Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 738 The Cruel Cold From Chu State

Immediately, Kou Feng put on the mian suit and crown.Under the service of the left and right attendants, he came to the hall.

At this time, it is early winter.It is colder.But in the hall, there are several pots of charcoal fire lit, which is very warm.

Kou Feng knelt and sat in the front seat, and he didn't feel cold.

Soon after, Pang Tong, Zhao Yun, Chen Da, Zhang Fei and other generals, as well as important ministers such as San Gong and Jiu Qing arrived one after another.This is not the time for the court meeting.

But Kou Feng summoned him, and there must be something important to do.Therefore, everyone came very quickly.

"Today, there was news that Yang Huai of Yizhou fought Zhang Lu with the advantage of Wei Dao, and then drove Zhang Lu away. What do you think?" Kou Feng looked around the hall He is a civil and military minister, very dignified.

"The land of Shu and Hanzhong are the lips and teeth, and now the lips and the teeth are fighting, and both sides will suffer. It is a god-sent opportunity." Sima Yi was the first to come out.

Since the founding of the country by Kou Feng, Sima Yi has mostly been a staff officer and has been very active.Kou Feng knew that it was because Sima Yi had taken a fancy to his ability to win the world, so he changed.

"What Zhongda said is very true." Jiang Wan, one of the three princes, agreed.

"The last general is willing to be a pioneer." Zhang Fei said very impulsively.

"Hehe, the vanguard is the job of building bridges and paving the way. How can I tire my uncle? Besides, in this battle, all the best soldiers from Chu will surely go forward, and there will be no one guarding the rear. Uncle is indispensable." Kou Feng said with a chuckle. .

In this battle, nothing happened to Zhang Fei.After all, Pang Tong was pulled out first, followed by Chen Da and others, and Xiangyang's defense must be empty.Although Xu Shu was standing in front of him, he had to guard against it.

General Zhang Fei was Kou Feng's most trusted person, so he naturally stayed in Xiangyang to defend the rear.

Zhang Fei couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard the words, although Zhang Fei was rough, but there were subtleties in his roughness, how could he not understand what Kou Feng meant.

To put it nicely is called guarding the rear, but to put it badly is called backup.

However, Zhang Fei also considered Kou Feng's difficulties, so he didn't speak any more.Besides, guarding the rear is also considered a kind of meritorious service.There is merit in the front, and there will be merit in the future.

See Zhang Fei finally did not speak.Kou Feng smiled, turned his eyes to the hall again, and said, "Of course we will attack Shu, but are all the troops ready? Gu also has to ask."

As he spoke, Kou Feng turned his head and asked Zhao Yun, "What happened to Zilong's cavalry?"

"My lord, the October training is already worthy of a battle with Xiliang iron cavalry." Speaking of cavalry, Zhao Yun said with confidence on his face.

If this was said before, it would definitely make people laugh out loud.Can you train as a cavalry in October?Who will believe this?However, since the inspection of soldiers and horses, all the civil and military people here are convinced.

Therefore, they are all very happy.

The cavalry became an important force to contain the north.

"Okay." Kou Feng called out, and then turned his attention to Chen Da. "Where's Ai Qing?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it is worthy of a battle." Chen Da also said very confidently.The training of pawns is a very simple matter.What's more, Liannu soldiers only need to shoot arrows.

It's even simpler.

"Since all the armies are ready, if we don't attack Shu now, when will we wait?" Kou Feng showed a smile on his face, and then, with a sharp retraction, he regained his dignity.

He ordered loudly: "Zhao Yun obeys the order."

Zhao Yun couldn't help but lifted his skirt, walked out from the banquet, stood in front of Kou Feng, and bowed to salute.

"If the news of my expedition to Western Shu spreads to the north, Cao Cao will definitely be tempted to deal with Ma Teng and Han Sui. At that time, you will lead [-] cavalry and gallop across the Central Plains. Therefore, you should set up your camp first and go to Wanwan The city obeys Xu Shu's orders. Play by ear." Kou Feng ordered.

To defeat Shu, of course we must not forget the foreign enemies.Therefore, Kou Feng's first order was to consolidate the rear and take care of Ma Teng and Han Sui, not to let Cao Cao take the opportunity to destroy them.

"Promise." Zhao Yun responded loudly, bid farewell and left immediately.

Immediately, Kou Feng withdrew his gaze and turned to Pang Tong and Chen Da.

"Pang Tong, Chen Da listens to the order." Kou Feng ordered again.

Pang Tong and Chen Da also came out immediately.

"Order you two to lead your respective soldiers and horses, and prepare properly. After three days, I will attack Xishu together with Gu." Kou Feng ordered.

"No." Pang Tong and Mr. Chen agreed, but they did not leave immediately, but retreated to their seats.

"Send an order to Gan Ning, the general on the right, to let Yang Fan come, and go straight to the West Shu by the water." Kou Feng ordered Liu Ba to the Shang Shuling.

"No." Liu Ba solemnly promised.

