Liaodong, Xiangping.

It was cold winter at this time, even in Jiangdong, Jingchu was very cold, not to mention Liaodong, which is a bitterly cold place in the north.It was snowing all over the place.

very cold.

However, Gongsun Kang of Liaodong still had spies in Hebei, and the wind and snow could not stop the news from being passed on.

At this moment, in the study of the Yan Mansion in Xiangping City.

Gongsun Kang and Gongsun Yuan sat opposite each other.Although the room was surrounded by charcoal fire, Gongsun Kang was still wrapped in several layers of winter clothes.

His complexion was still very pale.

Since the last battle with Cao Cao, the allies Wuhuan, Yuan Shang, and Yuan Xi were all defeated, or simply wiped out.

Not only has the power of Liaodong declined, but even Gongsun Kang himself has been hit hard, and he is still ill.

"Father thinks who is going to win in the current chaos in the south?" Compared with Gongsun Kang, Gongsun Yuan is very energetic, and the expression on his face is also very excited.

Hearing this, Gongsun Kang looked up at Gongsun Yuan and sighed inwardly.

Although this child is more than brave, he lacks strategy.Now standing in troubled times, I'm afraid.Worried, Gongsun Kang pondered for a moment and said, "What does Yuan'er think?"

"Cao shit, after all, he has 20 infantry troops." Gongsun Yuan said without hesitation.

Gongsun Kang shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "20 horse infantry? I have been fighting Cao Cao for so long, and his elite soldiers are indeed formidable. But in terms of adequate preparation, they are not as good as Kou Feng. The winners in the past are all Win first and then fight. First you have a chance of winning, and then fight again. As a father, I have been studying Kou Feng's campaign these days. Every time he fights, he has endless means. Cao Cao is not as good as him."

The more he studied Kou Feng's conquests, the more regretful Gongsun Kang felt.The so-called victory first and then the battle, he didn't have much chance of winning, and he had many means, but he insisted on raising an army of 20 to compete with Cao Cao for the hegemony of Youzhou, but he was defeated and returned, and his power declined.

If I had been more clear-headed and well-prepared at the beginning, it would never have been like this.

"Then father thinks that Kou Feng will win?" Gongsun Yuan was taken aback, and said somewhat unexpectedly.

Gongsun Kang looked at this son, nodded, and said: "Kou Feng will probably win. Those who despise him will end badly." As he said, Gongsun Kang said deeply: "Although being a father is as expensive as the Marquis of Yan, But the land is only a few small counties. In the south, the Goguryeo people have rebelled year after year. After the battle of Youzhou, our power in Liaodong declined, and Goguryeo became even more unscrupulous."

"You are the son of the father, and this foundation will be handed over to you sooner or later. In the future, if you are sitting on the foundation, you should stick to the six words. Sit in Liaodong and watch the world." Gongsun Kang followed the instructions and said.

"Help whoever is weak?" Gongsun Yuan, although lacking in strategy, was smart, and immediately understood.

"En." Gongsun Kang nodded, feeling a little relieved.

"In addition, the horse trade with Kou Feng has come to an end. The north is good at horse warfare, and the south is good at water warfare. Now Kou Feng is about to gain the upper hand. If he raises his cavalry again, I am afraid that when the time comes, he will come to Liaodong .” Immediately, Gongsun Kang said again.

"No." Gongsun Yuan nodded and said.

A dialogue between father and son, the whole world is full of feasts.Now that Gongsun Kang's power is weak, his ambition has become conservative.Kou Feng is about to become stronger again.

The horse trade in Liaodong has finally come to an end.


Cao Cao sent troops to attack Ma Teng and Han Sui at the point of his troops.But Ma Teng, who was sitting in Yongzhou, was the first to bear the brunt. Instead, Han Sui, who was sitting in Liangzhou, was blocked by Ma Teng in front of him.

How much can there be a buffer for some time.

Therefore, when the news came from the east, Ma Teng was the one who was most anxious.

Yongzhou, Huaili City, in the hall of Qinhou Mansion.

Ma Teng, Ma Chao, Ma Xiu, Ma Tie, General Pang De and others are discussing countermeasures, and the atmosphere is very dignified.

"Now Yongzhou is dilapidated. Although Gu can barely recruit more than 20 horses and infantry troops, he can only barely reach a balance of income and expenditure every month. The army and horses are not all elite, and there are no natural dangers to defend, and Cao Cao's soldiers have enough food, and they are [-]. The army is coming. If we continue to fight, we will suffer." Ma Teng, who was sitting at the top, said worriedly.

Recently, Ma Teng has been busy annexing the princes from all walks of life in Yongzhou, and then assigning his confidants to guard the entire Yongzhou.It's high-spirited.

It can be regarded as extremely powerful in his own one-third of an acre of land.

But now that Cao Cao came to attack, Ma Teng knew that the good times were over.However, although Ma Teng hesitated before becoming a marquis.But this surname is very courageous.

At this moment, although I am worried, I have no regrets.

"It's a pity that time doesn't wait for Gu. If Kou Feng can continue to sit in Jingchu and confront Cao Cao. Let Gu have a few years to develop, and he won't be as embarrassed as he is now." Immediately, Ma Teng hated again.

"Father. Although Cao Cao's army is well-equipped with fine food, we are also strong and strong. If we really fight, we may not have a little chance of winning. Besides, Han Sui." Ma Chao said, but he was full of vigor and his eyes sparkled.

"Han Sui? Hmph. Since we annexed the other princes together last time, not only have we not cleared up our previous suspicions, but we have become more defensive. He doesn't trust Gu, and Gu doesn't trust him either. If we rashly join forces, I'm afraid we will lure wolves into the house." Ma Teng Leng snorted and said.

