Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 734 The Amazing Xi Chuan

"Now, Bo Ning thinks, is Cao Gong able to enter Shu first, or Gu first?" Kou Feng glanced at Man Chong, and seeing Man Chong's expression, he felt exasperated and raised his eyebrows, and asked with a smile.

When Man Chong heard this, his face turned pale.But then, he pulled himself together again.He raised his fist and said, "Chu State is indeed full of soldiers and horses, and is full of financial resources."

Speaking of this, Man Chong changed the subject, forced a smile, and said: "But the mountains and rivers in Shu are dangerous and can stop cavalry. What's more, although Liu Yizhou is not talented, I, Cao Gong, have already presented the method of making Wei Dao. Although Chu Gong has Liannu soldiers have the advantage, but for a while, it is very difficult to enter Chengdu."

"If it drags on for a few years, the situation may not be in favor of Duke Chu."

Man Chong is using strong words to make sense.Even if it drags on for several years, Kou Feng's progress is certainly slow.But how could Cao Cao attack Ma Teng under the watchful eyes of Kou Feng's [-] cavalry, what about Han Sui?

There must be soldiers and horses behind.So you can't do your best.In three to five years, it is impossible to destroy Ma Teng and Han Sui.Everyone is still in the same boat, not losing to each other.

As for the situation that Man Chong said may change, that is also a joke.As long as Kou Feng doesn't make mistakes.He sits on the southeast half of the country, how can there be a big change?

Even if Kou Feng did not go to court early for ten years.It is estimated that these loyal civil and military ministers under the account can also maintain the hegemony for Kou Feng.

However, although the strong words are unreasonable.But Kou Feng has no evidence to refute.However, there was one person present who could help Kou Feng solve the trouble.

Kou Feng's gaze flickered slightly, and he looked at Zhang Song.

Today's military parade, the most important thing is to intimidate Zhang Song.Let Zhang Song donate the picture of Xichuan.As long as he has the map of Xichuan, he can enter Shu in a short time.

Zhang Song also felt Kou Feng's gaze.First of all, there is strong national strength and sincerity.Now, Kou Feng's gaze seems to be able to penetrate people's hearts.

What's more, Zhang Song didn't intend to hide anymore.

He couldn't help but let out a long laugh, stood up, and bowed to Kou Feng: "Chu is located in the southeast, and dominates one side. It has a strong military force and a large population. It is the Shang Kingdom. But it can be the same for the ministers of a small country. Courtesy. The old man respects him in his heart."

As he spoke, Zhang Song solemnly put his hand into his cuff and took out a piece of cloth.

In the eyes of everyone, this cloth is nothing special.But it caught Kou Feng's eyes, his eyes concealed joy, showing that he was extremely excited.

Xichuantu, indeed, there is such a treasure.As long as you have this map, you will be familiar with the dangers of Xichuan's mountains and rivers, as well as the deployment of troops.

You can make full use of your strengths and avoid your weaknesses, and quickly enter Chengdu into the war.

The land of Shu will no longer be a quagmire, and it will take several years to settle down.

At this moment, no one could understand Kou Feng's excitement.Man Chong's gaze was just looking at Zhang Song in doubt, not knowing what Zhang Song was up to.

"Although the old man is not talented, he still steals his honor. He can often learn about the topographic map of Xichuan and the deployment of troops. He can also remember it with his own eyes. He worked hard to draw this map. There are detailed topographic maps of mountains, rivers and passes in it. And the deployment of troops and so on." Zhang Song held the map above his head very solemnly.

But no matter how solemn you are, it is difficult to make the people around you solemn.Instead, it caused an uproar among many civil and military officials.

"Oh my God, do you have a photographic memory? Topographical maps of mountains and rivers? I, Dachu, are truly blessed by God." A small official exclaimed and said.

"Soldiers are strong and horses are strong, like the right time. Mountains and rivers are like the right place. Even if Liu Zhang has someone to fight against, how can he resist our great Chu army? This battle must be won."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, but they were also very excited.

The current full of pets is really cold.He had no more strong words to say.With this picture of Xichuan, Kou Feng entered Shu, and it was really a magnanimous one.

But then, Zhang Song's words made Man Chong feel that God's will tricks people.

"This old man is from Shu, so drawing this picture is also suspected of being a seller for glory. But this old man has no regrets. How can the land of abundance fall into the hands of Zhang Lumi's thief? So I want to dedicate it to a wise master." Zhang Song said frankly first. With a sound, a look of guilt appeared on his face, and he said, "I'm ashamed to say it. The roads in Shu are narrow, and the news is very obscure. When I was in Shu, I often heard how prominent Mr. Cao is. In comparison, Duke Chu is somewhat disadvantaged. Therefore, the old man planned to take the opportunity to present this picture when he went north to contact Duke Cao. However, Duke Cao is also a mortal, so he underestimated the old man. However, Duke Chu was not the same, and he respected the old man There is a plus. Now that the soldiers of Chu State are strong and the horses are strong, I no longer have any doubts. I hereby dedicate it to the Duke of Chu."

As he spoke, Zhang Song bent down and held the picture of Xichuan above his head, very sincerely.

Kou Feng did not let others take it, but stood up, came to Zhang Song, helped Zhang Song up, and said with a smile: "Zi Qiao is really lucky to be able to help Chu, and it is also the destiny of Great Chu." .”

As he said that, Kou Feng took a step back, bowed to Zhang Song, and said sincerely: "Thank you, Mr. Gu, for your kindness."

"Duke Chu is the king of a country, you can't do this." Zhang Song said hastily.

