Kou Feng led [-] soldiers, intending to attack Fuling, Berkshire, and go straight to Chengdu.

Naturally, someone wants to block it.

Fuling.It is a well-deserved big city. It guards the north and the south, and forms an angle with Berkshire.It is the last barrier for Shu to resist the powerful Eastern army.

It is also the hardest barrier.

Zhang Ren and Liu Gui commanded [-] elite troops to guard the city.Kou Feng has basically entered the border of Fuling, so naturally some spies reported the news to Zhang Ren.

At this moment, in the hall of the Prefect's Mansion in Fuling City.

Zhang Renhe, Liu Gui, Ling Bao, Deng Xian and the others sat together.Among them, Zhang Ren made some contributions on the way to fight against Zhang Lu in the north.

Therefore, Tim is the coach and sits in the top position.

After listening to the spies' report that Kou Feng had entered the boundary of Fuling, the atmosphere in the hall couldn't help becoming solemn.

"The king's benevolence is the reason for the peace of Shu. These chaotic officials and thieves are really hateful." Liu Gui couldn't help but cursed.

Liu Gui was about 50 years old, tall and burly, very general.He is a strong general left behind by Liu Yan. He has some prestige in Yizhou and is also very loyal.

The rebellious officials and thieves in the mouth are also those who surrendered when Kou Feng went west.

After receiving the news of Kou Feng's attack on Kuiguan, Liu Gui began to prepare his army and make preparations for widening and heightening the city.

But the time is too short.The generals in front surrendered one after another, disrupting Liu Gui's deployment.Now the defense strength is still somewhat lacking.

Zhang Ren sighed when he heard the words, because Liu Zhang was too benevolent, so he was lacking in law and discipline.To put it simply, it is not majestic enough.

Therefore, those generals surrendered in the face of the strength of the Chu army.

"Now is not the time to talk about these things, let's figure out how to deal with Kou Feng." Ling Bao said beside him.Ling Bao is relatively young and is a general promoted by Liu Zhang.

At this moment, when the land of Shu is in peril, he can still follow Liu Gui to fight against the Chu army, which is considered loyal.

"That's right." Zhang Ren nodded, and then said loudly, "Bring the map."

Following Zhang Ren's order, the left and right guards walked in carrying the screen embroidered with a map and placed it in the center of the hall.

The screen is a topographic map of Fuling and Berkshire.

Fuling is in the south, Berkshire is in the north, and there is a road running from east to west.It forks near Fuling, going to Fuling and Berkshire respectively.

And between Fuling and Berkshire, there is another road that can be passed through.In addition, there are mountains and forests all around.It is impossible for the army to pass through.

According to the intelligence of the spies, Kou Feng is currently stationed near the fork.Koufeng, Fuling, and Berkshire just form a triangle shape.

Zhang Ren stood up, walked to the front of the screen, and pointed to the fork in Kou Feng's army.Said in a deep voice: "Now there are two roads before Kou Feng, one of which is to attack our Fuling first, and then attack Berkshire."

As he said that, a sneer appeared on Zhang Ren's face, and he said: "But if he leads troops to attack us, Old General Yan Yan will definitely not stand by and lead troops to rescue. On the other hand, if Kou Feng attacks Berkshire, we will We can go directly to Berkshire from another road, support Berkshire, and even intercept Kou Feng's back route. As long as we are more cautious, Kou Feng will not be able to attack there."

"We have [-] elite soldiers. As long as we stick to the city, we will be able to resist the bandits." Liu Gui obviously agreed with Zhang Ren's point of view, nodded and said.

"And the road to Shu is difficult. Although Kou Feng's army can drive straight in, the baggage they bring is different. Especially food. If it is raining, hehe. His [-] army can't last long." Deng Xian on the other side smiled. It's a bit negative.

"What you said is very reasonable." Zhang Ren nodded, and then said: "However, it is rumored that the army of Zhongkou Feng is extremely arrogant. It can break through Jiangling overnight. A big city like Xiangyang is very good at attacking. At this moment, we have broken through countless passes and cities, and arrived here. The morale must be high. Before defending, it is necessary to dampen the spirit of the Chu army. Therefore, if Kou Feng attacks Fuling first, I plan to stay here ambush."

As he spoke, Zhang Ren stretched out his hand and pointed at a sign on the map.

"Golden Goose Bridge?" Liu Gui's eyes lit up, and he blurted out.

"Yes, this is the only way for Kou Feng to enter Fuling. We just need to do some tricks on the bridge first. After half of Kou Feng's army passed, Da Qiao collapsed. It is enough to give Kou Feng a head-on blow." Zhang There was some cunning in Ren's eyes, but also very decisive.I usually don't see it, I just think Zhang Ren is just a brave general.But Zhang Ren can also lay an ambush, and there are generals.

"If we can kill him one or two thousand, or even ten thousand, we will win this war. It will make Kou Feng terrified and not dare to spy on the land of Shu again." Next to him, Deng Xian and Ling Bao couldn't stop nodded.

They are all very exciting.

Now Liu Zhang has defeated Zhang Lu, and he is very aggressive, and he has a strong desire to win Hanzhong.The momentum as a barrier to the north of Yizhou.Also known as the Marquis of Chu, if Kou Feng is defeated again.

Then the prestige will be greatly boosted, enough to stand in troubled times.Yongzhen Xishu.

This is the industry of kings and hegemons.

And when the time comes, these meritorious soldiers will also be able to win the title of general and marquis.It is a great joy in life.

