forging time it takes.But Liannu was actually worth five Chu knives, which really made many people gasp.

Especially Man Chong.

At the beginning, although Cao Cao developed the method of making Wei Dao, he was very happy.But the manufacturing process, as well as the gold and silver spent, also made Cao Cao gasp.

Even if he is sitting on half of the world, Cao Cao is willing to pay for the money needed for this manufacturing.

Even now, Cao Wei only has the most elite, about one-third of the elite soldiers, equipped with Wei Dao.This has almost emptied Cao Wei's treasury.

But now, the cost of Kou Feng's Liannu is actually five times that of Chu Dao and Wei Dao.Looking at the thousand crossbows in this scene, Man Chong wanted to know that Kou Feng would make more crossbows.

What kind of strong financial resources is this?

Man Chong was once again shocked by Chu's financial resources.Perhaps in terms of overall power, Chu State is still weaker than Cao Wei.


But in terms of financial resources, it is much stronger than Cao Wei.It's simply staggering.

Just when everyone was shocked, Chen Da ordered rows of soldiers to go up and shoot Liannu.

Although the quality of the army is not very good, the accuracy is not good.But its lethality and the power of the Liannu shocked everyone.

It made it difficult for everyone to calm down for a long time.

"Duke Chu has this sharp weapon, so he should be the first in the world." At the end, Chen Da ordered the withdrawal of troops.Zhang Song came back to his senses and sighed.

So far, he has truly experienced the powerful power of Chu State.Strong, very strong.It's not like in the legend that Chu's foundation is weak.

That's bullshit.No wonder even the surnames of Jiaozhou led Jiaozhou to surrender to Chu.That's the smart thing to do.

"I don't dare to be the first in the world. This army just makes the lonely future a little more reliable when confronting Duke Cao." Kou Feng smiled slightly and shook his head.

Immediately, Kou Feng smiled at Man Chong, who had lost his soul, and said, "A few days ago, Bo Ning said that Cao Wei's tiger and leopard cavalry were invincible in the world. Now Gu also has a cavalry, which has been trained for many years. I still look at Bo Ning Advice. See if you can fight the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry."

Man Chong was shocked when he heard the words, first looked at the broken barracks, and after the Liannu soldiers, he was already very shocked.Unexpectedly, Kou Feng actually had an army at the bottom of the box?

A cavalry that can fight tiger and leopard cavalry?If it was as Kou Feng said, he had successively had powerful infantry, very powerful crossbowmen, and if he added elite cavalry.

Then, Cao Wei's military advantage is gone.

Just as the south is good at water warfare and the north is good at horse warfare.The advantage of the north is gone, what a loss is this?

Man Chong was shocked.

Zhang Song trembled even more. Now Kou Feng has shown his sincerity and various forces.It has completely touched Zhang Song's heart.

Zhang Song decided to present Xichuan map to Kou Feng in public later.To boost the morale of Chu State, to help Kou Feng enter Shu.

Unexpectedly, Kou Feng still made achievements in the cavalry.

The south is good at water, and the north is good at horses.Each has advantages and disadvantages.If Chu State can overcome the strength of the north, there will be a strong collision.

Then there is already a slight chance of winning against Cao Wei.

(To be continued)

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