"Then according to the general's intention?" Sitting down, Li Yan asked with a flash of his eyes.

When Li Yan first defected to Kou Feng, he was only a young general, but now with Kou Feng's pacification of Wuyue and Yangzhou, and after the subsequent founding of the country, he is now an official Zhonglang general and a general under Xu Shu's tent.

The subordinate Wenpin, Wei Yan, Shamoke, Zhao Yun and others also turned their attention to Xu Shu, waiting for Xu Shu's answer.

"Although it seems that Ma Teng, Han Sui, Gongsun Kang and others are your allies or indirect allies at present, they are actually all the heroes in the world today, and they are all your enemies. Just like last time, Gongsun Kang Leading the Wuhuan people, Yuan Shang, Yuan Xi and others to fight against Cao Cao. Although the king sent troops, he just waved the flag and shouted. There was no real help. I just wanted to see Cao Cao and Gongsun Kang lose after the battle. This time, the king Entering Shu was also because Liu Zhang and Zhang Lu fought with each other, and after losing both, they took the opportunity to go west. Therefore."

Speaking of this, Xu Shu glanced at the generals in the hall, and saw that most of them were lost in thought and comprehension.Xu Shu couldn't help but nodded happily, and said: "It's the same this time. Cao Cao fought with Ma Teng and Han Sui, and we have to wait for them to lose both before sending troops to plunder. The timing depends on the intelligence of the spies. And more judgment. Anyway, not now."

"Then just stand still now?" Zhao Yun asked.

"That's right. It's just holding back. But we can't completely hold back. We have to send spies first to figure out Cao Jun's food route." Xu Shu smiled and shook his head.

"Cut off food." Li Yan nodded. Although the tactics have changed, the strategic goal remains the same. That is, when Cao Cao, Ma Teng, and Han Sui are both defeated, Zhao Zilong's [-] cavalry will be sent into the north to intercept Cao Cao's attack. food road.

"No." Xu Shu shook his head again, smiling brightly under the eyes of everyone.

"It is said that Cao Cao dispatched Zhu Ling to lead [-] elite cavalry to guard the grain road. He looks down on our Chu State's elite cavalry. Then we will eat Zhu Ling by the way." His eyes flashed decisively, Xu Shu said in a deep voice.

From the very beginning, Xu Shu set his sights on Zhu Ling.

On the one hand, let Ma Teng, Han Sui and Cao Cao fight against each other to consume each other's power.On the other hand, it is also necessary to eat part of Cao Cao's power.

Surprised by [-] cavalry, Zhu Ling's [-] cavalry were annihilated.

Regardless of the gains and losses of a city or a place, only the annihilation of Cao Cao's vital forces.

"No." Zhao Yun, Li Yan, Wei Yan and others thought for a while, and they all felt that Xu Shu was right.What a great opportunity.Can't help but Qiqi agreed.

"Okay, you all go down and prepare. Although Zilong is only going out, you can't help but be prepared for Cao Cao's revenge and attack Wancheng. Be careful, raise the city wall and widen the moat." Finally, Xu Shu urged road.

"Promise." He promised again, and all the generals retreated together.

For a while, only Xu Shu and his attendants were left in the hall.

After pondering for a moment, Xu Shu picked up a pen and wrote to Kou Feng a letter on his strategic goals and specific action plans on a blank notebook.

Although Kou Feng trusted Xu Shu, he gave Xu Shu the right to kill first and play later.Coupled with the general will be outside, everything can adapt to changing circumstances.Xu Shu can not report.

But Xu Shu knew very well that this trust did not come easily.Although as a teacher, Xu Shu cherishes it very much.

Therefore, it is very necessary to write a letter to Kou Feng.

After writing the letter, Xu Shu sealed it.Immediately, he handed it to the attendant next to him.

"First transfer to Xiangyang and enter Shangshutai, please Shangshuling Liu Ba pass it on to the king." Xu Shu ordered.

"No." The attendant promised, and immediately went down to deal with it.

After the attendant left.

In the hall, Xu Shu was the only one left.

"The world is chaotic, everyone has an opportunity. It depends on who can grasp it. With the current national strength and military strength of the Chu State, it is enough to deal with Cao Cao when the king leads the army into Western Shu. Take a little bit Interests."

Xu Shu's eyes flashed.


Kui Pass.

It is an important pass to guard the Yangtze River.It is also a place where ships on the Yangtze River need to pass through.Great value for tax collection.

It also has certain risks.

Although it is said that Kou Feng conquered the land of Shu in the west and broke through Baidi City first, but the real first pass is this Kui Pass.

However, he couldn't resist Kou Feng's footsteps.

Today, Kuiguan is very chaotic up and down.