"However, the lord and Han Sui are lips and teeth after all. It doesn't make sense for the lord to resist Cao Cao in the front, and Han Sui to take advantage of the fisherman in the back." Pang De said below.

Pang De's reputation in later generations is famous, but at this moment, he is just an important general in the Ma family, and his status is neither high nor low.So-so.

But also have the right to speak.

"It makes sense." Ma Teng nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then he made up his mind and said, "Come here, send an envoy to tell Han Sui. If he doesn't come, I will retreat to Liangzhou with all the people."

Ma Teng's threat was very ruthless.

If you tell Han Sui that everyone surrenders to Cao Cao, Han Sui may not believe it.But if this retreats to Liangzhou, Han Sui will definitely believe it.

Moreover, if Ma Teng retreated to Liangzhou, more than [-] soldiers and horses would surely compete with Han Sui for Liangzhou.In terms of interests, there will be losses.

With such a threat from Ma Teng, the two families will inevitably unite for a short time.

"No." Ma Chao agreed.

"In addition, we gathered the generals and common people south of the Yellow River one by one. They moved into Huaili and used the Yellow River to resist Cao Cao." Immediately, Ma Teng ordered again.

There is a flat plain between Yongliang and Liangchuan. There are no passes and dangers.Now we can only rely on the Yellow River.

"No." Ma Chao, Matthew, Ma Tie, Pang De and others all agreed.Immediately, retreat quickly.

The area between Yong and Liang was flat. After Ma Teng's envoys left Huaili, they immediately traveled day and night, and arrived in Jincheng, where Han Sui was entrenched, a few days later.

Han Sui immediately summoned the civil and military personnel under the tent to counsel on this matter together.

At this moment, in the hall.

Yan Xing, Han Sui's son-in-law, stared at Ma Teng's envoy with wide eyes, sneered and angry, and shouted, "Ma Teng is threatening us?"

Yan Xing fought against Ma Chao back then, and when Ma Chao was unprepared, he almost stabbed Ma Chao to death.It is very famous in the area of ​​Xiliang, this poor envoy was stared at by Yan Xing, and once he drank it, his momentum was shortened by three knots.

"Qin Hou's original intention was not to threaten, but to die with cold lips and teeth." The envoy reluctantly argued.

"Hmph, lips are cold and teeth are dead." Seeing that the envoy was still arguing, Yan Xing couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Forget it." At this moment, Han Sui said softly.

Yan Xing immediately withdrew his momentum when he heard the words, and stood aside.

Han Sui glanced at Yan Xing with satisfaction. To be honest, he was also very annoyed by this matter.But the envoy was right, his lips were cold and his teeth were dead.Without Yongzhou standing in front, they would have to face Cao Cao directly.

Now, even if the war is to compete with Cao Cao in Yongzhou, he has an advantage.

It is necessary to help Ma Teng.

"This is a truth that ordinary people also know." Han Sui said first, and then said: "Immediately order [-] horses and infantry to station in Huaili to help the Marquis of Qin."

"Thank you, Marquis Liang." The envoy was overjoyed and bowed down.

"Promise." All the generals agreed in unison, and then dispersed in all directions, ordering troops and horses to support Huaili.

Lips and teeth intertwined.

Han Sui and Ma Teng had always been at odds, but in the face of external pressure, they still huddled together to resist Cao Cao.Cao Cao came with 20 troops, and Ma Teng and Han Sui also had 30 in total.

No matter what the outcome of the confrontation between the two armies, there will definitely be heavy casualties.

The impact must be huge.


As a nail and a sharp knife for Jing Chu in the Central Plains.Not only the city was heightened and expanded.Several small cities were also built nearby as a support.Not only did Xu Shu's more than [-] elite soldiers be stationed, Kou Feng mobilized Zhao Yun's [-] cavalry before he set out to conquer Western Shu.

Stationed near Wancheng, obeying Xu Shu's orders.The purpose is to prevent Cao Cao from annexing Han Sui and Ma Teng when Kou Feng went to the West Shu and had no time to go north.

Just like Kou Feng's conquest of Xishu, such a big matter cannot be hidden from Cao Cao.Cao Cao mobilized 20 troops to attack Ma Teng, and of course Han Sui couldn't hide it from Xu Shu.

After receiving the news, Xu Shu summoned the generals under his tent, Wenpin, Wei Yan, Li Yan, Sha Moke, Zhao Yun and so on.Entered the hall of Wancheng General's Mansion to discuss.

At this moment, in the hall, Xu Shugao was sitting at the top.

His demeanor and demeanor are very graceful.Has the air of a commander-in-chief.

"Just as your majesty expected, Cao Cao raised his troops to march westward, with a full army of 20." Xu Shu said with a smile.

"The last general immediately led the troops to plunder Cao Jun's food roads, causing Cao Jun to retreat when all food was exhausted." Zhao Yun clasped his fists immediately and said.

Zhao Yun had been ordered to do this before that.Now the opportunity has come, and it is also the first time to lead the cavalry to fight the main force.

Zhao Yun's heart was inevitably a little anxious.

"Zilong, don't be impatient." Xu Shu waved his hand towards Zhao Yun, very kindly.

Although Xu Shu's speech was the same as usual, miraculously, it calmed Zhao Yun's restless heart.Zhao Yun regained his composure.

"Please show me, General." Zhao Yun cupped his fists again, but this time, he was very rational.

"Hehe." Xu Shu chuckled, and the color of wisdom flashed away in his eyes.

He was ordered to garrison Wancheng just to cause trouble for Cao Cao.Now that Cao Cao has raised 20 troops to march west, of course he can't just let Cao Cao retreat.

He wants to beat Cao Cao once.

(To be continued)

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