With such a crossbow bed, Kou Feng certainly wanted to experiment.

So Kou Feng put on a shelf and came to the military camp outside the city.First put the crossbow bed, and then ordered someone to find two pieces of leather armor, put them together in front.

Following the actions of the soldiers, the two leather armors were pierced by huge arrows.If it hits head-on, even armor may be hard to resist.

Moreover, it is still ten bursts.

The only flaw is that it requires four people to operate.

However, Kou Feng still felt very satisfied.The craftsman who developed the crossbow bed was generously rewarded.And, like the Liannu of Chu State, it was ordered to be built on a large scale.

It is necessary to build more than [-] crossbow beds before winter enters Shu.

It was between Jing and Chu, when the sword was being sharpened.Liu Zhang in Yizhou was not in a good mood.

Man Chong actually disappeared.At the beginning, Liu Zhang didn't care too much. After all, Liu Zhang was a little clear about the purpose of Man Chong's visit.It's just because Mr. Cao gave him a sharp weapon called Wei Dao, and he didn't dare to resist Cao Cao.

Liu Zhang also let Man Chong go.In my heart, I also thought that it is impossible for one person to remember all the complicated terrain of Xichuan.

Therefore, no one was sent to monitor Man Chong.

However, Man Chong has been missing for several months and has not appeared yet.Liu Zhang began to wonder.Immediately, a large number of people were sent to search in Yizhou.

Months to no avail.This made Liu Zhang panic.

Additional manpower was sent to search.But Kou Feng's group of soldiers were professional, buried the corpses and destroyed the carriage.All evidence of Man Chong's existence has disappeared.

It seems that Man Chong has never appeared in Shu.How can this make Liu Zhang feel better?

In addition, Zhang Song went to the north and did not return for several months.This made Liu Zhang feel even worse.

This day, Liu Zhang had breakfast.Going to sit in the study.But I heard a guard coming in from outside the door, "My lord, Zhang Biejia is back."

"Oh? Please hurry up." Liu Zhang said happily.There was no news for several months, and he came back suddenly. How could Liu Zhang not be happy?

"No." The guard promised and walked out quickly.

After a while, Zhang Song walked in with a few attendants.

"Master." Zhang Song bowed down.His expression didn't look any different, it was still the same as before.

"Zi Qiao get up quickly." Liu Zhang stepped forward to help Zhang Song.

Whether it's demeanor or tone, they are very gentle.It made Zhang Song feel a little guilty, but it was swept away immediately.

Generosity is suitable for prosperous times, but it is fatal to have this character in troubled times.

"Promise." Zhang Song agreed and straightened his body.

Immediately, Liu Zhang sat down with Zhang Song.Zhang Song ordered the attendants behind him to bring the four treasures.

"Master, this is the seal, ribbon, marquis clothes, and imperial edict given by Cao Cao." Zhang Song introduced.

"Really the Marquis of Shu?" Liu Zhang asked tremblingly with joy in his eyes.Now the world is king, but he is the only one who is moved, but dare not be called a prince.

Now that the imperial court officially confiscated the Marquis of Shu, how could this make Liu Zhang unhappy?

"It is indeed the Marquis of Shu." Zhang Song smiled slightly and nodded.

"Okay, okay." Liu Zhang couldn't help applauding, his face beaming with joy.

It took a long time before Liu Zhang regained his composure.Immediately, he glanced at Zhang Song, feeling a little embarrassed.

"By the way, how is Mr. Cao?" After a while, Liu Zhang recovered his mood and couldn't help asking.

"This." Zhang Song couldn't help pondering, and then sighed: "Mr. Cao is a hero, and he can restrain the troubled generation."

Is this a compliment to Cao Cao?

Liu Zhang's expression changed when he heard this, and he asked, "Is that true?"

"That's true." Zhang Song nodded in affirmation.