There are some scattered arrows, weapons, and mottled blood.It took only half a day for Kou Feng's army to break through this pass, and the loss was only more than two hundred people.

Instead, nearly 2000 people were captured.

The combat effectiveness of Liu Zhang's army is indeed not good.

At this moment, in the hall of a mansion in Kuiguan.

Kou Feng, Pang Tong, and Chen Da are studying the map.That is Pang Tong's Xichuan map.

"Now we have broken through the Kui Pass, according to this map of Xichuan. We can avoid most of the cities and passes with heavy troops, and attack the weak points of Liu Zhang's defense. Drive straight in and enter the Fuling area."

Although it was not the first time to lament the role of this Xichuan map, Kou Feng couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration.It is precisely because of this picture of Xichuan that his pace of entering Xishu has been accelerated a lot, a lot.

To fight against the world is to race against time.This gained a lot of time and was invaluable.

"Fuling is a big city relying on the river. Breaking Fuling requires the cooperation of the navy. I don't know where Xingba is now." Chen Da, who was next to him, studied the map of Xichuan and couldn't help asking.

"According to the distance, Xingba is currently near Yi Dao. It is estimated that he will catch up with us in three or four days. In seven or eight days, we will be able to enter Fuling and open up a suitable camp for us." Pang Tong grasped the military situation and couldn't help saying it when he heard the words.

"After the army arrived in Fuling, there was Berkshire ahead. The road ahead was nothing, it was smooth. But Yan Yan of Berkshire is not a character to mess with, so you need to be careful." Everything is in progress, but Kou Feng was still cautious.

Although Liu Zhang mobilized Zhang Ren to go south, Kou Feng didn't know.But Kou Feng knew the news about Yan Yan guarding Berkshire.

For this famous beheaded general in history, Kou Feng admires but fears it.Yan Yan is very good.During Liu Bei's entry into Shu, Yan Yan and Zhang Ren were the only two people who had the courage to lead their troops to compete with Liu Bei.

Now I heard that Zhang Ren is in the north, Yan Yan is the only thing to worry about on this road to the west.

"Veteran Yan Yan is known for his loyalty and bravery, so he really has to guard against it. Especially since he still has [-] elite soldiers guarding Berkshire." Pang Tong nodded and agreed.

In fact, there are still many capable people in Yizhou, Xiang Yanyan and Zhang Ren are just a small group of people, and there are more Liu Zhang who have not been used.

In the end, it was Liu Bei who entered Shu that enabled those people.

Therefore, although these people headed by Kou Feng despised Liu Zhang, they did not despise these talented people.

"Let's go, I'll leave it to Jiang Wan to deal with the aftermath. Order him to send officials to manage this Kui Pass. I will move out of the camp quickly and rein in the troops to the west until Fuling."

After studying the map of Xichuan, Kou Feng ordered.

"No." Pang Tong and Chen Daqi agreed.Immediately, the [-] troops broke out of camp and began to head west.


It is a big city more than a hundred miles west of Kuiguan.It is also the second most important way. The prefect Zhang Kuai has five thousand soldiers.It is a big city that takes time to attack.

But Kou Feng still had to choose this road, because it was the only way to enter Shu.Some places can be avoided, and some places cannot be avoided.

Only by unplugging the city can we go west again.

When Kou Feng led his troops to the outside of Linjiang City, he just ordered to set up camp.I plan to attack the city again tomorrow.Then the soldiers came to report and said: "Your Majesty, Zhang Kuai, the prefect of Linjiang, opened the gate of the city, please come down."

Kou Feng was a little surprised when he heard this.

According to rumors, when Zhang Fei entered Shu, he did not encounter much resistance.On the one hand, it was because of Xi Chuantu, and on the other hand, it was because the defenders had no intention of resisting.

Kou Feng thought it was somewhat exaggerated.I don't want to but it's true.

The majestic Linjiang prefect, with five thousand soldiers, surrendered without a fight.

"Make him General Zhonglang, and order him to lead five thousand soldiers into Shu." Kou Feng pondered for a moment, then ordered.

"No." The soldier promised and walked out immediately.

In fact, Kou Feng also wanted to show his magnanimity as an occupant, and he still appointed Zhang Kuai as the prefect of Linjiang, but Linjiang is the main way to enter Shu, and food must pass through it.

It is impossible for Kou Feng to continue to hand over such a city to Zhang Kuai.If Zhang Kuai turned against him, his army would be in a state of starvation.

It was still noon.Originally Kou Feng planned to set up camp and attack tomorrow.Rest for another day.Now with Zhang Kuai's surrender, the front door is wide open.

Naturally, camping was stopped.

After ordering 500 soldiers to guard Linjiang, Kou Feng led the army to continue westward.Along the way, most of the passes and cities surrendered.

Resistance, if any, is very weak and sporadic.

