Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 739 Mr. Cao took the opportunity to make soy sauce

Jingchu and the Central Plains are adjacent.

Kou Feng's army moved.Northern Cao Wei immediately received the news.


"Hahahaha." In the study of Duke Wei's mansion.Cao Cao's big laughter came out.

"Finally entered Shu, this is your chance to conquer and be alone." After laughing, Cao Cao still said happily.

It is unstoppable for Kou to enter Shu.But how to seize the opportunity.Cao Cao sent Man Chong to Wei Dao, in order to effectively increase the combat effectiveness of Liu Zhang's army and hold Kou Feng back.

The situation in Liaodong is relatively stable now, since Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi were killed.And after the Wuhuan people were defeated, Gongsun Kang became much more peaceful.

Although it still dominates Liaodong, its power is not as good as before.In addition, there is Zhang Liao guarding Youzhou, which is very safe.He can take it easy.

Kou Feng's entry into Shu, it is best to delay for a few years, so that he can calm down and calm down Ma Teng and Han Sui.

As long as Ma Teng and Han Sui can be put down in a short period of time, he will still have a chance to invade Hanzhong and compete with Kou Feng for the land of Shu. At that time, the world will really be divided into two.

And he still has the absolute upper hand.

Among the thirteen states in the world, Kou Feng only got three, but he got ten of them.

This is a godsend opportunity, how could Cao Cao be unhappy?

However, immediately, Cao Cao thought of Man Chong who was one step ahead and explored the way to Shu.I couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, logically, Man Chong should be back.

Why haven't you come back yet?

Don't be surprised when Kou Feng and Liu Zhang compete for Yizhou.

Cao Cao was a little worried, Man Chong was still young, and he was another available general.If it is lost, it will deal a big blow to Cao Wei's talent pool.

Immediately, Cao Cao thought that Man Chong was both capable and wise.It is impossible to make such a low-level mistake.So don't worry anymore.

After pondering for a moment, Cao Cao said loudly to the door: "Call Chen Qun, Jia Xu, Xu Chu, Xia Houyuan, Zhang Jai, Zhang Yan, Zhu Ling and others to have an audience."

Now there are only so many civil and military ministers in Yecheng.

In addition, because Xun Yu's heart is more inclined to the Han Dynasty.Cao Cao was afraid that meeting Xun Yu would be a little embarrassing, so he left Xun Yu in Xudu.Continue to serve the emperor.


Following Cao Cao's order, his own attendant promised and walked out.

Soon after, Chen Qun, Jia Xu, Xia Houyuan, Zhang Jai, Xu Chu, Zhang Yan and others all walked in one after another.

"My lord." Zhu Ling was the last to arrive. After entering the study, he said his respects.

"Sit." Cao Cao glanced at Zhu Ling, his eyes flashed, Jian said in horror.

"No." Zhu Ling agreed and sat down.

Immediately, Cao Cao slowly glanced at the important ministers in the study, sighing slightly in his heart.Now the generals are broken, and the captured are captured.

Xiahou Dun, Le Jin and others guarded against Huang Zhong, Gan Ning and others in Yangzhou in Xuzhou and other places.

We can only promote Zhang Yan, Zhu Ling and others.

Zhang Yan, originally a vassal of the separatist side, once competed with Yuan Shao for supremacy.Later Cao Cao pacified Yuan Shao, and Zhang Yan begged his envoys to surrender, so Cao Cao took Zhang Yan's followers.

Divide another [-] elite soldiers and hand them over to him to command.Worship as General Pingbei.

This person can hang around for so long in a troubled world.Naturally, he has some real skills, and he is one of the best generals among Cao Wei.

Zhu Ling.Originally Yuan Shao's general, but later surrendered to Cao Cao, his ability was only inferior to Xu Huang and others.However, Cao Cao hated Zhu Ling for some reasons.

For a period of time, Zhu Ling was left out in the cold.

However, when the country is currently employing people, Cao Cao can only use Zhu Ling.