"Hey, I knew it. This person helped me Wei Dao just to use my strength to resist Kou Feng. What kindness is there? In troubled times, no one wants to annex others. Kou Feng is, and so is Cao Mengde But, I wonder how Kou Feng compares to Cao Mengde?" Liu Zhang said with a sigh.

"Kou Feng, although I have never seen him before. But this time, after returning from the north, he deliberately left Jingchu. I found that the population under his rule is no worse than Cao Cao's. They are all difficult characters to deal with." Originally, Zhang Song planned to deceive Liu Zhang by talking about the situation that Jingchu was completely unprepared.

But suddenly remembered Kou Feng's words.

"Even if Liu Zhang is prepared, under normal circumstances, Gu can easily go to Yizhou." Kou Feng's high-spirited words emerged in his mind.

Therefore, Zhang Song simply did the opposite.On the one hand, it is said that Cao Cao is very good, on the other hand, it is also said that Kou Feng is not bad at all.

Let Liu Zhang disperse the deployment of troops into two directions.On the one hand, guard against the north, and on the other hand, guard against the east.

"Hey, this Marquis of Shu is really difficult." Liu Zhang became silent when he heard the words, and said with a wry smile.

At present, the deployment of troops in Yizhou is one north and one east.Defend Zhang Lu and Kou Feng respectively.In addition, there was also a Nanman rebellion in the south, which also dispersed some of its troops, and the people in the state rebelled from time to time, and there were still some troops in Chengdu.

It really is enemies from all sides.

The room fell into silence, and soon after, Zhang Song got up and said goodbye.Liu Zhang didn't ask Zhang Song to go down and rest.

After leaving the governor's mansion, Zhang Song got into the carriage, looked at the sky, and said to the coachman, "Go to Fa Xiaozhi's mansion."

"No." The coachman promised, and immediately drove the carriage to Fazheng Mansion.

During this period of time, Fazheng has become a lot more reclusive.Because treason is a secret matter.If you are not careful, you may harm yourself.

In this regard, Fazheng is much more cautious than Zhang Song.

This day, Fa is studying at home.I heard that Zhang Song came back and came to see him personally.

She couldn't help but put down the book, and murmured: "Zhang Ziqiao has always admired Duke Cao, and if he goes to the north to meet Duke Cao, he may fall in love at first sight. Maybe he came to discuss with me the strategy of surrendering Cao."

Thinking about it, Fazheng couldn't help feeling helpless.But as a last resort, he waved his hand and said, "Please come in."

"No." The servant promised and walked out.

Not long after, Zhang Song walked in.

"Zi Joe."


Although the two had their own selfishness before, they were considered friendly.It is very natural to meet at this moment.After greeting each other, Fazheng asked Zhang Song to sit down, and he himself followed suit.

"Ziqiao came to see me just after returning to Chengdu, what's the big deal?" Fazheng asked with a smile.

But Zhang Song didn't answer, but looked at Fazheng instead.I thought of Kou Feng's confession in my heart, that Fazheng has a conspiracy, and everything can be done only after discussing with Fazheng.Worry-free.

In the past, although Zhang Song knew that Fa-rectification was superior, he did not pay so much attention to it.But today, it is different.From Kou Feng's few words, Zhang Song knew that Fazheng must have been in contact with Kou Feng.

If you haven't met Cao Cao and Kou Feng, you know it's right to invest in Kou Feng.This proves that Fazheng's gaze is indeed profound, much deeper than his.

"The old man is friendly with Xiaozhi, but until recently, I admire Xiaozhi very much." Zhang Song said with a sigh.

"Why did Ziqiao say that?" Fazheng asked inexplicably.

"The old man has met Chu Gong, and he presented the mountains and rivers of Sichuan, as well as the map of the distribution of troops." Zhang Song said with a sigh.

Fazheng's complexion couldn't help changing. On the one hand, Zhang Song claimed to have met Kou Feng and came to see him, so Kou Feng also told him about him.