About ten days later, Kou Feng's army entered the border of Fuling.The army expanded from 6 people at the beginning to 7 people like a snowball.

It's like a thousand troops sweeping fallen leaves, like a broken bamboo.It also allowed Kou Feng's army to reach its peak in momentum.

Ahead is the great city of Fuling. According to Kou Feng's news, the guard here is Liu Gui, a relatively strong general under Liu Zhang's tent, leading Ling Bao, Deng Xian and others to guard this important city in front with [-] troops.

And this city is next to the seat of Berkshire, Jiangzhou.That is, the place where Yan Yantun had [-] elite soldiers.

The previous series of victories did not make Kou Feng fall into blind arrogance.Because Kou Feng knew that after the army arrived here, it was the real attack on Shu.

There is Yan Yan, a veteran of Yizhou, and Liu Gui and other arrogant soldiers of Liu Zhang.

Not very easy to deal with.

When Kou Feng arrived with troops and horses, Gan Ning's navy was also in the nearby river.When Kou Feng began to set up camp, Gan Ning led the water army to the shore.

Gan Ning himself, also wearing armor, came to see Kou Feng.

At this moment, the big tent of the Chinese army has been erected.

In the tent, there are Kou Feng, Pang Tong, Chen Da, Deng Ai, Xiang Chong, Ma Di, Xu Sheng, and the newly surrendered Zhang Kuai and other Yizhou generals.Although this is only a part of the civil and military affairs of Chu State owned by Kou Feng, it is quite imposing.

"Your Majesty." Gan Ning came in and bowed down.

Kou Feng was like a broken bamboo along the way, and there were many descendants.Gan Ning also drove straight in, and came to Fuling almost without encountering any resistance.

Moreover, Gan Ning himself is from Shu County.At this moment, it can be regarded as returning home.He has a bright face.

"Xingba is free of courtesy. Sit down." Kou Feng smiled.

"Promise." Gan Ning agreed and sat down immediately.

Afterwards, Kou Fengcai solemnly said: "We have waited for the land and water to advance, and now we have finally penetrated into the land of Shu, and we are here for the round. Congratulations. But there is still a big enemy ahead, so don't be careless."

Kou Feng was afraid that the generals would feel proud because they had no resistance along the way.Only then did he give a warning.

"Promise." All the generals in the tent agreed, and the expression on Gan Ning's face also subsided a little.

"Xingba came first, did you find any news?" Kou Feng's face flashed with satisfaction, and he asked Gan Ning.

Although both land and water advanced, Gan Ning's army actually arrived a few days earlier.However, Gan Ning never went ashore and stationed because of the small number of troops.

"The last general sent many people to investigate, and finally found out about the deployment of troops in Berkshire and Fuling." Gan Ning nodded, and when he said this, he paused, and then said: "It is the same as that described in Mr. Zhang Song's map of Xichuan. There is no difference in military strength. However, in the near future, Zhang Ren has led [-] elite troops to station in Fuling. Currently, there are [-] elite troops from Yanyan in Ba County, [-] elite soldiers from Zhang Ren, and [-] elite troops from Liu Gui, who already existed in Fuling. Troop strength. There are [-] people."

As soon as Gan Ning's words fell, the atmosphere in the big tent suddenly became serious.

Kou Feng is even more so.

I thought there were only [-] soldiers guarding Fuling and Berkshire.But I didn't expect Liu Zhang's reaction to be so quick, and he quickly dispatched [-] elite soldiers.

Yan Yan, plus Zhang Ren.

The two generals in Yizhou are all here.Moreover, there are [-] elite soldiers.And, it cannot be bypassed.There are no other roads, and you can go straight to Chengdu.

This Berkshire area has really become a hurdle.

If you make it through, you can go north and attack Chengdu.If you walk over, you can only be blocked outside Yizhou.

"Your Majesty, Yan Yan and Zhang Ren now hold [-] elite soldiers and are stationed in Fuling and Bajun respectively. These two cities are relying on the protection of these two cities, forming a corner. And we can't bypass Berkshire and enter Chengdu. In this way As a result, they can guard the city and wait for work with leisure. We will suffer a lot from attacking the city. Even if we attack by force, I am afraid that we will lose troops. At present, we should settle down first and think about countermeasures." Pang Tong also said very solemnly.

"It should be so." Kou Feng nodded.

Now that things are up to now, Kou Feng will certainly not be blind to the situation, so as not to make a big mistake.

Set up camp first and think about countermeasures.It is a matter of course.

Immediately, Kou Feng issued an order, and the whole army set up camp.

After Kou Feng entered Shu, he also stopped for the first time.Prepare to deal with the two most resistant people in Yizhou.Rushing over, Yizhou is at your fingertips.

(To be continued)

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