After a while, Cao Cao slowly withdrew his gaze, and said to the crowd: "There is news from the south that Kou Feng has raised an army of more than [-] from Xiangyang to attack Xishu. What do you think?"

"7 people? On the one hand, there are dangerous mountains and rivers, and on the other hand, there are at least [-] armored soldiers in Yizhou. Isn't Kou Feng too arrogant?" Xia Houyuan said with a look of surprise on his face.

"Miao Cai, don't make a fuss." Zhang Jaw said with a smile on his face.

"Oh?" Xia Houyuan turned his head in surprise and looked at Zhang Jaw.

"Although Kou Feng's army is large, they must defend Shouchun and Wancheng. In Jiangdong, they must also guard against Shanyue. There are only more than [-] soldiers and horses that can be used. If the defenders from other places are deployed, he is terrible. Cao Gong led the army to attack Jingzhou and pacified Jingzhou." Zhang Jai said with a smile.

"Hehe." Xia Houyuan chuckled when he heard the words, and nodded.But it was forgotten.

Although Kou Feng occupies a favorable location at present, a large army is needed to guard it.

"What Jun Yi said is true." Cao Cao stroked his beard with a smile, and then said solemnly: "The opposite is also the same. If we go west and attack Ma Teng, Han Sui will be stationed in Wancheng. General Xu Shu of Kou Feng Youjun The [-] soldiers and horses of Zhao Yun, as well as Zhao Yun's cavalry, have to be guarded."

Recently, Zhao Yun recruited cavalry on a large scale, of course he couldn't hide it from Cao Cao.Kou Feng didn't want to hide it, but Cao Cao didn't know how powerful Zhao Yun's cavalry was.

However, during the last Koufeng Northern Expedition, Zhao Yun's cavalry made some achievements.Cao Cao also attaches some importance to it, but when it comes to attaching great importance to it, it is impossible.

Everyone in the world knows that it takes at least three years for newly recruited cavalry to become elite soldiers.Although Zhao Yun has 3 cavalrymen, he wants to train [-] cavalrymen in a short time.

In Cao Cao's view, this is also a fantasy.

Therefore, although it is valued, it is not paid much attention to.

"Your Majesty, although Cao Wei's troops are gradually moving northward, there are more than [-] troops inside and outside Yecheng. But Xudu, as the foundation of the south, also has [-] elite soldiers guarding it. Coupled with Xun Wenruo's security, it is enough to deal with Xu Shu. As long as Sending a cavalry force of [-] soldiers to protect Xudu and our grain roads is enough to guard against Xu Shu. This battle must not be missed." Hearing Cao Cao's intentions, Chen Qun agreed.

"The words of Changwen are very lonely." Cao Cao nodded with a smile, then looked around at the five generals in the hall, and asked: "Who is going to Xudu to block Xu Shu, Zhao Yun?"

"The final general is willing to go." Zhu Ling immediately came out and said.

"Okay. Order Wenbo to lead [-] fine riders to Xudu and obey Xunyu's orders." Although Cao Cao didn't like Zhu Ling in his heart, he wouldn't show it at this time, and ordered.

"Promise." Zhu Ling promised, and then, holding Cao Cao's warrant, went outside Yecheng to mobilize elite soldiers.

Whether it's Kou Feng or Cao Cao.

Before setting off on the expedition, the first consideration was the safety of the rear. Kou Feng ordered Zhao Yun to lead [-] fine riders, and went north to threaten Xudu, and even had the intention of copying Cao Cao's rear.

And Cao Cao sent Zhu Ling to lead [-] fine riders, in order to protect the safety of Xudu and support Cao Cao's grain road.

Who wins and who loses depends on whose elite soldiers are more elite.

However, Cao Cao is very confident in the [-] elite soldiers he has deployed in Xudu City, and Zhu Ling's [-] elite cavalry.I think that after so many arrangements, I really can sit back and relax.

