To be honest, Zhang Song was also very moved. At the beginning, when he wanted to defect to Cao Cao, he was just asking for a title.But now Kou Feng not only promises to be the Marquis of Guannei, but also promises to be a servant.

It is very grand.

But after being moved, Zhang Song felt that even if he presented the picture of Xichuan, he should not receive such a courtesy.

After pondering for a while, under Kou Feng's surprised gaze, Zhang Song shook his head and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness. It's just that I'm here to live in Sichuan. There are a lot of clansmen. If I come down to Chu, I think there will be a lot of disasters. Second, I will live in Shu." I also want to respond internally to the emperor and pave the way for the emperor to enter Shu."

Kou Feng is kind and fistful, but Zhang Song is also very honest and sincere.

Kou Feng had no choice but to give up, sighing: "Sir, you really are sincere."

Kou Feng summoned Zhang Song to meet alone, originally to express his gratitude and to be kind to Zhang Song.Now, Zhang Song has rejected his kindness.

He planned to risk his life and re-enter Yizhou.

After chatting with Zhang Song for a while, Kou Feng was also tired.So they sent someone to send Zhang Song back.

"Picture of Xichuan." Kou Feng's eyes flashed, his heart full of pride.

After drinking, in addition to being a little tired, I was also a little hot and unbearable.Kou Feng sat in the study for a while, then walked towards Sun Shangxiang.

Back then, when Huang Yueying invented the Liannu of Chu State, Kou Feng agreed to stay in Huang Yueying's room for two months.But unfortunately, after only staying for a month, Huang Yueying was happy.

After that, the little girl drove Kou Feng out.

Kou Feng now basically counts according to the number of days, such as spending a few days in Cai Da's room every month, and spending a few days in Huan'er's room.

Tonight, it's Joe's turn.

With a hot body, Kou Feng walked towards Xiao Qiao.Naturally, it's a spring night.

Early the next morning, Zhang Song arrived at Duke Chu's mansion.

Kou Fengben was still lying on the bed, when he heard the guard's report, he immediately abandoned Xiao Qiao and walked out of the warm room.

In the study, Zhang Song knelt aside and Kou Feng knelt on top.

"Your Majesty, I have already stayed in Chu State for a few days, counting the time, it is almost time to go back. Otherwise, if Liu Yizhou becomes suspicious, I'm afraid." Zhang Song raised his fist to Kou Feng and bowed.

Although Kou Feng wanted to stay with Zhang Song for a longer period of time, Zhang Song was also for the development of Chu.Kou Feng really had no reason.

Therefore, after pondering for a moment, he said, "Then send Ziqiao off."

"Your Majesty is the ruler of a country, how can that be?" Zhang Song said immediately.But was interrupted by Kou Feng.

"Ziqiao's return to Yizhou is like going deep into a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair, doing his best for the Chu country. I will send you off alone." Kou Feng's expression was very resolute.

Seeing this, Zhang Song had no choice but to thank him: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Immediately, Kou Feng drove out lightly, sent Zhang Song out of the city, and walked westward for about ten li.

Outside a pavilion, Kou Feng's bicycle frame finally stopped.

"Zi Qiao, there is something I want to tell you." Kou Feng sat on the carriage, and said solemnly to Zhang Song who was also sitting on the carriage.

"Please show me, Your Majesty." Zhang Song cupped his hands and bent slightly.

"Now the Chu State is strong and strong, and with Ziqiao's Xichuan map to help, it is like a tiger with wings. The road to Shu is already very smooth. If Ziqiao can help Gu at the critical moment, it is a good thing. But if it is too much, for example, too much for Chu If the country builds momentum, I am afraid it will be counterproductive, and there will be disasters of killing and exterminating the family. You must be cautious. Also, you must keep things secret, even if you are close to your cronies, don't tell them." Kou Feng paused for a moment, and then said: "Fa Xiaozhi People have the strangeness of Liangping and are very wise. No matter what happens, you can discuss countermeasures with them. Don’t be impulsive.”