"The mobilization of the army and horses is just like this. During the solitary expedition to Western Shu, Situ Jiang Wan is in charge of the rear, and all the officials need to assist with all their strength. If there are few soldiers in the front, the rear must provide enough soldiers. If there is a shortage of food, it must be supplemented. If there is any negligence, I will definitely kill you." Kou Feng's last words were murderous.

It can be said to be harsh.

All the officials were shocked, and they couldn't help bowing down and saying: "No."

"Let's go, attack Shu in three days." Kou Feng nodded and waved.


Immediately, the officials hurriedly withdrew after making a promise.

Kou Feng glanced around the empty hall.

Get Shu and look at Long.First went to Xishu, and then marched into Hanzhong.Separatist Yizhou.Achieve supremacy.

Kou Feng's eyes flashed, full of determination.

……………………… Hanzhong.

Zhang Lu, who was considered by Kou Feng to be at odds with each other, is in a rather embarrassing situation at the moment.

The siege of Xiameng Pass has been besieged for a long time, and they have always attacked Xiameng Pass, but unexpectedly, Yang Huai suddenly came out.And beat them out of breath.

Zhang Lu had to retreat, and then returned to Hanzhong to hold his ground.As for why they failed, there are also good reasons.

At this moment, the former Hanzhong Prefect's Mansion, today's Lianghou Mansion, is in the hall.

The atmosphere is very solidified.

Zhang Lu sat at the front seat, holding a Wei knife in his hand, with a very ugly expression on his face.

"Is this Kou Feng's Chu knife? Or Cao Cao's Wei knife?" Zhang Lu said bitterly.

It was this small weapon that caused his army to lose [-] people.He also returned to Hanzhong in despair.Known as Marquis of Liang, Duke Liang's ambition has also become a joke.

"Kou Feng dominates the southeast, and if he intends to enter Shu, he will naturally not support Liu Zhang. I'm afraid it is Duke Cao's Wei knife." Yan Pu said with a sigh.

Originally, he thought that this time he sent troops to Yizhou, even if he was not victorious, he could remain undefeated.But I didn't expect that Liu Zhang could have such a magical weapon.

"Cao Mengde is hateful." Zhang Lu fiercely took the Wei knife and slashed at the case in front of him.Zhang Lu didn't have much strength, but this chop still allowed Wei Dao to go deep into the case.

You can see how sharp it is.

"Order forging, and in the future, I will send troops to Yizhou again." Although Zhang Lu gritted his teeth, he had to admit what an advantage this knife is.

"No." Yan Pu and the others all agreed.


It is different from Zhang Lu.

In the city of Chengdu, at the moment, there is joy and encouragement.

When the news of Zhang Lu's expulsion came, many people wept with joy.Yizhou has suffered for many years, and now it has finally come to an end.

Many scholar-bureaucrats also celebrate by playing the crown, very happy.

Liu Zhang, governor of Yizhou, also summoned his officials for this purpose.

At this moment, in the governor's mansion.

Liu Zhang sat at the top, followed by Huang Quan, Zheng Du, Zhang Song, Fazheng, and Wu Yi.Except for Fazheng, almost everyone showed joy on their faces.

Zhang Song is no exception.Because the two heroes are fighting each other, both losers.It is most beneficial to Kou Feng.Now that it was winter again, he guessed in his heart that Kou Feng might have already started sending troops.

In private, Zhang Song glanced at Fazheng.The Fa is so upright that his emotions and anger are not visible, and he is very calm.Zhang Song's heart shuddered, and he couldn't help putting away the joy on his face.

"Gu and the rice thief Zhang Lu have been fighting for more than ten years. Zhang Lu has been relying on the geographical advantages of Hanzhong to compete with Gu. Gu is gnashing his teeth deeply. Today, Gu has let out a big breath of anger." Joy floated on his face, Liu Zhang shouted road.

"In this battle, the meritorious officers and men all gave land, houses, gold and silver generously. To show their kindness. In addition, spread the news to the whole Yizhou immediately, so as to let the whole Yizhou know, and drive away the rice thief Zhang Lu." Immediately, Liu Zhang said even more passionately.

Very triumphant.

He was really suppressed too much, and now that he has vented all of a sudden, it is inevitable that he will get carried away with complacency.

But who cares?

Yizhou has been overwhelmed so much that he would be very happy if he could have a small victory against Zhang Lu in the usual confrontation.But now it is a big victory.

Moreover, Zhang Lu was successfully driven away, which is really a great joy.

After all, Liu Zhang was the governor of Yizhou. After his order, not long after, the whole Yizhou knew about Zhang Lu's expulsion, and the whole state couldn't help but rejoice.

The rice thief Zhang Lu has always been the scourge of Yizhou.The Five Dou Rice Religion he pursues is different from the interests of Yizhou scholars and people.It can be said that fire and water are incompatible.

Now that Zhang Lu has been driven away, it is natural to make the state sergeants and people very happy.

This kind of joy continued in Liu Zhang's heart.

This day, Liu Zhang was fishing at home, very comfortable.Liu Zhang's hobby is fishing, so he dug a pond in the backyard.