"Hehe, didn't Gu start his business recklessly back then? Why not?" Kou Feng laughed and said boldly.

Zhang Song felt very warm in his heart.Stretching out his hand, he handed the map of Xichuan to Kou Feng.Said: "Please accept it, Duke Chu."

Kou Feng smiled and took it.Immediately, he invited Zhang Song back to his seat, came to Pang Tong's side, and handed the Xichuan map to Pang Tong.

"Copied a copy and studied it carefully. The lonely army will rely on Shi Yuan's wisdom to enter Western Shu." Kou Feng said with a smile.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, with this map of Xichuan, the land of Shu is no problem." Pang Tong took it respectfully, and said with high spirits.

Originally, with Chu's army strong and horses strong, even if they attacked Xichuan by force, they would have a great chance of winning.What's more, with this map of Xichuan, which is like a magic weapon.

Pang Tong is full of energy and very confident at the moment.

Jiang Wan and Liu Ba looked at each other with a very relaxed expression.Everyone finally understood why Kou Feng treated Zhang Song so courteously.

It turned out that the key to entering Shu was in the hands of Zhang Song.

Some people speculate that Kou Feng has some extremely confidential intelligence networks and knows about Zhang Song and his talent.Others are more thorough.

It is determined that Kou Feng belongs to the destiny, and he can know the past and the future.It is the person who is destined by the heavens to overcome the disaster and end this catastrophe in China.

Don't think this seems unreliable, but some people do think so.The gaze that looked at Kou Feng was also very hot and respectful.

It is different from the joy and excitement of Chu State.

This time, Man Chong has really been hit to the bottom.

How could this be, how could this be.

Cao Gong sent him into Shu to spy on intelligence.The purpose is to be able to draw a part of the mountains and rivers, the military map.He thought Duke Cao was preparing for his entry into Shu.

Everyone in Cao Wei knew the importance of terrain, mountains and rivers.

Therefore, he came.

But once there was a copy, which was very detailed. It can be said that the key to enter Shu was placed in front of Cao Gong, and Cao Gong missed the opportunity.

This this.

How ridiculous this is.

What you want so hard is right there, but you miss it.It's like throwing away a thousand pieces of gold and not knowing how to use it for yourself. It's ridiculous, ridiculous.

Although Man Chong didn't know what happened to Zhang Song in Yecheng.But in his heart, he really complained about Cao Cao for the first time.

Conquering the world is not only the fate of oneself, but also the fate of the officials, as well as the rise and fall of the family.There can be no slack in the slightest, but work hard.


But Cao Cao missed the opportunity.Not only did he lose a lot for himself, but he also gained a lot for the enemy.

Man Chong gave a wry smile and fell to the ground.But at this moment, no one in Chu country noticed Man Chong anymore.

This is a day that symbolizes the great prosperity of Chu Chu.

It has always been seen that newcomers laugh, but who sees old people cry?It's cool to stay full of pets.Even if Zhao Yun has already led the cavalry, retreat.

Everyone didn't notice either, they were all immersed in the joy of getting the Xichuan map.

"The army is strong today. There is another son, Qiao Zhuyu, behind me. I am happy alone. Come and have a banquet. Tonight, I want to get drunk with all my lovers."

Of course Kou Feng would not let go of this opportunity to boost morale, he laughed.

"No." All the ministers agreed.The joy is beyond words.

Immediately, Kou Feng led all the civil and military officials back to Chu Gong's mansion to have a banquet together.On the way, Man Chong claimed to be sick, so Kou Feng sent someone to send him back.

What happened today is probably enough to be full of favors and decadence for a while.

That night, Kou Feng held a banquet in the hall.Zhang Song was invited to sit down and enjoy the delicious food together.There is also the singing and dancing of Chu State, which is very grand.

However, Kou Feng himself was not drunk, on the contrary, most of the ministers were drunk.After the end, Kou Feng sent the drunken ministers back.

Immediately, he led Zhang Song to the study alone.

In the study, Kou Feng and Zhang Song sat opposite each other.Kou Feng bowed to Zhang Song and said: "Bai Yue is the king of a country alone, although I thank you sir, but I can't express my gratitude. At this moment, in private, Gu is not a king of a country. Thank you, sir."

What Kou Feng said was very sincere.

Thank you very much.Without Zhang Song, although his entry into Shu could be successful, it may not be smooth.It's really different now.

"The courteous treatment of Duke Chu is something I only see in my life. As the saying goes, a scholar dies for his confidant. It is my heart to present the map of Xichuan to Duke Chu. It is not necessary for Duke Chu to do so." Zhang Song said very sincerely, even daring not to say so.

"I'm ashamed to say that Mister is so talented. The so-called Jun loves the virtuous. It's true that my purpose is not pure when I treat Mister so courteously." Kou Feng said ashamedly, and then said sincerely: "Mr. Mr. is a minister in Chu. I am willing to take the position of servant and treat Mr. and seal the Marquis of Guannei. I don't know what Mr. will do?"

A picture of Xichuan is equivalent to the whole Shu.Not to mention being a Marquis of Guannei, even if he is a Marquis of Lie, Zhang Song still has that qualification.

However, Kou Feng also made up for it.Sergeant.He is a close minister of the emperor, very powerful.Now in the state of Chu, he is naturally a close minister of the king of Chu.

The treatment Kou Feng gave to Zhang Song was that he had a bright future.If Zhang Song has outstanding talent, he will make great achievements.Even Liehou can get things out of his bag.

(To be continued)

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