Seeing that these titans are all eyes shining, eager to make contributions.Zhang Ren finally breathed a sigh of relief, Yizhou still has some loyal ministers and brave generals.

Who dares to underestimate Yizhou and attack it.There must be a price to be paid in blood.This time, let's take Kou as the first to establish prestige, so as to frighten the people of the world.

Zhang Ren also felt ruthless in his heart.

"How many Wei knives do we have now?" Zhang Ren asked Ling Bao next to him.

In addition to being a strong general in the army, Ling Bao has some writing skills and also serves as a quartermaster.

"Since the news of the Koufeng army's invasion of Kuiguan came, your majesty has ordered to hurry up. He also mobilized the Wei sword held by General Yang Huai from the north to go south. Currently there are [-] Wei swords in the Fuling army. And Old General Yan Yan of Bajun also has [-] handles." Ling Bao replied.

"It's enough to fight with one of them." Zhang Ren said with a satisfied look on his face again.

"It is rumored that Cao Cao's Wei Dao is actually the Chu Dao that prevented Chu. Today, using this Chu Dao to prevent and control it will make Kou Feng very powerful. Let him eat his own fruit." Zhang Ren finally said.

"Promise." All the generals agreed in unison, and then dispersed.

Hit an ambush and mobilize troops and horses.As well as the manipulation of Jinyan Bridge, someone needs to be in command. In addition, Kou Feng's movements must be closely monitored.

Manpower is needed everywhere.


In the east, the Chu army camp, now, the Chu army camp has been fully constructed.In a short period of time, it can be regarded as having a foothold.

At this moment, in the big tent of the Chinese army.

Kou Feng sat alone on the handsome seat, and just now he discussed with Pang Tong, Ma Di, Deng Ai and others how to defeat the enemy.But there is no way.

Zhang Ren and Yan Yan are both loyal and brave generals, and they also have geographical advantages.The situation is not good for them.

"Zhang Ren, Yan Yan."

Kou Feng touched his chin, somewhat worried.

Historically, it was easy for Liu Bei to enter Shu.Because Liu Bei had already been lured into the house by Liu Zhang, and entered the land of Shu, sitting in Xiameng Pass in the north.Moreover, Liu Zhang sent additional soldiers to Liu Bei, which was tantamount to cutting off his own power to boost Liu Bei's military strength.

On the other hand, when Liu Bei launched an attack, Liu Zhang's army was basically divided into north and south.Part of it was placed in the north of Chengdu, Fu.this place.

Resist Liu Bei's attack from the north.Zhang Ren and Yan Yan, the only brave generals in Yizhou, also separated.Set in the east, Yan Yan is the only one left.

Therefore, Zhang Fei broke into Berkshire so easily and captured Yan Yan alive.

But now, Zhang Ren and Yan Yan seem to be crowded together, basically in one place.There are another [-] elite soldiers.It constitutes the barrier in front of Kou's cover now.

If it is on the plain, the two sides put up a posture.Kou Feng is confident that he only needs to make a half discount, and then another half discount.Twenty thousand elite soldiers use the broken barracks as sharp knives.

The [-] elite soldiers of these two men were settled.It's not that Kou Feng looked down on Zhang Ren, Yan Yan.It's about his confidence in his Chu sword and the Chu State's Liannu soldiers.

But the opponent was huddled in the city.

Kou Feng continued to touch his chin, still thinking about how to defeat the enemy.

Just then, a guard walked in.And came to the front of Kou Feng, and handed over two brochures. "Your Majesty, two pieces of news have arrived from Xiangyang."

"Oh." Hearing this, Kou Feng put away the calculations in his mind, and took the note from the guard.

The guard naturally said goodbye and left.

Kou Feng opened the booklet, and after looking at it, his complexion changed, and he sighed, "I'm a shrewd person, but others are not stupid."

The news came from Gongsun Kang.

Originally, Kou Feng and Gongsun Kang basically had a transaction after a period of time.Leather is also good, and horses are also good.I can take some back.

But the officials who went this time only brought back some leather from Gongsun Kang.There are no war horses. According to Gongsun Yuan, there is currently a shortage of horses in the north.

But in Kou Feng's view, this is just an excuse.

Will there be a shortage of horses in Liaodong?Who would believe it.Kou Feng saw through Gongsun Kang's mind at a glance.

Now that he has entered Shu, he has the momentum to dominate the south.Coupled with the barrier of mountains and rivers, it is already a situation where retreat can be defended and advance can be attacked.If there is a mistake, Cao Cao can't stop his attack, and the whole line collapses.

Then the Gongsun family in Liaodong will suffer.

Therefore, Gongsun Kang began to curb the number of his horses, and then curb the number of his cavalry.

Kou Feng was shrewd and opened up a sea route to exchange grain with Gongsun Kang for horses.But now, Gongsun Kang can also see the situation clearly, and no longer trade with Kou Feng.

This is because you are smart and others are not stupid.

Originally, Kou Feng planned to increase Zhao Yun's cavalry after entering Shu.After all, to compete with Cao Wei, [-] cavalry is still too few.It's gone now.

"Partition and reunion, there is always a feast that never ends." However, Kou Feng has seen this kind of thing too much, and quickly put away the discomfort in his heart, and sighed.

The first excerpt is somewhat discouraging.In addition, the process of Kou Feng's entry into Shu has been slightly hindered.Kou Feng was in a somewhat bad mood.

But when Kou Feng read the second booklet, he was overjoyed.

"It really is another village. Hahahaha."

(To be continued)

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