But Zhang Song was originally a descendant of the Cao faction.But immediately, Fazheng returned to normal, and there was joy.

The mountains and rivers are dangerous, and the distribution of troops.Since Zhang Song gave all these treasures to Kou Feng, it proves that Zhang Song also changed from surrendering to Cao to surrendering to Chu.

"I know that Ziqiao has the ability of photographic memory, so I guessed that Ziqiao might have such a treasure. But why did he suddenly offer it to Duke Chu?" Fazheng asked slightly puzzled.

"Mr. Cao treats me like a common man, but Mr. Chu is very gracious. Besides, Mr. Cao is old, and Mr. Chu is young and strong." Zhang Song said with some vicissitudes.

Going to the north now, changing from surrendering Cao to descending to Chu, it is really hard to describe in one word.

Of course, Fazheng couldn't feel Zhang Song's mood, but he nodded his head in response to Zhang Song's reason.Cao Gong is old, but Chu Gong is not even a mature man.

Just young and old.

In Fazheng's view, this is the biggest gap between Cao Cao and Kou Feng.

"Ziqiao is able to see through this on his own, which is truly commendable." Fazheng praised.From being a diehard Cao to changing on his own.

Zhang Song is also a great man.

Zhang Song responded with a wry smile, if it wasn't for Cao Cao's slap in the face, how could he see through this point.Therefore, Fazheng is the real person with far-reaching wisdom.

"Let's not talk about these things now." Zhang Song shook his head, not wanting to talk about these things anymore.After a pause, he said solemnly: "The old man is in Chu. Seeing that the soldiers of Chu are strong and horses are strong, the Duke of Chu even said that around winter, he will use all his troops to attack the land of Shu. I don't know how Xiaozhi can help Duke Chu?"

Fazheng shook his head and sighed: "My status is low, and my position is low. I can't help you. Although Ziqiao has a high status, he has little power. In terms of military affairs, he can't help Duke Chu." However, at this point, Fazheng raised his head, his eyes flickered and said: "However, Meng Da can."

"Meng Da?" Zhang Song pondered.He knew that Meng Da was Fazheng's best friend, a person who only followed Fazheng's horse.

At present, as a young general, there are about a thousand soldiers and horses.

"I wonder if Ziqiao told Liu Yizhou about the state of Chu?" Fazheng nodded and asked again.

"As I said, the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong." Zhang Song nodded.

"Very sensible." Fazheng nodded, and then said with a smile, "If you tell Liu Zhang that Chu's defense is lax and that its military equipment is not good, I'm afraid it will arouse suspicion instead, and it will be troublesome at that time."

Zhang Song smiled wryly when he heard this, Kou Feng taught him this.If it weren't for Kou Feng, when he came back, he would definitely brag about the power of Chu State to Liu Zhang.

Liu Zhang must be suspicious.

"That's just right. Because the soldiers of Chu State are strong and powerful, we must expand our power. And Ziqiao has a high status. It is just right to recommend Meng Da as the school captain and ask him to recruit five thousand troops to guard Deyang. As soon as the Duke of Chu's army enters Shu, You can play by ear and make meritorious deeds." Fazheng said with a smile on his face.

"En." Zhang Song pondered for a moment, then nodded with a smile.

In times of war, status and admiration are all false, and only with military power in hand can the situation be taken advantage of.Can be successful.In this aspect, Fazheng also sees it very clearly, and does things very precisely.

The summer of the 16th year of Jian'an.

Liu Zhang worshiped the heaven and the earth outside the city of Chengdu, and called Shu after the founding of the country.Following Zhang Song's advice, Meng Da was named a school lieutenant, and five thousand soldiers were recruited to guard Deyang.

Civil and military officials each have their own rewards, and they are tolerant of the powerful and powerful families in Shu, and more than ten people were recruited as officials.

At this point, the hearts of the gentry in central Shu have been slightly restrained.Rebellion decreased.The national strength becomes stronger.

(To be continued)

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