"Do not believe."

Man Chong was shocked at first, but then he didn't believe it.Although today's Kou Feng has demonstrated the power of the Chu State, Man Chong doesn't believe it when it comes to cavalry.

You must know that cavalry is the most expensive cavalry in the world, and it is also the most difficult to train.It must first have a good seedling, at least it must have superb equestrian skills, and then there must be a steady stream of high-quality war horses.

Take Cao Cao's tiger and leopard cavalry as an example. This elite force has been established since Cao Cao's cavalry. It has been more than ten years, and it is only 5 people.

In the battle of chasing Liu Bei, five thousand were killed by Kou, and they are still not full.

It can be seen that the training of cavalry is difficult.Elite cavalry is even more difficult.And Kou Feng's Chu power was established only a few years ago.

He is located in the south, how come there are a large number of strong men who are good at the basics to be recruited as cavalry?If you only use southerners, then the starting point in equestrianism is too low.

The time to become an army will be even longer.

Therefore, after Man Chong was shocked first, he quickly calmed down.

"Hmph." With a cold snort, the old god began to wait, what kind of mystery Kou Feng was playing.

"Zilong." Kou Feng didn't care about the state of Man Chong's heart, turned to Zhao Yun, nodded with a smile.

"Promise." Zhao Yun promised, stood up from the table, turned and walked down.

Soon after, many soldiers brought up hundreds of scarecrows.These scarecrows wear leather armor and helmets.

Although it looks ugly, it does look like an enemy.

Immediately, there was a slight tremor from the ground, and after a while, the tremor became very intense.

A cavalry appeared in front, about 2000 people, led by general Zhao Yun.I saw Zhao Yun wearing a silver and white armor, carrying a hard bow on his back, and a quiver...

Step on the stirrups and sit down on a very handsome war horse.He alone has a very powerful aura, and with the two thousand cavalry behind him, the combined aura is even more overwhelming.

Rush to the stands.

This aura made all the Chu officials look happy.Really an elite soldier.The same expression appeared on Zhang Song's face.

Only full of love, but still full of disbelief.

Cavalry is not about imposing manner, as long as they have seen blood, the soldiers who climbed out of the dead on the battlefield and rode their horses all have such aura.

The aura of the cavalry is not in the soldiers themselves, but in the aura created by the galloping and galloping of thousands of horses.

Think about it, tens of thousands of war horses are galloping together, and the sound of horseshoes is frantic. What kind of majesty is that?

And Man Chong is in the north, and he has been dealing with cavalry for many years, so naturally he will not be taken away by this momentum.The most elite cavalry is to bow and shoot arrows on horseback.

and skills in equestrianism.

It's not imposing.

"Rush." ​​After Zhao Yun led the troops, he had no way to meet Kou Feng.So he ordered.

"Boom." Immediately, the entire cavalry speeded up in an all-round way, and two thousand cavalry formed a sharp cone, and began to circle on the vast plain.

Man Chong's complexion immediately changed.

As we all know, the most difficult thing for cavalry is the knight's riding skills.On the battlefield, the galloping cavalry could not maintain their formation.

Unless it is an elite with superb riding skills.

It's not scary to go around in circles, what's scary is that Zhao Yun's cavalry is in the process of circling.Has maintained a very complete formation.

Zhao Yun has always been the leader, standing at the forefront.The rest are like triangular sharp cones, advancing ahead and fast.Always.

This is a symbol that riding has reached a certain level and can be listed as one of the elite cavalry in the world.

"Just a few years? I've heard of Zhao Yun, but he has such a great ability?" Man Chong felt disbelief in his heart, but the facts in front of him forced him to believe.

With ten rounds of crossbows and such elite cavalry, Duke Cao's advantage in the north is constantly shrinking.No matter how elite the tiger and leopard cavalry were, the gap might not be that big.

The only thing that can gain the upper hand may be the number of horses and the overall number of cavalry.

Man Chong thought that this would show the power of Kou Feng's cavalry, and Zhao Yun's ability to train and command the cavalry.It is worthy of being one of the five generals of Chu State.

However, Man Chong obviously underestimated the ability of Zhao Yun's cavalry.

"Run and shoot." After giving the order, Zhao Yun took down the hard bow Beishang held, drew out an arrow, and immediately, nocked the arrow and shot.

Afterwards, a total of two thousand cavalry, like Zhao Yun, took down the hard bow like water, drew out the arrow, turned around, and shot the arrow towards the scarecrow in the center where they circled.

"Swish, swish, swish." Countless arrows whizzed away, and most of them hit hundreds of scarecrows.Not only is the movement flowing smoothly, there is no confusion at all.

Moreover, the entire formation was not chaotic at all.Still maintaining the speed of running around in circles.

"Rush." ​​Immediately after a lap, Zhao Yun shouted again.

"Whoosh whoosh."


After repeating this more than ten times, the scarecrows in the arena were already filled with arrows, and they were on the verge of falling under the ground vibration brought by the cavalry.