But Kou Feng thought of it. In history, Zhang Song was discovered by Zhang Song's elder brother Zhang Su because he helped Liu Bei too much.Informed Liu Zhang.

As a result, the whole family was killed.

Zhang Song owed favors to the state of Chu, but now he insisted on returning to Shu.Of course Kou Feng couldn't just watch him die.Naturally, a dose of vaccination was given in advance.

Kou Feng's words were somewhat unpleasant, but they came from the heart.

Therefore, instead of being displeased, Zhang Song was very moved.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I will act cautiously." Zhang Song bowed down.But it is engraved in my heart and dare not forget.

"Okay, I have to say goodbye after seeing you off for thousands of miles. In the future, I will have a drink with my husband alone in Shu. Please." Seeing Zhang Song's expression on his face, Kou Feng showed a smile on his face and clasped his fists.

"Your Majesty, take care." Zhang Song responded.Immediately, he ordered to his left and right confidants: "Let's go."

"Promise." The left and right confidantes agreed, and led Zhang Song slowly towards Shu.

"I hope Ziqiao is safe and can share wealth with Gu." Looking at Zhang Song's carriage, Kou Feng secretly said in his heart.

After sending Zhang Song away, Kou Feng did not return to Xiangyang immediately.Instead, he diverted to Pang Tong's camp outside Xiangyang.

Although he got the Xichuan map, Kou Feng never looked at it.Of course you have to take a look.

Last night, Pang Tong was not hungover.Therefore, when Kou Feng came, what he saw was Pang Tong who was in high spirits.

"Your Majesty." At the gate of Daying, Pang Tong greeted him with a smile.

"Scholar Yuan is very polite." Kou Feng smiled first, and then asked, "I don't know, how is the study of Xichuan Tu going?"

Very much looking forward to it.

"Zhang Ziqiao, you really have great talent, and you have put in a lot of hard work. The map of Xichuan is very detailed. There are dozens of pass maps in Xichuan and Shu, as well as the deployment of most of the troops. As long as we follow this map, we can Make full use of strengths and avoid weaknesses, and drive straight in." Pang Tong said with admiration on his face when he heard the words.

"Oh? How many roads are there?" Kou Feng said happily.

"There are two fast-advancing land routes and one water route." After speaking, Pang Tong bent over and said, "Please come with your lord."

"Lead the way." Kou Feng nodded.

Immediately, the two entered the Chinese army tent together.

Inside the large tent, there is an enlarged picture of Xichuan embroidered on the screen.On this map of Xichuan, there are three red-eyed routes drawn.

One is the waterway, which goes straight to Berkshire and Jiangyang, and then goes directly to Chengdu in the north, which is very cheap.This is the Yangtze River waterway, in fact, as long as it is an individual, you can think of it.

The only obstacle is that if there is no cooperation on land.After the navy went deep into Shu, there was no logistical protection.After all, Shu also has a navy.

Moreover, the waterway into Shu is relatively narrow, and the water flow may be relatively turbulent.The use of paddle steamers may not be great.

In this way, the combat power of the navy is weakened.

As for the two routes on land, first break through Baidi City and enter Padang.Then, after entering Berkshire and Linjiang, they arrived in Chengdu.The other way is more surprising.

Pang Tong actually wanted to attack Hanzhong directly from Shangyong, and then attack the south from the north instead of Zhang Lu's condescending aura.Beat Liu Zhang's Xiameng Pass.

After entering Xiameng Pass, enter the second pass, and you can enter Chengdu directly.

"What do you think, Your Majesty?" Kou Feng stood in front of the map, and after observing it for a long time, Pang Tong asked beside him.