"Cavalry will be of great use in competing with Yongliang. In this expedition, I plan to use 20 tiger and leopard cavalry, [-] elite cavalry, and [-] infantry to fight against Cao Hong and Zhong Yao who guard Tongguan and Chang'an. An army of [-] will attack Ma Teng and Han Sui. Zhang Jai, Xia Houyuan, Zhang Yan, Xu Chu, and Jia Xu will accompany them, and Chen Qun will guard Yecheng."

Finally, Cao Cao ordered fiercely.

The momentum is very strong, after the round of Cao Hong, there are 20 troops.The goal is to wipe out Ma Teng, Han Sui and others in one fell swoop.Bring Yongliang, who has been in chaos for a long time, under his command.


Everyone agreed in unison.

Immediately, following Cao Cao's order, the entire city of Ye began to gather.

More than [-] troops assembled, and the movement was earth-shattering.But fortunately, Xu Du, as the front line, has always had enough soldiers and food.This time, Cao Cao also plans to enter from Xudu.

Xudu was used as a place to supply food.Therefore, there is no need to mobilize grain from Hebei.It saves a lot of trouble.

In the winter of the 17th year of Jian'an, Cao Cao took advantage of the opportunity of Kou Feng to crusade against Western Shu, and raised an army of 16 horses. He led the generals Xia Houyuan, Zhang Jai, Zhang Yan, Xu Chu, and took Jia Xu as the mastermind to leave Yecheng. Turn to Xudu, and then go west all the way, pass Tongguan, attack Ma Teng and Han Sui.

Although there are many separatists in the world today, many heroes from Yan, Qin, Liang, Shu, Wei, and Chu are fighting endlessly.But anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is actually a rivalry between two families.

They are Chu and Wei respectively.

The rest is nothing more than picking up bargains on the sidelines. If the situation is good, there may really be a chance.But the chances are slim.The most powerful are the Chu and Wei families.

Today, the Chu State raises [-] troops to attack Yizhou.There is an ambition to annex Yizhou and take the opportunity to expand.The state of Wei was not willing to be left behind, and took advantage of the state of Chu to march into Western Shu, and the soldiers in Jingzhou were reduced.

Can't help but also take advantage of the situation, with 16 horse infantry, after Cao Hong and Zhong Yao, there are 20 troops to attack Ma Teng and Han Sui in Xiliang.

Kou Feng has the heart to annex Yizhou.Cao Cao's ambitions were even greater, he wanted to join Ma Teng, and Han Sui ate them together.

The princes of these two routes sent troops one after another.They are all in the same agreement, it seems that they have negotiated, and they merged the weak and small respectively.The world was shaken.

Because everyone in the world knows that if Cao Cao annexed Yongliang, and Kou Feng entered Yizhou and Hanzhong.This world is a real situation of two heroes contending for hegemony.

It gradually became clear.

A small Liaodong Gongsun Kang can no longer turn up the wind and waves. When the two heroes' struggle for hegemony comes to fruition, it will be annexed sooner or later.

But who is strong and who is weak?

To be honest, many people are optimistic about Cao Cao, not Kou Feng.

Because Kou Feng raised only [-] troops, and the land of Shu is high in mountains and rich in water, with a large number of troops.Moreover, the soldiers are familiar with the mountains and rivers and occupy a favorable location.

Kou Feng entered Shu, and he would definitely fall into the quagmire from which he could not extricate himself.On the contrary, Cao Cao raised an army of 20, with strong soldiers and horses, and a large number of people.

And between Yongliang and Liangchuan, there is a flat river, and the only customs clearance is still in Cao Hong's hands.It can be said that there is no danger to defend.Although Ma Teng and Han Sui have strong troops and strong horses, the total number of the two sides is 30.

But Yongliang was dilapidated, financial resources, food, the number of elite soldiers, and even generals, advisers, Ma Teng, and Han Sui were not Cao Cao's opponents.

Most people in the world are optimistic about Cao Cao, not Kou Feng.

(To be continued)

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