No ornamental fish are kept, only some fish such as carp are kept.

However, since Zhang Lu raised his troops, Liu Zhang has never been here again.Today, after letting out a bad breath, he came here to sit for a while every day.

Catch a few fish every day and go back to drink.It's really very comfortable.

"My lord, something is wrong. The bandits from the state of Chu raised 20 troops and headed west. They have already defeated the two cities of Baidi and Badong. They are currently attacking Kuiguan. The situation is not favorable."

At this time, a small official rushed in and shouted in embarrassment.

"What." Liu Zhang only felt a buzzing in his head, and he no longer knew what the little official said next.Knowing that Zhang Lu only raised [-] troops, he couldn't bear it.

But now Kou Feng has an army of 20.Although there must be an imaginary number, even if it is discounted in half, there are still [-] troops left.

And the Chu army is recognized as a strong soldier in the world, can it compare with Zhang Lu's?

I knew that Kou Feng would go west sooner or later, but I didn't expect it to be so soon.How long has it been since Kou Feng swallowed Wu Yue?Less than two years?

It's really a lack of people's heart and a snake swallowing an elephant.People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants.

After his mind slowly recovered, Liu Zhang was very angry.

"Come here, summon all the ministers to attend." He threw the fishing rod in his hand into the pond, but he lost all leisure and leisure.

The ass is burned, so what are you talking about.

"Promise." The little official promised, and immediately walked down.

Soon, Liu Zhang dressed neatly and came to the hall to wait. Soon after, Huang Quan, Zheng Du, Fazheng, Zhang Song, Wu Yi and other important officials also entered.

"There is news that Kou Feng has set up an army of 20 to break through Baidi City and Badong City. He is currently attacking Kui Pass. Kui Pass is not dangerous. I am afraid that he will take it soon. At that time, Kou Feng will be able to drive straight in. Enter the land of Shu. The enemy is at hand, do you have a plan to retreat from the enemy?" When the ministers arrived, Liu Zhang could no longer hold back and asked for advice.


Just like Liu Zhang was very embarrassed after receiving the news, all the officials couldn't believe it, it was very incredible.

You know, they were immersed in the joy of repelling Zhang Lu before, but now they are about to fall into even greater fear.Compared with Zhang Lu and Kou Feng, it is very clear who is stronger and who is weaker.

It can be said that it is the difference between cloud and mud, but now that Kou Feng's army has entered Shu, how can they resist?

Except for Zhang Song, Huang Quan, Zheng Du, Fa Zheng, and Wu Yi who could keep calm, all the officials were terrified.

"Duke Chu finally sent troops. At this time, Zhang Lu lost [-] troops and Liu Zhang lost [-]. It really hurt some vitality. Duke Chu sent troops at this moment. It is really a good opportunity." Zhang Song didn't look happy. I was angry, but I thought happily in my heart.

"Now there are only two generals to worry about in Yizhou. They are Yan Yan of Berkshire, and Zhang Ren. Berkshire is on the front line, so there is no need to mobilize Yan Yan. Next, Huang Quan will definitely advise and mobilize Zhang Ren from the north to enter Berkshire. Or Fuling, to resist the Chu army. Further increase troops, and further draw troops from Chengdu. In this way, Mengda in Deyang can take advantage of it.” Fazheng lowered his head slightly, his eyes flickering, trying his best to calculate.

"My lord, since Kou Feng has already broken through the two cities of Baidi City and Badong City. Kui Pass is indeed difficult to resist, not only Kui Pass, but even the passes and cities east of Bajun. After all, the Chu army The situation is great, and people's hearts may not be toward Shu." Zheng Du said worriedly.

"What you said is true. Now there are [-] elite soldiers in Berkshire, led by the old general Yan Yan. The old general is strong and will be stable for a while. But it will be difficult to resist for a long time. Please also order the construction of Wei Dao to be speeded up and transported to The front line. Even temporarily mobilize the Wei sword that has been sent to Yang Huai and other generals. In addition, we must also mobilize [-] elite troops from the northern general Zhang Ren to be stationed in Fuling to guard against the enemy's navy." Huang Quan is tight. Followed, and immediately remonstrated.

It was almost exactly as Fazheng thought.

Huang Quan and Fazheng are both wise men, so of course they think the same.Rely on Yan Yan of Bajun to block Kou Feng's offensive on land, and rely on Zhang Ren of Fuling to guard against Kou Feng's possible offensive on the water.

Furthermore, Fuling and Berkshire can also serve as horns, helping each other and relying on each other.This is the best way to resist Kou Feng.

"Okay. Pass the order, and follow the fair plan." At this moment, Liu Zhang is already in a state of desperation.It was rare for Huang Quan to give such a feasible path, so he couldn't help but immediately ordered.


All the ministers agreed in unison.Thinking of Yan Yan ahead, plus Zhang Ren, there are [-] elite soldiers.It should be able to withstand it for a while, and people's hearts can't help but calm down a little.

(To be continued)

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