"They are all good roads, and they can avoid the troops deployed by Liu Zhang at the Yizhou pass. Among them, advancing both land and water will have a miraculous effect. However, this road takes Hanzhong first, and then enters Chengdu. Although it seems cheap, it is very expensive. Troop strength. After all, Xiameng Pass is the Xiongguan Pass of Yizhou. There is an aura of a man who is in charge of the pass. It is not insignificant to break him alone. And Zhang Lu is not easy to deal with." Kou Feng chose this waterway and marched side by side. The two roads into Xishu, instead of taking the road of Hanzhong first, were rejected.

"There are advantages and disadvantages. If we take the Hanzhong Road, although we may have to face Zhang Lu and Liu Zhang at the same time. But if we defeat Zhang Lu first, and then enter Xiameng Pass. Relying on the strength of the Chu army, we may not be able to quickly conquer Xiameng Close. However, the risk is indeed a bit high. It is reasonable for the king to seek stability." Pang Tong nodded beside him.

"There are only two roads, one by water and one by land. Just wait for Gu's Liannu soldiers to be used after World War I. Gu will start to attack Shu." Kou Feng also nodded, making up his mind.

Now, it is already spring.It's almost summer.According to Kou Feng's estimation, he should be able to send troops in winter and go straight to Xishu.

Achieve the feat of unifying the South.

"No." Pang Tong promised.

If there is no Xichuan map, Kou Feng will have to call his advisers to discuss how to go.However, the terrain of Xichuan is complex and really vague.

If you want to really care about it, you must have to enter Shu before you can really make a decision.But now with this map of Xichuan, the mountains and rivers in Yizhou are dangerous, and the deployment of troops is clear at a glance.

On the contrary, only Pang Tongtong is needed to choose a path, which is very cheap.

As soon as winter comes, Kou Feng can summon Gan Ning who is stationed in the Panyang Lake area of ​​Yangzhou, and enter Shu together.Water and land go hand in hand, and go down to the land of Shu.

Then went north to capture Hanzhong.

Immediately, Kou Feng and Pang Tong discussed some details.Kou Feng left Daying contentedly and returned to Xiangyang.

As soon as Kou Feng stepped off the carriage, he saw a guard at the door reporting: "Your Majesty, the eunuch has been waiting for a long time to see you."

"En." Kou Feng nodded upon hearing this, and walked in.

After a while, they arrived outside the hall.

I saw Zhang Daosu standing by the door, with a few people dressed as craftsmen beside him, and a crossbow on one side.Extended version of the repeater.

"Is this a crossbow bed?" Kou Feng's eyes lit up, and he blurted out.

"Reporting to my lord, it is indeed a crossbow bed." Zhang Dao immediately raised his head when he heard this, and bowed to Kou Feng with a smile.

"Can you shoot ten iron arrows in a row?" Kou Feng hurried over and asked.

"Basically, it has the same function as the Liannu of Chu State. Even the problem of troublesome loading of arrows has been inherited." Zhang Dao said with a little pride and a little shame.

Although it is also fired in bursts, loading iron arrows can not be improved, but it is more troublesome.Because the crossbow bed is very large, the shooting power is powerful.

Therefore, four people are needed to load the iron arrow.

However, even so, it was enough to make Kou Feng ecstatic.

If you enter Yongliang, then cavalry is indispensable.And pawns are also essential.The cavalry has its own protective force, and it can escape if it cannot be beaten.

But there are no infantry, so Liannu is needed to deal with Yongliang cavalry.But what about the city?

If there are countless cavalry, the city will be relatively low.As long as the cavalry are running outside, they can suppress the defensive forces in the city.Siege will become much easier.

But if there were more such crossbow beds in the city, it would be different.The ballista was basically invented to deal with cavalry when defending the city.One arrow going down can effectively shoot and kill cavalry.The power is huge.With the ballista, the already occupied city can also become safer.

Really win first and fight later, there are all the necessary countermeasures for emergencies.

Entering Shu, really only owes time.

Kou Feng's eyes were hot.

(To be continued)

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