Moreover, relying on the stirrups under their feet, this cavalry has always maintained a very good formation.

When the cavalry led by Zhao Yun ran for the first time, Man Chong couldn't help standing up, his eyes wide open, full of disbelief.

Looking at this elite cavalry, Man Chong really couldn't believe it.These are cavalry from the south, they can compete with Ma Teng, Han Sui and their Xiliang iron cavalry.

I thought that their riding skills were already superb.I don't want to be able to maintain the formation while running.When Man Chong watched, under the leadership of Zhao Yun, the cavalry poured out ten arrows from their backs.

Man Chong's face was already full of shock.It might make people laugh. As a northern general, Man Chong has seen too many elite cavalry.

But now looking at the cavalry in the south, they are also shocked.

Because the north is good at fighting with horses, and the south is good at fighting with water.For hundreds of years, it has not changed.But now there is a cavalry in the south that can compete with the elite soldiers in the north.

This is what makes Man Chong shocked.

Full of pet shock, Zhang Song is even more so.

As a southerner, Zhang Song certainly knew the difficulty of cavalry training.This time, after entering Hanzhong, I went to Liangzhou.Zhang Song was fortunate to have seen some of Ma Teng's cavalry squads.

It was shocking at the time, but now looking at the elite cavalry of Chu State, it is even more shocking.Because, this is the cavalry of the south.

Not only Man Chong, Zhang Song.The civil and military ministers present also showed shock.Some people couldn't believe it.

Because of this group of people, many of them participated in the wars against Jiangling, Xiangyang, and Xudu.At that time, Zhao Yun's cavalry was only good enough for a battle.

But now, in just a short period of time, it has reached such a height.

What is the magic?

Jiang Wan, Liu Ba, Zhao Lei and the others had doubts on their faces.Sima Yi couldn't show his anger or emotion, but it also showed shock.

Apart from shock, Pang Tong's face was filled with joy.Today was really an eye-opener, not only the Liannu soldiers, but also the surprise soldiers.

"Our country has such a powerful army, and the ministers don't even know it. Your majesty is really hard to hide from the ministers." Pang Tong saluted Kou Feng with a smile.

"Hehe, it's not intentional to hide it from all the lovers, it's just because the iron cavalry has not yet reached a high level, and he dare not let Zilong come out to show his shame." Kou Feng smiled and explained.

Immediately, he smiled again: "Everyone, let's wait and see what happens, there will be more powerful ones below."

Before Kou Feng could finish his sentence, Zhao Yun yelled loudly in the arena.

"Bright knife."

Following Zhao Yun's order, the two thousand cavalrymen put their bows back on their backs one after another, and drew out the Chu swords at their waists.Immediately, under the leadership of Zhao Yun, they rushed towards hundreds of scarecrows in a scattered formation.

After approaching, the cavalry bent down one after another, and cut off the scarecrow's head very fiercely.In the arena, heads were seen soaring into the sky.

The scene was extremely violent.But also very imposing.

At this moment, Man Chong was really dumbfounded.Is this really a cavalry that has been trained for several years?

First attack in formation, able to fight tough battles.The last is the rushing shot, which was originally a unique skill of the Huns.It was later acquired by the Han people.Instead, large-scale cavalry invaded the grasslands.

defeated the Huns.

In the end, the cavalry scattered, wielding knives with powerful riding skills, and fiercely chopped off the soldiers' heads.This is an effective way to kill as many enemy troops as possible after breaking through the local army formation.

With such skilled cavalry, if you rein in your horse and walk away, you can compete with ten times as many infantry.

Otherwise, the general cavalry is just a soldier on a horse.Although it is also very advantageous, it is a lot more general.

It takes ten years to create such a superb cavalry.But the cavalry of Chu State was created in just a few years.

What Cao Wei is most proud of today is the number of cavalry.On the one hand, they think that Chu State does not have fine cavalry, and once it enters the Central Plains, it will suffer a lot.

For example, cavalry are good at plundering food roads, and they are elusive.It is hard to guard against.

Therefore, Cao Cao always believed that the battle of the emperor's capital would not happen to him again.Because it was when Cao Cao was weakest.

But now?

If Kou Feng has such elite cavalry, there are not many, only 3.Enter the Central Plains and ride the Central Plains.Cao Cao is about to feel like a light on his back, and he can hardly sleep or eat.

And the more scourge is that if Cao Cao raises troops to attack Ma Teng, Han Sui.With such cavalry in the rear, how could Cao Cao have the ability to take down Ma Teng?Han Sui?

On the contrary, Kou Feng sent cavalry into the Central Plains on the one hand.On the one hand, relying on the strength of Ma Teng and Han Sui, Cao Cao's westward advance was blocked.

He himself can calmly lead the infantry and the crossbowmen to attack the land of Shu.

In this way, the battlefield in both directions can benefit.The advantage is really too big, too big.

Man Chong couldn't help being cold all over, and he no longer had the pride he had just now.

(To be continued)

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